Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 2220 Fire Breathing Demonic Bull

Biquge, the fastest update of the return of cultivation after ten thousand years!

Fire-breathing demonic cows are not too conspicuous in the fairy world, but due to their high loyalty, not too slow speed, and large number, the fire they spout can instantly extinguish the souls of low-level monks, so many monks in the fairy world, They will all be captured to make mounts.

As for the troll stone monster, it is a kind of filthy thing born in the tomb of the fairy beast in the fairy world, and it is also difficult to deal with.

Seeing two majestic monsters that could deal fatal blows to low-level monks gradually appear in front of him, Jiang Tian couldn't help but look at the demon faces in the sky.

In fact, until now, he still has a magic weapon to win.

Using it now, it is true that the two sky-swallowing monsters can be suppressed instantly, but what about the soul-seeking banner weapon spirit?

According to the Whisk Spirit, the soul-seeking banner may play a key role in his fight against the World-Destroying Immortal Emperor.

If you use your trump card now, not only will you not be able to suppress the Soul-Calling Banner, but you will also have a great chance of being suppressed by the Soul-Calling Banner.

This is not what he wants to see!

"Brother, kill them! Kill them!"

The monkey jumped up and down on the mother stone cauldron of chaos.

Jiang Tian's performance gave him great confidence, making him believe that Jiang Tian could definitely fight back and live towards death.

"Shut up!"

Jiang Tian let out a low drink, and the aura all over his body instantly collapsed inward, as if he had merged with everything in the world.

"He's trying to escape, kill him!"

The giant demon face in the sky also felt that Jiang Tian's aura was gradually disappearing, and ordered the two monsters to kill Jiang Tian.



The sky-shaking roar sounded at the same time.

The fire-breathing demonic cow opened its mouth wide, and the surrounding Dao Law and the mysterious demonic energy crazily gathered into the mouth, and finally formed a fireball that gradually grew in size.

The fireball was very powerful. As soon as it appeared, the surrounding space was burned and wrinkles appeared, like wrinkled clothes.

He tilted his head back suddenly, as if he was accumulating strength, and then suddenly spit out a huge fireball, mixed with the momentum of burning all things, and headed straight towards Jiang Tian.

And the troll stone monster didn't give in too much. Two giant hands suddenly hit the demon soul's life-seeking formation, and the formation erupted with a loud roar and trembled violently.

Two streams of extremely filthy mud flowed out from the giant hand, like highly corrosive sulfuric acid, corroding everything around it, and then zigzagged towards Jiang Tian at an extremely fast speed.

Two attacks capable of killing a Hedao realm master gathered at Jiang Tian's location at the same time.


A loud noise resounded throughout the world, and the blazing purple fireball and the mud that was so dirty that it could corrode all things met at Jiang Tian's location.

Jiang Tian was like a small boat in the sea, instantly swallowed by the huge waves.

After hitting the target with one hit, both the troll stone monster and the fire-breathing demonic bull showed a dazed expression at the same time.

As members of the formation, they watched the Four Elephant Thunder Spirits and Giant Warriors die. How could that human monk be killed so easily?

"Trash! That's just a prosthetic clone! He ran away!"

The giant demon face in the sky was distorted and seemed to be extremely dissatisfied with the current situation.

Feeling the raging anger of the Soul-Calling Banner, the two monsters immediately trembled.

Although they were controlled by the Soul Requesting Banner Sacrifice, their instincts had not been completely lost, and they felt fear deep in their hearts.

After the scolding ended, peace returned to the world, and the giant demon face closed its eyes, floating in the sky like a very strange dark cloud.

"It turns out to be here!"

Just for a moment, the giant demon face suddenly opened its eyes, its empty eyes staring at the huge pit in the ground that was ten thousand feet deep.

Just now, it was not that she had done nothing, but she had released her demonic thoughts, covering tens of thousands of miles in radius, searching for traces of Jiang Tian.

"You, go down and kill him!"

The empty eyes of the giant demon face looked at the giant stone monster.

Jiang Tian is hiding deep in the earth, and the troll stone monster is a filthy thing born under the ground and in the tombs.

The depths of the earth are his natural battlefield!

The troll stone monster did not hesitate at all, and instantly broke away from the demon soul's life-seeking formation, jumped down, and fell into the bottomless pit.

"Brother, why should we escape?"

Deep in the huge pit, which was ten thousand feet deep, the monkey couldn't help but ask questions.

In his opinion, although the opponent is very strong, his eldest brother is fully capable of fighting.

A desperate comeback is a no-brainer.

"It's just a temporary measure!"

Jiang Tian hid in the soil and took a breath at this time.

Just a moment after the two monsters attacked, he instantly condensed a fake body using fairy materials and injected a breath of his own into it.

Then, he used the Mysterious Kung Fu to deceive the sky and fill the earth, hiding his body and escaping to the depths of the earth in an instant.

"A stopgap measure?"

The monkey held his chin, as if chewing on Jiang Tian's words.

Just the next second, he was suddenly startled because he felt a dangerous aura coming rapidly from above Jiang Tian's head.

"Brother, they are coming!" Monkey reminded anxiously.

"finally come!"

The corners of Jiang Tian's lips raised slightly, and he used the Deception Technique to completely erase his own aura, and then used the Kunpeng Law to disappear instantly.

In the huge pit, lumps of mud seeped out from the slippery stone walls.

The mud exuded a strong smell of filth and gradually formed into a filthy giant with a ferocious face and a tall stature.

"Not here?"

The Troll Stone Monster once again had a confused look in his eyes, and just as he was about to explore the surroundings, he felt that the surrounding demonic energy and the laws of the Great Dao suddenly became disordered, and then became violent.

The violent law of the avenue, with its overwhelming power, crazily crushes everything.

He selectively absorbed part of the demonic energy, and the filth circulated and condensed all over his body, forming an armor to resist the broken laws of the avenue around him.

As a monster in the Hedao realm, an attack of this level could not do anything to him.


A rumbling sound suddenly came from the body of the troll stone monster, and then with a "bang", a violent demonic energy broke through the filthy armor in an instant.


The troll stone monster burst out with a huge roar.

He felt the demonic energy in his body, and instantly became extremely violent, just like the essence and blood in a martial arts master's body running backwards, going crazy, and suffering incomparable pain.

The surrounding demonic energy gathered crazily, pulled by the demonic thoughts of the troll stone monster, trying to fill the broken armor.

But the troll stone monster found that the more demonic energy it absorbed, the more violent the demonic energy in its body became and became more difficult to control.

By the time he wanted to stop, the demonic energy in his body had become completely violent.


Waves of demonic energy broke through the filthy armor, and the troll stone monster collapsed.

"That thing is dead?"

Hearing the loud noise, the monkey looked confused.

"Of course, with the demonic energy as the basis and the body refined by sacrifice, once the demonic energy is disordered, it will be completely destroyed!"

Jiang Tian used the Kunpeng Law and quickly flew towards the ground.

As early as the moment the troll stone monster appeared, Jiang Tian was already thousands of miles away.

However, before leaving, a large amount of demonic energy with a violent aura was left around.

In the ancient battlefield, of course he could not control the demonic energy thousands of miles away, but if the troll stone monster absorbed the demonic energy with violent aura, it would be seeking death.

Regardless of whether it is a monk or a monster, absorbing the spirit and demonic energy is natural, just like breathing.

The boulder monster absorbed the violent demonic energy, and it was natural for it to fall apart.

"Down there is the cow!"

Kunpeng's Law was activated, and Jiang Tian instantly rushed to the ground

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