Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1902: One Qi Transforms Three Purities

"Why did Dai'er end up in places like Baihua Peak? This, this, what should I do!"

Lin Hanqing suddenly panicked.

The Lin Mansion is the place where the family members live, and it is also the base camp. Once it is blown up, it will be an immeasurable loss.

The key is that Fang Gouyu and Jiang Tian's daughters are also there.

Lin Takong, the ancestor of the Lin family, was Lin Hanqing's last trump card. Once he was wiped out, the consequences would be disastrous.

As for my daughter...

Baihua Peak is a famous mountain with pleasant scenery. It is lined with strange rocks, has complex terrain, and is warm as spring all year round. Hundreds of flowers are in bloom at any time. It is a favorite place for young lovers in the empire to visit.

However, Baihua Peak is located in the territory of Duke Dongxia, in the far east of the empire, spanning more than half of the empire, and is too far apart. Even with the terrifying cultivation level of a god-transforming monk, or using a Taoist-level flying machine to fly at full speed, it would still take a day.

Lin Hanqing didn't expect that the enemy in the dark was so ruthless and vicious. If he didn't take action, it would be like a thunderous force. A total of nine gods would attack at three key points at the same time, destroying the dead and destroying the dead. It was simply terrifying and terrifying to the extreme.

It made him feel helpless and helpless.

"Master Marquis, our troops are divided into two groups. I will lead the experts to help the Lin family! You and Jiang Siqing go to the retreat place of our ancestors! As for Lin Dai'er..."

Princess Mo Yu remained calm, hesitated for a moment, and did not speak again, but her meaning was self-evident.

The enemies are too powerful and there are too many for Princess Mo Yu and Lin Hanqing to take care of both.

At this time, there must be a choice.

Of course, the Lin family members and the Lin family ancestors are much more important than Lin Daier.

What's more important is that Lin Dai'er went too far, and has been captured by the enemy. The opponent will either directly kill her, or they will not kill her and wait for the ransom. But this matter can still be slowed down for a while.

"I'm reporting to the eldest princess, the gangster flying sword is sending a message. If we don't see one billion high-grade crystals within one day, we will wait for Lin Dai'er's body to be collected."

Zhang Linfeng looked anxious and presented a flying sword with a jade slip attached to it that had positioning and communication functions.

Faced with the decision of life and death, Lin Hanqing was extremely anxious and said: "One billion crystal stones, in one day, isn't this going to kill me?"

"Zhang Linfeng, go wait outside the palace!"

Jiang Tian looked on with cold eyes and suddenly said coldly.

"Mr. Jiang, the situation is extremely urgent and there is no room for delay. We must make a quick decision! Your daughter also followed Miss Fang Maguyu and fled to Jinsha City!"

Zhang Linfeng solemnly reminded him that he had no intention of retreating.

"Just go out if I ask you to. There is so much nonsense. I have important matters to discuss with the eldest princess and Lord Lin. Do you have the qualifications to comment? Get out!"

Jiang Tian waved his sleeves and shouted without giving any face.

"Yes! Yes! Yes! Mr. Jiang, please put off the wrath of the thunder for a moment. I am also so anxious that I have lost my mind and forgotten the etiquette of honor and humiliation. I will retreat now. Mr. Jiang and Mr. Marquis please make a quick decision!"

Zhang Linfeng seemed to be frightened by Jiang Tian. He bowed deeply, lowered his head, stepped back step by step, and quickly disappeared outside the door.

But outside the door, the moment he straightened up, a trace of cruel resentment and murderous intent flashed across Zhang Linfeng's eyes and brows.

"Haha, the Purple Shirt Marquis has been planning for decades, just for today's thunderous strike. I will let you run rampant. When we wipe out the Zhenyuan Marquis, we will unite many masters to kill you. Then, see how I can control you! "

Jiang Tianxin waved his hand and casually arranged a shield to block the detection of spiritual consciousness, and said leisurely: "Everyone, if you can trust me, you can listen to my arrangements in everything, how about it?"

