Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1949 The trump card is revealed

"If you want to catch me, do you have the ability? Do I need to rely on you or Jiang Siqing?"

The Marquis of Zishan's hair was flying, his majestic appearance was full of pride, and he laughed with mockery on his face.

There was deep amusement in his eyes, like a tiger looking at a little white rabbit struggling in vain among its claws.

"Yes! Jiang Siqing, even if you can escape from the siege of Lord Niuben, but so what?"

Infused with the magic law of the battle formation, Shan Shuihou propped up a long river of magic, and his strength instantly reached the peak of divine transformation, able to suppress Princess Mo Yu.

Perhaps, because of being humiliated and frustrated at Jiang Tian's hands several times, he hated Jiang Tian the most among the princes, and wished he could eat Jiang Tian's flesh, sleep on his skin, crush his bones and raise ashes.

At this moment, seeing Jiang Tian in trouble, he felt the greatest joy in his heart. The annoyance in his heart had long been wiped away, replaced by a feeling of elation and gloating to the extreme.

He urged the long river of Dharma to spread across the sky, the law roared, the domain spread, and he showed off his power. He shouted crazily: "Do you think you have some achievements and you are great? After all, you are just a pariah and a lowly person from a small and remote place like the Black Sun Star Territory. Such creatures, frogs in the well, are short-sighted and crude, and don’t know the power of the Saint Yuan Continent’s battle formation!”

"I can crush you little brat to pieces with just one slap!"

He had the look of a successful villain, arrogant, and the corner of his mouth could be tethered to a cow.

Seeing that Jiang Tian remained silent, the other marquis shook his head and laughed:

"Since you know our plan, you should avoid its sharp edges and not wade into this muddy water. Even if you want to join in, you should report it to the court and let the royal family mobilize the troops of the princes to conquer. It is safest. Come here yourself, Why? Why do you want to come here and kill the dog?"

Hearing this, Lin Yang in Qiankun in His Sleeves felt that it made sense, and sighed sadly: "Mr. Jiang is too anxious. Now that my father has escaped and he has obtained the evidence, he should go to the imperial city to report Dongfang Lu , call on Nanhe Bo and other princes who are friendly to the royal family, and fight them slowly!"

"Yes, why is Senior Jiang so anxious? What happened now..."

Even Dongfang Ying, who had always admired Jiang Tian extremely, had a flash of disappointment and worry deep in her eyes.

Feeling the terrifying pressure brought by the military formation and the princes, Princess Mo Yu was even more anxious and stamped her feet, saying: "Mr. Jiang, this... this is a peerless killing situation!"

Jiang Tian's face was indifferent, and he smiled calmly and said: "You use the concealment technique of space magic weapons to mobilize thousands of troops, and you can hide it from the detection of ordinary gods' spiritual consciousness. But how can you avoid my eyes?"

"What? You know?"

Zishanhou changed color slightly.

"Do you think you can escape from Lord Niubeng and compete with the hundreds of thousands of troops from our southern princes?"

The other marquis slapped his legs crazily and laughed.

"Why wouldn't he think so? Because I've told you a long time ago that he is just a pariah from outside the river, and he doesn't know how terrifying the battle formation is!"

"Haha, a brain is a good thing! It's a pity that you don't have one!"

Shan Shuihou laughed even more crazily.

"Although I have little knowledge, I also know the power of the battle formation. I am not that shallow!"

Jiang Tian smiled and spoke to Yan Yan, calm and composed, as if he was not facing thousands of troops or on a life-and-death battlefield, but chatting with a few friends.

"What do you mean?"

Marquis Zishan stared at Jiang Tian with confusion in his eyes, as if he wanted to see through his mind.

"I think he is just pretending to be a ghost."

Shanshui Hou didn't wait for Jiang Tian to answer, but he looked impatient and yelled through gritted teeth: "Master Hou, originally, Lin Hanqing and his son are extremely useless. If he hadn't interrupted our plan, we would have been killed long ago." He has been tortured to death by me. It’s all because of this person that we have suffered many losses!”

With a face full of resentment, he spread his territory, activated the Dharma, and pressed towards Jiang Tian.

