Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1637 The outcome is uncertain, Jiang Taichu comes out of seclusion

The Zhao brothers and sisters were filled with emotion!

The dynasty is still great and immortal!

Even though Jiang Taichu was so powerful and ferocious, like a demon or a god, he killed two divine emperors, suppressed the six caves, and even killed two giants, the Confucius and the Sword God. It was so terrifying, but the monks of the Immortal Ruins were still fearless of death. Fight to defend the dynasty!

The mobilization ability of the dynasty and the unity of the monks are shocking and touching, and make people feel passionate and excited.

"If the entire Immortal Xu Dynasty is mobilized, Devil Jiang will definitely die!"

Zhao Na spoke firmly, leaving no doubt.

"Jiang Taichu is so unwise!"

Jinyi Young Master Zhou Kaiwen shook his head, with a trace of disdain on his face, and said sarcastically: "His best choice is to forget history and past grudges, and join forces with the Immortal Xu Dynasty to solve the problem of the third star of the South Gate. Otherwise, Skin will not survive. If General Mao is attached, everyone will die in the end. He occupies this world and is also a short-lived emperor, so what’s the point?”

"Even if he is greedy for power and insists on claiming the title of Emperor Daozu, there is no need to be in such a hurry. He can completely sit in the third-level world, improve his cultivation, expand his territory, train subordinates, and slowly fight against the dynasty. But he has to use He is in danger and is trying to overthrow the Xudu. Now the Xuhuang Palace has ordered that the entire Immortal Xu is mobilized. No matter how strong he is, can he be stronger than the power of the world? What's more, the majestic imperial city has a profound foundation. The prohibition circle is extremely dangerous, how can Jiang Taichu imagine it?"

The reason is simple.

Xudu is the heel and most important home ground of the Immortal Xu Dynasty.

The Xuantian Mountains, the barren mountains and wild ridges, are not the home of the Master and the Sword God.

If they change their positions and sit in the academy or the Xudu, the number of laws they can mobilize will be several times that of the original ones. I'm afraid Jiang Taichu is not a unified general.

"Jiang Taichu just wanted to be the emperor, but his mind was filled with phlegm and he lost his mind. He also knew that the world would be destroyed soon, so he was so anxious and put all his money into it! How stupid!"

Some monks shook their heads and gave a guess.

"It's understandable. After all, he is a young monk from a remote and barbaric land. I heard that even in Middle Saturn, he was born in a humble background. His parents were only merchants and minor officials, and they are just like a low-class pariah."

Zhao Rou said disdainfully: "The lower-class untouchables are bullied and have a twisted mentality. They most admire power. They like to be the emperor. Even if they die in one day, they will be satisfied."

In fact, in addition to Hanging Mountain, there are many lines of defense. Each line of defense is guarded by gods, heavily guarded, occupying dangerous passes, with the giant city as its heel, and deploys a vast formation, like a steel defense line, indestructible.

During these seven days, Jiang Tian was practicing hard in seclusion, while in the entire Immortal Ruins, horns were blowing, flags were fluttering, energy and smoke were rising straight into the sky, boiling completely, and entering the highest combat state. The monks who were above a certain level of strength all responded and took action, as vast as the sea, ready to fight Jiang Tian to the death.

All kinds of news are spreading rapidly. One by one, earth-shattering figures who shake the past and the present are born one after another, walking around the world, and joining forces to defeat Jiang Taichu. It is inexplicable and shocking to people.

There were even some living fossils with endless longevity, who had stood shoulder to shoulder with the Master and the Sword God, and had experienced great battles in the era of Daoshuang. Later, they retired to the mountains and forests, where their blood had clotted and their lifespan had ceased. They all jumped out of the coffin boards and participated in the war.

Their birth was like an earth-shattering shock, causing huge waves.

These living fossils and old monsters have been in hiding for too long. Only some details have been circulated. Their background is so profound that people can’t figure it out. They are extremely mysterious and have triggered all kinds of speculations.

"Sister, what do you think Jiang Taichu's chances of winning are?"

