Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1951 Five hundred years in a blink of an eye

You must know that Niuben Shenjun is very famous. He has become a god over the years and has reached the peak. His strength is comparable to that of a half-saint, and he is directly chasing the returning saint. Even in the entire Shengyuan Continent, he is a giant with strength!

"With just one clone, he killed the monster giant Niuben Shenjun!"

"This, this is too outrageous!"

As for Lin Yang and Dongfang Ying, they were shocked beyond measure, dumbfounded and unable to utter a word.

"Master, Mavericks thanks Mr. Jiang for not killing him!"

The god Niu Ben was servile and servile in front of Jiang Tian, ​​trembling and bowing to the ground.

"No nonsense! Tell them the truth!"

Jiang Tian was calm and relaxed, and accepted the bow from his defeated general calmly.

"Yes, Master! Maverick, it will be done, it will be done!"

Just like an old eunuch facing the majestic emperor, the bull-running god Nuonuo kept saying, sincerely and fearfully, and bowed deeply again, and then he dared to stand up.

However, when facing the princes, Niu Ben's god looked arrogant and arrogant to the extreme: "I bear witness that the demon emperor Han Guang is Dongfang Jie. Stop being stubborn and stubborn. Put down your weapons immediately, Disband the army and turn to the light. Do you want me to say it a second time?"


"It turns out we were fooled!"

When the princes present heard the words, they believed 70% to 80% of them, their faces were gloomy and their morale was low.

Among the princes, only Lord Shanshui looked unwilling.

After all, his fiefdom has been lost to Lin Hanqing. Now he has a chance to survive only by resisting to the end. Besides, those who are barefoot and not afraid of wearing shoes have the courage to shout: "Niu Ben, you are right. Your god has been captured by Jiang Siqing, Of course you obey him, and you just say whatever he asks you to do! It’s totally untrustworthy!”

"You bitch, I'm a thorn in my spitting, how can I lie? If you dare to slander me, believe it or not, I will trample you to death with one hoof!"

When the Niu Ben gods heard this, they became furious and their vast magic power surged.

"Niu Ben, prove it to them. If you can't prove it, what's the use of you? I'll kill you now!"

Jiang Tian's face was calm and his eyes were cold.


The bull-running gods were trembling with fear, flickering in and out, as if they were about to collapse.

Suddenly he slapped his head, took out a hair from his storage bag, bowed and flattered: "This is a hair of the Demon Emperor Han Guang that the old slave collected, with a trace of his blood and spirit. If you are reborn with a drop of blood, , the physical creation, can deduce the appearance changes of Han Guang throughout his life. Whether he is Dongfang Jie, the king of the country, can be known at a glance. "

The next moment, he showed a look of fear and uneasiness, and said ashamedly: "It's just that the old slave's magic power is low, and it will take at least half a year to perform what he will look like when he reaches adulthood."

"Let me do it!"

Jiang Tian smiled lightly and raised his head a little higher.

The vast wood-attributed essence burst out from Jiang Tian's fingertips, like a torrent behind a green light spot, forming a mysterious talisman. That talisman is composed of countless tiny and mysterious runes. Each tiny rune is like a small world at the beginning of the world, full of pure vitality and capable of gestating everything.

The green talisman quickly wrapped around the hair and filled it crazily.


In the hair, a drop of invisible blood was extracted and stood out in the air, floating like a crystal clear agate. In the blink of an eye, countless vast life essences were injected into it, and the blood drop quickly turned into an embryo the size of a soybean. Continuously expanding, the spine, hands, feet, facial features, and hair gradually become clearer, giving birth to a human being.

Next, scenes appeared in front of everyone's eyes, both real and illusory.

This is when the blood in the hair is nourished and shaped into a human body, and the "memory" belonging to Dongfang Jie in his soul is also awakened.

The baby grew up rapidly, first becoming a child, with pure eyes, but with a bit of imperial majesty; then it became a young man, standing quietly, with a gloomy and profound expression, as if he saw the princes of the empire wielding power and interfering in politics, ignoring the royal family, oppressing the people, and annexing the land , causing the people to live in poverty; sometimes as a young man, he may be full of energy, travel around the country, visit people, and practice in sects; sometimes he may be pale and thin, as if he is reading ancient books in Taishi Pavilion and debating with loyal ministers and advisers. Planning; ascending to the position of prince, high-spirited, looking for teachers, forming his own cabinet, proposing to abolish the feudal system of princes and implement the system of counties and counties, with eyes burning with madness...

In the blink of an eye, the past reappeared. The ups and downs of the once-emperor Dongfang Jie and the now-rising Demon Emperor Han Guang appeared before everyone's eyes like a fleeting glimpse.

In the blink of an eye, five hundred years have passed!

This is a life of loneliness and madness!

This is a lonely and cruel life!

"This, this, Han Guang is really Dongfang Jie!"

Some princes murmured, their expressions dejected.

"We were used!"

Even Lord Shanshui was dumbfounded. His heart fell straight into the abyss. His fighting spirit and blood cooled faster than a pile of cow dung in winter.

Dongfang Jie's plan is to use the Purple Shanhou to provoke the inherent conflicts between the princes and the royal family, and fight to the death. Then, with the Ten Thousand Demons Palace and the power accumulated over hundreds of years, he made a comeback and crushed Dongfang Lu and all the princes who rebelled against him back then to take revenge.

He never thought of supporting Zishan Hou as emperor.

He still wants to implement the county system in the empire!

All the princes will be put to death without even being given idle titles!

And establish a country where politics and religion are unified, where the human race and the demon race are equal, and the demon race is even higher than the human race, and the human race must worship and believe in the power of the demon race!

The Hall of Ten Thousand Demons is the Pope who is higher than the imperial power, and the king's power is divinely authorized.

Dongfang Jie is the highest god!

"Fortunately, Fellow Daoist Jiang woke us up. Otherwise, wouldn't we be used by Dongfang Jie to make wedding clothes for others, and end up dead in the end?"

"Fellow Daoist Jiang not only saved us, but also saved the entire empire!"

"Once the civil war breaks out, I am afraid that tens of millions of monks will die! Mortals with no cultivation, and human life is as cheap as a dog. It will really starve to death everywhere, with bones piled up, lives will be ruined, and the people will be in dire straits. For hundreds of years, I'm afraid, It’s hard to recover. How can our Eastern Empire still stand in the world?”

"The key is that the neighboring countries such as the Black Moon Empire in the south are eyeing the Eastern Empire and want to encroach. If our civil war breaks out, wouldn't it give them an opportunity to take advantage of it. They won't give you time to recover at all, but take advantage of it. Your civil strife will be defeated in one fell swoop, and you will be completely divided. From then on, the Eastern Empire will be destroyed!”

"We must abandon the dark side and turn to the bright side and rely on Mr. Jiang. Mr. Jiang can even kill the Niu Ben Shenjun, let alone the mere Purple Shirt Hou!"

"Yes, under the leadership of Mr. Jiang, the Eastern Empire will surely prosper, achieve great national strength, and achieve great recovery and rejuvenation. We must keep up."

In the midst of the discussion, the five princes took the initiative to stay away from the Purple Shirt Marquis and moved closer to Jiang Tian.

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