Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 952 Overwhelm the heroes of the sky and sweep across Qingqiu Mountain

"How is this possible! How could you, an ant from the earth realm, break my flying sword with a leaf!"

Zhou Yunkai couldn't believe it and screamed like a tomcat being set on fire.

He had a feeling of disillusionment, his head was confused, the world was spinning, and he couldn't bear the blow!

He practiced hard in seclusion for ten years, and finally reached the third place on the list of geniuses. This time he came out of seclusion and attended the party just to make a splash!

But he didn't expect that the flying sword he had practiced hard for ten years would be broken by Jiang Tian with a leaf in one second!


The flying sword that has been tempered for thousands of times!

Not to mention my own magical flying sword, even against an ordinary sword, it is impossible!

"Zhou Yunkai, his cultivation has not been lost, and he is still very powerful. Please retreat quickly!"

In the end, Cang Songzi was the first to react, his body shook, and he shouted a warning.

In fact, Zhou Yunkai also realized this, his face turned pale, and his figure quickly retreated like a ghostly meteor.

But it's too late.

A mocking smile appeared on the corner of Jiang Tian's mouth, and thousands of leaves shot out like a rain of swords from the sky.

Zhou Yunkai howled miserably, and the leaves pierced through the light shields emitted by many protective magic weapons, and then penetrated into the acupoints and meridians all over his body, and then brought out a cloud of blood mist and flew out.

Like a dead dog, Zhou Yunkai was carried dozens of meters away by the leaves and fell to the edge of the square.

Fei Hua picked leaves and defeated thousands of swords, stepped on the leader of the Feather Guards, defeated the third genius with one hand, and defeated him in one move!

There was dead silence.

There were tens of thousands of monks on each mountain peak, and there was total silence.

Everyone was stunned, their expressions were extremely shocked and they couldn't believe it.

"What's going on? Isn't he on the second level of foundation building and has all his cultivation gone?"

"I heard that the demonic energy entered the body and vomited blood. Are you seriously injured?"

"What the hell is going on?"

It took a long time for everyone to come back to their senses, their eyes were confused, and they were whispering to each other and talking.

To put it bluntly, they were confused, even those powerful men at the level of sect leader and city lord did not understand what was going on!

Jiang Tiangang clearly had no true energy radiating out, nor did he use any magical powers, so how could he control these leaves and create terrifying lethality!

In the Qingqiu Palace, only Cang Songzi glanced at Mieyu with dissatisfaction and said in a deep voice: "Mieyu, you are wrong! His cultivation is not only the second level of foundation building!"

"Cangsongzi, please stop staring. I asked you to tell me what is going on. Can you tell me? You also saw that he has no breath at all!"

Mie Yu also looked suspicious. Did he get it wrong? Did Jiang Taichu possess an extremely powerful Qi gathering technique?

Beside the Square of Life and Death, Zhou Yunkai staggered up.

A cultivator is a cultivator. Even if they are beaten into a sieve, their Qi and blood are strong and they can still sustain themselves.

His face turned blue, red, and white, changing rapidly like a psychotic chameleon.

He is the third in the list of distinguished geniuses, and represents the Tianxing Palace to put pressure on Jiang Tian.

Faced with a waste who had lost all his cultivation, faced with an abandoned citizen of the Earth Realm, and he used his best flying sword technique, but he was defeated by Jiang Tian's leaves!

He couldn't even sustain a single move!

Moreover, Jiang Tian was still stepping on Li Zaixing at this time, and was only controlling the leaves with one hand!

"Am I an ant? Am I vulnerable? Are you a swordsman? Yours is the supreme sword?"

Jiang Tian stepped on Li Zaixing, looked at Zhou Yunkai with a mocking face, and said lightly.

"Jiang Taichu! I'm going to peel off your skin, crush your bones and spread your ashes!"

Zhou Kaiyun was filled with rage, his whole body was filled with sword energy, and a monstrous murderous aura soared into the sky, stirring up the clouds to pieces!

At this moment, Zhou Kaiyun was extremely frustrated!

It was a great shame and humiliation for him to be defeated by an earth ant using a few leaves to break his thousand flying swords!

This will make him the laughing stock of Tianxing's small world!

Even if he dies, he will still become a joke and be talked about forever!


Zhou Kaiyun took action, and the sword energy around him suddenly turned into thousands of sword energy and penetrated towards Jiang Tiandong.

The lethality of these sword energies exceeds that of flying swords.

And there are so many of them, overwhelming and dense, like heavy rain pouring down toward Jiang Tian.

There is a hint of blood in these Qi swords!

This shows that Zhou Kaiyun has used his natal sword energy and almost all his blood essence has been consumed.

"Is this your background?"

A disdainful smile appeared on the corner of Jiang Tian's mouth and he waved his hand.


The air swords that could cut through fine steel and penetrate tanks cracked and shattered under Jiang Tian's sleeves, and the fragments danced in the air like dead leaves.

"bring it on!"

Jiang Tian bluffed with his right hand and slapped blood from his mouth. Zhou Kaiyun, who was pale, took it into his hands.

"Jiang Taichu, let me go!" Zhou Kaiyun screamed.

At this time, all the blood and energy in his body had been consumed by the blow just now, and he was as weak as a three-year-old child, ready to be slaughtered.

Jiang Tian slapped Zhou Kaiyun on the face and sneered: "Is my swordsmanship heresy?"


Zhou Kaiyun flew out like a scarecrow, lying on the ground as weakly as a dead dog, spitting out his teeth all over the ground.

"I am an ant from the earth world? Do you still think so now? Say it!"

Jiang Tian walked over, stepped on his face, and snorted coldly.

