Biquge, the fastest update of the return of cultivation after ten thousand years!

The blazing fire shot up into the sky and once again illuminated the entire world red.

"Jiang Taichu, do you really think that you can deal with me by destroying my natal fire lotus?"

Ancestor Liehuo sneered: "Tell you, I still have seven of these fire lotuses!"

After saying this, the blazing fire suddenly collapsed into Ancestor Liehuo's body. Ancestor Liehuo's whole body was bathed in the firelight, and his figure was erratic, like an illusion.

The natal fire lotus floated out from Ancestor Liehuo's body and floated around him, constantly surrounding him.

The exhausted fire between heaven and earth gathered again, growing the natal fire lotus.

At the same time, the momentum of Ancestor Liehuo also climbed to the extreme. The hot temperature was enough to burn everything, and the powerful momentum was enough to suppress everything.

"Although it is only the lowest level of Hedao, it is indeed not something that can compete with the cultivation of the gods."

While muttering to himself, Jiang Tian once again separated an earth-yellow aura from the mother stone cauldron of chaos to protect his whole body.

"One level of realm, one level of heaven, the background of a powerful Hedao man is so terrifying!"

Mo Xianlin was lying on the ground, trembling.

"As expected of the ancestor, worthy of the ancestor!"

Xin Taiyan laughed loudly, stared at Jiang Tian and sneered: "Jiang Taichu, I let you win a game by luck before, let's see if you can still have such good luck this time!"

"Ancestor Liehuo, please be extremely merciful!"

Mo Xianlin was suddenly startled and quickly begged for mercy.

Jiang Tian's methods are indeed endless, even causing heavy losses to Hedao experts, but after all, he is two realms behind and is no match for him.

"Mo Xianlin, if you make any noise again, I will kill you first!"

Ancestor Liehuo shouted coldly, with an angry look on his face, "Jiang Taichu, can't you control the demonic energy? Can't you make my natural fire lotus turn black? Come on!"

"Jiang Taichu, those who know the truth will be captured without hesitation." Xin Taiyan shouted angrily.

"Ancestor Liehuo, do you really think I can't do anything to you?" Jiang Tian said calmly.

If it were other strong men in the Hedao Realm, Jiang Tian would probably have to be beaten passively, or even have to pay some price to escape.

But the situation of Ancestor Liehuo is very different, because Ancestor Liehuo contains demonic energy in his body.

Jiang Tian's consciousness is hidden in these demonic energies, like a time bomb.

No matter how strong Ancestor Liehuo is, as long as Jiang Tian detonates this bomb, Ancestor Liehuo will definitely die.

Of course, in normal times, if Jiang Tian aroused the demonic energy, he would probably be discovered by Ancestor Liehuo soon. But at this moment, Ancestor Liehuo tried his best to sacrifice all the fire lotuses in succession, which was equivalent to destroying the bomb. The introduction was handed over to Jiang Tian.

As long as Jiang Tian arouses the demonic energy and completely controls the natal fire lotus, Ancestor Liehuo will definitely die.

"Jiang Taichu, when death is imminent, you still dare to speak harshly!"

Xin Taiyan sneered and said: "When the ancestor pulls out all your soul later and burns it with fire, I hope your mouth can still be so hard!"

"Elder Taichu, you are asking for death!"

Mo Xianlin sighed.

It's hard to persuade a damned person with good words. No matter how much he tried to persuade him, Jiang Tian was seeking death, so he had no choice but to admit it.

"Jiang Taichu, since you are so stubborn, I will kill you in one fell swoop today!"

Ancestor Liehuo waved his hand gently, and the two natal fire lotuses instantly glowed brightly. As the flames soared into the sky, they pressed directly towards Jiang Tian.

"Well done!"

Jiang Tian shouted loudly, raised one hand upward, and all the fairy energy in a radius of tens of thousands of miles was instantly mobilized.

The spirit energy gathered into a golden light curtain, gradually surrounding Jiang Tian and Wukong.

"This...this, how can heaven and man be one?"

Mo Xianlin was stunned.

