Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1920 Fighting and seducing girls.

Jiang Tian, ​​the dead man, was simple and direct. With one punch, the aura of chaos filled a ten-mile radius. He hit it with great force, and violent waves swept out, destroying all directions.

The Hengyu Divine Fist can destroy thousands of armies and shatter everything!

This boxing technique was originally very powerful, open and closed, and moved forward indomitably. However, the power it exerted in the hands of Jiang Tian, ​​who was full of ferocious and cruel aura, turned out to be even more tyrannical than the original one.

Then he saw that a bronze mace coming from the left was deflected by Jiang Tian's punch, and the chaos fist seal shattered the space and rushed straight towards the Can Wolf God Lord. And the giant net was torn to pieces by the force of the fist, and the wind of the fist that captured the Moon God Lord was blown up like a scarecrow as weakly as a scarecrow.


The two demon kings almost met each other, but they were beaten by Jiang Tian until they vomited blood and retreated, seriously injured.

"How can it be!"

Lord Niu Ben's eyes widened in disbelief.

The Ten Thousand Demons Palace has conducted a thorough investigation on Jiang Tian before and collected all kinds of information!

Of course they knew that Jiang Tian was very strong, but after all, he was only at the Nascent Soul realm and could not be higher. He was still far away from becoming a true god.

They are even further apart from the giants of the Ten Thousand Demons Palace, as different as clouds and mud. But I never thought that Jiang Tian would be able to leapfrog the Great God Lord!


Lin Dai'er couldn't believe it, as if she had seen a ghost.

She never thought that Jiang Tian, ​​a monk from outside the river, could be so powerful.

"No wonder he is so arrogant and ignores everything. It turns out that he really has this ability!"

"No wonder, Lord Niu Ben and others regard him as a life and death enemy. I'm afraid he is even more powerful than my ancestor, Shibo Fang Jinlong!"

"No wonder, my father values ​​him so much and even urges me to marry him. How can his strength be compared to Li Yichen's?"

A hint of realization suddenly arose in her heart, and a faint feeling of regret gradually came over her.

"This is really a genius!"

"More than a genius, he can be called a monster!"

Many monks in the Jiu Xuan Sect originally looked down upon Jiang Tian, ​​especially because Jiang Tian had repeatedly belittled Saint Qing Jue, which made them quite unhappy with Jiang Tian. If it weren't for the strict rules of the Jiuxuan Sect, they would have to obey the orders of the Saint and not kill people at will. Otherwise, they would have killed Jiang Tiantou long ago.

But at this moment, seeing Jiang Tian being so tyrannical, their mentality quickly changed.

Such geniuses naturally have the capital to ignore everything. I am afraid that when the old man of the sect sees such talented people, he will also be interested in recruiting them.

"So strong!"

Fairy Qing Jue also felt as if she were seeing Jiang Tian for the first time, covering her mouth with her jade hands, and was extremely shocked.

Over the years, the young man with the best qualifications she has seen should be her disciple Li Yichen.

But when Li Yichen was compared with Jiang Tian, ​​they were immediately eclipsed. They were so small that they were not worth mentioning at all.

"The enemy, this is the enemy of life and death!"

But when he saw Saintess Qingjue's admiring and admiring expression, and when he saw Lin Dai'er seemed to have the slightest hint of regret despite being surprised and shocked, Li Yichen felt warning signs one after another, and he felt an unprecedented sense of vigilance in his heart.

If Saint Qingjue introduces Jiang Tian into the sect, her position as the current chief disciple of the Jiuxuan Sect will immediately be lost!

"This, defeating two demon kings with one punch! This world is too crazy!"

Duke Dongxia stood at the outermost edge, his cheek muscles twitching and the corners of his eyes trembling, as if he had been slapped hard twice in an instant.

"Lin Hanqing must be so lucky to get help from this monster!"

The four guests from Dongxia Palace were all shocked, as if they had seen ghosts.

"Die to me!"

Die Wo Jiang Tian roared loudly and punched again.

The world suddenly collapsed and decayed, the avenues and laws were shattered, all kinds of lightning flashed, and terrifying large cracks appeared in the length of the earth, just like the Grand Canyon.

