Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 903: When there are no talents, they are all useless

Jiang Yunhe's face became angry and he said angrily: "Fellow Daoist Zhenyin, are you targeting me?"

Even though he is very rich, his personal property is only 20 million Wuyu crystal stones.

Jiang Tian took half of it in one bite, which was like a lion opening its mouth wide.

"I'm targeting you! If you don't want to give it, get out!"

Jiang Tian threw away the playing cards, stood up, and said coldly.

"You're going too far!"

Jiang Yunhe was furious and pointed at Jiang Tian and roared.

"I'm just bullying you, so what!"


Jiang Tian raised his hand and slapped him across the face.

Whoosh! A loud sound!

Jiang Yunhe's cheeks were bleeding and his canine teeth fell off. He was shot flying dozens of meters away and fell out of the smoke screen like a dead dog.



Like a fly smelling blood.

The compound eyes of the mosquito beasts flashed with a frightening fierce light, and they flew towards Jiang Yunhe. Their mouthparts breathed out gray poisonous gas, and they stabbed down like sharp spears.

"Ouch! It hurts me so much!"

Jiang Yunhe let out a shrill, horrifying howl, and rushed towards the smoke screen with urine dripping from his buttocks.


Miao Yi raised her eyebrows and patted the storage bag on her waist.

A frost-covered sword shot out of the air, stabbing at the mosquito beasts like lightning.

Fairy Miaoyi came to help, and Jiang Yunhe got a chance to breathe, and quickly crawled into the smoke screen.

Plop! With a sound, he fell to the ground, covered in blood, covered with holes, and dying.

In just a few seconds, his essence and blood were almost drained, his entire right leg had withered, and he was so scared that he peed.

"Fellow Daoist Zhenyin, you are too greedy for money! Isn't this tantamount to robbery!"

The more Fairy Miaoyi looked, the angrier she became. She walked over quickly, dancing and angrily.

"I'll give you ten million Wuyun crystals! Master Jiang Xian, you must agree! I know I was wrong!"

"Fellow Daoist Zhenyin, I beg you to be merciful beyond the law. The adults don't remember the faults of the villains. Don't kick me out!"

Jiang Tian's face darkened, and before he could say anything, Jiang Yunhe prostrated on the ground, kowtowing as if pounding garlic, begging for mercy.

"Look, he's willing to give it!"

Jiang Tian looked at the stunned Fairy Miaoyi and mocked:

"He is even willing to give 20 million Wu Yun crystals! Isn't that right, Master Jiang Shaofeng!"

"I do! I do! Just don't throw me out!"

Jiang Yunhe kowtowed repeatedly, his face full of flattery.

Fairy Miaoyi's face turned red again, and she felt like her pretty face was slapped by Jiang Tian.

"You obviously have the ability to save everyone, why didn't you take action earlier? If you had taken action in time, so many people wouldn't have died!"

She looked at the corpses on the ground and the messy formation, and stared at Jiang Tian with a mixture of shame and anger.

As soon as this word came out.

Qiao Yingluo turned pale with anger, and Qiao Bashan shook his head secretly.

This woman must be sick!

Wu Tengying and Taoist Shi Mo are both your people. They just shouted to beat Brother Jiang and kill him. They were extremely vicious. Now that you are in trouble, why should you let Brother Jiang help you?

Ding Lingdang pulled her and persuaded her softly: "Sister Miaoyi, stop arguing. Fellow Taoist Zhenyin saved us anyway, we should still be grateful to her!"

Even Zen Master Dexin smiled bitterly and shook his head.

This is the first time for Fairy Miaoyi to go down the mountain to experience. She is simple-minded and does not know the dangers and ugliness of the world of cultivation.

In fact, Jiang Tiangang was very kind by not taking advantage of the situation and killing everyone!

"Miaoyi, do I know you? Are we familiar with each other? Why should I help you?" Jiang Tian said mockingly.


Fairy Miaoyi was speechless and looked pale. She didn't expect Jiang Tian to be so disrespectful!

The future leader of the Wuqing Sect, one of the three major sects under the Tianxing Palace, took a few deep breaths to suppress the shame in his heart.

I saw her as pure and pure as a Guanghan fairy, with a pretty face as cold as frost, and she asked in a cold voice:

"You don't even need to take action, I just need a few reminders! If you had warned everyone before, would we have killed so many people? Now, you are going to plunder and take advantage of the situation. Who are you?"

"Miaoyi, it seems you are very forgetful?"

Jiang Tian looked calm and said calmly:

"Just now, didn't I remind you that your formation is unsafe?"

"Have I ever said that it is my torch that resists the mosquito beast!"

"Who is the culprit?"


Fairy Miaoyi was speechless, her face turned red with embarrassment, and her beautiful eyes were about to cry.

In fact, Jiang Tian made it clear from beginning to end.

Even one day ago, at the foot of Yujing Peak, Jiang Tian reminded her and even sold her a mugwort torch!

The key is, no matter she, Zen Master Dexin or Jiang Yunhe, no one believes Jiang Tian at all.

The most important thing is that Fairy Miaoyi did not believe Jiang Tian!

Although Jiang Yunhe convened and planned this hunting operation, the real on-site commander was Fairy Miaoyi! After all, she has the highest level of cultivation!

