Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 2204 Soul Requesting Flag

Biquge, the fastest update of the return of cultivation after ten thousand years!

"Sen Mo Ridge? What's so scary?" Jiang Tian couldn't help but ask.

"Let me tell you this, I have been in this world for hundreds of thousands of years, and I have only been there once!"

The monkey was sitting on a stone bench, with a very human expression of fear on its face covered with monkey hair.

In the monkey's word-for-word explanation, Jiang Tian also roughly understood what Morin Moling was.

Forest Demon Ridge is located 50,000 miles to the east, surrounded by mountains and a basin in the middle.

When the monkey was first born in this world, he accidentally entered the Forest Demon Ridge.

That was the place with the strongest demonic energy in the entire ancient battlefield, and there was a very powerful magic weapon spirit there.

Soul-seeking banner!

"The soul-seeking flag can control the magic weapon spirit, and then infuse the magic weapon spirit into the magic weapon spirit."

The monkey sighed: "At that time, I was also discovered by the soul-seeking weapon spirit. He thought I was some kind of magic weapon spirit and used the same method to deal with me."

"I fainted immediately at that time. Seeing that I had no cultivation, he became indifferent and ignored me. Since then, I haven't regained my strength for tens of thousands of years."

"It is said that the soul-seeking flag is the magic weapon of the World-Destroying Immortal Emperor! It's really terrifying!"

The monkey seemed to be recalling something terrifying, and then said: "It is said that the soul-seeking flag has always wanted to enchant the fire spirit boy and take him under his command."

"If you want to harm the fire spirit boy, the soul-seeking flag weapon spirit will definitely not sit idly by."

"Is it possible that this soul-seeking flag can unify this world?"

Jiang Tian was thoughtful.

It seems that if you want to go to Huoling Mountain, you must first pass through the Forest Demon Ridge.

If you ignore it and charge directly towards Huoling Mountain, you will most likely be attacked from both sides.

Even if the weapon spirit is possessed by demons, it is still an immortal magic weapon. It is not easy to deal with it. Jiang Tian immediately decided to deal with them one by one.

He immediately picked up the monkey and said: "It's just a forest demon ridge, what's so scary about it? Come with me!"

"You're crazy! You want to die, but I don't want to die yet!"

The monkey screamed "Zhi Zhi", trying to break free from Jiang Tian's restraint.

But no matter how hard you try, it won't help.

"Now, you have two choices."

Jiang Tian smiled lightly and said: "First, take me to the Forest Demon Ridge and watch me surrender the Soul-Suing Banner. Second, I will kill you now. So, what choice do you make?"


The monkey stared at Jiang Tian, ​​his hands clenched, his eyes filled with anger, and finally he sighed and said, "Okay, I'll go to the Forest Demon Ridge with you!"

"now it's right!"

Jiang Tian smiled slightly, grabbed the monkey and put it on his shoulder, then used Kunpeng's Law, stepped forward, and disappeared in place.

Fifty thousand miles, for Jiang Tian who is accompanied by Kunpeng Law, he can reach it in just a few breaths.

One person and one monkey stand in the sky, with towering mountains at their feet.


Jiang Tian asked as he looked down at the mountains.

The world here has reached the level of law and violence, and even Jiang Tian cannot release his spiritual consciousness.

This was also the main reason why Jiang Tian didn't go back to kill Ancestor Liehuo before, because Ancestor Liehuo had already gone somewhere.

So Jiang Tian could only settle for the next best thing and look for Huoling Mountain.

Fortunately, I caught this indigenous monkey and saved a lot of energy.

"Thousands of miles to the north, deep in the mountains surrounded by mountains, there is a basin. There is a small mountain in the basin, which is the Forest Demon Ridge."

The monkey pointed to the north and suddenly said to please: "Look, I have brought you here, otherwise, you just treat me like a fart and let me go?"

"Okay!" Jiang Tian turned his head and looked at the monkey with a half-smile.

