Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1992 North-South Competition

As night fell, the sect's north-south competition was about to be held, and the sect also held a grand welcome dinner and sent disciples to invite Jiang Tian to attend.

Jiang Tian naturally politely refused and asked the handyman disciples to bring the food.

After the dinner, amidst much anticipation, the North-South Competition finally began.

I, Jiang Tian, ​​and his two "entourages" were specially introduced into the martial arts arena, and the location was perfect. He was actually in the second row, second only to several Nascent Soul-level elders and Supreme Beings in the first row. The elder is waiting for the "big shot".

Even the two followers were pinned in the third row behind him.

"Well, there is even a strong person at the level of God Transformation. Although he has just reached the first level of God Transformation, and his level is extremely low. However, after all, this Snow Dance Sect was born in a desolate and desolate land, which is extremely rare!"

Jiang Tian said, his eyes were cold and his thoughts were slightly moving in his mind.

Also very quickly, two groups of people walked into the entrances on both sides.

On one side is Beizong, all of whom are women, dressed in plain robes that are as white as snow, otherwise dusty, and the headdresses on their heads are all in the shape of snowflakes, giving a crystal clear feeling of purity.

On one side is Nan Zong, all men, wearing ice blue Taoist robes, with their hair pulled into a bun with ice jade hairpins!

The sect leader of the Southern Sect is named Yue Qishui. He is about forty years old and has three dark locks of black beard. Together with his slender face, he looks quite a bit immortal.

As for the female sect leader of Beizong, everyone calls her Mrs. Huzhu. From her title, you can tell that she is a young woman. I am afraid that his longevity is no longer rare, but he still looks like he is in his twenties. He has a pair of red and phoenix eyes. As his name suggests, he is round and beautiful.

My Jiang Tian's strength is almost the same as mine, so naturally I am far superior to everyone present.

Therefore, the spiritual consciousness was released silently without anyone noticing, and he quickly judged the cultivation level of the two people.

Yue Qishui is the peak of Yuanying, which can be called a half-step to becoming a god.

Mrs. Huzhu is at the ninth level of the Nascent Soul. However, the grade of her Nascent Soul is actually extremely high, at the ninth level!

"Haha, Junior Sister Hu Zhufu, I haven't seen you for ten years, but your style is still the same, even better than before!"

Na Yue Qishui flew to the stage, looked at Mrs. Hu Zhu condescendingly, spoke first, and smiled.

"In this North-South competition, our sect will definitely succeed in the challenge and gain ownership of the sect's foundation!"

Mrs. Hu Zhu raised her eyebrows and spoke in a clear voice.

It's quite a bit of a woman's, with a gram-like flavor, like a rose with thorns, which adds a bit of charm, and is full of "royal sister" style!

"Then let the disciples fight it out!"

Yue Qishui smiled freely and confidently.

According to the previous rules, the two sects in the north and south each sent five disciples to fight in a best-of-five-game system. The winner of the three is considered the winner and will get the right to live in the sect's residence. The loser will give up until a new round ten years later. The competition starts again.

When the young disciples participating in the competition from both sides came onto the stage, the whole audience burst into cheers.

Most of them have golden elixir cultivation, and in the eyes of the world, they are already genius-like beings.

How could everyone in the audience not be excited?

Especially Kang Cheng, the palms of his hands turned red.

For them, a competition between disciples of this level of cultivation was high and rare, and it gave him an eye-opening excitement.

Jiang Tian's eyes were calm and indifferent, but he was not interested in the competition in front of him at all.

When everyone's attention was focused on these boys and girls, I, Jiang Tian, ​​quietly unfolded my consciousness and covered the surrounding guests.

Yang Dingtian will appear, but he must hide his identity and will not appear publicly. He is probably pretending to be a guest and taking advantage of the situation!

You must know that Leiyang Sect is one of the top ten sects on the mainland. It is a majestic divine sect and a famous and upright sect. It is like the pillar of the sky on this continent.

