Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1980 Before beheading

"That's natural. Apart from anything else, in terms of being able to eat, I've never been weaker than others!"

Dahei stood with arms akimbo, triumphant.

Jiang Tian smiled calmly and was noncommittal.

However, Dahei did not dare to remain calm for too long, saying: "If we show our true intention, Duke Beijiang will definitely be unwilling to accept it, but I don't think he is prepared at all, and I am afraid he will only surrender when the time comes. Because the Four Friends of Daxia With your death, Dongxia Gong is completely devastated and I am afraid that I don’t have much energy left to resist. I respect you very much and I sincerely surrender to you.”

"But Mr. Xiling makes me a little unsure!"

"He seems to be quite confident, as if he is strong enough to let others be strong, and the breeze brightens the mountains. No matter how strong the wind is, he remains unmoved."

Dahei is simple on the surface, but in fact he sees all aspects very clearly and reports the situation of the princes in detail.

"Is it possible that Duke Xiling is connected with a certain sect? Is there someone to rely on?"

Jiang Tian frowned slightly.

Jiang Tian didn't believe at all that the Xiling Guild was so selfless that he didn't care about his own title.

It is difficult for people to transcend their own class interests.

History also has its own inertia!

Even though Lin Hanqing and Fang Jinlong were both loyal and patriotic, it was okay for them to work for the royal family, but they could not accept the fact that the royal family deprived them of their originally hereditary fiefdoms and titles for no reason.

He should have something to rely on!

Be confident!

In the previous life, Zishan Hou Shen Hegu rebelled, but Xiling Gong did not participate.

But in the process of quelling the turmoil in the royal family, he did not do his best. The ones who really contributed were the Zhenyuan Hou Lin family and the Nanhe Gongfang family. The person who really killed the Zishan Hou was also a veteran saint of the royal family who blew himself up.

Therefore, Xiling Gong's strength is not obvious, and his base is not known.

"The intelligence system of the Ten Thousand Demons Palace has never received relevant information!"

Seeing Jiang Tian looking over inquiringly, Niu Ben Shenjun quickly shook his head.

Jiang Tian nodded slightly, his eyes deep and distant.

Even if Duke Xiling didn't have a hidden sect as his backing in his previous life, it doesn't necessarily mean that he won't have one in this life.

Because after I came to this continent, although I was very low-key, I tried not to rewrite the course of history.

However, the history of the empire has been rewritten.

The destruction of the Purple Shirt Hou will bring a great psychological impact to the princes, and each of them will have to deal with it.

Although it only took three months for the remnant party of the Purple Shirt Marquis to be wiped out, and he was preparing to abolish the feudal system at an extremely fast pace without stopping, there would inevitably be courageous and resolute people among the princes who would quickly step out. response.

For example, immediately become friends with a powerful hidden sect.

"It doesn't matter. I'm worried that he doesn't have any big backers. Otherwise, if I give an order, he will change his tune and the princes won't even dare to let out a fart. Wouldn't it be too boring! It's best to come to two holy places like Jiuxuanmen Kill Shenzong!"

As soon as Jiang Tian said this.

"My lord is really domineering, with a demeanor that shocks the ages and dominates the whole world!"

The bull-running god was even more frightened and trembling, like a quail in the wind. He praised Jiang Tian in vain, but in his heart he cursed Jiang Tian as a madman.

It's simply unreasonable.

It's just crazy.

The Holy Land Shen Sect at the level of Jiuxuanmen is so terrifying, you don’t even look down upon it!

"The chief catcher of the six gates, the god catcher Tian Chengcheng pays his respects!"

Outside the door, steward Guo Chuandong's spiritual consciousness came through.

"Let him in!"

Jiang Tian's face was calm.

Because of the prosperity of cultivation and martial arts, the imperial police function was separated from the yamen early and became six gates standing side by side with the yamen. Each city has a branch and every street has a police station.

Along with the yamen, the places where offices and work are usually done are in the south and north of the city.

In the political system of the empire, the Six Gates were located under the cabinet and were permanent institutions. Their status was theoretically on par with the six ministries. The chief catcher could also participate in cabinet meetings.

"Disciple, pay homage to Tian Chengzheng and meet the Imperial Master!"

A middle-aged man walked in. He was tall, strong but not bulky, like a cheetah, full of explosive power.

As soon as he entered the back hall, without saying a word and with a serious look on his face, he immediately pushed up the golden mountain and poured out the jade pillar, and performed the great ceremony of three kowtows and nine bows.

"Get up and talk!"

Jiang Tian accepted his kneeling calmly before raising his hand in vain.

"Yes! I don't know what the Imperial Master is looking for, or what kind of mission he has sent me!"

