Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1977: In heaven and on earth, I can only stand on my own

"The descendants of the princes will all be deprived of their titles and participate in the Qianlong Examination together with the common people. They will be awarded official positions based on their performance and achievements."

Dahei said calmly.

No one expected that Jiang Tian would be so courageous, or so reckless and strong.

Not long after he ascended to the position of National Master, he immediately carried out such drastic reforms!

It can be said that this is a huge change, like the beginning of the world, involving the interests of all aspects. All major forces cannot remain calm.

"If Siqing wants to carry out this reform, it will be equivalent to making enemies of the princes of the world. It is very dangerous! Why are you in such a hurry?"

Lin Yang suddenly became anxious and worried about Jiang Tian's safety.

Destroying people's wealth is like killing their parents!

Titles and fiefdoms are the foundation for the princes to settle down and live their lives. If they were deprived by Jiang Tian, ​​how could they not rebel?

If many princes attack Jiang Tian together, Jiang Tian may not be able to withstand it.

Even if they don't take action immediately, it is conceivable that wars are everywhere and rebellions are frequent.

You know, the princes from all walks of life also have millions of troops, and the imperial power may not be able to suppress them!

The Purple Shanhou is related to the Ten Thousand Demons Palace.

What about the other princes?

They all have their own sects as their backers, and there are even shadows of the Holy Land Shen Sect!

If these sects participate in the struggle between the empires, it will become a mess!

Dahei remained calm and said with a smile:

"Lin Xiaohou, don't worry. You have never really seen the strength of my master. Moreover, the master's actions seem to be smooth, elusive, and without rules. But in fact, he has always been meticulous, meticulous, and never missed a beat. !”

As soon as this word came out.

Everyone was also speechless.

Looking back carefully at Jiang Tian's many deeds, he is indeed worthy of the evaluation of "meticulous and meticulous, without leaking anything, and never misses a beat".

"The Imperial Master is so generous that he wants to rewrite history?"

Fang Jinlong's face suddenly condensed, and he said sincerely:

"As a prince, I am also very conflicted in my heart. On the one hand, I know deeply that the feudal system is definitely not conducive to the development of the empire, and the county system is the future of the empire! The princes have seized the opportunities of the common people! But on the other hand, On the one hand, I naturally don’t want my fiefdom and title to be taken away, and it’s natural for me to be hereditary and replace it.”

He glanced at Lin Yang worriedly and said:

"In particular, what I am most worried about is that Lin Yang has mediocre qualifications. Once he is deprived of his title and fiefdom, will he be able to earn any fame?"

My daughter and Lin Yang have a very good relationship, and it is difficult for me to stop them. He also regarded Lin Yang as his prospective son-in-law, and Prince Dongfang Ding also rewarded Fang Magatama. Fang Magatama's feelings for Fang Magatama were obvious. Could he use this reform to suppress Lin Yang's "love rival"?

"Father-in-law, you are underestimating my son-in-law. Now I am only a thin line away from the Nascent Soul. Among the descendants of the princes, I can be called a genius. I will have no problem becoming a general!" Lin Yang was full of confidence.

"Lin Yang, you don't realize the real big change in this Qianlong Trial. That is, the descendants of the princes compete with the common people. Among the common people, the geniuses are ten times or a hundred times more than the descendants of the princes. Look up. There are more than thousands of Nascent Soul cultivators in the empire!”

Lin Hanqing sighed softly and frowned.


Everyone was shocked when they heard this.

Now the children of the princes will face ten times or a hundred times the competition before, and the probability of being able to maintain their existing interests is only one percent of the original.

Lin Hanqing smiled bitterly and said: "If this reform is postponed for another ten or twenty years until Lin Yang enters the middle stage of Nascent Soul, it will be much safer!"

He just sighed, but he also understood that this was not realistic at all.

Nowadays, Jiang Tian is inferior to one person and superior to ten thousand people. How can he have the right to influence Jiang Tian?

At this time, Lin Daier frowned and said:

"Dahei, can you tell the Imperial Preceptor to delay this reform for ten years and continue the old feudal system first? I am not doing it for the Lin family's personal gain, but for the National Preceptor's consideration. If the princes rebel, he will be a sinner for the ages. He even said that he would end up dead!"

"Diel (virtuous niece), be careful what you say!"

Lin Hanqing and Fang Jinlong both shouted sharply.

Lin Hanqing was so frightened that he was sweating profusely and apologized to Dahei: "Dahei, it's all my fault for being negligent in discipline, which is why she developed her frivolous and flashy personality. Don't be angry. I will punish her well afterward." !”

Under pressure from her father, Lin Daier kept silent, but she was not convinced at all.

"This Jiang Siqing, if my Lin family hadn't taken him in, he would have been just a wandering cultivator outside the river. He had no place to live and was homeless. He was even devoured by monsters and beasts. Where would he be as a national master now?"

In fact, with Jiang Tian's strength, even if he goes to those holy land sects, he can become a giant or elder-level figure.

When Jiang Tian came to the Lin family, he did not receive many benefits, but to make up for his past kindness.

However, Lin Daier was a willful and intolerant person, but she never thought of this.

"Now that I have become a national advisor, I have turned my back on him. When deciding on such national policies, wouldn't we consider the interests of our Lin family? You are really ungrateful and a wolf-hearted person!"

Thinking of this, Lin Daier felt even more angry, and her disgust and disgust towards Jiang Tian reached an unprecedented height.

"It doesn't matter!"

Dahei was not angry, and said indifferently: "Actually, someone knows about your concerns and worries. But I think that with the master's wisdom, he has already considered it. Moreover, the master has always valued love and justice, how could he ignore you? What about the interests?”

"However, the master still implements a new policy that seems to infringe on your interests. Do you know why?"

He sipped the tea and glanced at the crowd.

Everyone shook their heads, and Lin Hanqing smiled and said, "Brother Dahei, please give me some advice!"

"It's not even about giving advice. It's just that I have followed the master for a long time and have been influenced by many of his ideas, so I still understand a little bit!"

The old black god said in the tunnel:

"My master has always believed that in heaven and on earth, I can only stand on myself, and everything else is just a cloud!"

"In this world, strength is the most important thing. Apart from strength, except for the unique skills and companions who can promote each other, everything else is just passing by. Because the strength is too weak, it can be lost at any time. If the strength is strong, it can be obtained at any time."

"Power and wealth, admired by thousands of people, hordes of slaves, disciples like clouds, sitting in the blessed land of cave heaven, living in the Holy Land of Cultivation, and even controlling thousands of miles of mountains and rivers, and showing prestige in the stars and stars. You can enjoy it, but don't be addicted, and don't be tied down!"

"If you have magic skills and strength in these things, even if you lose them, are you still afraid that you won't be able to get them back one day? When you encounter things outside your body, don't dislike them and don't be discouraged by throwing them away. You can get them when you want them and throw them away when you want them. Only then will you be free and happy. How free and transcendent!”

After speaking, he looked at everyone with a smile.

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