The stormy waves rolled across the nine heavens and ten lands, and various strange phenomena such as thunder, fire, storm, rain and snow appeared. Even the Duke of Dongxia was far away from him, but he was still on his back. The dragon under him was so frightened that he trembled and wanted to turn around and run away.

With this punch, two fist wheels with a radius of ten feet swayed out. Chaos energy lingered, dazzling, like two big suns crossing the sky, tearing apart the void, and rushing towards the two of them.


Canlang and Zhuoyue, the two gods, roared crazily, firing out all kinds of secret magic powers one after another, and even hurriedly offering up their natal weapons one after another in an attempt to resist.

These two demon kings have long been powerful, have brilliant achievements, and have unpredictable magical powers. Compared with imperial giants such as Fang Jinlong and Princess Mo Yu, they are no weaker than them.

But under Jiang Tian's punch, he was completely vulnerable.



Under two consecutive earth-shaking loud noises, half of Can Lang's body was blown apart like copper poured into iron. Countless pieces of flesh rained down, blood mist filled the air, and broken bones and organ fragments flew everywhere.

Zhu Yue was even worse. He was punched through the gods, destroying the gods, and his whole body exploded.


The two demon kings, both of whom were dead souls, struggled to repair the gods and condense their bodies while setting up the escape light and fled in horror.

"Oh! Want to escape? Isn't it too late?"

But how could I, Jiang Tian, ​​give them a chance? With one step in the air, Kunpeng moved very quickly, tearing the void with his hands, using the secret technique of space, grabbing the two gods in the air, and directly pulling the two gods out of their sacred treasures.

Bang bang!

The flesh bodies of the two exploded completely, turning into a rain of flesh, and the god was directly smashed to pieces by Jiang Tian. The nine-turn divine disk behind him turned, and the Taotie shadow turned into a black hole, destroying the spiritual power contained in the god. Devour.

In the blink of an eye, two powerful monsters fell!

"Kill the gods with a snap of your fingers! Is this, is this still a human being?"

In an instant, the whole place fell into an eerie silence.

Everyone turned into clay and wood sculptures, motionless, but they were howling crazily in their hearts.

"Jiang! You are so vicious!"

"Everyone, come together and kill this beast!"

Suddenly, God Lord Niu Ben roared angrily, took one step in the air, shook his eight arms, and approached Jiang Tian.

"Okay, okay! Fairy Qingjue, I will unscrew his four cow heads and make a braised, steamed, deep-fried, and stewed cow head feast. Pair it with thunder fire wine. Wouldn't it be delicious! Although I know that you have been fasting for many years, drinking wind and dew, But we haven’t become immortals yet, we still have to taste the delicacies of this world and experience the atmosphere of fireworks!”

My dear friend Jiang Tian laughed loudly, with a domineering attitude, and he was able to flirt with girls while fighting.

"This person is extremely talented and powerful, the best in the continent, but why is he so frivolous and boring?"

Fairy Qing Jue hummed in her heart, but she was no longer as disgusted as before, and seemed to be angry and happy.

"Haha, you want to kill me? Who do you think you are? Do you really think you can compete with me by killing a few powerful gods?"

The God Lord Niu Ben was so angry that he laughed when he heard this. He looked down at Jiang Tian from a high position like an ant.

"Lord Niu Ben Shen, why don't you give up and make peace."

Fairy Qing Jue was stunned by the shock. She came back to her senses after being called out like this. She took a step forward and said with a sweet smile:

"I know that you want to kill Fellow Daoist Jiang because of the internal disputes in the Eastern Empire. But you have also seen that with someone as amazing and talented as Fellow Daoist Jiang sitting in charge of the Zhenyuan Marquis Mansion, you may not be able to move. Even the Eastern Empire, You, the Ten Thousand Demons Palace, can’t move.”

"We monks, we should ask with all our heart, if we should move across the heaven and earth, get rid of the barriers of the world, if we should seek eternal life, great freedom, great freedom and great liberation, what's the point of conquering a secular kingdom?"

While persuading Niu Ben, her spiritual consciousness sent a message to me, Jiang Tian, ​​and said: "Fellow Taoist, you'd better just accept it as you see fit. Aren't you here to rescue Lin Dai'er? She's already out of trouble, why do you have to be so aggressive? In a hurry, he released the Jueyuan Demonic Dragon, and we will all suffer!"

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