Biquge, the fastest update of the return of cultivation after ten thousand years!

Frozen City is truly a medicine city. There are elixir shops everywhere, as well as elixir merchant guild buildings that are often a hundred feet high. This is not just the Ancient Medicine Hall, there are also dozens or hundreds of large and small medicine shops such as Danguiyuan and Yaoxianglou. They come from various sects from all countries in the Holy Yuan Continent.

Of course, the Ancient Medicine Palace is naturally the most influential and terrifying.

The Royal Medicine Hall of the Eastern Empire is just a little witch here.

There are many elixirs sold along the street, including celestial elixirs, heavenly elixirs, and even magical elixirs.

The level classification of elixirs here is no different from other cultivation continents and stars in the Central Galaxy. What monks take in the foundation-building stage is called Yuan Dan; what they take in the golden elixir stage is called spiritual elixir; while in the Yuan Ying stage, it is called heavenly elixir; and in the transformation stage, it is called divine elixir. What the Saint of Returning to Void takes is called the Holy Pill!

On the other hand, Jiang Tian has never seen the holy elixir that is useful for the cultivation of the Returning Saint.

This is normal. In fact, many of the so-called magic pills here are just superficial and not pure.

Alchemists are also divided according to the level of elixirs they can refine. For example, an alchemist who can refine Yuan Dan becomes an alchemist, someone who refines spiritual elixirs is an alchemy master, and someone who refines Yuan Dan becomes an alchemist. The one who refines the divine elixir is the elixir god. Those who refine holy elixirs are called elixir saints.

In order to avoid being noticed, He Chuang and Jiang Tian split up into two groups. They had arrived in Frozen City one day ago and stayed at an inn, waiting for Jiang Tian.

Seeing Jiang Tian and Lin Yang appear in their true colors, He Chuang was also shocked. He sighed sadly: "Oh, you two, you are too Meng Lang. Come in quietly and quietly, it is not appropriate to make any noise!"

However, at this point, it was too late to say anything.

In the frozen city, Duke Beijiang's secret sentries are everywhere, and I am afraid that he has already heard the news of Jiang Tian's arrival.

"It's not my fault. It's all Brother Jiang's fault. He insists on being so high-profile and I can't stop him. He also said that he must have a way to make the Ancient Medicine Palace take a look and escort us back!"

Lin Yang looked helpless and complained about Jiang Tiandao.

He Chuang took a deep look at Jiang Tian and said thoughtfully: "There are several saints in the Ancient Medicine Palace. They have a vast sea of ​​martial arts books and mountains of spiritual herbs and elixirs. Their vision is extremely arrogant. It can be said that ordinary holy land Shenzong doesn’t even look down on it, let alone the royal family.”

"The only thing they value is those precious elixirs. Does Mr. Jiang have these?"

He couldn't believe it subconsciously.

In terms of alchemy skills, the Central Galaxy must be far superior to the cultivation stars outside the river. The alchemy skills of the Central Galaxy have reached the point where the laws and avenues are smelted into them to directly supplement the Nascent Soul and gods.

However, the alchemy technique in the Outer Star Territory only limited to the use of spiritual energy, yin and yang changes, and the power of the five elements.

This difference is, without exaggeration, like the difference between a launch vehicle and a carriage. It is a kind of crushing of civilization levels.

According to Lin Yang's introduction, Jiang Tian came from the Black Sun Star Territory. And He Chuang knew that there was nothing surprising about the alchemy recipes and alchemy techniques there. Even if Jiang Tian was the founder of alchemy in the Black Sun Star Territory, he could not make the Ancient Medicine Palace take it seriously.

"Haha, we'll find out when we get there."

Jiang Tian was at ease and smiled calmly.

"Without further delay. One of the deacons at the branch of the Ancient Medicine Palace in Frozen City is my senior brother. Let's go see him now!"

He Chuang sighed softly and frowned, as if facing a formidable enemy. Worried that Duke Beijiang was secretly causing trouble, he quickly led Jiang Tian to the branch of the Ancient Medicine Palace.

The branch hall located in Frozen City is the second largest among the twenty-eight branch halls of the Ancient Medicine Palace spread across the Shengyuan Continent. It covers an area of ​​twenty to thirty miles, with stretched palaces and towering towers. It is vast and full of atmosphere.

The surrounding Dangui Garden, Yaoxiang Tower, and Royal Medicine Hall pale in comparison, like a little white rabbit crawling at the feet of a giant beast.

