Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1977 All the talented people have arrived

"Congratulations to the Imperial Master on moving to a new residence!"

At this time, Dongfang Lu unexpectedly appeared, accompanied by Prince Dongfang Ding, Prince Dongfang Li, Little Princess Dongfang Ying, and Princess Mo Yu.

He did not wear a yellow robe, but wore a green robe. He was dressed in casual clothes. He looked like a middle-aged scribe, looking approachable!

The king of a country came to congratulate him in person, which also raised the atmosphere of the banquet to a climax.

"Haha, the prince showed his love and gave me this house. I like it very much. It is spacious and bright, and it is extremely comfortable to live in!"

Jiang Tian came down to greet me, laughed loudly, and went on stage hand in hand with Dongfang Lu.

"That's good! My dear, you have to work hard for state affairs and live in a comfortable place both physically and mentally. Only then can you resolve your fatigue and regain your condition!"

Dongfang Lu didn't dare to be arrogant at all towards Jiang Tian, ​​pretending to be an emperor, treating him as an equal, with affection.

Dongfang Ding's face was pale and his hands were shaking slightly.

Today is about to start a major change that has never happened before. If nothing unexpected happens, there will be brutal fighting.

Even though he has a tough mind and looks like an emperor, he still can't help but hide his nervousness.

Jiang Tian patted Dongfang Ding's shoulder and said with a smile: "Prince, I have not prepared good wine today, so you have to have a drink with me! No, one drink is not enough, keep drinking! You will not come back until you are drunk!"

Afterwards, powerful men from various major sects came over to congratulate him.

Most sects showed due respect to Jiang Tian.

The people who came to express congratulations on behalf of the sect were either senior officials such as elders with high moral standing, or they were eldest sons or direct disciples of the sect master, who might inherit the sect and control the power in the future.

Basically, the cultivation level of every sect representative is in the state of becoming a god.

However, when they treated Jiang Tian, ​​they would not be as servile as those princes and ministers, who kowtowed three times and bowed nine times. Although they show respect, most of them treat each other as equals, and the congratulatory gifts are more commemorative than practical.

After all, the sect's foundation is too strong. Although Jiang Tian is powerful, he is still alone after all!

What shocked the Eastern royal family.

There were actually four half-step return to the void who could be called quasi-sages, and a real return to the void saint who could be called a leader-level figure, which was really shocking to the extreme.

Even the largest event in the empire every hundred years, the National Day Heaven Sacrifice Ceremony, many sects would not pay so much attention to it.

"I, Xu Zhe, the leader of the proud sect, pays homage to the sage, the national preceptor."

A monk wearing black robes stepped forward. He had gray hair on his temples, sharp eyebrows and starry eyes, and a handsome and charming face.

He moved his hands and feet with ease, bowed slightly, smiled and said:

"At the housewarming banquet of the Imperial Preceptor, all the virtuous people arrived, and the building was like a cloud. Not only the princes came, but also other empires, and even princes from other countries and other representatives. It can be seen that the Imperial Preceptor is famous on the mainland. Yuanbo, you are highly respected!”

"You're welcome! Compared with the giants, there is still a gap!"

My dear Jiang Tian said politely and smiled nonchalantly.

"It turns out that you are connected with Mr. Xiling! I can't tell. This old boy seems to be very low-key and honest. He has such a big backing? I wonder when did he find this backer?"

I, Jiang Tian, ​​glanced at Mr. Xiling, who was sitting next to him with a low eyebrow and a calm expression.

Now Jiang Tian's journey to mortal transformation is going deeper and deeper, experiencing the mortal world, understanding cause and effect, and cultivating the magical power of "causing cause and effect".

He can "see" causal connections in others.

At this moment, a faint "line of cause and effect" that appeared and disappeared spread out from Ao Shizong's body, winding away in the void and connecting to Xiling Gong.

Under the gaze of the deceased Jiang Tian, ​​it disappeared in a blink of an eye, like a bubble in a dream.

Cause and effect is the supreme avenue that coexists with time and space.

The related magical powers are extremely difficult to control.

In the mortal stage, only the returning saint can glimpse some clues and touch some truth.

Now Jiang Tian's magical power of "Zhan Cao" is only a small success, and its use is still greatly limited.

He could only see the causal connection between the two people who were close at hand, and this line of causality could not last long.

"Just fight, why bother talking so much nonsense?"

At this moment, I, Jiang Tian, ​​was also very bored.

