Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 2217 Three Thunders Strike

Biquge, the fastest update of the return of cultivation after ten thousand years!

Just the next second, the giant demon face in the sky froze slightly.

The incomparably powerful Earth Thunder Dragon light beam dispersed, and a figure with torn clothes and blood all over his body appeared in the sky.

It was Jiang Tian.

"Huh? Not dead yet?"

The giant demon face was stunned for a moment, then raised the corner of his mouth again, "You are proud to be able to withstand the full blow of the Four Elephant Thunder Spirits. But, can you still withstand the second time?"

Jiang Tian's whole body was separated from his bones and flesh, and he stood in the air with only his last bit of strength.

The Earth Thunder Dragon with four thunder spirits really caused him a heavy blow.

If it weren't for the power of chaos released by the giant cauldron phantom and the nine-aperture gods of chaos to withstand most of the attacks, he would have been wiped out in ashes at this moment and his soul would have returned to heaven and earth.

Even so, Jiang Tian still felt uncomfortable at this time.

The powerful thunder and lightning power from the fairy world kept circling around his body.

He wanted to mobilize the gods of the Nine Chaos Apertures and the God of the Prison-Suppressing Demon Emperor to release their breath to resist the power of thunder and lightning from corroding the divine treasure, but he found that his spiritual consciousness was damaged and it was impossible to continue.

The powerful power of thunder and lightning followed Jiang Tian's flesh and bones and instantly struck the divine treasure.

At this moment, the thunder dragon swam inside the divine treasure trove, destroying Jiang Tian's divine treasure trove wantonly, and the originally indestructible divine treasure trove was cracked inch by inch.

"Don't come over! Don't come over!"

The monkey squeaked and jumped up and down on the mother stone cauldron of chaos, trying to escape the attack of the thunder dragon.

At this moment, he had already used his speed to the extreme.

But even so, he was hit by the Earth Thunder Dragon in an instant.


The monkey's limbs suddenly spread out, its hair exploded all over its body, and its bones were fully exposed.


He felt as if his whole body had been hit by a giant hammer, and he completely lost all strength.

Immediately afterwards, another earth thunder dragon struck him.

However, as the only life born on the ancient battlefield, the monkey's body is also indestructible.

Even though the Earth Thunder Dragon struck him again and again, it did not cause a fatal blow to him.

However, since his birth, he has never experienced such pain. He only feels that his three souls and seven souls have left his body and his life is not long.

"Gonna die! Gonna die!"

When the thunder and lightning did not strike, the monkey exhaled a puff of black smoke and muttered.

But the next moment, he saw the originally motionless Nine-Aperture God of Chaos suddenly burst into dazzling light.

Under the shroud of light, the Earth Thunder Dragon, which was invincible and wreaking havoc, stagnated directly as if it had been cast a restraining spell.

Then, as if being pulled by some powerful force, he flew directly towards the Nine Apertures of Chaos God.

The nine-aperture god of chaos is like a sponge that never absorbs enough water, frantically absorbing the violent earth thunder dragon, and spitting out black breath one after another.

It was a powerful demonic energy.

The prison-suppressing Demon Emperor deity on the side also flashed his light and sucked up all the demonic energy from the forest.

"What...what's going on now?"

The monkey looked at everything in front of him in disbelief.

In just a few breaths, the originally invincible Earth Thunder Dragon was completely sucked clean by the two gods.

The two gods instantly became more powerful. After "eating and drinking enough", they actively exuded thick fairy power and extremely pure demonic energy, constantly repairing the divine treasure.

In an instant, the destroyed and unrecognizable Shenzang was restored.


In mid-air, Jiang Tian let out a long sigh of relief.

The body, which had been separated from flesh and blood, regained its vitality.

Flesh and blood grew out inch by inch and returned to its original shape. The skin that was originally as smooth as jade became more lustrous, with the power of thunder and lightning faintly swimming in it.

"How can this be!"

The giant demon face looked at Jiang Tian who had returned to his original state, his eyes widened in disbelief.