It can be said that it was Fairy Miaoyi who repeatedly distrusted Jiang Tian and made wrong judgments time and time again that led to this heinous disaster!

"You evil beast, come and die!"

At this moment.

Suddenly, there was a scoffing sound, and a ray of golden light penetrated through the crowd of mosquito beasts like a tide.

Boom! There was a loud bang.

A fairy girl with a cold face and a heroic figure fell heavily to the ground like a meteorite falling.

"Destroying Desire Fairy! Master of the Ruthless Sect!"

"The Desire-Destroying Fairy has arrived, we are finally saved!"

Many monks present had expressions of reverence on their faces, and they knelt down and worshiped, as if they had seen the great savior.

"Junior, I have met the Desire-Destroying Immortal Girl!"

Zen Master Dexin put his hands together and bowed deeply to show his utmost respect.

"Disciple, meet the Immortal Lady of Desire!"

Even the quirky Ding Lingdang put away his naughty expression and bowed with a solemn expression.

Although she is the daughter of the city lord of Star Capital, the Wuqing Sect is also one of the three major sects after Tianxing Palace.

Even if his father meets the Wuqing Sect and the Desire-Destroying Immortal Girl, he still has to be somewhat respectful.

What's more, she had received several guidance from the Immortal Lady of the Desire, and she was regarded as an anonymous disciple.

"Master! This time, I will almost never see you!"

Fairy Miaoyi immediately threw herself into the arms of Immortal Mieyu. She could no longer control her tears and started crying in aggrievedness.

"How unbecoming it is to cry and cry!"

The Desire Immortal Girl frowned and scolded: "I have told you before that you cannot deal with this blue-eyed toad! You are also unlucky to meet such a mosquito beast!"

But he still patted Fairy Miaoyi on the shoulder and said warmly: "Master, aren't you here?"

Fairy Miaoyi stopped her sorrow and said in a tearful tone:

"The evil disciple has realized his mistake. The disciple also considered that the blue-eyed toad was causing too many harms to people, so he wanted to get rid of them!"

"Everyone has a destiny. Why should we monks care about so many mundane things?"

The Desire-Destroying Fairy sighed.

"Destroy the Desire Fairy, this kid just wanted to kill me, and he also killed countless people. He even killed Wu Tengying and Elder Shi Mo of the Giant Sword Sect. You, old man, kill him quickly!"

Suddenly, Jiang Yunhe rushed to Immortal Mieyu, first saluted with a flattering face, and then pointed at Jiang Tian and complained.

Many people couldn't help but gloat about the misfortune.

Everyone knows that Immortal Aunt Destroying Desire has a violent temper, is moody, ruthless, and murderous. Her reputation is no less than that of any other sect leader.

At this time, Jiang Tian also insulted her disciples. How could Fairy Destroyer not punish Jiang Tian!


Unexpectedly, Fairy Mieyu raised her hand and slapped Jiang Yunhe away.

"Destroying Desire, why did you hit me? Aren't you and my father friends?"

Jiang Yunhe flew dozens of meters away and rolled to the ground. His face was full of peach blossoms, his nose was bleeding wildly, and his canine teeth were about to fall off. He was extremely miserable.

"I can kill whoever I want. I have been doing what I want to do all my life. Why do I need other people to point fingers? How can I allow you, a little bastard, to comment!"

"Who does your father mean to be my friend?"

The Desire-Destroying Immortal Lady coldly snorted.

When everyone saw this, they were all frightened and silent, not even daring to make a sound.

I have long heard that this Desire-Destroying Immortal Girl has a strong personality and is moody. When I saw her today, it turned out to be true.

You don't play your cards according to the routine at all!

Desire Immortal Aunt was too lazy to pay attention to Jiang Yunhe, but turned her head, looked at Jiang Tian with strange eyes, and praised:

"This mosquito beast is extremely rare, and it is said that it became extinct two hundred years ago!"

"Few people know how to use butterfly leaf mugwort, purple toad oil and purple striped vines to control mosquito beasts. My master told me this more than a hundred years ago! But this fellow Taoist actually knows it!"

"This fellow Taoist is so knowledgeable at such a young age. I wonder which sect he is a master disciple of?"

"Without any sect or sect, I'm just a casual cultivator, a Taoist who is a hermit!"

Jiang Tian said calmly.

"Rare! Rare! Rare!"

The Desire-Destroying Fairy repeatedly praised and looked at Jiang Tian deeply, full of admiration.

"No way!"

“Such a high rating!”

"Could he be the illegitimate son of the Immortal Lady of Desire!"

"You want to die! If Immortal Girl Mie Yu hears this, she will kill you with one sword!"

Everyone was shocked.

Even Fairy Miaoyi was stunned, her beautiful eyes widened and disbelief written on her pretty face.

Desire-killing fairy is extremely talented, has a weird temper, and thinks very highly of herself.

As one of the creators of the Talent List, she once harshly commented on the younger generation, saying that they are all useless without talents!

Even Qingxuan Daozi received a comment from her: "It is difficult for a dull person to become a great person, and there is no hope of golden elixir in this life."

It is said that Qingxuan Daozi was so angry that he could not eat for three days and three nights.

Now, she actually gave such a comment to Jiang Tian, ​​which is really unbelievable, like a dream.

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