Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 2052 We will protect fellow Taoists!

Huang Ling'er's experience echoed with the sound of the great road.

The sound of this avenue is very soft, as if a flower bud is blooming, or it turns into a cocoon and turns into a butterfly fluttering its wings. In the serenity and tranquility, there is also a kind of vigorous vitality.

And when this slight sound of the avenue reached everyone's ears, it was like a drum in the evening and a bell in the morning, shaking everyone's heart and bringing them closer to the avenue of law.

At this moment, Huang Ling'er refined herself with the supreme immortal light and auspicious energy. It was like an immortal descending to earth, unparalleled in the world.

At least at this moment, she has immortal skin and jade bones, invulnerable to all means, untouched by all dirt, spotless, flawless, just like a fairy from the legendary Nine Heavens Immortal Realm!

And Huang Ling'er also understood that it was Jiang Tian who was guiding her with opportunities and helping her break through.

Moreover, this opportunity is so rare and precious that it can be called a fairy fate.

Not only is it rare to see it on the Shengyuan Continent, it is also rare to see it in the core area of ​​the Central Galaxy, the legendary territory of the Nine Immortal Sects!

Therefore, she calmed down her mind, closed her eyes slightly, got rid of all distracting words, opened her body and mind, and allowed the fairy light spiritual energy emitted by the six-path lotus tree to pour into her body and cleanse herself.

And everyone was even more shocked to see that Huang Ling'er's cultivation level was rising steadily.

From the third level of Nascent Soul, to the fourth, fifth, and sixth levels...

It skyrocketed all the way up to 90,000 miles, until the later stage, when it reached perfection and broke through the divine transformation in an instant.

And it's still rushing upwards, as if it can climb endlessly.

People even feel it.

Her promotion is not like an improvement in cultivation, but like an evolution in life level.

Just like cells evolving into animals... apes evolving into Homo sapiens, there is a qualitative change taking place.

Of course, this is not an illusion.

Because her physique and bones are also improving, she has become an immortal Yuanying, and then promoted from an immortal Yuanying to a god!

"Nah, this promotion is as easy as drinking water!"

"As expected of a fairy tree! The effect of the fairy spirit is so terrifying, it's like being reborn!"

At this moment, everyone was shocked and screaming crazily in their hearts.

Countless people are extremely envious.

Even the Qianmo Saint was shocked.

At this moment, she finally realized Jiang Tian's terror, whether it was strength or experience, it was something that would never be seen in a million years!

At this moment, she also realized clearly that Jiang Tian and Huang Ling'er must have a very deep connection.

She couldn't help but sigh in her heart.

Jiang Tian had previously said that if the Luo Ying Sect faced the disaster of annihilation, he would come to his aid!

But it’s only “once”!

That's because Lianhuahun was too unkind to Huang Ling'er. He only regarded her as a bargaining chip for marriage without sincere cultivation.

If Lianhuahun valued Huang Ling'er more, Jiang Tian would definitely protect the Luoying Sect for ten thousand or one hundred thousand years!

But, it's too late to say anything now. Lianhuahun is too short-sighted and too utilitarian!

Gradually, Huang Ling'er's cultivation progress became slow.

In the end, he stopped at the third level of transformation and could no longer move at all.

"That's it!"

At this time, Jiang Tian swept his spiritual consciousness and saw that the Nascent Soul had turned into a god, and the spiritual fetus had turned into a divine treasure.

Moreover, it is the sacred treasure and deity of the immortal product.

At this time, her divine treasure is like lotus petals, layered on top of each other, including gods like fairies in flowers, which is beautiful and moving.

Huang Ling'er cried with joy. She actually ascended to the stage of becoming a god. This was an ultimate sublimation!

It's not just her.

Mo Yu, Fang Jinlong, Lin Yang, Lin Hanqing, Fang Maguyu...

The rest of the people have also improved their cultivation by more than one level, and even their grades have improved.

Everyone looked ecstatic, and they were grateful to Jiang Tian and bowed deeply.

This is simply reinvention.

Especially the disciples of Saint Qianmo, speaking of it, they have nothing to do with Jiang Tian.

Jiang Tian joined temporarily as a handyman, and everyone met by chance, but Jiang Tian gave them such a great opportunity.

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Tian accepted their salute calmly without saying a word.

