Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1649 The power of Xuanwu is so terrifying

"What a terrifying blow!"

At this time, when Da Kou Qunhao saw this scene through the light screen, they were all frightened, filled with fear, and sweated for Jiang Tian.

"Ah! Senior!"

Long Shengnan and Bai Muxue were not so tenacious, and even screamed out, their faces turning as pale as paper.

The power of the divine beast is too terrifying, and even if it is not so pure, if they face it, they will probably be torn apart, and even a little finger will be difficult to move.


Jiang Tian soared into the sky, and the Nascent Soul in his body suddenly opened his eyes, and the three-foot-long divine disk appeared again behind him. However, at this time, the divine disk was already an extremely condensed divine law of chaos, as if it was nurturing a sea of ​​stars, a universe, and creation. The breath of the first opening of the world of all things is extremely bright, magnificent and awe-inspiring.

At this time, the night has fallen, and it looks even more dazzling.


Jiang Tian turned into a dazzling rainbow and hit it.


First collision.

Jiang Tian was knocked backwards and flew hundreds of miles away, collapsing a mountain wall and sinking several miles deep into the ground.

Xuanwu, on the other hand, remained motionless, his eyes arrogant and arrogant, as if he was mocking Jiang Tian for his vulnerability.

"Oh! Okay!"

Jiang Tian, ​​who was trapped deep in the ground, was shrouded in frost and snow, and his hair and eyebrows were covered with a layer of white ice crystals. He couldn't help but let out a sigh.

Jiang Tian was a little surprised by the power of Xuanwu Law and Dao.

Although this is just a Xuanwu in the divine transformation stage, and its soul is natural.

The physical body is reshaped and condensed using spiritual energy, energy, fireworks, telekinesis, elixirs, etc., but it is not much weaker than ordinary return monks.

Even though Jiang Tian had the Mother Stone Cauldron on his head and activated the Nascent Soul, and his whole body was filled with the law of chaos that was extremely dignified and thick, he still suffered some hidden losses from the first collision.


"Jiang Taichu, you have today too!"

"Jiang Taichu must die!"

"The Xudu Divine Formation is invincible!"

At this moment, all the Immortal Ruins monks were raising their arms and shouting with joy.

Some people were even moved to tears.

Jiang Tian's killing spree really made them despair.

Except for the defense line at Xuankong Mountain at the beginning, Jiang Tian was unprepared for Zhao Tulong's self-destruction. After being slightly injured, he pushed him all the way without even breaking a corner of his clothes.

This made the Immortal Ruins monk so devastated.

They are not afraid of their own death. After all, the crisis of annihilation is right in front of them, and they will die sooner or later.

Monks have long lifespans, and the lifespans of Nascent Soul Transformation Monks can easily reach thousands of years.

Their perception of time is different from that of ordinary people. To them, the Immortal Ruins will become extinct in a few decades, just like ordinary people will become extinct in a few days. There is no longer any remaining desire in their hearts for retribution.

However, they were worried that they would not be able to kill Jiang Tian.

Because this is related to the inheritance of a civilization and to future generations.

At this moment, they, who had been mentally guarded, tortured and depressed, finally saw a glimmer of hope. How could they not cheer?

"Come again!"

Suddenly, rocks pierced the air and the earth shook. Jiang Tian jumped up, pulled out a deep black space crack, shot into the sky from the ground, and headed towards Xuanwu again.

"Little doll, you can't do it!"

Xuanwu roared with disdain, and grabbed Jiang Tian with his giant claws covered with scales and bone hooks as thick as a sword from the sky.

There was a trace of greed in its eyes, and it was not merciful in its attacks.

Although its soul is strong and its laws exist, without a physical body, it is like water without a source and a tree with no roots. It needs to be constantly reorganized and supported by spiritual energy, fireworks, thoughts and energy.

But to maintain the immortal soul, the best thing is the flesh and blood of the strong!

It can be seen at a glance that Jiang Tian's physique is extraordinary and extremely powerful. If he can use it for his own use, he will definitely extend his longevity and increase his strength.

"Jiang Taichu, you can't hold on for too long! Is this a real divine beast?"

As for Fairy Yulian, her pretty face was cold and her mouth was turned down with a trace of disdain. She stood there calmly and confidently.

Bang bang bang!

Jiang Tian charged forward and fought with Xuanwu continuously, colliding violently again and again.

