Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1947 If you rebel, fight!

"Zi Shanhou, you underestimate me too much. Do you think I am the kind of person who is greedy for life and afraid of death? Do you have to run away whenever there is danger? Do you think the title of the Imperial War Goddess is For free?"

At this time, another voice full of ridicule sounded.

The eldest princess Dongfang Moyu, wearing armor and a golden crown with phoenix wings, also appeared on the tower.

She has beautiful features, crystal complexion, high breasts, an unbearably slender waist, slender legs, a fit figure, extremely sexy and hot, but at the same time, she holds a sharp scimitar of a holy soldier, with a terrifying murderous intent. , the vast aura of the Divine Lord also surged out, making people feel heart-stopping.

"How dare I underestimate the princess? The eldest princess is not staying in the palace and came to the tower late at night. Why?"

Seeing that the eldest princess also appeared, Zishanhou's heart jumped suddenly, but he quickly calmed down, bowed slightly, and asked calmly.

"Zi Shanhou, do you know your guilt?"

Seeing Zishanhou pretending to be confused, Dongfang Moyu's pretty face turned cold and he asked in a deep voice.

"I have always been loyal to the emperor and patriotic. What crime can I commit?"

Marquis Zishan's face was gloomy, but he was not afraid and was confident.

He was 100% sure that Lord Qi Ling would assassinate Lin Hanqing.

Since Jiang Tian went to Baihua Peak at that time, there was no reliable person around Lin Hanqing.

Lin Hanqing had only been a Divine Lord for a few years, but he was completely vulnerable to a blow under Divine Lord Qi Ling. He was simply a lamb to be slaughtered, with no way to turn around.

To put it ten thousand steps back, even if Lin Hanqing escaped by chance, Shenjun Qi Ling could escape unscathed, and he would not leave any trace behind.

"It was the demon king who assassinated Lin Hanqing. What does it have to do with me, the Purple Shirt Marquis!"

Zishan Hou snorted in his heart.

"Zhang Linfeng identified you and instructed the demon king Qi Ling to kill the Marquis of Zhenyuan Lin Hanqing! Do you still want to quibble?"

Jiang Tian smiled coldly and waved his sleeves.

The cuffs of the sleeves were dark, deep and boundless, just like the universe hidden in the sleeves. Zhang Linfeng and his son also grew bigger in the wind, and rolled down from the sleeves onto the tower.

"This Mr. Jiang is so weird, how come he has so much evidence!"

"This is the handle that pinches the Zishan Hou's painful legs."

When everyone saw this, they were shocked and couldn't believe it.

It is completely unfathomable that Ming Qi Ling Shenjun personally took action and was so strong that he could still miss.

"Could it be that God Qi Ling has died!"

"Is it possible that there is a peak god or even a semi-saint beside Zhenyuan Houfu?"

Many princes were anxious and uneasy.

Zhang Linfeng shivered, fell to the ground in admiration, and pointed out:

"The Purple Shirt Marquis colluded with the Demon Clan Divine Lord and launched multiple attacks to attack the Zhenyuan Marquis Mansion. Baihua Peak kidnapped Lin Daier and attacked the ancestor of the Lin family, aiming to divert the tiger away from the mountain, lure Mr. Jiang away from Lin Hanqing, and then ask me to lure Lin Hanqing to The generation of Zuowangfeng was suppressed and killed by Qiling Shenjun, one of the four guardians of the Ten Thousand Demons Hall..."

"What nonsense!"

"Bloody mouth!"

Upon hearing this, the Marquis of Zishan's eyes were about to burst, and his whole body was shaking violently. As if he had been greatly wronged and insulted, he pointed at Zhang Linfeng and shouted loudly: "Who on earth threatened or instigated you to slander this king! It must be someone who has been threatening or instigating you to slander me!" Lin Hanqing, that bitch, right? You were his slave!"

"I didn't slander you. I was your backbone in the Lin Mansion. Every time you gave me an order, I left my mark..."

Zhang Linfeng and his son were trembling with fear, but they still howled and showed evidence.

"You should be killed for slandering me and alienating your ruler and ministers!"

The purple-shirted Hou shouted loudly, the sound was like thunder, shocking everyone around him, and the blood surged, and they almost spit out a mouthful of blood.

His face was gloomy, his eyes were fierce, and he stretched out his big hand, which grew bigger in the wind, like a millstone, then turned into a mountain, and pressed towards Zhang Linfeng and his son.

"Eldest Princess, National Preceptor!"

Zhang Linfeng and his son were flying around and dodging in a hurry while looking at Jiang Tian and Dongfang Moyu for help, hoping to be protected.

"Being an undercover agent will not end well!"

But Jiang Tian didn't take any action at all, he just watched with cold eyes.

Zhang Linfeng had plotted against the Lin family several times. More importantly, he had put his precious daughter in danger several times. How could Jiang Tian tolerate him?

Even if Zishanhou doesn't kill him.

Jiang Tian will kill him sooner or later!

There was only a roar.

With one palm strike, Zhang Linfeng and his son were shattered into powder, turning into a miserable mist of blood that filled the air, with broken bones flying around in random directions. Before the two died, their faces were full of shock and unwillingness. They seemed to be in disbelief and unable to accept that Jiang Tian did not help and died miserably.

"He is deceiving the public with his evil words and trying to alienate the harmonious relationship between me and the royal family. His intention is to be punished!"

The purple-shirted Marquis shook his sleeves, as if he was still angry and was cursing.

Finally, he cupped his hands and smiled and said: "I think with the wisdom of the eldest princess, she will definitely not believe the nonsense of a mere guest of the Lin family and the slander of a little person!"

This sentence not only scolded Zhang Linfeng, but also humiliated Jiang Tian.

"Marquis Zishan, the evidence is conclusive. Stop making excuses. Just plead guilty and submit to the law, and be arrested without hesitation!"

Dongfang Moyu has a slender figure, enchanting and colorful, but full of beauty and strength. His white chin was slightly raised and he spoke in a commanding tone.

"It's so easy to find a way to inflict a crime!"

Upon hearing this, the Zishanhou's face changed wildly, his fists clenched, he approached Dongfang Moyu, and shouted loudly: "I, the Zishanhou, have been loyal to the emperor and patriotic for generations, shed their blood for the empire, and died exhausted. But because Lin Hanqing is jealous of his talents, it is really unreasonable for him to do so. I will never accept it!"

"Bold! Marquis Zishan, you dare to be disrespectful to me. Are you going to rebel?"

Dongfang Moyu raised his eyebrows angrily, raised his sword and shouted fiercely.

"I dare not! But if you force me to rebel, then I have to rebel! Princess, if you insist on slandering me and capturing me, in order to protect myself, I will have no choice but to tear myself apart and fight you to the death!" "

Zishanhou said with a look of regret.

"A fight? Are you going to fight to the death? Do you really want to rebel?"

Dongfang Moyu looked furious.

"What? Does the eldest princess still think that I am incapable of rebelling?"

The Purple Shirt Marquis looked proud and said: "The twenty-three princes in the south all respect me. In the thirteen outer cities around me, there are millions of soldiers. Princess, I have offended you. I want to capture you, come here My Majesty came here to ask, what is your intention? Do you want to suppress loyal ministers and seek to usurp the throne?"

At this moment, he was still beating him up!

"Brothers! Fight!"

Zishanhou waved his hand proudly.


On the city wall, many princes roared with boundless determination on their faces.


The thirteen outer cities roared and trembled at the same time, and waves of surging fighting spirit rose into the sky, shaking the sky and breaking through the flowing clouds. The momentum was astonishing.

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