Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 2206 Spirit Destruction, the fastest update of "Returning from Ten Thousand Years of Cultivation"!

The infecting evil spirit was removed bit by bit, and the whisk spirit trembled violently, with a distorted face and painful roars, as if experiencing some painful disaster.

As the evil spirit gradually decreased, the body of the whisk spirit also changed between black and white, as if the spirit of the immortal spirit and the evil spirit were in a fierce confrontation.

"Weak human race, actually has such means!"

The dagger spirit saw the whisk spirit being controlled, holding the dagger in his hand, and his figure dissipated instantly.

In just the next second, with Jiang Tian as the center, a series of extremely sharp momentum suddenly broke out from all directions.

Thousands of daggers, mixed with evil spirits and the supreme avenue, stabbed Jiang Tian at extremely tricky angles.

"Get out of the way!"

Feeling the fierce momentum, the monkey jumped dozens of meters, squeaking and screaming to escape from Jiang Tian, ​​hiding in the distance.

"Your tricks can't hurt me!" Jiang Tian snorted coldly, and a golden light shone on his body. The moment the dagger and the golden light collided, the supreme avenue mixed in it shattered inch by inch, making a rumbling sound, like thunder. The shattered avenue also instantly hit the surrounding rocks. For a moment, rocks flew, the sky was dark, and the whole world was like the end of the world. This is the power of the immortal magic weapon! "Damn it!" The broken dagger fragments gathered in the distance and reassembled into the short but actually fierce man. He didn't understand why the human cultivator who seemed to have only the cultivation level of the God of Incarnation could withstand his full-strength attack. Although his grade was not high among the immortal magic weapons, he thought it was easy to deal with a cultivator with only the cultivation level of the God of Incarnation. But the situation now is very different. This human cultivator not only controlled the spirit of the whisk, but also dissolved his attack without any effort. "Don't worry! It will be your turn soon!" Jiang Tian smiled and looked at the dagger spirit. In other words, with Jiang Tian's current realm, even if he really advances to the extreme realm of transformation, he may not be the opponent of the dagger spirit. Fortunately, before coming to Senmo Ridge, Jiang Tian got hundreds of immortal magic weapons in the monkey's nest. Although they are immortal magic weapons that have lost their spirits, the materials of those magic weapons themselves are all immortal materials. Jiang Tian can exert most of the power of immortal magic weapons by injecting his divine consciousness. The golden light that just lit up Jiang Tian's body was to use one of the golden cicada clothes to resist the attack of the dagger spirit. They are all immortal magic weapons, even without spirits, it is more than enough to resist one attack. Jiang Tian has dozens of such immortal defense magic weapons. Even if he stands here and lets the dagger spirit chop for three days and three nights, the dagger spirit can't hurt Jiang Tian at all! "Rampant!"

Hearing this, the dagger spirit seemed to have suffered a great humiliation, and anger made his entire face full of demonic energy become more distorted.

He held the dagger tightly, frantically gathering demonic energy, wanting to attack Jiang Tian again.

But at this moment, the whisk spirit, which had been madly changing colors between black and white, suddenly let out a sharp scream.

The sky and the earth changed instantly, and along with the scream, there was also a sound of sky breaking.

"Not good!"

Jiang Tian's heart suddenly shook.

He was only concerned with removing the demonic energy of the infected spirit, and completely forgot what the monkey said before.

The soul-seeking flag spirit can suppress and even control the soul!

The sound of the sky breaking just now was clearly that the soul-seeking flag had planted some kind of taboo magic array in the whisk spirit!

Once the demonic energy in the whisk spirit is pulled out, the whisk is very likely to be instantly disintegrated!

Disintegration is not much different from the self-explosion of a cultivator.

For Jiang Tian, ​​the self-detonation of cultivators below the Return to Void stage could not hurt him at all.

But the weapon of the immortal magic weapon was enough to destroy the world, and it was definitely not something that Jiang Tian, ​​who had the cultivation level of the Transformation of the Spirit, could resist.