"Seriously!?" Monkey suddenly became excited.


Jiang Tian grabbed the monkey's neck, let him hang in the air with all four legs, and said with a smile: "You are imprisoned by the formation now. If you want to leave, I will let you go now."

"Huh? No, no!"

The monkey squeaked and said with fear in his eyes: "I'll go with you, I'll go with you!"

If he were thrown from such a high place, given his current condition, he would definitely be smashed into a pulp!

"Help me reach Huoling Mountain honestly, and I will naturally let you go."

Jiang Tian put the monkey on his shoulders again, stepped out, and disappeared.

Not long after, a man and a monkey appeared on the edge of the Forest Demon Ridge.

"Is there a formation?"

Jiang Tian frowned and looked into the depths of the Forest Demon Ridge.

Ever since he was plotted against in the Monkey's Lair, Jiang Tian had become more cautious. As soon as he reached the edge of the Forest Demon Ridge, he felt the presence of the formation.

"Really? Why didn't I feel it?"

The monkey looked confused.

"You can't feel the formation?"

Jiang Tian asked: "Then how did you activate the formation to trap me before?"

"Uh, um, actually there is an immortal magic weapon in that formation. His weapon spirit is my friend and he told me about it." Monkey explained.

"Oh? What about the weapon spirit?"

"He was infected by demonic energy and died hundreds of thousands of years ago."

The monkey looked quite sad and said: "Do you still remember that fairy peach? It is its weapon spirit."

"Really? As long as you wait until I arrive at Huoling Mountain, I will return the Xiantao to you!"

Jiang Tian didn't expect that things would turn out like this, so he said immediately.

"Ah, is it true? Thank you, thank you!" The monkey was quite excited.

I never expected that Jiang Tian would say this.

"Of course it's true. But the premise is that you have to do me a favor." Jiang Tiandao.

"What's the deal? Just say it, as long as I can do it, I won't refuse." Monkey said, gearing up.

"You go deep into the Demon Forest Ridge and destroy the formation."

Jiang Tian glanced at the depths of the Forest Demon Ridge and said calmly.

He had long discovered that the formations in this world didn't seem to work on monkeys at all.

The formations around the Forest Demon Ridge are the top formations in the fairy world.

It's called the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths Immovable Formation.

According to legend, this formation was created millions of years ago by a powerful Immortal Emperor-level man known for his defense.

This formation is extremely exquisite and interlocking. It also has a characteristic that a single move can affect the whole body. If there is any disturbance, the person in charge of the formation will be able to feel it.

Legend has it that the Immortal Emperor, who was famous for his defense, once deployed this formation in the Immortal Gate. Under careful maintenance, it has been running normally for two million years.

Now, although this formation has lasted for millions of years, it may be that some weapon spirits have been repairing it, so it is actually airtight.

Although Jiang Tian could see where the formation's core was, with his current level of cultivation, it was impossible to destroy it quietly without going deep into the Forest Demon Ridge.


After hearing this, the monkey seemed to have a spring on his butt. Although his strength was restricted by Jiang Tian, ​​he still jumped several meters high and waved his hands repeatedly: "Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

"Do you still have a choice now?" Jiang Tian narrowed his eyes, full of threats.

"Grandpa, please spare me!"

The monkey repeatedly apologized and said: "The soul-seeking banner weapon spirit is difficult to deal with. Besides, since there is a formation, how can I go in quietly? Are you not asking me to die?"

"You are born from the essence of heaven and earth in this world. The formations in this world have no effect on you at all."

Jiang Tian explained: "Besides, I already know where the formation is. As long as you do what I say, I guarantee you will escape unscathed!"

"No way! I won't go!"

The monkey said with determination: "Even if you kill me, I won't go!"

"Don't worry, you will definitely go!"

Jiang Tian raised his hand and pressed on the monkey's Tianling Cap, and then a huge amount of spiritual consciousness rushed into the monkey's mind.

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