Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1915 Ancient Demonic Dragon

As for the fact that his beloved daughter Long Juxue was once humiliated by Jiang Tian, ​​he didn't even mention it, which shows his broad mind and extraordinary magnanimity. He is worthy of being a powerful and famous person in the country who can compete with Fang Jinlong!

At this time, there was another change in the field.

"Stay here!"

At this time, with a raised hand by the leader of the demon race's god-forming power, many demon race monks quickly retreated, tens of miles away from the Jiu Xuan Sect monks.

This is obviously a pretense of negotiation.

The Jiu Xuan Sect monks also retreated one after another under the wave of Saint Qing Jue's hand and prepared their formations.

"Does Lord Niubeng have something to say to the little girl?"

Fairy Qingjue asked calmly.


The leader Niuben Shenjun is a big demon with the blood of a barbarian bull. He has four heads and eight arms. His body is as towering as a hill and as tall as a demon god. He is hundreds of meters tall. You must know that this is the original body, not an illusion. , absolutely terrifying, the lumpy flesh all over his body exudes a black iron-like sheen.

He shook the three-pronged blood demon steel fork in his front hand, and the sound was like rolling thunder, which caused the laws of the void to collapse, lightning and thunder, and thousands of meters long thunder dragons flashed in the air, shocking the heart:

"What I want is just the little girl Lin Dai'er and has nothing to do with Jiuxuanmen. As long as you are willing to withdraw your troops, I am willing to let go of the boy named Li. As long as Fairy Qingjue makes a soul contract with me."

"Saint! Don't abandon me!"

When Lin Daier heard this, she was trembling with fear and burst into tears.

She is just an assessment disciple of Jiuxuan Sect and has not yet officially joined the sect.

The Nine Mysterious Sect hangs high in the Holy Yuan Continent and selects disciples from many empires, not just the Eastern Empire. There are not ten thousand, only eight thousand, disciples with her qualifications in the Nine Mysterious Sect, which can be called a vast sea. Once Lord Niu Ben puts forward this condition, Fairy Qing Jue is likely to agree.

"Diel, don't be stupid. If the saint insists, neither of us can run away. Moreover, you can also see that they have long held us hostage, but they have not killed us. It is obvious that they only used you as bait to attract your father. Just a rescue!"

When Li Yichen heard this, he immediately shouted.

"Li Yichen, it's a waste that I devoted all my heart to you and got pregnant with your child!"

When Lin Daier heard this, she was stunned in disbelief, suddenly struggled wildly, and cried loudly.

What Li Yichen meant was that he didn't care about his own life or death and just wanted to live alone.

She couldn't believe that Li Yichen was so graceful and aloof in the past, but when death was imminent, he was so greedy and afraid of death.

"You two, stop arguing! Either retreat or fight, have you decided?"

"You acted recklessly, without the vigilance that a monk should have. You wandered around without practicing, and instead were captured by powerful enemies, causing the sect to lose twenty Nascent Souls and one transformed god. Do you know how shameful it is! "

Fairy Qingjue gave a soft drink, her eyes showing disappointment and displeasure.

"Disciple, I'm guilty!"

"Saint, calm down!"

When Lin Daier and Li Yichen heard this, they stared at each other with hatred.

But I didn’t dare to talk nonsense anymore.

Fairy Qing Jue looked at Lord Niu Ben, shook the holy weapon in her hand, and said loudly: "Although our Jiuxuan Sect is not a top holy place, it is still one of the top ten divine sects. But there is a sect rule, which is easy to say: My friend learned that we love each other and work hand in hand. If we encounter a strong enemy, we will never leave our comrades behind. We only want to live and die together!"

"Never leave behind your comrades-in-arms, just live and die together!"

"Never leave behind your comrades-in-arms, just live and die together!"

A monk named Jiu Xuan Sect shouted loudly, his sound waves roaring, shattering the sky and stirring up the clouds. He had an aura that could swallow thousands of miles like a tiger.

Although they were covered in blood, their eyes were still firm, they looked at death as if they were dead, and they were completely willing to risk their lives.

Four transformed gods and hundreds of Nascent Souls all revealed their dharma, flying swords, Yimu, storms, ice seals, thunder... strange and strange realms and forbidden areas, and the heavenly kings and gods who stood tall and towering over the heavens and the earth. The monks were surrounded, and the mighty magic power swept through the world like a stormy wave.

Li Yichen beat his chest, stamped his feet, stretched his legs, and begged with tears streaming down his face: "Master, why are you so pedantic? Do you have to leave this disciple here? I want to go back to the sect! That Lin Dai'er is just the daughter of a prince. The disciple’s qualifications and status are as much as you want, no matter what she does!”

"Li Yichen, you are shameless!"

When Lin Daier heard this, she was so depressed that she almost burst out with blood.

"Fairy Qingjue, you forced me to do this. If we have to fight to the death, I will be prepared!"

Niubeng Shenjun's four faces were furious at the same time, his eight arms shook, and his four mouths erupted with thunderous sounds at the same time. He was obviously extremely angry.

As he spoke, he shook his hand and pulled out a holy soldier-level clay pot, floating in front of him, and said in a deep voice: "This is the magic prison pot left by the great sage of the demon tribe in ancient times. You should recognize it. !”

"The Demon Imprisoning Immortal Jar! One of the four greatest treasures of the Ten Thousand Demons Palace, no less than the Heavenly and Earthly Demon-killing Knife!"

Fairy Qing Jue's face, as eternal and motionless as an eternal glacier, showed a deep fear for the first time.

But he immediately returned to normal, and sneered: "This treasure has gone through many years, endless time, and its magic power has been wiped out by the law of law. It is said that it no longer has the swallowing function!"

"Jiu Xuan Saint Girl is indeed very knowledgeable. Among the descendants of the Holy Land Shen Sect, except for Gu Xuan'er, who can beat you in alchemy, the others are far behind and difficult to catch up with!"

Lord Niu Ben didn't hide it, but said with a frank smile: "Indeed. This thing no longer has the devouring function, but the imprisoned mana is still there. The most important thing is, do you know what is imprisoned here?"

"A vicious monster?"

Fairy Qing Jue frowned and looked carefully, only to see that the Demon Prisoner Fairy Jar kept trembling and buzzing, sometimes expanding and sometimes contracting, as if it was about to burst. The engraved Dao pattern talisman array was sometimes bright and sometimes dim. This is the reason why the magic power is unstable, and there are traces of strong demonic energy rippling out.

"What is that sound? A dragon?"

Moreover, as a majestic sound that could not be described in intuitive words penetrated the clay pot, her consciousness even sensed waves of tremors coming from the depths of her soul. This sound directly shook her spirit and made her eyes glazed over. , I almost have the urge to crawl on the ground, but I can't care about it at all.

"The Nine-Xuan Saint is so insightful!"

Lord Niu Ben sighed in admiration and said: "This is a quasi-real dragon, named - Jue Yuan. It once reached the level of semi-saint cultivation. It was contaminated by demonic energy in the critical canyon. It caused trouble for an era, swallowed eight hundred transformed gods, and nine The Thousand Yuan Ying Zhenjun and hundreds of millions of creatures are wreaking havoc on the entire Holy Yuan Continent, and no one can stop him."


When everyone heard this, their expressions changed wildly, including the expressions of Duke Dongxia, the four great guests, and even Fairy Qing Jue.

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