As the eldest son of the Leiyang Sect, Yang Dingtian's external image is that of a young handsome man with both ability and political integrity. How could he expose his wonderful pursuit of women? How could his identity as a flower-picking thief be revealed?

This was a battle between the young and most outstanding disciples of the Snow Dance Sect. Most of the heroes watching the battle were aristocratic and wealthy families from the Northern Territory. Naturally, they paid great attention to the situation of the "big sect" in the territory.

Moreover, the women in the Northern Sect are both beautiful and talented, and the male cultivators in the Southern Sect are also very good. Many of them have the idea of ​​​​choosing suitable Taoist companions for their unmarried children and even themselves.

The first two battles ended quickly, but the Southern Sect and the Northern Sect each won one game.

And I, Jiang Tian, ​​also ended my exploration of spiritual consciousness.

But the result is nothing.

Most of the people in the audience are at the level of Nascent Soul Golden Pill. Just based on their level of cultivation, they can be ruled out as suspects. Of course, Yang Dingtian can also suppress his cultivation and hide it from most people, but it is impossible to hide it from Jiang Tian's spiritual detection!

There is only one incarnation, the Supreme Elder of the Snow Dance Sect. However, he is too old and dying, so he can be excluded.

I, Jiang Tian, ​​was worried and searched carefully again, but the result was still the same.

There is absolutely no one among these spectators, maybe Yang Dingtian, the lotus collector. They are watching the game with concentration, sometimes shouting with excitement, sometimes sighing, they are real spectators!

"Could it be that our deduction of major cases will go wrong?"

At this moment, I, Jiang Tian, ​​was suspicious and even doubted my own judgment.

But soon, he shook his head!

As Jiang Tian's cultivation level improves, he becomes closer and closer to the Great Way of Heaven and Earth, and his perception of changes in all things and world affairs becomes more and more acute, and there is a faint tendency to replace the heart of heaven with his own heart!

Just like heaven and earth have feelings, and things in the world naturally happen between heaven and earth, they are naturally clear.

The accuracy of major case deductions is also getting higher and higher. It can find patterns and infer the inevitable from the accidents in the torrent of time!

Just like the water splash changes all the time, but the river course is difficult to change, it will eventually flow to the determined end point!

In other words, I, Jiang Tian, ​​can be sure that Yang Dingtian is already at the scene!

It just means that there are three to four hundred guests watching the battle, plus some big shots such as Bai Yujing, children of aristocratic families, wealthy businessmen, and some coquettishly escorting entourage and escorts, etc., the number of people present quickly swelled to Thousands of people.

Which one of them is Yang Dingtian?

I, Jiang Tian, ​​even opened his purple lightning eyes, like a glazed lamp, illuminating all the worlds. He could clearly see their physical bodies, Dantian, spiritual fetuses, divine treasures and even divine souls, and feel their vitality. , the fluctuations of laws and avenues.

As a result, still nothing!

"This is impossible. My body is stained with the world of mortals. I have gone through vicissitudes of life and have a clear understanding of the world. I have fallen into sin and cannot live without being crazy and demonic. I simulate Yang Dingtian's evil heart and behavior... The result of the joint deduction of our three clones, How could it go wrong?”

While Jiang Tian frowned and thought, there had been four battles on the stage, but each of them won two and the result was a draw.

The last game will determine the outcome of the North and South sects!

This time!

The entire audience's hearts were in suspense.

Many people had nervous and serious expressions on their faces, clenched their fists, leaned forward, and looked at the stage without any distraction!

"Yuzhu, show your best condition and go all out. The victory or defeat depends on this battle!"

At this time, Mrs. Hu Zhu's face was filled with anticipation, and she looked hopefully at a female disciple behind her.

This woman looks to be only sixteen or seventeen years old. Her facial features are delicate and delicate. Her fair and clear face shows a hint of childishness. Her pair of big black eyes give people a sense of innocence. She is like a girl next door, but with a figure. It has developed extremely well, with a slender waist, but a tall and lofty chest, with rippling waves.

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