In the huge courtyard of this branch hall, among the many palace towers, the three towers towering into the clouds are the most eye-catching.

According to He Chuang, this is the Dan Pagoda. Only those who can refine elixirs and are known as alchemy masters can build the Dan Pagoda, which is a symbol of glory. In an alchemy sect, the number and height of the alchemy towers also represent its overall strength.

"The three tallest alchemy towers are two Alchemy God Towers and one Alchemy Saint Tower! They belong to the master of the branch hall, the great elder, and Miss Gu Xuan respectively!"

Mentioning the name of Miss "Gu Xuan", He Chuang, who was originally aloof and aloof, sighed to himself. His face was full of admiration and fascination, just like a fan on earth facing his idol.

The rules of the Ancient Medicine Hall are very strict.

Even if there is no air-forbidden magic circle, all customers, no matter how high they are, whether they are the elites of famous families or the royal family, no matter how high their cultivation level or their status, they all land obediently, walk slowly, be cautious, and dare not speak loudly. .

Those flying in the sky are all disciples of the Ancient Medicine Hall.

Arriving at a trading hall, after He Chuang and his clerk informed them of their names and origins, a young man wearing jade robes greeted them.

He Chuang hurriedly stepped forward, bowed deeply, and with infinite reverence, clasped his fists and said: "He Chuang, I have met Senior Brother Xing. We haven't seen him for three years. Senior Brother Xing's appearance remains the same, but his magic power has become more and more prosperous. Congratulations to Senior Brother Xing for receiving the elixir." He was promoted to deacon."

Yiying Trading Firms in Shengyuan Continent are generally divided into several levels such as clerks, deacons, elders, hall masters or hall masters.

The deacon can only be regarded as a middle-level person in the Frozen City branch of the Ancient Medicine Palace.

But in the eyes of the secular world, he is a very important figure. If Deacon Xing comes to the Eastern Empire, even if the princes, princes and ministers meet him, he will be courteous and not dare to neglect him in the slightest.

"Haha, junior brother, stop flattering me! Forgive me!"

Deacon Xing had an arrogant look on his brows, but he was in a good mood after being praised so much and smiled.

He Chuang straightened up and introduced with a smile: "This is Lin Yang, the young marquis of Zhenyuan, and this is Taoist friend Jiang Siqing, the great guest of the Lin family. He is responsible for treating the strange disease of the imperial princess Dongfang Ying!"

Lin Yang put away his usual idleness and saluted respectfully: "Xiaohou, I sincerely wish Deacon Xing to work hard every day, have a long life, prosperous magic power, and reach the position of Alchemy Sage as soon as possible!"

"Young Master, you have had a hard journey!"

Listening to Lin Yang's praise, Deacon Xing just nodded slightly, but he glanced at Jiang Tian in surprise, and said with a half-smile: "Several elders of the Ancient Medicine Hall have seen Dongfang Ying's strange disease before, but they were still helpless. "Does Fellow Daoist Jiang really have a solution?"

"Let's give it a try!"

Jiang Tian smiled calmly.

In fact, he was 100% sure, but he didn't want to pretend to be shocking and attract attention.

Deacon Xing was doubtful, but he didn't bother to investigate further, so he let Jiang Tian into his own side hall in the hall.

Four people sat down around the round table, a boy served tea and left silently.

Deacon Xing sipped the tea, smiled suddenly, and said:

"That Sunset Stone was originally extremely rare and valuable. Originally, it was not allowed to be sold in the palace. However, now that Junior Brother He has spoken, I have to help. I also begged the main hall master three or four times, and the main hall master finally Relaxed!"

"Senior Brother Xing has done a great job for his hard work. This is His Highness Dongfang Li's gratitude. No matter what, you must accept it!"

He Chuang knew the elegant meaning after hearing the song, and took out a jade talisman and a dragon-shaped jade pendant from the storage ring, and said with a smile: "This is a Taoist-level jade talisman handed down from the ancestors of the Eastern royal family, and a top-grade 100 million jade talisman." The crystal coins are specially given to you by His Highness."

"Junior brother, you are too polite!"

Deacon Xing blamed him, but he calmly accepted it.

He is a Nascent Soul cultivator and a Taoist-level amulet, but he can withstand several full-force attacks from powerful gods. Of course he needs it. Moreover, he also has a wife and children, and often walks in the secular world. Naturally, the more crystal stones, the better.

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