"What, you're surprised?"

The corners of Jiang Tian's mouth raised slightly.

Just a moment ago, when he was struck by the Earth Thunder Dragon, he forcibly mobilized the power of the two gods, but he could not withstand the power of the Earth Thunder Dragon.

Unexpectedly, after the Earth Thunder Dragon wreaked havoc on Shenzang, it was completely absorbed by the two gods.

Only then did Jiang Tian suddenly realize what was going on.

The Earth Thunder Dragon was originally a product of a mixture of demonic energy and earth spirit power.

However, the Nine Apertures of Chaos God is the power of chaos. His class is much higher than the power of earth spirits. It is natural that he can absorb the power of earth spirits.

Needless to say, the demonic energy in the Earth Thunder Dragon can of course be completely absorbed by the Prison-Suppressing Demon Emperor God in an instant.

Moreover, Jiang Tian was once again a blessing in disguise this time!

Whether it is the body or the divine treasure, after being tempered by the Earth Thunder Dragon, the toughness and strength have reached a higher level again.

"Damn! Trash!"

The giant demon face finally revealed a hint of anger.

Abominable refers to Jiang Tian, ​​and trash refers to Si Xiang Lei Ling.

"You are very good!"

At this moment, the four thunder spirits in the sky finally spoke.

His voice was like a child's, but his demeanor was old-fashioned, as if he was commenting on a younger generation, and he was extremely arrogant.

Unlike the giant warriors, the Four Elephant Thunder Spirits have extremely high intelligence. Even though their souls were absorbed by the Soul Requesting Banner, sacrificed for millions of years, and turned into a puppet, they still maintained their original intelligence, or rather IQ.

In his opinion, Jiang Tian was just an ant.

The reason why the giant warriors failed was because the giant warriors had no brains, and the human monks seized the opportunity and killed them with one strike with a superb divine sword.

Although Jiang Tian had some abilities, he only had some abilities. It was easy for him to crush Jiang Tian to death.

"You are also very good!"

Jiang Tian stood proudly in the air.

He didn't know how many times he had experienced this kind of contempt, whether it was in the previous life or this life, and he would not take it to heart at all.

What he cares about is whether he can solidify his foundation again after going through this battle.

"Next, I won't be so lucky!"

Si Xiang Lei Ling was angered by Jiang Tian, ​​and a trace of anger showed on his immature face.

He stretched out his sword finger and pointed it between his eyebrows. Between the flashes of light, a drop of dark green blood floated out.

The dark green blood ignited with a hiss, and then turned into three thunder dragons with different auras.

A strong wind was raging inside the body, another was burning with green flames, and the last one was a turbid wave that surged into the sky.

"Yes, you are much smarter than that stupid guy who only knows how to act recklessly!"

The corner of the giant demon face raised a smile, looked at Jiang Tian and said lightly: "The power of these three thunder dragons is no less powerful than the earth thunder dragon."

"I wonder if you will be as lucky as before this time!"

"Three thunders?"

Jiang Tian stared at the four thunder spirits in the sky.

Of course, Jiang Tian knew the moves of the Four Elephant Thunder Spirits.

Generally speaking, the Four-Elephant Thunder Spirit can only release one Thunder Dragon at a time. Those who can release two Thunder Dragons at the same time are already the most talented among the Four-Elephant Thunder Spirit.

As for those who can release three thunder dragons, they are simply rare!

"Hoo ho ho! Boom boom! Chi chi chi chi!"

Under the guidance of the Four Elephant Thunder Spirits, the three thunder dragon lights suddenly flourished.

For a time, between heaven and earth, heavy rain poured down, strong winds raged, and at the same time, fire shot into the sky.

At the same time, the surrounding demonic energy instantly converged on the three thunder dragons.

The bodies of the three thunder dragons, Water Thunder Dragon, Wind Thunder Dragon, and Fire Thunder Dragon, began to expand, and they cruised in the sky with a destructive aura.

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