Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1941 Love Picks Up Fairy Qingjue

On a large river like a jasper silk ribbon, exquisitely carved boats with carved galleries and painted buildings are swimming slowly. The surrounding peaks are undulating, the green mountains are like distant green mountains, and nearby are mixed peanut trees, with the fragrance of orchid and mixed peanut trees. It is very poetic and picturesque. .

This area located in the southern part of the Dongxia Duke's territory, with a radius of thousands of miles, has two high-grade spiritual veins. After being blessed by the formation, the spiritual energy becomes richer, refreshing and refreshing.

This is the land rented by the Jiuxuan Sect in the Eastern Empire. It is not a cave used for cultivation, but a palace garden, where the sect's disciples can relax and play.

In an elegant hall of the painting boat, Fairy Qingjue sat leaning on the railing and could see the calm river outside the window. She was dressed in white and cold, with picturesque eyebrows and an ethereal temperament. There were spiritual fruits, snacks and drinks on the desk in front of her. Opposite him, the dead man Jiang Tian supported his forehead with his hands, put the snack into his mouth without politeness, chewed it, and looked at Fairy Qingjue infatuatedly.

"Why does Saint Siqing think so of the Nu family? Isn't it possible that the Nu family has a happy face?"

Sensing the direct gaze of my deceased Jiang Tian, ​​Fairy Qingjue also blushed, lowered her head slightly, and asked like a delicate flower radiating water.

"Oh my god, is this still our fairy?"

The many maids who stood respectfully beside him looked at each other in disbelief.

Fairy Qingjue is powerful and respected. She can be called a giant in the Shengyuan Continent. She is not inferior to men, and she will never claim to be so when getting along with men.

"Haha! Of course there are no flowers on your face!"

I, Jiang Tian, ​​raised his glass and sipped the Biyan wine, his eyes filled with affection as he said, "But, you are more beautiful than the flower!"

"This, such a straightforward flirtation?"

"I wonder how the saint will react!"

Many maids were stunned again and couldn't believe it.


The men Fairy Qing Jue sees on daily basis are either as servile as Li Yichen, or as mature and prudent as Nangong Yue, who keeps a distance, or they are facing the enemy of life and death. When did I, the late Jiang Tian, ​​ever tease me like this? My heart is beating like a deer.

"Young Master is joking!"

Fairy Qingjue smiled lightly, and two red clouds flew up from her pretty face, which was extremely beautiful.


Many maids around were once again stunned and couldn't believe it.

"How can this be a joke? Fairy Mingjian, I am completely sincere!"

At this time, Jiang Tian's spiritual consciousness came to mind, but Jiang Tian, ​​the deceased, was still calm and played the last scene, with a sad look on his face, and said with a gloomy look: "I fell in love with the fairy at first sight. , Goodbye love. But, I know that I shouldn’t reveal this feeling to you, but should hide it in my heart and look up to you silently, because I don’t deserve it..."

Seeing the death of me, Jiang Tian, ​​his face was sad and his eyes were deep and sad. Unlike the disguise, Fairy Qingjue actually felt a sense of sadness and compassion in her heart.

At the same time, I was also puzzled.

Because Jiang Tian gave her the impression of being arrogant and arrogant. Of course, with Jiang Tian's strength, he does have this capital.

She couldn't imagine that the words "I don't deserve it" would come out of Jiang Tian's mouth.

Confused in her heart, Fairy Qing Jue couldn't help but ask: "Young Master has extraordinary blood, extraordinary talents, and unparalleled cultivation. His strength is as strong as mine. I don't know why you said this?"

"Oh, it's hard to put it into words!"

Jiang Tian just sighed deeply, feeling even more depressed and vicissitudes of life.

"Is it possible that the young master is belittling himself because he was born in the Black Sun Star Territory outside the central galaxy?"

Fairy Qingjue guessed, and with some understanding, she smiled and said: "Young master, there is no need to be like this. Heroes don't care about their origins. You already have such strength, who cares about your origins?"


The deceased Jiang Tian covered his face with his hands and sighed: "I am a widower, and I also have a daughter. How can I be worthy of a fairy? However, everyone has a love for beauty. Although I am rude to beauties, I am not worthy of being a fairy. I love you sincerely, I hope the fairy won’t care about it!”

"That's it!"

Fairy Qing Jue lowered her head and muttered for a while, and said with emotion: "This is nothing. Monks live long lives, and there are some monks who married ordinary women. Their wives died early. When they find a suitable Taoist partner and renew their relationship, they will not only bring a Half a son and a daughter, but a family full of descendants. The marriage of a monk is completely different from that of ordinary people!"

There was a look of ecstasy on Jiang Tian's face, his eyes were shining, he grabbed Fairy Qingjue's jade hand and hissed: "Fairy, do you really think so?"

"You! You, why are you so reckless! You are such a disciple! You are not afraid of others seeing the joke. You are called a saint. You are highly virtuous and talented, and you are praised all over the world."

Fairy Qingjue's face turned red with embarrassment. She twitched her jade hands a few times, but when she couldn't break free, she let him hold her.

"What's the point of being a saint? What's there to be afraid of if you laugh for the world and bear infamy?"

My dearly departed Jiang Tian caressed the small hand that was as warm and fragrant as jade, and gasped excitedly: "If I could just kiss Fangze, even if I die, I would be worth it!"

"You, don't say such stupid things!"

Fairy Qingjue lowered her head slightly, and her waterfall-like hair fell naturally, revealing a section of her snow-white neck. Her icy skin and icy skin attracted people's imagination. Her eyes trembled slightly, and she was either angry or happy: "How old is your daughter! What does she like to eat? , What do you like to play? After I return to the sect and report the situation of this battle to my father, I can go out for a while and meet this child. "

She started to want to develop a relationship with Jiang Beibei.

"Based on the era of this place, he must be only four or five years old!"

My dear friend Jiang Tian said with a smile: "She likes to eat and play with weird things! She is a very simple child!"

"Four or five years's easy to develop feelings!"

Fairy Qingjue's heart moved slightly, and her pressure eased slightly.

However, at this time, Jiang Tian suddenly let go of her jade hand, stood up, bowed deeply, and said apologetically: "Alas, chaos is about to break out in the Eastern Empire, and it is related to the safety of the Zhenyuan Marquis Mansion. I cannot stay for a long time. Let’s say goodbye and hope the fairy will forgive me.”

"Ah? Are you leaving now?"

Somehow, Fairy Qingjue was a little reluctant to leave and stood up to see her off.

He walked out of the hall side by side with the deceased Jiang Tian, ​​came to the bow of the ship, smiled gently, and said: "If you need the help of the slave family to quell the rebellion in the Eastern Empire, just ask the young master, and Jiuxuanmen and I will do our best. !”

"What kind of ecstasy soup did this man pour into our saint?"

When the women nearby heard this, their expressions were in disbelief.

Although with the strength of the Jiuxuan Sect, it is not difficult to crush any force in the Eastern Empire, or even destroy the royal family of the Eastern Empire. But you must know that Jiuxuan Sect hangs high in the sky, and it is clean and self-sufficient. It never interferes in secular disputes, especially not in the affairs of the court. This is an iron rule set by the founder of the sect.

Fairy Qing Jue's statement was unprecedented.

"Qingjue, you are so kind to me!"

My dear friend Jiang Tian suddenly turned around and stared at Fairy Qingjue lovingly.

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