Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1752 Super Dad's Gift, Lovely Daughter

"Yeah, this is your dad. Don't you always want to see dad? Call dad!"

Zhao Xueqing squatted down and said softly.

"I don't call... I don't have a father!"

On the contrary, Jiang Beibei became even more coy, her little face turned red, and she threw herself into Zhao Xueqing's arms, leaving Jiang Tian with a back view, but she blinked her big watery eyes from time to time, secretly looking at Jiang Tian.

"Silly boy, if you don't have a father, where did you come from?"

Zhao Xueqing didn't know whether to laugh or cry, she scratched her upturned little nose and said angrily.

The little guy said in a childish voice: "I was born by my mother!"

"Ha ha!"

"Tongyan Wuji, heaven is so cute!"

Everyone around smiled in good faith.

However, Zhang Wanqing and other family members have sympathy for each other.

It has been five years since Jiang Tian left. The little girl has been taken care of by everyone. Although she has not experienced any hardships, she lacks the normal fatherly love for other children.

To some extent, she is not as happy as the children of ordinary families.

She often looks up at the sky alone in the yard, holding a space telescope to look for the Nanmen Erxing galaxy. She hopes that one day she can see the figure of her father descending from the sky, but every time she hopes, she is disappointed again and again, and she feels a little resentful and alienated , is also normal.

"Baby, he is really your father. Call him father!"

Zhang Wanqing walked over, straightened her face, and said seriously.

"I don't!"

Jiang Beibei had a hard face.

Jiang Tian hurriedly stopped her, and said: "Mom, forget it, I just came back, and it's normal for Beibei to be a little skeptical. Give her some time to adapt!"

At this time, the Zijin True Dragon turned into a big black dog, ran over like a calf, and said, "Bebe, do you want to ride a big horse?"

"Uncle Dahei, you are back too!"

Jiang Beibei's eyes lit up immediately, and she rushed over quickly, hugging the big black dog's neck, rubbing her small head back and forth, and said softly: "Beibei misses you so much! Get down quickly, I want to ride a big horse! "

Jiang Tian suddenly had black lines.

I am not as good as a big black dog in front of my daughter.

And, big black dog, you are so bold, you even claim to be Jiang Beibei's uncle, do you want to call me brother?

The big black dog smiled slyly, and said: "If you want to ride a big horse, you can. But, you have to call him Dad! Dad loves you very much, and he brought you a lot of spiritual fruits, and there is also a puppet beast!"

Jiang Tian was also too excited. For a while, he forgot all the gifts he brought to his daughter, and quickly sacrificed a fetal fruit, and said with a smile: "Girl, here you are!"

This birth fruit is a bit like a cherry, but bigger, the size of a child's fist, the crystal clear flesh is like a red gemstone, it looks sweet and juicy, it makes people drool, and there are streaks of aura flowing inside, like haze .

"This spiritual fruit is not low-level."

Zhao Xueqing showed a bit of worry.

This spiritual fruit is very rich in spiritual energy, and only foundation-building monks can refine it, and ordinary people who eat it may burst their meridians and die. It's as if the hundred-year-old wild ginseng is a great tonic, but if you eat too much, you will get hot and get angry and have nosebleeds.

"Mom, can't I eat?"

Jiang Beibei's true nature as a snack has been fully exposed, a glistening drop of saliva flowed from the corner of her mouth, her little hand had already reached over, but, seeing this scene, she withdrew her little hand again.

"It's okay. She has a special constitution!"

Jiang Tian smiled lightly, and stuffed it into Jiang Beibei's little hand.

Jiang Beibei turned her back, like a little hamster, grinding her fine silver teeth and chewing at an extremely fast speed.

"Is it tasty?"

Jiang Tian asked softly.


The little girl kept nodding, but the pace of eating was not slow at all. She quickly finished eating a fetal fruit, turned to look at Jiang Tian and said, "Is there any more?"

Jiang Tian directly brought out a bag.


Jiang Beibei finally smiled. After taking it, she held it tightly in her arms, and quickly ate another one.

Afterwards, Jiang Tian took out a golden puppet puppy. There was a monster spirit in this puppy. After Jiang Tian sacrificed, he made it obey.

"Squat down! Get up! Roll! Make a bow!"

Jiang Beibei commanded like an arm and a finger. With a word, the puppy immediately made corresponding actions.

Jiang Beibei couldn't put it down.

"How about a gift from Dad?"

Zhao Xueqing inspired.

"Delicious and fun!"

Jiang Beibei smiled sweetly, and took a peek at Jiang Tian, ​​her big watery eyes finally revealing a hint of nostalgia and intimacy.

But when Jiang Tian smiled at her, the little girl immediately looked away, looked at the big black dog and said, "Uncle big black, ride a big horse!"

"If you don't call him Dad, you can't ride a big horse!"

The big black dog had its paws on its hips, and the old god was there, acting as a god and assisting: "Your dad has more delicious and fun things, if you don't call him dad, he might give it to other children!"

The little girl was in a dilemma for a while, but was lured by gourmet toys and riding a big horse, so she could only get close to Jiang Tian and shouted softly: "Dad!"


Amid the good-natured laughter from everyone, Jiang Tian happily responded, picked up his daughter, and said with a smile, "Come on, ride a big horse!"

"Master, here I come!"

The big black dog transformed into a hundred-foot-long purple-gold true dragon.

"Ah, Uncle Dahei has turned into a dragon!"

Jiang Beibei's eyeballs almost popped out, and she was so startled that the fetal Yuanguo fell to the ground, not because she was afraid, but because it suddenly swelled so much, it was indeed visually shocking.

"Don't be afraid!"

Holding his daughter in his arms, Jiang Tian jumped up, and the Zijin True Dragon shot into the sky in an instant, entering the sea of ​​clouds. Sometimes it swims rapidly, sometimes it dives to the ground, and sometimes it shuttles among the mountains, just like a roller coaster, which is extremely exciting.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Uncle Dahei!"

Jiang Beibei screamed with joy from time to time, and when she was afraid, she hugged Jiang Tian tightly, buried her head in Jiang Tian's neck, and closed her eyes.

After all, children are easy to coax. After only seeing each other for half an hour, Jiang Beibei and Jiang Tian have already gotten to know each other thoroughly. .

I had a potluck meal with my parents. The family hadn't seen Jiang Tian for five years, so it was lively and joyful.

In the evening, Jiang Tian told Jiang Beibei a bedtime story and put her to sleep, and then he and Zhao Xueqing walked together under the moonlight and chatted.

"Family together, so happy!"

Zhao Xueqing sighed faintly.

Under the moonlight, Jiang Tian and Zhao Xueqing walked hand in hand on the cobblestone path. A stream of clear spiritual springs gurgled on the clean stones, making a pleasant ding-dong sound; It exudes a tempting fragrance; in the water pool, the purple and gold real dragon is leaning on the boulder and sleeping in all directions, snoring slightly, and many white cranes are sleeping with their necks next to each other.

Zhao Xueqing clearly remembered that the day when Jiang Tian went straight into the star sea and left the earth, it was also such a peaceful and peaceful scene.

At that time, she was very worried about Jiang Tian's adventurous actions.

Five short years have passed, but great changes have taken place in the world, with vicissitudes, monsters chaotic the land, and foreign invasions. But fortunately, Jiang Tian destroyed the Xianxu Dynasty, became the lord of the Xianxu, and returned safely, which made her feel warm and extremely satisfied.

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