As Jiang Tian traveled along the way, the farther east he got, the closer he got to Demon Back Ridge and Critical Canyon, and the fiercer beasts he encountered became more powerful.

In the end, I even encountered a half-step god-level ferocious dragon that was at least a kilometer long.

It is like a small mountain, lying across the void, from head to tail, covered with streamlined scales, shining with metallic luster, sharp claws, and its pupils are full of blood-red light, extremely bloody and ferocious.

When he met Jiang Tian, ​​the dead man, he was devouring a team of immortal cultivators.

The team of cultivators consisted of seven or eight people, all of them Nascent Soul cultivators. Judging from their clothing and clothing, they were completely different from those in Southern Xinjiang. They should obviously be natives of the Dongxia Public Territory.

They probably went out of the city to hunt ferocious beasts in order to complete the task of earning points, or to practice their cultivation. However, they were unexpectedly caught by this half-step god-level ferocious dragon. They couldn't resist it at all. They killed one person with one claw and tore them into pieces. Swallow it in your mouth.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk! Such a big one, I want to have fun again!"

The dead man Jiang Tian's eyes were fierce, his clothes were shabby and ragged, and he dodged past like a madman.

With one punch, bright golden light gathered in his fist, like a small sun rising across the sky, extremely blazing.

The ferocious dragon was extremely cunning. It had noticed Jiang Tian a long time ago, and suddenly it flashed. Although it was huge, it was extremely agile, allowing Jiang Tian to only focus on its tail.


Jiang Tian punched his tail, creating a huge bloody hole.

The fierce dragon male became ferocious, roared, turned his head, opened his sharp mouth and cruel claws, and attacked Jiang Tian.

Suddenly, a divine light shot from the distance very quickly.

In the divine light, there is a faint existence of a peerless goddess. She is tall and graceful, and her grace is unparalleled. She is shrouded in divine radiance, and her appearance is not clear at all. She is like a fairy.

The woman raised her hand, and a stream of light passed by and circled around the neck of the demonic dragon.


The head of the fierce dragon, which was as big as a house, was cut off, and countless black demonic blood spurted out.

At this time, everyone saw clearly that the stream of light was a holy weapon as thin as autumn water, shining faintly.

"Five thousand miles south from here, I have eliminated all the ferocious beasts. Please leave quickly."

The mysterious woman spoke.

Her voice was extremely cold and melodious, as if coming from the sky.

"Thank you fairy for saving my life."

The few surviving monks all knelt down, kowtowed, and then left in a hurry.

"A good weapon. Since the Jue Tian Sword can't be used, why not kill her and take her treasure!"

Jiang Tian's eyes suddenly widened, and he stared at the holy weapon in the woman's hand. He couldn't help but rub his hands like flies, excited. He is the evil clone in Jiang Tian's heart. Although his magical powers are as good as his own, he is indistinguishable and vicious.

"Fairy, let's discuss it! The holy weapon in your hand is very skillful in refining it. I wonder if you can let me borrow it for a look and take a look at it for details!"

I, Jiang Tian, ​​was approaching, his eyes were filled with greed, and his laughter was about to flow out.

"Haha. You want to steal my baby?"

The mysterious fairy's face was covered by a veil, and the holy light was dense. Her expression could not be seen clearly. She just snorted coldly, and her voice was as cold as an eternal glacier: "You don't know whether to live or die. Don't you see that I am a half-step back to the void?" Aren’t you afraid of death?”

"Tsk, tsk, half-saint!"

I, Jiang Tian, ​​held his hands in his hands and acted casually, just like a street gangster or an idle man in the village, and said leisurely:

"Who are you trying to scare? But I'm not afraid. I can't kill you even if I use some conspiracy or despicable means! Come on, hand over the holy soldiers for your reference. I am a romantic figure, a passionate young man, so I naturally cherish my beauty. I won’t kill you, but will love you well. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to join you on the path of dual cultivation and reach the peak of bliss together?”

"You bastard, you want to die!"

The mysterious fairy was so angry that her delicate body trembled slightly, and she shouted coldly. Her voice was like jade jade, crisp and cold.

At the same time, a monstrous pressure was released, and the sword of the holy weapon in his hand beat wildly with murderous intent.

The words "die me Jiang Tian" are extremely frivolous, as if they were disrespectful.

