Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1990 Wise words and seduction

"Diel is devoted to the pursuit of the supreme road without any distractions. She has neither a lover nor a marriage partner!"

Lin Dai'er couldn't help but her heart was pounding wildly, her face was red and her ears were hot, her head was slightly lowered, and she whispered.

"Okay, okay, okay!"

Prince Yachang praised him several times, his eyes slightly "obsessed".

Long Juxue chuckled, covered her mouth with a smile, and said: "Prince, why is it good? What's so good about it? Are you interested in Miss Dai'er? You heard that the beauty is still alone and want to form a Taoist couple with her?"

"Xueer, if you keep talking nonsense like this, I will tear your mouth apart!"

Lin Daier was very happy, but she pretended to be shy and started playing with Long Juxue.

If she marries Prince Yachang, he will be the emperor of the Black Moon Empire and she will be the queen!

And what about that person?

He's just a national teacher!

No matter how high your status is, you are still under the emperor, working for the emperor, just a high-level slave!

"Ahem! Miss Long, I'm very good at joking!"

Prince Yachang coughed slightly, looked at Lin Dai'er calmly, and said with a smile: "However, a talented and beautiful girl like Miss Dai'er is like a rare treasure, radiant, who doesn't admire and love her, don't want to Take possession of it?"

"Prince Yachang, you think too highly of me. I'm just the daughter of a marquis. My cultivation level is only a few years after I entered Nascent Soul. I'm just an ordinary inner disciple of Jiuxuan Sect. I'm not even an elite disciple. Woolen cloth!\

,"Lin Daier seemed to be being humble, but in fact she was showing off.

At this moment, she was so happy that her heart was trembling!

It seems that Prince Yachang is really interested in you!

If I can really get what I want, I will definitely be able to feel proud in front of Jiang Siqing and surpass him!

He is not a good match at all. No matter how good he is, he is still a widower with a seven or eight-year-old dragster, which is simply disgusting!

Once, she regretted missing Jiang Tian! The self-doubt and frustration caused by missing Jiang Tian shrouded her heart like thick clouds, making her feel depressed all day long!

But now, her mood is extremely clear, as if she can see the moonlight when the clouds clear!

At this time, Prince Na Yachang felt that the heat was coming, but he changed the topic and asked with a smile:

"I have heard that the Saint of the State Preceptor always behaves as he pleases, and does not like red tape. Today, he held a big banquet and held a housewarming banquet. It is really extraordinary."

He spoke with a smile, his beautiful eyes were clear, and he seemed to have the power to enchant the soul: "Dai'er, the Imperial Master was once a servant of your guest, and what he did should not be concealed from you. His true purpose Why? Can you tell me something to satisfy my curiosity?”


Lin Daier hesitated slightly and looked embarrassed.

After all, Lin Hanqing, Fang Jinlong and others had warned her more than once not to reveal the news at all!

If this matter comes out and the princes are prepared, Jiang Tian is likely to fall into a situation where he is attacked from both sides!

The princes are not terrible, but they are often connected to the hidden sect, and they will even usher in many saint-level masters to besiege Jiang Tian!

"Sister Dai'er, Prince Yachang has made you a confidant and even has a deep affection for you. How can you hide anything? Doesn't it make Prince Yachang feel cold?"

At this time, Long Juxue suddenly smiled, looking sad for his misfortune and angry at him.

After hearing this, Lin Dai'er couldn't help but feel nervous when she saw that Prince Yachang's smile was really cold.

She was afraid that Prince Yachang would be unhappy, so she said in a clear voice: "This matter is of great importance. If my father learns that I leak the news, he will definitely punish me severely! Moreover, this is related to the life of Saint Siqing, and he will also Angry!"

Long Juxue spoke eloquently, with a lotus-like tongue, and said in a sweet voice: "This place has already been placed under extremely strong restrictions. If you don't tell me, and if I don't tell you, who would have known that you would have spread the news. Besides, let's take a step back and say, What if Saint Siqing finds out? Can he really do anything to you?"

