
The earth and the earth trembled, and everything within a radius of dozens of miles was filled with their terrifying aura. How terrifying could a second-level god-transformation monk and eight peak Nascent Soul monks join forces?

Even if hundreds of Nascent Souls attack together, they may not have the same pressure as them.

At this moment, even if they didn't take action, just the overwhelming power was like a mountain or a sea. Even if Lin Hanqing was protected by the protective shield he released and Jiang Tian's invisible laws, he felt like he couldn't breathe. As if angry.

At this moment, seeing the Nascent Soul Forbidden Realm and the Divine Transformation Realm overlapping and overwhelming, Lin Hanqing felt a little panicked and had no absolute confidence in Jiang Tian.

"This Linfeng is so powerful, it is simply terrifying! Can Mr. Jiang really fight against Zhang Linfeng and the eight Nascent Souls? Alas, Mr. Jiang's move to lure the enemy deeper is indeed a bit abrupt. It's better to seize Meng Lang now. Are you running away with your life?" In the flash of lightning, Lin Hanqing's head was racing, and many thoughts came to him.

"It is worthy of the Saint Yuan Continent. Any incarnation or Nascent Soul cultivator can arrange a domain or forbidden area. A Nascent Soul avatar of this level can be called a genius in the Xiaonantian Realm and even in the vast galaxy. . But here, I can only be the lackey of Zishanhou, not even a giant!"

Seeing this scene, Jiang Tian's face was calm, but he was also a little emotional in his heart.


Zhang Linfeng's "Black Wind Law" is not only extremely terrifying in destroying and killing enemies, but it is also a technique of shattering the void. The darkness is as deep as a black hole, as if it can connect time and space, and connect the world. With a sharp sound, his figure had shattered into the void, and he was within a mile of Jiang Tian in an instant.

The other Nascent Souls in concealed disguise also showed off their unique skills, released magic weapons, and dispersed, like fleeting lights and thunder and lightning, and quickly approached each other in coordination with each other, trapping Jiang Tian in the middle.

Jiang Tian and Lin Hanqing were quickly surrounded and seemed to be in a desperate situation.

"Jiang, we are only going to kill Lin Hanqing. You can surrender to the Purple Guard Marquis. The Purple Guard Marquis has great ambitions and magnanimity. He can forgive you for your previous offenses..."

Zhang Linfeng opened his mouth to persuade him to surrender, with a condescending attitude, as if letting Jiang Tian serve as the Purple Guard Marquis was a great favor.

Jiang Tian didn't say anything, and punched him.



The Nascent Soul in Jiang Tian's body looked up to the sky and roared. The suppressing chains of the Heaven-Deceiving Mysterious Kung were immediately shattered, and a terrifying aura rose into the sky.

The next moment, the nine-turn divine disk appeared behind Jiang Tian, ​​dazzling and dazzling. The flames composed of the nine gods overlapped like a sun. On the Shengyuan Continent thousands of light years away from the Milky Way, the first appears.

As soon as the nine-turn divine disk appeared, it was like an eternally running engine, providing Jiang Tian with a steady stream of terrifying power.

He punched.

The power of the fist is like that of a dragon, unrivaled.


The supreme forbidden areas created by the four Nascent Souls on the opposite side were the first to bear the brunt, and they were shattered one after another as if they were made of paper.

They didn't even have time to activate the protective magic weapon before they were killed by Jiang Tian with a punch. Their bodies, Yuan Ying and even their souls all exploded in an instant, and crystal rain of flesh, broken bones and blood were scattered everywhere. Colorful souls and Yuanying fragments were flying in the air.

Jiang Tian still did not use magic power this time, but used the law to drive his body. It was vitality and pure power, but it was still terrifying.

The terrifying fist power even easily penetrated their forbidden area, physical body and mental power, and hit a thousand-foot peak behind them. The thousand-foot-high peak was filled with demonic energy, with naturally occurring boulders, mountains, and the laws of demonic energy intertwined with each other. It was originally indestructible, but it was still severely broken open, and half of the mountain peak collapsed and exploded. Dozens of golden elixir stage monster beasts entrenched on it turned directly into powdery green smoke.

"What? He is so tyrannical!"

This scene shocked everyone.

The remaining four Nascent Souls all showed deep fear and were on full alert.


