Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 2017 The further road to mortal transformation

Biquge, the fastest update of the return of cultivation after ten thousand years!

"Okay, girl, the story is over, it's time for me to leave and go find my lover from the previous life..."

The old man shivered and put away the flag and said with a smile.

"Sir, please walk slowly. Will you come back?"

Huang Ling'er stood up and couldn't help but shed tears, rolling down like broken beads.

At this moment, she has figured out a lot.

Yang Dingtian must have been killed by Jiang Tian.

However, in order to prevent the unparalleled giant from finding out Jiang Tian's true identity through himself, he had no choice but to go on a killing spree at the Imperial Master's housewarming banquet!

I don’t know how much risk Jiang Tian took for this two-pronged strategy, and he almost narrowly escaped death!

"Of course I will come back! This story is not finished yet, I want to give it a very happy ending..."

The old man smiled, turned around and walked away.


Immediately afterwards, a pair of boys and girls also supported him.

"This is Beibei, and Dahei...they are here too!"

Although Jiang Beibei has changed her appearance and grown up a lot, the big black dog has even been reborn and transformed into a human form.

But as if telepathically, Huang Ling'er recognized the two of them immediately, and her heart was filled with excitement and surprise of meeting an old friend in a foreign country.

"Yes. Sir, I'll wait for you to come back, tell me the second half of the story, and give me a happy ending..."

Huang Ling'er looked at Jiang Tian's leaving back and murmured.

Fish and dragons changed without a trace, Jiang Tian, ​​Jiang Beibei and Dahei disappeared again.

A few days later, Jiang Tian, ​​Jiang Beibei and Dahei, who had changed their appearance again, rented a small shop in Wuzhou City for the price of eight low-grade crystal stones and lived in seclusion again.

If you want to transform into a god, you must first transform into a mortal.

You need to understand life, walk in the world of mortals, and lay a solid foundation.

In fact, Jiang Tian has gone very far on the road to becoming a mortal, but he still wants to go for a while longer.

Also take advantage of this period of time to fully prepare for the birth of that treasure and the upcoming troubled times!

If the previous journey to mortal transformation in the Eastern Empire was about experiencing the heights of temples, this upcoming journey should be about experiencing the distances of the world!

This time, he is a mortal with no cultivation. He is truly a hermit in the wild and a hermit in the city.

The shop that Jiang Tian and the others rented was not on the main street, but was located in a remote alley.

It is very remote and rarely visited, and even because the facade is too small, it is difficult to find it if you don't search carefully.

But Jiang Tian didn't mind.

Jiang Tian runs a medicine shop and also looks at simple injuries caused by bruises.

The medicinal materials sold have very thin spiritual energy, and in this world, they fall into the category of herbal medicine.

Its guests are naturally not monks, but basically all the poor people around them, hunters, fishermen, woodcutters, and of course some craftsmen working for the outer sect.

Jiang Tian is a doctor and pharmacist, Dahei acts as a waiter, and Jiang Beibei does some small jobs within his ability.

In the blink of an eye, two months passed. During the past two months, Jiang Tian was like an ordinary pharmacist. When the weather was good, he would go to the surrounding peaks to collect medicinal materials. When he came back, he would cut the medicinal materials and dry them in the sun. Cultivation is just like a real mortal.

The surrounding neighbors also knew that there were three new masters and servants. The master was dressed in old green clothes and dressed like a middle-aged scholar. His surname was Jiang. He never mentioned his name, only referring to him as a humble person, not worth mentioning.

Although he is not good at talking, he is extremely humble and kind...

The medical skills are very good and the charges are reasonable. Chen Laoqi's scabies that had not been cured for a long time was actually cured, and only three low-grade crystal stones were collected.

On this day, Jiang Tian was picking weeds from the medicinal herbs behind the counter when a groan came out. Then, the door, which had been peeled off by the wind and rain, revealing the white wood inside, was pushed open.

A tough-headed young man limped in and shouted in pain:

"Mr. Jiang, due to bad luck, my calf was bitten by a bobcat. Hiss - it hurts me to death!"

"Heizi! Hurry!"

Jiang Tian and Dahei quickly helped the young man sit down on the chair.

After rolling up his trouser legs, Jiang Beibei had already brought a jar of strong wine. Jiang Tiandao said:

"You can hold back. This bobcat saliva is poisonous, so I need to bleed you and disinfect it!"


The young man took a rolled towel from Dahei's hand, stuffed it into his mouth, and nodded heavily.

I thought to myself, Mr. Jiang is indeed very kind, but why does this guy named Heizi smile so maliciously, as if he is waiting for me to make a fool of myself.

"Don't even think about it, even if I faint from pain, I can't scream..."

The young man made his decision solemnly.

Jiang Tian began to squeeze the boy's wound, squeezed out half a bowl of black blood, disinfected it with spirits, then sutured it with catgut, and then applied ointment to the boy.

"Young man, you are very tough and don't say a word! Don't do any strenuous exercise for a week!"

Jiang Tian smiled.

"That's necessary, men just bleed and sweat but not shed tears!"

In fact, the young man was in pain so much that he burst into tears. When he heard this, he grinned and his tears rolled down his face.

At this time, a middle-aged couple rushed in,

"Sir, thank you very much. I'll pay you how much!"

The woman looked at the child with concern, asked a few questions, and then solemnly thanked Jiang Tian.

"You're welcome. No need to pay. It's just a simple effort and it's an ordinary herb!"

Jiang Tian shook his head.

"That's so embarrassing, thank you so much!" The woman bowed her hands again and thanked her.

"I told you a long time ago that I won't let you go, so why are you still going? You just don't listen to me even though I have good words. Good words can't persuade you to damn me."

The man had a rough appearance, with long hands and feet, and his palms were covered with calluses. He wore a leopard skin vest and rough leather boots tanned by wild boar skin. He looked like a hunter and scolded the young man with a straight face.

It probably meant that there were a lot of lynxes and leopards in that valley. I had been warned before, but the boy went anyway.

The young man looked disdainful, rolled his eyes, and started arguing with his father.

"It's fierce! The child is injured, so he knows it's fierce. It has nothing to do with you. He also wants to become a good hunter as soon as possible!"

When the mother saw this, she suddenly became angry towards her husband.

"I, I am doing this for his own good, I am afraid that something will happen to him. In front of my husband, you can give me some face..."

The man's face turned red, and he didn't dare to refute. He held it in for a long time before speaking calmly.

A typical wife who is strict in control and doesn’t run away.

The woman snorted coldly, and when she turned to face Jiang Tian, ​​she smiled again.

"Mr. Jiang, if you don't mind, come to my house for lunch. The fruit wine I've been brewing for half a year is no worse than the ones sold in restaurants outside!"

The woman was very grateful to Jiang Tian and wanted to repay him.

"Yes, Mr. Jiang, be sure to appreciate it. I just killed a mountain deer and sold the rest, leaving only one leg for us to braise and eat. I also soaked fresh antler and deer blood in corn wine, which was very replenishing. !”

The man also smiled heartily.

There was an indescribable emotion in Jiang Tian's heart.

It was different from getting along with Lin Hanqing and his son in the Lin Mansion.

He had not experienced the warmth and kindness between chance encounters, the simple warmth of mortals, for a long time.

"Okay! I happen to be lazy too and don't like cooking, so it would be disrespectful to refuse!"

Jiang Tian agreed with a smile.

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