Tian Chengcheng stood up, but still bowed slightly with his hands clasped in his fists, showing the utmost respect.

He is neatly dressed, and his hair and beard are meticulously groomed, revealing his meticulous and rigorous personality. His bronze face is resolute and resolute, and his eyes are reserved and calm.

Many laws around him are ups and downs, and there are harmonious resonances of the great avenues. He is also a master at the level of god.

The laws he controls are mostly related to investigation and pursuit, such as Sky Eye, Soul Strike, Wind Chasing, Sky Breaking, Eagle Falcon, etc. His overall strength is better than ordinary princes such as Lin Hanqing, but slightly inferior to first-class masters such as Fang Jinlong and Zishanhou. .

"Have there been any lewd thieves on the mainland recently? I want relevant information!"

Jiang Tian smiled lightly.

"A thief?"

Tian Chengcheng was slightly startled.

Next to him, the god who was running away also had an incredible expression on his face.

When the princes are abolished and counties are established, and the empire is undergoing great changes and turmoil, why do you care about the traitors?

However, Tian Chengcheng did not dare to ask more questions and quickly said: "There are many benefactors like the Flower Picker Thief on the mainland. Let's put it bluntly, there are only a few on the mainland, even in the country! There are statistics in the disciples' jade slips! Please read it, Imperial Master!”

As he spoke, he held out a jade slip and wanted to unfold it.

"I don't have to look any further!"

Jiang Tian waved his hand and said:

"The adulterer I want must meet the following characteristics. First, the criminal in this case is extremely cruel, and often destroys corpses and abuses them. Second, he is proficient in the method of dual cultivation, and the women are often in the Yuan Ying stage of the Golden Elixir. Xiu, the perfect body, the Yuan Yin Qi and blood have been collected, the Qi has died, and the shape is withered. Third, he has always acted alone and is proficient in the law of breaking the void!"

Of course Jiang Tian was looking for Yang Dingtian, the eldest son of the Leiyang Sect who wanted to forcefully marry Huang Ling'er.

It's just that Yang Dingtian likes to procure women. His whereabouts are secretive and he rarely appears in the sect. Jiang Tian wanted to go to the sect to find him, but it was extremely difficult.

Jiang Tian's purpose was to kill this person directly when he went out to collect supplements.

But Yang Dingtian has done too many evil things in his life, and the murders on his body are too numerous to mention. But he had always concealed himself from others, even if later, his true colors were exposed, and he was simply spurned by the noble and decent people. Of course he doesn't admit to the old cases where he wasn't caught.

Therefore, although Jiang Tian knew his identity, he did not know the specific cases he had committed, let alone where he had committed crimes these days.

Therefore, we can only use the clues provided by the six doors to deduce his next move and kill him.

"Huh? According to the Imperial Master, there is indeed such a flower-picking thief. He appeared in the Red Moon Lake area of ​​Manshuang City in the Northern Territory of the Empire ten years ago. He calls himself the Lotus Picker."

After hearing this, Tian Chengcheng's expression also condensed, and he said solemnly: "Specializes in hunting down some young female cultivators. This thief has a cruel character and is worse than a beast. After every time he picks up a woman, he also likes to kill the victim brutally and cut the chest Cut off the two things and keep them as souvenirs, and play with them all the time!”

"That's him!"

Hearing this, Jiang Tian was also moved in his heart.

"How can there be such a cruel person in the world? He is simply not human!"

When Dahei heard this, he immediately became angry and yelled:

"How do you six sects do things? Such a vicious and vicious murderer should have been chased and intercepted long ago. After being caught, he killed Jitian and cut his body into thousands of pieces to comfort the souls of the women who died tragically. How could he be allowed to go free? It’s almost fallen now and has caused so many lives!”

"That's what you blame!"

Tian Chengcheng did not dare to be disrespectful to Dahei at all, and sighed and explained:

"This Lotus Picker has great physical skills and can break the void. Many people speculate that he has half-step to become a god. Moreover, he is a lone thief who specializes in harming female cultivators. He has experienced hundreds of battles, so his strength is naturally very impressive. . There are only a few deity-level experts in our six sects, and many of the detectives who usually investigate cases are just Jindan Nascent Soul cultivators, so they are not capable of arresting them!"

His face was filled with panic.

"Don't blame yourself for Mr. Tian's arrest!"

Jiang Tian smiled indifferently and said:

"You only need to leave the papers for the cases this person sat on and the cases he is suspected of doing!"

Deep in his eyes, the cold and murderous light flashed away!

His deduction skills for major cases are so superb.

As long as there are enough precedent cases, we will be able to deduce the pattern of Xianyang Dingtian's crimes and his next actions. When the time comes, Jiang Tian will be beheaded directly!

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