Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 2197 Better than Hedao

Biquge, the fastest update of the return of cultivation after ten thousand years!

"Although my ancestor is not a Hedao, he is better than a Hedao!"

Xin Taiyan said proudly: "My ancestor was gifted with extraordinary talents. He should have advanced to Hedao tens of thousands of years ago, but unfortunately the laws of heaven and earth were lacking and he has never been able to achieve Hedao."

"But the Ancestor's True Fire Sacrifice Refinement has not fallen behind at all! Nowadays, the Ancestor can shake even a powerful Hedao man!"

Hearing this, Jiang Tian couldn't help but look at Ancestor Liehuo one more time.

This old man has been stuck in the Great Perfection of Returning to the Void for tens of thousands of years. If he keeps cultivating diligently and suppresses his cultivation crazily, he might still gain something.

It's just that returning to the void is returning to the void after all. It's a bit ridiculous to say that it's not a combination, but it's better than a combination.

While Jiang Tian was thinking, he saw Ancestor Liehuo pointing his sword, and a trace of his life essence and blood floated towards the black fireball that was spinning crazily in front of him.


The black fireball seemed to have spirituality, swallowing up the life essence and blood directly, and then suddenly the light became bright, transforming into ninety-nine and eighty-one huge fireballs.

Huge black fireballs, each as huge as a hill, covered the sky and the sun.

"Ancestor Liehuo actually has such a level of cultivation!"

Mo Xianlin was greatly shocked.

No wonder Ancestor Liehuo just sneered at Xin Taiyan's true fire extinction.

If he had such a level of cultivation, he would probably be even more dismissive of Xin Taiyan.

"If the ancestor takes action, this weapon spirit will have nowhere to escape!" Xin Taiyan's eyes were determined.

Jiang Tian looked at the black fireballs filling the sky with great interest, and then looked at the black weapon spirit a hundred feet away.

Even if he is possessed by a demon, he may not be able to withstand the true fire extinction of Ancestor Liehuo!

"The true fire is extinguished!"

Ancestor Liehuo pointed his sword at one point, and a mountain-sized black fireball, with the black weapon spirit as the center, crazily rotated and pressed down.

"Old man, how dare you be so cruel! I will fight with you!"

The black weapon spirit cut off the sword with his hand, thrust it down suddenly, and roared: "Sword array - crazy devil!"

As the roar of the weapon spirit fell, the demonic energy within a thousand-mile radius rushed towards the broken sword like a sea tide, forming a huge black sword.

This giant sword is completely black and exudes a dense demonic aura. As the wind howls, ghosts wail, and ghost heads and snake heads appear constantly on the sword.

"Is that all?"

Ancestor Liehuo smiled slightly, pressed down with his sword, and yelled: "Destroy!"

The wildly rotating black fireball suddenly shrank, like a mountain bearing down on top, and headed straight towards the black giant sword.

At the same time, the black weapon spirit suddenly pulled out the broken sword. As the broken sword was pulled out, the black giant sword composed of demonic energy also moved.

For a moment, between heaven and earth, rocks collapsed, making a loud roar, and the situation changed color!

"Crazy Demon Sword, break!"

The black weapon spirit held a broken sword in his hand, soared into the sky, and faced off against the real fire.

A blazing white light instantly enveloped a thousand miles around, followed by a loud roar, as if the world was collapsing.

The aftermath of the huge earthquake left a large crater with a radius of dozens of miles directly on the land of the ancient battlefield.


The Immortal Dragon Armor on Mo Xianlin seemed to feel the destructive power brought about by this huge collision, and a dragon-shaped shadow appeared on his body.

It was only after half a stick of incense that the world returned to peace.

Mo Xianlin raised his eyes and looked into the large crater left by the huge earthquake, and his pupils suddenly shrank.

I saw that the weapon spirit that was still arrogant was now lying deep in the huge pit, and the immortal broken sword fell aside.

Compared to before, this broken sword looked more dilapidated, and the same was true for the black weapon spirit connected to it.

"The strength of Ancestor Liehuo is so terrifying!"

Mo Xianlin couldn't help but take a breath of air.

With his own strength, he was able to defeat the spirit of the immortal magic weapon. If Ancestor Liehuo dared to claim to be the number one in the ancient immortal world, no one would dare to claim the number two!

It seems that in the future, we still need to have a good relationship with the Fiery Sect!

"Ancestor took action, it's really extraordinary!"

Xin Taiyan, the leader of Liehuo Sect, was overjoyed.

"It's just a small trick."

Ancestor Liehuo had a proud expression on his face. He glanced at Jiang Tian who was not far away, then stepped forward and looked down at the weapon spirit in the giant pit:

"I'll give you one last chance. I can use it to save your life!"

The black weapon spirit did not answer, but lowered his head, held up his hands, sat up, and shrugged his shoulders in a very humane manner, as if he had heard some big joke.

His laughter grew louder and louder, and finally he raised his head suddenly and roared wildly: "I am an immortal magic weapon, how can I use it for you? It is simply a wishful thinking!"

"Extremely stupid!"

Jiang Tian glanced at Ancestor Liehuo.

Once a weapon spirit becomes possessed, apart from killing like crazy, its biggest characteristic is that it is absolutely not controlled by anyone.

Ancestor Liehuo actually wants to conquer them, which is simply ridiculous.

"Even if I die in battle, I will never surrender!"

Sure enough, the black weapon spirit then said these words.

"You don't know how to praise me, my ancestor is giving you a chance!" Xin Taiyan shouted angrily.

"It's so stupid!"

Ancestor Liehuo showed sullenness on his face and said coldly: "In that case, don't blame me for being ruthless and killing you!"

"That's fine, if you take this material back, you can also refine the magic weapon!" Xin Taiyan snorted coldly.

"What a pity!"

Mo Xianlin shook his head and sighed.

The greatest feature of the fairy magic weapon is the intelligent weapon spirit. If the weapon spirit dies, the power of the fairy magic weapon will be greatly reduced.

"You guys want to take my body back? It's just wishful thinking!"

The black weapon spirit grasped the broken sword, and the expression on his dark face changed wildly, as if he had made a difficult decision.

"What? What other methods do you have?"

Ancestor Liehuo is not in a hurry. He has plenty of time. As long as there is the slightest hope, he will try to collect this broken sword.

"I have one last sword!"

The black weapon spirit stood up suddenly with the broken sword in his hand.

Although the breath is weakened, the momentum has not diminished at all.

"It's ridiculous. Now that things have happened, you are still pretending to be calm. Don't blame me for being so cruel!"

Ancestor Liehuo seemed to have lost his patience. With a flick of his finger, a black flame instantly condensed in front of him, and then formed a large fire formation and attacked the black weapon spirit.

"Okay, then I'll let you have a good look at it."

Facing the raging fire formation, the black weapon spirit was surprisingly calm, without any of the crazy shouting before.

The black weapon spirit threw the broken sword into the air. The broken sword made a buzzing sound, and then was inserted directly into the head of the black weapon spirit.

"This...what is he doing?"

Mo Xianlin frowned as he looked at the strange scene in front of him.

"Is the last sword a suicide sword? It's really ridiculous!"

Xin Taiyan sneered, thinking that the weapon spirit was afraid of his ancestor, so he chose to commit suicide.


Ancestor Liehuo was also surprised, wondering what the weapon spirit was doing.

Jiang Tian was shocked.

This is the military solution!

The so-called military solution is actually the same as the monk's self-destruction elixir or the gods. It is the last resort used when you are desperate and unwilling to surrender to others.

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