The Ao Shi Sect is also one of the top ten divine sects on the mainland. It is as different from the Tian Luo Sect as it is located in the second echelon below the Ancient Medicine Hall and the Jiuxuan Sect.

As his sect leader, his strength is naturally not weak.

This kid is a half-step back to the void, and he can stand up to a fight.

Xu Zhe is obviously the assistant invited by Xiling Gong, and I am afraid that he will soon find out. But now he is still smiling and talking enthusiastically, and he can't wait to call him brother.

"Hanyue Sword Sect, Elder Yuehua, congratulations to the Imperial Master!"

After Xu Zhe retired, another male cultivator came forward to congratulate him.

This elder has a long life, but he still has fair hair and a childish face, and has a certain fairy-like spirit. He is wearing a moon-white robe with embroidered patterns of stars and moons on it. The rules and avenues around him are floating and rising, surrounded by the bright moon, and the moonlight is flowing.

Hanyue Sword Sect is located at the northernmost point of the continent. Over there, there is also demonic energy infiltrating, and monsters are infested, which is ten times more dangerous than places such as Critical Canyon in the empire. They often go deep into the wilderness with swords to kill demons and cultivators, and their defense and combat effectiveness are extremely strong.

Hanyue Sword Sect is one of the three major sword sects on the mainland, ranking among the top among many divine sects.

Moreover, because they are also the leaders in resisting the demons, they are highly respected!

"Senior, please give me face! I have admired the name of Hanyue Sword Sect for a long time!"

My dear Jiang Tian said with a smile.

"Bizong discovered an ancient powerful relic in a place where monsters were infested. The cultivation resources in it can be said to be massive and the level is extremely high. Let's put it this way, as long as it is turned on, from the Nascent Soul to the God Transformation to the Return to Void stage. The training resources are all available and can be used by ten people."

Elder Yuehua suddenly spoke directly.

As soon as these words came out, the whole place was in an uproar.

"With so many cultivation resources, if we open them up, wouldn't we make a fortune!"

"It's more than just getting rich! After you get it, you basically don't have to participate in worldly disputes or look for resources. You can just practice in seclusion. If you practice for hundreds or thousands of years, you will be a saint who returns to the void!"

Everyone was moved, their eyes were straightened, and their eyes were filled with greed.

Even the members of the Eastern Royal Family looked shocked.

In the world of cultivation, the strong are respected!

Many people pursue worldly power and wealth for the sake of cultivation.

"But this place requires a strong person who is more than half a step back to the void to enter. We are short of manpower. On behalf of the sect leader, I invite the national master to help. As long as you are willing to join, you can get 30% of the resources after the event is completed, and Has priority!"

Elder Yuehua extended the invitation with a very sincere attitude and favorable conditions.

This time, others are envious.

In the audience, not to mention the princes, the royal family, and even Fairy Qing Jue showed some admiration, looking at Jiang Tian with a pair of beautiful eyes.

It was even said that even Xu Zhe, the leader of the Proud Sword Sect, sighed to himself and smiled bitterly.

Although Elder Yuehua said that it takes half a step to return to the void.

But in fact, there is another self-evident hidden condition, that is, you must be good at resisting demonic cultivation and master the rules or techniques to suppress the demonic way!

You must know that the law of demonic energy can corrode, suppress and dissolve the law and avenue of the human race.

In the field of demonic energy, the strong men of the human race often cannot exert one-tenth of their cultivation, and they only have to be passively beaten!

But Jiang Tian killed the Jueyuan Demon Dragon who controlled the law of demonic energy. This was the person they needed!

"Thank you for your support, elder. We will discuss this matter later!"

The death of me, Jiang Tian, ​​was indifferent.

He shared the memories of his past life with Jiang Tian, ​​but he knew that the so-called "ancient relic" discovered by Elder Yuehua and the others was simply a Xibei product with nothing more than appearance.

Many of the cultivation resources inside are either exhausted of mana, or they are not of high grade, but have been faked to appear to be powerful.

This is the legacy of a famous ancient saint in ancient times, but it is fake!

As for why it is fake, it is not difficult to understand.

Some of these ancient saints want to leave their true relics to future generations to be excavated, while some simply don't want others to discover them and will decay with them. However, the relics of ancient sages are too tempting. Even if they are built and enshrined secretly, they will inevitably be remembered and searched for.

Then, some ancient saints came up with a way to forge the remains, or even more than one!

In this way, the real heritage can be preserved!

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