Because what Jiang Tian was using at this moment was Mo Xianlin who read through countless ancient books and obtained the strongest defensive secret method, the unity of heaven and man!

"Is it possible that Elder Taichu just watched me perform it and learned it temporarily?"

he muttered, shocked to the core.

With his strength, after practicing for tens of thousands of years, he could only mobilize the energy of the immortals with a radius of tens of thousands of miles to form a golden light curtain. However, Jiang Tian could mobilize the energy of the immortals with a radius of tens of thousands of miles with just one look. gas.

Is this still a human being?

This is simply a monster!

No wonder he was attracted by that existence. Such a monster will probably become a giant in the future!

No, he will definitely visit the fairy world, or even the divine world!


Two natal fire lotuses pressed directly against Jiang Tian's golden light curtain, making a loud noise.

The golden light curtain clicked and shattered into the shape of a spider web.

Jiang Tian thought, and a steady stream of fairy energy gathered to repair it.

"You can actually resist?"

Xin Taiyan looked shocked.

He didn't expect that Jiang Tian could actually resist the two natal fire lotuses of Ancestor Liehuo with his spirit transformation cultivation.

"If Elder Taichu can survive, he will definitely be able to ascend to the God Realm!" Mo Xianlin shook his head and sighed.

At this point, Jiang Tian is bound to die.

"Is it just that?"

At this moment, Jiang Tian's bones seemed to be crushed to pieces, making a banging sound, and traces of green smoke came out of his whole body, as if he was about to spontaneously combust at any time.

In fact, with his true strength, being able to resist two natal fire lotuses is already the limit, but with the blessing of the unity of heaven and man, it is equivalent to one side of heaven and earth bearing the attack of two natal fire lotuses for him.

"Jiang Taichu, don't forget, I still have five natal fire lotuses!"

Ancestor Liehuo was slightly surprised and surprised that Jiang Tian was able to resist.

But then he no longer cared, but waved his hand gently, and a natal fire lotus pressed towards Jiang Tian again.


There was another loud noise, and cracks appeared in the golden light curtain again.

Only this time, no matter how Jiang Tian mobilized the spirit energy, he could not repair the cracks.

"What? Can't you hold on anymore?"

Ancestor Liehuo showed a sneer at the corner of his mouth, waved his hand gently, and another natal fire lotus flew towards Jiang Tian.

Under the weight of many dead fire lotuses, Jiang Tian could no longer hold up, and with a roar, he knelt down on one knee.

"Haha, it's nothing more than that! No match for the ancestor at all!"

Seeing Jiang Tian kneeling on one knee, Xin Taiyan burst into laughter.

"If you think you can suppress me this way, you are looking down on me!"

Jiang Tian clenched his teeth, and an earthy aura escaped, completely merging with the golden light curtain.

The light of the golden light curtain suddenly dimmed a lot, but it gained a sense of thickness, and the cracks were quickly repaired.

"Haha, good! Very good! I want to see if you can withstand my seven natal fire lotuses!"

Ancestor Liehuo laughed wildly, and the three natal fire lotuses that gave birth circled and pressed towards Jiang Tian.

Under the heavy pressure of the three natal fire lotuses, even with the blessing of the chaotic aura, the golden light curtain instantly shattered and turned into a massive amount of fairy energy, floating in the air.

The seven natal fire lotuses pressed towards Jiang Tian with powerful momentum and extremely hot temperature.

"Finally, is it over?"

Feeling the powerful momentum of the natal fire lotus, Mo Xianlin knew that Jiang Tian was definitely doomed.

"Jiang Taichu, this is what will happen if you go against my Fire Sect!"

Seeing that Jiang Tian was about to be completely swallowed by the seven natal fire lotuses, Xin Taiyan was extremely happy.

"Finally! Now!"

Facing the seven natal fire lotuses, Jiang Tian did not panic at all and was surprisingly calm.

A large amount of black energy escaped from his body, directly wrapping all seven natal fire lotuses under everyone's gaze.

"How is this possible!" Ancestor Liehuo was completely confused.

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