Seeing Jiang Tiansen's cold gaze, Zhou Kaiyun's heart skipped a beat, and his anger turned into cold sweat!

Jiang Tian's eyes were very indifferent. He knew that Jiang Tian would definitely dare to kill him.

"Say it!" Jiang Tian shouted.

"You are not an ant, I am an ant..."

Zhou Kaiyun was scared, really scared, and said with a pleading look on his face.

"Chu Yunxiu, take a look clearly, this is what you rely on!"

Jiang Tian took Zhou Kaiyun into his palm, and then slammed him down like a chicken.


Zhou Kaiyun screamed, his body covered in blood, his skin and flesh torn, lying on the ground.

At this time, he could only breathe in, but could not breathe out. He was trembling and did not dare to resist at all.

"how so……"

Chu Yunxiu was stunned and couldn't believe it.

At this moment, she felt like she was in a dream!

Jiang Taichu is so powerful that he can crush even the third genius!

Could it be that his cultivation is not only as simple as building the second level of the foundation, but his cultivation is still there!

"Mie Yu made a mistake! Jiang Taichu's cultivation level is at least at the fake elixir level, and he was not injured!"

"The combat power he displayed at this time can definitely compete with many sect masters!"

At this time, at least many of the geniuses and young talents upstairs came to their senses and were restrained.

Some had frightened eyes, and cold sweat crawled down their backs, while some clenched their fists, nervously, and their whole bodies were tense.

Zhou Kaiyun’s cultivation level is on par with them!

Zhou Kaiyun was tortured so miserably by Jiang Tian, ​​and when they went up, they only got the same ending.

"Aren't you going to peel off my skin and crush my bones? Then try it..."

Jiang Tian approached Zhou Kaiyun like he was strolling in a garden, about to kill him.

"Jiang Taichu, you've had enough!"

Suddenly, in Qingqiu Hall, Cang Songzi's face darkened and he said coldly:

"Zhou Kaiyun has been defeated and can no longer take action. Why are you so aggressive?"

"He can't do anything anymore, so I have to let him go?"

Jiang Tian looked at Cang Songzi with contempt and ridicule, kicked Zhou Kaiyun until blood spurted from his mouth, his air shattered, and he snorted coldly:

"What are you talking about? Just now when everyone attacked me, a man who has completely lost his cultivation, why didn't you stand up?"

"Jiang Taichu, you have committed too many crimes and have repeatedly caused a bloody storm. Today, I will suppress demons and eliminate demons for the world and guard the vicissitudes of life!"

Cang Songzi's old face turned red, but he still couldn't argue!

Then she flew towards Jiang Tian with murderous intent, as if she wanted to attack Jiang Tian.

"Shameless! You are so shameless, Thief Bald!"

At this time, Ding Lie's angry shout suddenly sounded in Qingqiu Palace.

Everyone was stunned, wondering why he was scolding and who he was scolding.


Everyone noticed that Jiang Tian's figure suddenly stagnated, and his whole body was enveloped and suppressed by golden Buddha lights.

The Buddha's light formed a scroll of scriptures, with large golden characters surrounding Jiang Tian. It was bright and blazing, like little suns, dazzling.

But every word and symbol is very condensed, each word is sonorous, makes the sound of gold and iron, and shines with metallic luster.

Lines of scriptures shuttled back and forth like ropes, quickly wrapping around Jiang Tian, ​​and finally entangled Jiang Tian tightly.

"The former abbot of Zhenmo Temple, Pudu's mentor, the Buddhist forbidden secret technique of Master Xixiang, the Demon Killing Curse!"

Everyone's expressions changed wildly, and they suddenly woke up.

It turned out that Master Xixiang took advantage of the pine seeds to attract Jiang Tian's attention and attacked Jiang Tian.

"Die to me!"

Cang Songzi's eyes lit up, and he shouted loudly. The giant sword flying about 10 feet behind him flew towards Jiang Tian and slashed at him.

Cangsongzi's fake elixir, Dzogchen's cultivation, is only inferior to Li Longyuan's. Moreover, while Jiang Tian was trapped by the Demon Killing Curse, he took advantage of it and waited for work, thus increasing his power!

The giant sword swept away, the light of the sword was like a torrent, the light of the sword was like Mount Tai pressing against the top of the mountain, Jiang Tian could not avoid it.

It's all too fast.

Moreover, the cooperation between Cangsongzi and Master Xixiang is so tacit.

Many people didn't react and were stunned.

After all, Cang Songzi is the headmaster of the Giant Sword Sect!

Master Xixiang is the previous abbot of Zhenmo Temple, and he is senior than Li Longyuan!

Both of them are high-ranking figures in this world, leaders of well-known and upright families, highly respected, and targets of pursuit by monks all over the world!

Who would have thought that they would attack secretly and attack together without saying a word?

"Jiang Taichu, be careful!"

Miao Yi cried out in surprise, Qiao Yingluo turned pale, and Ding Lingdang was trembling with anger.

"How could you do this! Just fight, if you can't defeat the assassin, what's your ability?"

Even Mie Yu didn't expect that Cang Songzi and Master Xixiang would act so cruelly, their expressions suddenly changed, and they said angrily.

This moment!

Jiang Tian's eyes were full of murderous intent, and a violent force of true energy surged outward like a nuclear explosion.

Chi Chi!

The ropes of scriptures make a tooth-breaking sound like steel bars being pulled and twisted.

Then there was a bang, and the scripture culture exploded into fragments of golden light.

The giant sword shattered!

As if being hit in the chest by an invisible cannonball, Cang Songzi danced and flew backwards.

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