"Shanshui Hou, you mother-in-law, who are you calling a loser? I'm just pure gold, unpolished jade, okay? After Mr. Jiang's skillful training, I'm not a successful man now, but I beat your son all over the floor. Have you lost your teeth? If I’m a loser, who is your son?”

In the universe inside his sleeves, Lin Yang vomited crazily and gnashed his teeth in anger.

He was very concerned about the title of "waste" and said that if he ever captured Shanshui Hou, he would definitely tear his bad mouth apart.

"Lin Yang, we are already trapped in a group of enemies. Still, we still want to think about how to escape, right?"

The little princess reminded timidly.

"Oh, what can I do? There's really going to be a fight. There's no chance." At this moment, Lin Yang was already frightened by the scene outside and sighed.


"Don't listen to his nonsense, kill him!"

Outside, other princes also took action.

Just when Princess Mo Yu's face flashed with boundless determination, she was ready to fight to the death. Jiang Tian smiled calmly and said: "Everyone, listen to me first. If you still want to kill me after I say this, then I, Jiang Siqing, will never resist, I will not move, I will wash my neck and wait for you to come. cut!"



"Let's see what he has to say!"

"Yes, anyway, he is already a piece of fish on the chopping board. If he is left to be slaughtered by me, he will not make any waves!"

As soon as these words came out, the curiosity of the princes was piqued. Anyway, Jiang Tian and Princess Mo Yu had no chance to escape, so there was no harm in just listening to them.

At this moment, even Mo Yu was curious.

"What words can have such magic power? One word can defeat millions of enemies!"

Dongfang Ying also looked confused.

"I can't really let Mr. Jiang guess it right!"

But Lin Yang suddenly remembered Jiang Tian's previous guess, couldn't help but was dumbfounded, and murmured to himself.

On the day he and Jiang Tiangang returned to Red Maple City from purchasing Sunstones at the Ancient Medicine Hall in Frozen City, several powerful gods suddenly attacked the Zhenyuan Marquis Mansion and blamed the Duke of Beijiang.

Among these powerful gods, one is from the royal family, but has been demonized.

In order to avoid the conspiracy being exposed, he committed suicide directly.

Jiang Tian guessed based on many details that the real supporter behind Zishanhou might be the late Emperor Dongfang Jie.

Moreover, Dongfang Jie should be inextricably linked to the Ten Thousand Demons Palace.

Although this guess seemed incredible, Jiang Tian was very sure at the time.

As of now, some of Jiang Tian's guesses have been confirmed!

For example, Qi Ling, the powerful demon clan who helped Zishan Hou assassinate Lin Hanqing this time, is one of the four guardians of the Ten Thousand Demons Palace. No, it should be said that it was the Temple of Ten Thousand Demons and Lord Qi Ling who wanted Lin Hanqing to die, but the Marquis of Zishan only provided relevant information and ordered Zhang Linfeng to cooperate with Qi Ling to lead Lin Hanqing to a suitable position.

When Lin Yang's thoughts were in confusion.

Jiang Tian also spoke unhurriedly:

"Someone has found out the origin of Han Guang, the Demon Emperor of the Ten Thousand Demons Palace——"

"What? You figured it out!"

The faces of the princes became solemn, and there was no sign of ridicule. Instead, they became solemn. They looked at Jiang Tian intently with their brows, waiting for the next words.

Because the Demon King Han Guang was born three hundred years ago. He was so powerful that he defeated the powerful demon clans in a row. He unified hundreds of millions of demon clans and established the Ten Thousand Demon Palace. He was vaguely on par with the Shenzong of the Ten Holy Lands!

However, his origin is mysterious, as if he popped out of a stone egg. What kind of foot it is, no one can tell the reason.

"He is the late Emperor Dongfang Jie who, five hundred years ago, abolished the feudal system of princes and implemented the system of prefectures and counties. As a result, he was captured by the imperial capital, chased all the way to Mobei Ridge, and fell into the critical Grand Canyon!"

Jiang Tian's voice was not loud.

But like a thunder, it resounded throughout the whole place and shocked everyone.

In an instant,

The originally noisy sound seemed to be swallowed up completely by a black hole, and the whole place fell into silence.

Only a still picture remains.

"This, how is this possible!"

Many marquises stood frozen in place with astonishment on their faces, motionless, like clay and wood sculptures.

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