Jiang Tian's mind was like lightning, and he instantly retracted the black hand that gathered the demonic energy, tightly grasped the whisk, stepped out, and grabbed the monkey.

The monkey only felt that the scenery in front of him was rapidly receding, and in an instant, it was already a hundred miles away.

"No, Elder Whisk is going to be annihilated!"

The reaction of the dagger spirit just confirmed Jiang Tian's guess.

The next moment Jiang Tian disappeared, the dagger spirit also disappeared on the spot with the other two spirits.


After the man, the monkey and the three spirits disappeared, there was only the sound of whirring wind at the scene.

The whisk, which had lost control, radiated a brilliant light all over its body, and the tide-like immortal spirit energy gathered from all directions, trying to flow into the whisk.

But the whisk seemed unable to withstand the surging spirit of the immortals. Thousands of dust strands broke one by one, turning into dots of light floating in the dim sky.

It was like tens of thousands of fireflies floating in the night sky.


The next moment, the dots of light exploded like gunpowder ignited instantly.

It was just that the power of each light was like a small bomb. Thousands of lights exploded one after another, and the power was like an atomic explosion of tens of tons.

The whole world was instantly covered by a huge mushroom cloud.

"The power of the spirit of the whisk is so strong!"

The strong wind whistled past, and even if it was a hundred miles away, there were already countless flying stones, like shells, hitting the monkeys and making them scream. They could only hide behind Jiang Tian and sigh at the power of the weapon.

"What a pity!"

Jiang Tian shook his head and sighed.

When searching for the soul of the Broken Sword Artifact Spirit, he found nothing. He originally wanted to get some information about the World-Destroying Immortal Emperor from the Whisk Artifact Spirit.

But now it seems that this soul-seeking flag is extremely vicious and has not given Jiang Tian a chance at all.

"In my opinion, you'd better not provoke the Soul-Suing Banner!"

The monkey hid behind Jiang Tian and persuaded: "It's just a dust whisk spirit, but it has such power. How can you deal with the Soul Suoring Banner!"

Just as Jiang Tiangang was about to reply to Monkey, he suddenly felt a faint wave of immortal thoughts.

Looking up, he saw the shadow of an old man in white gradually gathering in front of him.

"Thank you, fellow Taoist, for helping this old man escape from suffering!"

The old man in white clothes held a whisk in his hand, had a kind face and kind eyes, and looked like a fairy, and bowed to Jiang Tian.

"Are you the weapon spirit just now?" Jiang Tian asked.

"It's the old man."

The whisk spirit smiled and said: "For millions of years, I have been infected by the evil spirit, lost my mind, and been controlled by the soul-seeking flag. My fellow Taoist helped me to eradicate the evil spirit, which can be considered a great help."

"Do you know what happened to the World-Destroying Immortal Emperor back then?"

Jiang Tian knew that for the immortal weapon that had been destroyed, it was almost the same as the monk's form and spirit being annihilated.

Today's whisk spirit is just a wisp of immortal thoughts, which may dissipate in a moment, so Jiang Tian seizes the time to inquire about the World-Destroying Immortal Emperor.

I want to have more chips when encountering the World-Destroying Immortal Emperor.

"The matter of destroying the Immortal Emperor is a long story, and it cannot be finished in one day."

The Whisk Spirit shook his head and sighed, and then said: "I can only remind you that the soul-seeking flag is extremely difficult to deal with. Although your current ability to transform into a god is extremely talented, you are definitely no match for him."

"You don't need to worry about this. Before you disappear, tell me how to deal with the World-Destroying Immortal Emperor."

"Okay, if you really want to deal with the Soul-Calling Banner, remember not to let it control your soul!"

The body of the whisk spirit seemed to be transparent, and he continued: "But the soul-seeking banner is the natal magic weapon of the World-Destroying Immortal Emperor! If you can surrender it, when dealing with the World-Destroying Immortal Emperor, the soul-seeking banner will play the most important role. Important role!”

After saying that, a breeze blew, and the whisk spirit completely dissipated.

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