"As the old saying goes, even if a tree is as tall as a thousand feet, one must not forget its roots. The Imperial Master is indeed amazingly talented, shocking the ages, and overwhelming the empire. But after all, he started his career in your Lin family. Without your Lin family to take him in, he would not be able to have the future. After a strong rise, will he now have his current status?”

Long Juxue knew very well that Lin Daier always thought highly of herself and looked down on Jiang Tian. These words also touched Lin Daier's heart, making her feel like listening to fairy music, which was very pleasant to her ears.

Lin Dai'er thought about it, and it was the same.

So, he gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice: "The real intention of the imperial master is to abolish the enfeoffment system of princes and implement the system of prefectures and counties at the housewarming banquet. The Dragon Society will try other methods...canonization!"

When Long Juxue heard this, his expression changed drastically.

Prince Yachang also narrowed his eyes slightly, showing a look of disbelief.

A moment later, Long Juxue suddenly slammed the table and said angrily:

"Sage Siqing has gone too far! You must know that he is what he is today with the support of the Lin family! The Lin family is a prince. This, if the feudal system of princes is to be abolished, the Lin family will not be the first to bear the brunt, but will suffer the most. ?"

"How can he dig in and out, turn his elbows outward, and face outsiders? How can he ignore the life and death of the Lin family!"

"Besides, let's be fair. If the princes hadn't followed Emperor Taizu Dongfang Run to open up territories and fight in bloody battles, would the Eastern Royal Family have the world it has today? Would it be able to sit in the flowery country? Rogue bandits everywhere rebelled, and monsters caused trouble. , Aren’t all the princes pacified? Now that the empire is safe, the Eastern royal family has forgotten its roots and wants to kill the donkey!”

Long Juxue looked disdainful, occupying the moral high ground.

"When the birds are gone, the good bow is hidden; when the cunning rabbit is gone, the lackeys are cooked. The Eastern royal family has always been mean, unkind, and ruthless!"

Prince Yachang sipped the tea lightly, with a complicated temperament. His prowess was mixed with elegance, handsomeness, and agility, which made people feel like a spring breeze. He said with a smile: "Have I ever heard that the Purple Shirt Marquis repeatedly bullied the Lin family, but the Eastern Royal Family also let it go? Turning a blind eye is not making the decision for the Lin family! "

The Black Moon Empire is also a vassal system. However, the royal family is strong and the princes from all over the country are loyal. They dare not cause any rebellion, nor dare to disobey the emperor's orders and invade other princes privately. There is an orderly and benign relationship between the princes of the empire. Competitive situation.

These words spoke to Lin Daier's heart.

She also nodded with deep understanding and said: "I think so too. However, my father and Nanhe Gongfang Shibo were actually persuaded by the big black dog under the Imperial Preceptor. They believed that the vassal system should be abolished and implemented. The system of prefectures and counties is an unstoppable historical trend. We should follow the trend and even add fuel to the trend! "

"Haha, an unstoppable historical trend?"

Prince Yachang chuckled, with a hint of sarcasm on his lips, and said:

"I'm afraid Dongfang Jie thought the same way at the beginning! In the end, why did the princes rebel and he was kicked off the throne? It can be said that the most important thing for a country is unity and harmony, not internal fighting and not creating conflicts. When contradictions come together, the empire There will be chaos. The result will be the loss and weakening of the country’s power, and it will become someone else’s meal!”

Lin Daier agreed so much with Prince Yachang's words that she felt as if the strings in her heart were being plucked and stirring.

After the fall of Dongfang Jie, the empire was indeed severely weakened.

With wars raging everywhere, neighboring countries scrambled to use their troops to encroach on the empire's land.

During those hundred years, there were endless wars outside the empire. Hundreds of millions of monks and mortals died. Rivers of blood flowed, corpses littered the fields, and one-tenth of the territory was lost!

Lin Daier had always been disgusted and rejected Jiang Tian's change, but it was just instinct.

And Prince Yachang's words instantly raised her cognitive level, formed a theoretical and factual basis, and made her more determined!

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