Even the bronze-masked man at the peak of his divine transformation let out a sigh, and the strange golden vertical pupils behind the bronze mask showed an incredible look.

Suddenly, he sneered and said slowly: "Be careful. He is not Lin Yang, but the guest, Jiang Siqing!"

"In that case, I won't pretend anymore!"

Jiang Tian chuckled and used the Mysterious Technique of Deceiving the Sky. His face changed and returned to his original appearance. His facial features were profound, his eyes were filled with resentment, his temples were gray, his temperament was gloomy and vicissitudes of life, and he was full of a strange charm.

"It turns out to be Jiang Siqing!"

"But he shouldn't be so tyrannical!"

The faces of Zhang Linfeng and the remaining four Nascent Souls changed wildly.

"It's indeed him! It's just what I expected!"

Even the bronze-masked demon king's eyes showed a bit of shock behind the mask.

Even though they knew that Jiang Tian was very powerful, they didn't expect that Jiang Tian was so powerful. Killing four Nascent Souls with one punch was like picking something out of a bag.

It can be called an instant kill!

At this moment, in their eyes, Jiang Tian changed. He was originally a little white rabbit that could be easily crushed to death, but suddenly turned into an unrivaled ancient beast with fangs and claws, swallowing the sky and the earth.

Zhang Linfeng used the law of black wind to break open the space. At the last moment, he moved more than ten miles away and was able to dodge.

However, the aftermath of Jiang Tian's punch was still so shocking that his skin cracked, the gods wailed, and the surrounding void was distorted. This was a sign of the instability of the law, making him look miserable.

He originally thought he had the ability to crush the opponent easily, but he was beaten so badly.

Being beaten so badly by a monk from outside the river was a great shame and humiliation for Zhang Linfeng, which was completely unacceptable.

"you wanna die!"

Zhang Linfeng's eyes flashed with incomparable hatred, his face was extremely gloomy, and his facial features were twisted and ferocious. He wished he could eat Jiang Tian's flesh, sleep on his skin, crush his bones and raise ashes to relieve his hatred.


Jiang Tian hummed softly and used the Thousand Lotus Flower Protection Technique, and the Gengjin God transformed into a thousand lotus petals as a defense. The layers were layered, extremely dense and dense, and protected Lin Hanqing within them. They were tightly sealed and invincible. invade.

Even an attack at the peak of transformation can be withstood for a moment or three.

Moreover, these thousand lotus flowers form a world of their own, but they can travel with Lin Hanqing without affecting his mobility at all.

"Since I stepped into this world, I have been walking on the road to mortal transformation. I have been clumsy for too long without moving my fists and feet, and my bones are almost rusty. Today, I will go on a killing spree!"

Jiang Tian's face was as cold as iron, and in his calm eyes, traces of strong murderous intent were slowly released.

After arranging thousands of lotus flowers to protect Lin Hanqing, Jiang Tian no longer had any worries and could finally give it a try.


Jiang Tian rushed towards Zhang Linfeng, punched out, and smashed a Yuanying in front of him into a pulp. Then he swept out a whip leg, like a peerless heavenly sword, and directly blocked a Yuanying. Cut into two pieces.

At this time, Jiang Tian's punches and kicks were all powerful and powerful, and he was extremely powerful.

"I am the transformed god. You, a casual cultivator from outside the river, are no match for me! Black Wind Extermination Technique!"

Not only was Zhang Linfeng not afraid, but the deaths of his comrades aroused his bloody ferocity, his eyes were about to split, and he roared wildly.

The gods' natal essence is burning, and the laws of black wind are rolling and erupting, like great rivers spanning the sky and the earth, lingering around the body.

Suddenly, the black wind rolled and the cold was extremely cold, freezing everything, destroying everything, and destroying everything.

The billowing black wind law quickly turned into nine thousand-foot-tall phantoms that looked like gods and demons. They flashed out from behind Zhang Linfeng, took a long step, opened his bloody mouth, and moved his arms to cover up Jiang Tian.

"Mr. Jiang, be careful!"

Lin Hanqing shouted.

This is Zhang Linfeng's lifelong secret skill, and it is also one of the most terrifying and brutal killing moves. With the power of the Black Wind Law, he transformed into a ferocious demonic form, killing everything and exterminating everything. Even those who are at the level of gods must be cautious when facing this move. If there is a mistake, the body will be destroyed.

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