Then, with a calm expression on his face, he once again wrote an immortal seal chapter with demon blood, prayed, and communicated with the Six Paths Lotus Tree.

Suddenly, the tree was quiet for a while. Suddenly its branches shook and lotus flowers fell.

At this moment, the world is very quiet, except for the sound of falling flowers, which are as bright as jade. The petals are flying one by one, and the fragrance is overflowing, flying into the pure land.

Soon, everyone had an extra petal in their hand, no more, no less, if they were spiritual.

At this moment, everyone was shocked and in awe.

This tree is not a demon, but it has spirituality. This is an authentic fairy tree! So amazing!

At this moment, Jiang Tian spoke for the first time:

"Each of you drop a drop of blood on the lotus petals in your hands."

He took a breath and seemed a little tired. Writing immortal seal scripts was inherently exhausting.

This time, he wrote two chapters of Immortal Seal. Although Immortal Trees and Immortal Flowers are naturally sensitive to demonic blood, he could write it more simply without injecting mana, but he was still very tired.

No one dared to show any slightness, even the Saint Qianmo followed the instructions and dropped a little blood on the petals.

The blood droplets, without exception, were absorbed the moment they landed on the petals.

At this time, Jiang Tiancai sat cross-legged under the tree and said lazily:

"As long as you carry this lotus petal close to your body, you will be blessed by the fairy light and be able to kill god-level monsters and generals once or twice..."

"You have two choices now. One is to go into the depths of the canyon and hunt for treasures. The other is to protect me."

"What I want to remind you is that the road ahead is dangerous. You may gain nothing or even lose your life if you go in. After all, although the lotus petals are strong, they have been separated from the trunk. The fairy light is limited, and the number of kills is also limited..."

"Protect me and wait until I enter the realm of transformation. In this canyon, I can be invincible and kill everyone. When the time comes, you follow me, are you afraid that you will not get anything?"

Jiang Tian finished speaking.

Princess Mo Yu was the first to express her stance:

"All the monks in the Eastern Empire are willing to protect the Dharma for our seniors! We will do anything to save our lives!"

Saint Qianmo frowned and asked:

"Fellow Taoist, are you going to use this tree to advance? Will this tree lose its life?"

At this moment, she had guessed the truth. This six-path lotus tree is the last barrier against monsters.

If Jiang Tian is "eaten", the monsters and generals will march in, unstoppable!

We can only use human monks to rush forward one after another and use their flesh and blood to form a steel wall to block the attack.

But that would mean that countless human monks would die!

"Of course the loss is not small!"

Jiang Tian took out the jug, took a sip of the fruit wine, and said, "Oh, this tree was born too early, too young. I have a big appetite, and I'm afraid I will only have half of my life left after eating it!"

Saint Qianmo was slightly shuddered and said: "Once this tree is lost, the demonic tide may be unstoppable. Do you have any strategy to deal with the demonic tide?"


Old God Jiang Tian took a breath of alcohol on the ground.

There were only two words missing, but they seemed very confident and determined.

Saint Qianmo's expression changed rapidly.

Obviously, at that moment, many thoughts flashed through his mind, and the ideological struggle was extremely fierce.

After a few snaps of his fingers, Saint Qianmo took a deep breath and said with emotion:

"Fellow Taoist, I believe you once!"

Immediately, she turned to look at all the disciples and said loudly:

"All the disciples set up camp and formed battle formations to protect Daoist Friend Jiang!"


Hua Xiangrong and many other disciples all responded with solemn expressions and landed around the Six Paths Lotus Tree to form formations.

Orders and prohibitions are enforced, and discipline is strict.

Although Sage Qianmo is not the sect leader, she knows what she does and what she preaches must be fulfilled. She treats others and everything she does out of sincerity, and all her disciples respect her from the bottom of their hearts.

"We will also protect the Dharma for fellow Taoists!"

Princess Mo Yu also ordered to go down.

All the monks from the Eastern Empire were all wearing strong armor and guarding Jiang Tian like the most loyal guards.

These six-path lotus trees are extremely valuable. It's a good thing they haven't been discovered. But once they are discovered, giants will definitely come to fight for them.

And Jiang Tian was at the critical moment of breakthrough, he was the most empty and weak, and could easily fall.

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