Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1781 Killed all the way, Han Ming fell


At that moment, Han Mingzongzi spurted out a mouthful of blood in order to activate the knife, which was the result of the exhaustion of the gods and natal blood.

And hundreds of millions of rays of light bloomed on the Yijie Dao. Suddenly, the law of the entire earth seemed to be mobilized. The extraterritorial battlefield with a radius of thousands of miles was swept by the terrifying energy tide. Under his blow, all the soldiers turned into powder and green smoke, and dissipated.

The energy tide was just a prelude, and then, a huge vision like a virtual earth appeared in front of the blade.

This virtual earth is huge with a radius of ten miles, overflowing with energy, and roaring with laws. The mountains, rivers and rivers on it are like, every grass and tree is fully visible, every bird and animal is lifelike, and it is suppressed towards Jiang Tian with the momentum of thunder.

Cut out a world with one blow!

The power of one realm is terrifying!

Even if what he arouses is not the real planetary world, but even if only half of the laws of this world are extracted, and turned into a shocking blow, it is extremely terrifying. It definitely has the terrifying power to strike the sun and the moon and collapse the stars. .

"The eldest son is invincible!"

"The eldest son has become the master of this piece of heaven and earth, like the son of heaven and earth, who can resist the movement of heaven and earth!"

"Jiang Taichu is bound to fall!"

At this moment, the entire crowd of monks outside the territory was boiling.

Numerous Huashen powers, Nascent Soul Daxiu, and Jindan fighters all bowed to the ground, worshiped, and worshiped wildly in their eyes, full of confidence in them.

"Is this the power of the Holy Transformation God? It's too scary!"

"Senior Taichu, this time..."

And the monks and mortals on the earth were all sweating for Jiang Tian. Even Zhao Xueqing's heart almost jumped to her throat, holding a broken knife, and wanted to join the battle group to help Jiang Tian, ​​but was firmly stopped by the big black dog.

"Mistress, it's okay. Senior Taichu encountered this kind of supernatural power in Xianxu before, but it was Cang Ming, the ancestor of Xianxu..."

The big black dog said so.

"It's similar to Cang Ming's fighting style, but the earth has just recovered its spiritual energy, and its laws and avenues are ten times tougher than the fairy land. Han Mingzong's attack is also ten times more terrifying than Cang Ming's!"

Jiang Tian's face was slightly awe-inspiring, but immediately showed some contempt, and said with a cold snort:

"If I use the strength of the fairy market to match the power of the upper world, I'm afraid I will have to avoid it by three points. Unfortunately, I have retreated for five days, and I have already broken two floors in a row. The god body, the god baby, the god rule, and the soul are all great. Like the youngest son of a true god, the power of the stone cauldron, the mother of all things, is ten times and a hundred times greater than before!"

"Why are you afraid!"

As soon as these words fell, Jiang Tian ascended to the sky, stood on top of his mother's stone tripod, pierced the clouds and cracked the sky with one foot, and stepped down hard.

Immediately, the chaotic mother stone cauldron suddenly swelled and opened, with a radius of tens of miles, like a towering mountain, rugged and precipitous, but it can still be seen that one tripod, two ears, and three legs seem to imply that Tao produces one, one life two, and two lives Three, the ultimate principle of heaven and earth, the way of heaven and earth.

And it exudes the original breath of all things, full of vitality, as if it can open up the world and breed all things.

Around the body of the tripod, there is chaotic energy lingering and surging, like silk ribbons hanging down, like horses sweeping across, there are many light spots shining brightly, dazzling to the extreme, like a galaxy of stars. The power is extremely strong, the power is concentrated and vast, one can crush the mountains, and one can sweep the continent.

What Han Mingzongzi mobilized was the power of one world, but it was only a small world.

However, the power of Jiang Tian's stone cauldron, the mother of all things, is comparable to that of the Great Thousand World, which contains countless Small Thousand Worlds created by Han Ming, and the power is more than ten times or a hundred times that of the other party?


Seeing this scene, Han Ming couldn't help being frightened, and his heart was about to burst.

As soon as the expert makes a move, he will know if there is any. He immediately judges that this time is the real power of the mother of all things, the stone cauldron.

I saw that under the suppression of the stone tripod, the mother of all things, the miniature "earth", like a fragile chicken egg under a boulder, collapsed suddenly without supporting it for even a second.

Amidst the deafening noise that seemed like the world was being destroyed and the world was overturning, countless laws and fragments of the avenue were flying around like celestial maidens scattered flowers.

At that moment, the terrifying light of destruction tore through the sky and rushed tens of thousands of miles away, as if the creation gods waved their hands and wiped out the meteorite belts, shaking the remaining three space cities like kicked footballs , Di Liu rolled out tens of kilometers away, and even the earth hundreds of thousands of miles away was affected, countless mountains collapsed, and rivers stopped flowing.

If it weren't for the creatures on the earth who were hiding in the solid bunkers that depict countless talisman formations, I am afraid that the aftermath alone would cause hundreds or tens of millions of casualties.

Even so, people also felt very uncomfortable, ordinary people were better, almost all the monks were pale, and blood was sprayed from the mouth, and many people fainted on the spot and fell to the ground. That's because the avenue between heaven and earth is surging, stirring up the vitality.

Fortunately, this kind of fluctuation did not last for a long time. Those fragments of laws and avenues soon surged towards the nine heavens and ten places in all directions, and the avenue of laws between heaven and earth seemed to be much stronger in an instant. If it was a single piece of iron, it is now refined steel !


Regardless of the monks who transform the gods, or their supernatural powers, the essence is to seize the heavens and the earth, borrowing the laws of the heavens and the earth and the power of the Dao, and refining them into themselves. With Jiang Tian's blow, he shattered Han Ming's Dao of the Law of the Earth, causing him to be defeated, and the soldiers returned to the Heaven and Earth, and he transformed the Dao, making the Dao of the Heaven and Earth stronger and complete!


Han Ming was backlashed, he opened his mouth to spit out a mouthful of blood, and screamed again and again, the Yijie knife was dim and black, and the cracks covered with spider webs seemed to collapse in the next moment.

Seeing the mother of all things stone tripod attacking like a mountain, he wanted to escape before it was too late, or even sacrificed several other quasi-saint soldiers to fight back, but was directly hit by the mother of all things stone tripod, which pressed him down for more than a hundred miles, and penetrated a ship. ships.


Han Ming sprayed blood, his hair was disheveled, he was in a state of embarrassment, with numerous fractures all over his body, the law of chaos penetrated into the god's possession like a gangrene, strangled his god wantonly, and after he persisted for three snaps, he could no longer support it and exploded.

Jiang Tianren had already caught up, and stepped on his already solid soul like a doppelganger, crushing it to pieces.

The number one Shenzong in the Kaiyang Star Region, the eldest son of the Northern Cold Sect, and the star of the Millennium Galaxy Ranking, Han Ming.

Just fell away.

The nine-tailed ice phoenix under him was comparable in strength to him, and he was smashed into powder without a single snap of his fingers.

"Da da da!"

At this moment, seeing this scene, countless monks from outside the territory trembled with fear, their souls trembled, their teeth chattered crazily!

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