"Okay, okay. Let Mr. Jiang arrange everything!"

Now Lin Hanqing treats Jiang Tian like a god and is facing a dilemma. He has no opinion and naturally has no rebuttal.

Princess Mo Yu also nodded without hesitation.

"Princess Mo Yu, please don't interfere in this matter!"

As soon as Jiang Tian said these words.

Princess Mo Yu's expression changed, and she hesitated and said, "I won't interfere. Even if you have the ability to transform into a god, you are currently unable to do anything. The three forces are all threatened by life and death. Can you save it?"

"How do you know that the enemy's target does not include you?"

Jiang Tian looked indifferent and said in a deep voice:

"This time, the mastermind behind the scenes has a grand plan. The attack on the Lin family is just a plan to lure the enemy deeper. Once you leave your palace base, you will enter a dangerous battlefield that changes rapidly. Maybe, this time, you will die! "


Princess Mo Yu glanced at the dark and melancholy night around her.

She saw dark clouds gathering slowly in the sky, and from time to time there were flashes of lightning like silver snakes and golden pythons. She was startled, but she felt like the wind was roaring, and the grass and trees were all in war. She said in a deep voice: "Who is the enemy? Is it the Purple-shirted Marquis? , He actually has the guts to attack me?"

"The demon clan! The royal family of the previous generation!"

Jiang Tian said in a deep voice:

"The Purple Shirt Marquis is just a pawn of theirs. He is thinking of seizing Zhenyuan Marquis' territory first. But the forces behind him are more ambitious, fierce and ruthless than him, and their strength is ten times a hundred times more terrifying. I I doubt it will be a decisive battle tonight!”

"The previous royal family, Dongfang Jie? Decisive battle?"

Princess Lin Hanqing and others were all stunned, their hearts beating with fear, and they felt like dark clouds were closing in on the city.

"In other words, the beginning of the decisive battle!"

Jiang Tian leisurely said:

"What the enemy really wants to kill is not the ancestors of the Lin family and others, but Marquis Zhenyuan and you! Once Marquis Zhenyuan is eliminated, the southern princes will be completely unified, and they will be qualified to fight a decisive battle with the royal army. And with your death, the Eastern royal family will lose a leader. The pillar of heaven will defeat the enemy like a mountain."

"So, you can't go out!"

Once Princess Mo Yu leaves the palace, she loses her home field advantage. Who knows how many masters and monstrous killing arrays have been ambushed by others. Lin Hanqing and Princess Mo Yu both once commanded thousands of troops, so they naturally understand this.

"But! How to get rid of the current dilemma?"

Lin Hanqing and Princess Mo Yu asked together.

"I can transform one person into three! I can also divide my troops into three groups!"

Jiang Tian smiled coldly.

The two clones of the passing self and the Tao self appear together.

One has an old face, like a wild man, full of wild animal nature, and the other has an extraordinary aura, like a god, ethereal and ethereal, without a trace of aura.

But Jiang Tian's true self has a much stronger worldly aura, almost like a mortal.

"Is this the legendary way for the ancient Taoist sect to transform the three realms into one thing?"

Princess Mo Yu was shocked.

Generally speaking, Nascent Soul monks can use their magical powers to refine their identities with external objects. It is said that monks who transform into gods can have millions of clones and be reborn with a drop of blood.

But no matter what method is used to refine the clone, there is a huge flaw.

That is, the clone is much inferior to the original body, and often only has the second or third level of strength. Otherwise, as long as any monk can clone himself, there is no need to pursue a higher realm. He only needs to refine enough clones.

Only the legendary ancient Taoist sect that is proficient in the avenue of time can use the method of transforming the three pure beings into one thing to occupy the past, present and future. A person can transform into three selves, each of which is a self, with a god that is exactly the same as the original self. Ability and independent consciousness.

This is an unparalleled magical power that is said to be able to kill immortals and gods. How come Mr. Jiang, a monk from outside the river, can control it?

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