The three-foot divine disk behind him rotated rapidly, becoming more and more dazzling, like the sun rising across the sky, illuminating half of the city.

The Chaos Divine Body was also activated to the extreme. It was crystal clear, the treasure light flickered, and there seemed to be galaxies hidden under the body.

This is an earth-shattering battle, where energy splits the sky, laws shoot bullfights, and avenues shake the world!

In the aftermath of the battle between the two, the sky shook, and several meteorites fell from the sky. The mountains were disintegrating, and the earth cracked crazily. Hundreds of miles around the capital city were violently trembling. Many solid formations shined, stabilizing the earth and the architecture.

Without these formations, they would have disintegrated and disintegrated in the aftermath of the battle.

Jiang Tian fell into a hard fight.

Xuanwu is an extremely terrifying and powerful existence even in all the worlds.

Adult Xuanwu can be regarded as a true immortal. Although this is just a Xuanwu cub, and its cultivation level is only the transformation of gods, its magical powers far exceed those of ordinary human gods.

After the formation masters of the Xianxu Dynasty, they used dragon veins to nourish it, monks' flesh and blood nourished it to reshape the body, and believers offered incense and thought power to bless it. Its strength is not much worse than the real Xuanwu.

The mysterious laws and avenues that he controls are at least at the level of a saint. They are ever-changing and easy to grasp, far exceeding the strength of the Sword God.


Once again, Jiang Tian was stepped down by Xuanwu and fell from a height of 10,000 feet, smashing a 30,000-foot-high mountain into powder. Several terrifying cracks appeared on the surface of the crystal clear Chaos Divine Body.

This scene was also captured by the Immortal Ruins' surveillance instrument. Through the relay communication instrument, it was transmitted to every corner of the Immortal Ruins and displayed on billions of golden light screens.

"Haha, Jiang Taichu is vulnerable!"

"Even the monsters our ancestors subdued are no match for us!"

"They are just ordinary people from an abandoned planet. They are like ants and bugs, but they want to overthrow the world? They deserve to be beaten to death!"

"Come, come, let's raise a toast and set off fireworks!"

At this moment, cheers spread throughout the entire Immortal Ruins. It can be said that the entire Immortal Ruins was like a ladle of hot oil poured into cold water, boiling completely.

"Xuanwu, kill him!"

"Trample to death this place that knows no bounds and has offended our Immortal Xu Dynasty!"

"The fate of the invaders is to become food for the mythical beasts!"

Countless monks and mortals were cheering for Xuanwu, and they gathered into a torrent of voices that soared into the sky and resounded throughout the infinite vastness of the land.

"Jiang Taichu, I didn't expect you to be so vulnerable!"

Fairy Jade Lotus stands proudly in the void, with a graceful figure. The corners of her wine ceremony robe are blown up by the wind, like a hunting flag, making her look heroic. A smile appears on her originally cold and solemn pretty face. Come.

"Damn it! I wanted to use you to temper your cultivation, but I didn't expect you to be beaten so badly. What a joke!"

A trace of anger flashed in Jiang Tian's heart.

He has been cultivating for thousands of years and has a ruthless and unique vision. Of course, he has already seen the loopholes in this Xuanwu.

However, he had upgraded too quickly during this period and had already reached the third level of Nascent Soul. Although sometimes the acceleration effect of the light array disk makes the breakthrough time relatively longer, the foundation is still not stable. Therefore, he wanted to use this battle with Xuanwu to hone his cultivation and lay a solid foundation. After all, it was very difficult to find an equally matched opponent.

Although this Xuanwu God has a powerful soul, his body was shaped later, and the person who reshaped it could not reach the pinnacle of creation skills. Therefore, the soul and body were not harmonious and unified, and there were many loopholes. Otherwise, if it were a truly natural divine beast and it was in the stage of becoming a god, it would probably kill Jiang Tian with just one slap.

Jiang Tian rose into the sky again, his eyes slightly closed, as if he had fallen into silence, with no self, no other, and nothing in his heart.

"Little fresh meat, you are still alive. This time, I will eat you directly!"

When the basalt beast roared loudly, with deep anger and murderous intent, opened its bloody mouth, and charged forward again.

"Purple Lightning Blade!"

Jiang Tian suddenly opened his eyes, and the thunder rings in his pupils flashed. Inside the spiritual fetus, Nascent Soul spoke at the same time, with fierce eyes and a sudden roar.

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