Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 2143 Giant Beak Demon Sword

Biquge, the fastest update of the return of cultivation after ten thousand years!

The moment the sharp beak was pulled out, it turned into a stream of light and flew towards the right hand of the Sky Eagle Demon King. It merged with the thorn-splitting sky claw on his right hand to become a demon sword!

This demonic sword exudes a dense demonic aura, constantly eroding the surrounding laws of the great world.

At the same time, demon blood spurted out around the mouth of the Sky Eagle Demon King, converging on the blade of the demon sword.

At the moment of fusion, the sky for hundreds of thousands of miles around turned into blood red.

"Sacrificing the demon sword with essence and blood, plus this weapon is already a part of the body, the strength will naturally increase sharply. This cultivation method of the Sky Eagle Demon King is quite interesting."

Although Jiang Tian was a little surprised, he was not surprised.

In his previous life, he attained the Hongmeng status from a mortal. What strange cultivation methods have he not seen before?

The cultivation method of the Sky Eagle Demon King is not surprising.

Mo Xianlin's heart was slightly shaken. He thought that when this man's swords were combined, the Sky Eagle Demon King would escape far away, but he didn't expect that he would actually confront him head-on!

You must go all out to kill it with one blow!

"It's a shameful thing to show off your little tricks!"

Mo Xianlin's heart skipped a beat, and the giant sword that held up the sky slashed at him. Wherever it passed, the blood-red sky was cut instantly, the mountains and rivers were torn apart, and the laws of the great road turned into the monstrous sword intent and swept over.

The Sky Eagle Demon King refused to dodge, and brandished the giant beak demon sword, also slashing at him.

Bursts of demonic wind kept gathering around the demonic sword. Wherever it passed, the space seemed to be covered in strong demonic energy and became sticky.


The sword light and the sword light collided together, making a loud roar.

The monstrous sword intent on the Heavenly Man Sword shattered, and the coquettish light of the giant-beak demon sword collapsed instantly after being hit by the sword intent.

The sword intent and coquettish light were like sharp blades shot out one after another. Many of the demonic beasts of the Sirius clan on the ground were instantly wiped out because they could not dodge.

Jiang Tian was the closest to the two, so he was naturally the first to be affected.

Jiang Tian was naturally not afraid of Mo Xianlin's sword intent, but the demonic aura of the Sky Eagle Demon King was like maggots on the tarsal bones, contaminating Jiang Tian's whole body.

To put it bluntly, it was like passing by a ditch and being splashed with mud.

Jiang Tian originally wanted to use his breath to get rid of it, but as soon as the evil spirit came into contact with Jiang Tian, ​​it immediately rushed towards the prison-suppressing Demon King god in the divine treasure.

The prison-suppressing demon emperor god had been suppressed by the nine-aperture god of chaos, but after absorbing a ray of demonic energy, it was actually quite beneficial.


Jiang Tian withdrew his turbulent aura and took the initiative to accept the sword intention and demonic energy.

In an instant, the surrounding demonic energy was completely swallowed up by the prison-suppressing demon emperor.

The way of demons has a long history, and with the incompleteness of this land of heaven and earth, the demonic energy released by the Sky Eagle Demon King was not solid to begin with, and was instantly refined by the God of the Prison-Suppressing Demon King.

"This demonic energy is good for me, but it may not be easy for Mo Xianlin!"

Jiang Tian raised his head slightly, as expected.

Although Mo Xianlin's peerless sword was powerful, the demonic aura of the Sky Eagle Demon King was like a tarsal maggot, constantly eroding Mo Xianlin's Heavenly Man Sword.

In addition, Mo Xianlin had been fighting fiercely for a long time, and the sword slash just now was even more exhausting!

It is natural for one to lose the battle due to the ebb and flow of the situation.

At this time, Mo Xianlin looked pale, and with the last breath of fairy spirit, he could barely stand in the air, maintaining his demeanor as the leader of the largest sect in the ancient immortal world.

Jiang Tian didn't care much about Mo Xianlin's life or death. Without his help, it wasn't that he couldn't step out of this world, it just took some effort.

The Sky Eagle Demon King is naturally not having a hard time either.

He was covered in blood, like a demon, and even the feathers on his wings were cut clean by the powerful sword intent, like chicken wings that had lost their feathers!

Although he looked miserable, his condition was much better than that of Mo Xianlin.

"Old thief Mo, is this your strongest blow?"

The Sky Eagle Demon King gave a strange laugh, and its mouth without a beak was like a bloody hole. It let out bursts of strange laughter: "What a disappointment!"