This woman has a very high status and a high level of cultivation. How can she tolerate him?

"What a fierce little mare. I like it. I want to ride it. Our cultivation level is incredible and our talents are extraordinary. We are the reincarnation of the Nine Heavens Immortal. You can't kill me! Little girl, let's try to practice dual cultivation together. I It will make your hair and toes feel so good. If you don’t feel good about it, you will kill me before it’s too late and I will never fight back!”

My dear friend, Jiang Tian, ​​was so bold that he was not afraid at all. Instead, he winked and was good at tempting me.

"Fairy Qingjue, come quickly. The monster clan is so powerful and ferocious that we can't resist it anymore."

The mysterious fairy was about to attack Jiang Tian, ​​but unexpectedly, the jade sign around her waist sounded a scream.

She had something important going on, and the late Jiang Tian was talking crazy, thinking that this person must be a madman, why should she be as knowledgeable as him, which delayed the important task of rescuing Li Yichen and Lin Daier.

"Hmph! I don't have any skills to deal with you, but I still want to make you suffer!"

The fairy casually played a "space moving talisman" and sent Jiang Tian, ​​the dead man, into a monster lair thousands of miles away and left quickly.

"Fairy Qingjue? Saintess of the Jiuxuan Sect? So it's her. In her previous life, she was so high that I couldn't covet you. If I don't eat you up today, will my whole life be in vain?"

I, Jiang Tian, ​​used his fists and kicks to destroy these ferocious beasts in three strokes. He stepped out of the cave covered in blood, shook his clothes, and with a trace of greed in his eyes, he took one step in the air and headed towards He chased after the woman, suddenly forgetting that he wanted to rescue Lin Daier.

Baihua Peak originally had beautiful mountains, gurgling springs, falling waterfalls, luxuriant grass, blooming flowers, warm sunshine and warm wind all year round, just like spring all year round.

But at this moment, the sky was covered with clouds, and there were gusts of evil wind. Sometimes there were lightning and thunder, heavy rain, and sometimes blizzards and frost.

On the ground, corpses lay everywhere, with blood and flesh, and white bones. From time to time, colorful lightning burst out. That was the reason why the fragments of the law collided in the air, making it a mess like a hell Shura field.

The digital god-turned-gods and the hundreds of Nascent Soul Heavenly Lords were fighting each other like crazy. Their swords were arrogant, their laws were swaying, and their murderous intent was so strong that the beautiful green mountains had already collapsed into rubble, while the original valley floor was actually high and the terrain was bulging. Great changes, like a sea of ​​change.

On a mountain peak hundreds of miles east of Baihua Peak, there are hundreds of masters standing proudly, paying close attention to the battle. They are all wearing standard robes and apparently belong to the subordinates of Duke Dongxia.

Among them are five powerful gods, each one of whom is surrounded by laws roaring and the avenues rising and falling. Even the weakest ones are still at the peak of Nascent Soul, and each of them has extraordinary bearing and profound cultivation.

"Mr. Dongxia, it seems that the mighty demons from the Ten Thousand Demons Palace are fighting against the Jiuxuanmen! The Ten Thousand Demons Palace is the number one evil demon force in the empire. The empire regards it as a life-and-death enemy, and they are fighting in the Duke's territory. , should we help the Jiuxuan Sect and kill the Ten Thousand Demons Palace?"

A middle-aged divine king looked at an old man riding a Nascent Soul stage dragon and asked respectfully.

This middle-aged divine king has a handsome appearance and elegant temperament. He has reached the late stage of divine transformation and is one of the four great guests in the Dongxia Duke's mansion.

What he practices is the laws and avenues of painting. He is called Dan Qingsheng. With a paintbrush in his hand, he can create things from the void with endless changes. He is one of the top twenty peerless masters in the empire.

"Brother Danqing, do you think Jiuxuanmen is not the life and death enemy of the empire?"

Dongxia Gonghuashen is at the peak of his cultivation. He is tall and majestic, with a straight waist and a majestic appearance. His head is full of white hair with crystal roots, but his face is rosy and his skin has no wrinkles. He is like a newborn baby, especially his eyes. It is as bright as thunder and lightning, giving people a sense of wisdom and fierceness. It has a heroic demeanor and is worthy of being one of the four great dukes of the empire.

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