After listening to the discussions of the monks around her, Zhao Na asked softly.

Father and brother both died at the hands of Jiang Tian in the battle in the Xuantian Mountains. It can be described as a blood feud. Zhao Rou longs to see Jiang Tian die. At this time, the decisive battle is about to begin, and she cannot calm down in her heart.

"From his performance in the battle in the Xuantian Mountains, we can see that although Jiang Taichu is a Nascent Soul, he has condensed the laws and controlled the space to form a domain. From the point of view of the powerful laws and the formation of a domain, He is no different from the Transformation God, especially in terms of his physical strength. When facing the Fire God Emperor and the Dongtian Sect Elders, he did not even use the laws of mana, and was afraid that he was a super-grade Nascent Soul, an extraordinary Nascent Soul. Comparatively, even the holy soldiers can't hurt him!"

"In terms of combat power alone, even the peak gods are no match. The defeat of Master and Sword God is already clear evidence!"

Zhao Rou frowned slightly, her face full of worry.

"Doesn't that mean that Jiang Taichu will win this battle?"

Zhao Na said anxiously.

"not necessarily!"

Zhao Rou shook her head gently and said: "The power of the Ruins Emperor's lineage is far beyond our imagination. Coupled with the many defense lines, unborn living fossils have come out of the mountain, and hundreds of millions of monks and mortals have worked together to kill Jiang Taichu. . Jiang Taichu will definitely lose this battle!"

She uttered earth-shattering names one after another, which made everyone tremble with fear and nod their heads repeatedly.

"Another point is that Jiang Taichu experienced the fierce battle in the Xuantian Mountains for only a few days. The consumption was not small, and he did not recover in a short period of time. How can he be as powerful as the giants from all walks of life, fully prepared and waiting for work?"

Zhou Kaiwen also added something.

At this time, the sun was already three poles high, and Jiang Tian had not yet appeared, and the hot sunshine was shining down.

"Is this Jiang Taichu still here?"

"Why is it now that there's no one there?"

Everyone was already waiting impatiently.

Zhou Kaiwen suddenly raised his eyebrows and said thoughtfully: "Now that the entire Immortal Ruins is mobilized with great momentum, isn't Jiang Taichu afraid anymore? He doesn't dare to show up, or has he fled thousands of miles away?"

"It's very possible!"

"Perhaps it's just a bluff, so I set up a confusing formation, but in fact, I have already secretly infiltrated the warehouse. Has the person escaped?"

Everyone was stunned, looked at each other, and then nodded, laughing again and again.

But suddenly, Nascent Soul Heavenly Lord wiped his eyes suddenly, looked to the east, and cried out:


Then he saw, among the endless rays of light on the horizon, a person with his back to the two stars of the South Gate, like a black silhouette, slowly walking towards him.

Jiang Taichu, here!

At this moment, the entire Immortal Ruins was quiet.

Countless people raised their heads and looked at that tall and majestic back through the giant golden screen!

In the vast sky, there are no clouds, and the scorching sun shines brightly in the sky.

More than a dozen suspended islands are shrouded in milky white clouds and mist. Occasionally, there are flashes of precious light shining through, but they are still and solemn. I don't know what kind of strong man is hiding among them, ready to attack.

At this moment, a man came from the east. He was dressed in black, with black hair and black eyes. He had a tall and majestic figure. He did not have a sword or a flying magic weapon. He was simple and unpretentious, without any momentum at all. But the movements of his hands and feet give people a harmonious and natural charm that is in harmony with heaven and earth.

"Jiang Taichu is here!"

At this moment, all the imprinting imaging instruments were turned on, aimed at Jiang Tian, ​​and the images were transmitted to any corner of the Immortal Ruins.

At this moment, all the mortals and monks, from the huge city of Xiongguan to the shabby streets, were staring at the back figure with extremely complicated expressions.

Hatred, anger, fear, jealousy, confusion, shock, and even admiration...all kinds of emotions are intertwined and complicated.

But one thing that can be confirmed is that at this moment, no one can ignore the existence of Jiang Taichu!

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