"Stop being so arrogant! If you know what's going on, get out of here!"

Mo Xianlin gritted his teeth, trying to forcefully activate the Heavenly Man Sword.

The unity of heaven and man, and the fact that the Sky Eagle Demon King was not killed was actually beyond his expectation.

Now that the spirit of the immortal spirit is exhausted, if he forcibly activates the Celestial Sword, I am afraid that the source will be damaged.

"Too much nonsense! Suffer death!"

The Sky Eagle Demon King's blood and essence shot out and regrouped on the giant beak demon knife.

The sinister evil spirit spread for hundreds of thousands of miles, and the air seemed to become thicker.

This demonic energy is stronger than before.

And Jiang Tian also completely released the prison-suppressing Demon Emperor deity, frantically devouring the surrounding demonic energy.

Ordinary god-transforming monks would probably explode and die instantly if exposed to this kind of evil spirit, but Jiang Tian's Prison-Suppressing Demon Emperor deity only thought that the concentration of this evil spirit was too low!

"If you can directly refine the Sky Eagle Demon King, you may be able to strengthen the prison-suppressing Demon Emperor deity." With this idea, Jiang Tian raised his head and looked at the Sky Eagle Demon King.

The giant-beak demon sword was immersed in the forest's demonic aura, and it was like a fish in water, but Mo Xianlin was like a candle in the wind. After being locked by the giant-beak demon sword, even escaping seemed to be difficult!

"Suffer death!"

The Sky Eagle Demon King slashed out his demon sword, and the sinister demon energy condensed into a giant blade. Wherever it passed, the mountains and rivers were shattered, and the vegetation was instantly turned into ashes.


Mo Xianlin flicked his wrist, and a jade ring flew out into the air.


Along with the dragon's roar, the jade finger suddenly grew in size, protecting Mo Xianlin within it.

A shadow of a purple-gold divine dragon surrounds the surroundings.

He was as terrified as a god!

Purple gold dragon jade finger ring!

Accurate Taoist weapon!

Legend has it that it was made by sacrificing the leg bones of the Nine Heavens Divine Dragon after it was killed! Even with a full blow from a Hedao realm master, he could still save his life!

This is why Mo Xianlin dares to fight against the Sky Eagle Demon King!

Even if he can't defeat him, the Sky Eagle Demon King can't kill him.

Sure enough, as soon as the Purple Gold Divine Dragon Jade finger was pulled out, the surrounding aura was helpless!

Even the monster blade slashed by the Sky Eagle Demon King only left a white mark on the jade finger.

"It's a pretty good magic weapon. It can be used as a protective magic weapon for Beibei."

As Jiang Tian thought about it, he became playful, "I just don't know how Dahei will feel when he sees this magic weapon refined from the dragon's leg bones."

"Sky Eagle Demon King! If you are sensible, get out of here! Otherwise, I will make your body disappear!"

Mo Xianlin had a quasi-Taoist weapon to protect his body, and he even spoke with a strong voice!

"Bah! I've already used my magic weapon to protect you, and you still dare to say such arrogant words. I'm going to kill you today!"

The Sky Eagle Demon King snorted coldly, shook his left arm, and it broke directly.

The sprayed demon blood wrapped around his left arm and converged directly towards the giant beak demon knife.

After the giant-beak demon sword came into contact with the left arm, the coquettish light shone brightly, and the originally blood-red blade turned directly into black gold!

Every time the sharp blade shakes, a fleeting gap will be revealed in the surrounding space.

"Can it split the void?"

Jiang Tian's pupils narrowed.

Could it be that this Heavenly Eagle Demon King actually has the blood of a peacock fairy beast?

The peacock fairy beast is a fairy beast from the Nine Heavens Immortal Realm. Different from ordinary peacocks, this kind of fairy beast is extremely talented in space control.

When one reaches great perfection in cultivation, one can even directly split the void, billions of light years, only within a small inch.

In his previous life, when Jiang Tian was in the Nine Heavens Immortal Realm, he had raised a peacock fairy beast to travel around.

Although this space is now connected to the space fragments around Jiuxiao Continent, it is through the Chaos Mighty Heaven Formation, and the formation does not know when it will be opened next time.

It may take tens of thousands of years to wait, who knows.

By that time, the daylilies are cold!

But if you can kill the Sky Eagle Demon King here, you may be able to refine this giant-beak demon sword, cut a space crack, and escape from here!

Thinking of this, Jiang Tian suddenly became excited.

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