Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 961: Ten miles of bloodshed, the trembling Tianxing Realm

Under extreme anxiety and fear, Li Longyuan, whose vitality and blood had declined, and who had very little cultivation left, unexpectedly sprouted strands of white hair on his temples in a short period of time.

Coupled with his slightly stooped waist, Li Yongyuan seemed to have aged ten years in an instant.

Before, he was full of confidence and arrogance.

In his eyes, after all, Jiang Tian is just an ant from the earth world, he only cultivates heretical ways, he is only on the second level of foundation building, and his dantian is injured and the demonic energy enters his body, so he is completely vulnerable!

On his side, it can be said that the tiger is fighting the rabbit with all his strength!

First, Pudu was used to plot against Jiang Tian. Although it was unsuccessful, Jiang Tian was completely isolated and became the life and death enemy of the entire Tianxing Realm.

When his plan failed, he made another one. There was a grand gathering in Qingqiu. Leaders of thousands of sects from all over the world came together. Masters gathered together. Tens of thousands of monks and thousands of immortals gathered together!

Ordinarily, in the eyes of ordinary people, this is already a foolproof strategy!

But Li Yongyuan actually has a backup plan!

He even woke up three veteran golden elixirs and ancestor-level figures to prepare for any eventuality, so he was relieved!

It can be said that Li Yongyuan's plan was exhaustive and his thinking was meticulous. It was like using a crane to kill a bed bug. In anyone's opinion, there was no possibility of failure!

However, I never expected it!

The great demon Bai Ze was actually born and became Jiang Tian’s henchman!

After all, the birth of the great demon Bai Ze was just a legend before!

You know, the great demon Bai Ze was plotted by Li Longyuan and these veteran golden elixirs so that his body was destroyed, leaving only a damaged spirit!

Many people have always believed that Bai Ze cannot condense a physical body at all!

Many rumors about the birth of a demon king are just bluffs made by the demon tribes in order to increase their cohesion and fight against thousands of sects!

However, the great demon Bai Ze really appeared, and he condensed a powerful body and restored his cultivation!

Moreover, he also came with a hundred thousand demon soldiers and demon generals! How can he resist this!

The key is that Bai Ze is still involved with Jiang Taichu. They have old and new hatreds, they are a life-and-death feud!

How could Bai Ze let him go!

How could Jiang Tian let him go? !

What a disaster!

It can be said that this time, Tianxing Palace is definitely no match for Jiang Tian and the others. They will be trampled on the ground and left to be slaughtered!

"Haha, amazing!"

After a long time, Jiang Tiancai glanced at the thousands of powerful people present with stern eyes and spoke slowly.

Jiang Tian's voice was calm, but it sounded like thunder to everyone!

At this time, there was deathly silence in the square, and the entire Qingqiu Mountain was also silent!

In this world, there was only Jiang Tian's voice, and the other was the soft sound of their teeth clashing against each other.

When they met Jiang Tian's gaze, everyone fell silent, their eyes showing deep fear and shock. They all lowered their heads, not daring to look at Jiang Tian.

"In the small world of Tianxing, I, Jiang Taichu, am the enemy of all the people in the world? Are you numerous and powerful? Now let's see, who is more powerful?"

"Back then, I, Jiang Taichu, said that it doesn't matter if the whole world is our enemy, and it doesn't matter if the sky is full of gods and Buddhas!"

"I'm not afraid of the true gods, let alone you ants? The entire Tianxing Realm is nothing in my eyes, Jiang Taichu!"

Jiang Tian sneered and asked with cold eyes:

"Now, tell me, which one of you is worthy of being my enemy? Stand up!"

This time, no one dared to say a word.

There was deathly silence in the whole place.

Many demon clan leaders and demon generals worshiped Jiang Tian, ​​and hundreds of thousands of demon soldiers followed him. Even the notorious Demon King Bai Ze, who once dominated the entire Tianxing World, knelt down in front of Jiang Tian. This said it all!

The three veteran golden elixirs can only be regarded as the disciples and grandsons of Demon King Bai Ze. How can they provoke Jiang Tian, ​​who is regarded as a god by Bai Ze!

Jiang Tian has such terrifying strength, status, and influence. How can these ants who are not even worthy of carrying Baize's shoes be qualified to be Jiang Tian's enemies!

At this time, they all understood!

They underestimated the number one person on earth and underestimated Jiang Tian. It can even be said that they were blind!

Even the demon king Bai Ze can suppress the intimidating existence, how can they have the qualifications and ability to provoke them!

Just like a group of ants, do you want to challenge a dragon?

It’s simply a fool’s dream!

"Li Yongyuan, you make mistakes again and again, you are extremely stupid, but there is one thing you said that makes sense!"

At this time, Jiang Tian spoke, leisurely, unhurriedly, and said calmly:

"In this world, the strong are respected, so killing a few ants is nothing! If the ants dare to provoke, they should be trampled upon!"

"Come on, judge me, trample on me! I want to see how you can judge me!"

Jiang Tian didn't finish his words.

Bai Ze's face darkened, and he suddenly took action and slapped Li Longyuan on the head.


Li Longyuan only felt the pressure of thousands of mountains, and his bones were about to break. His knees softened and he knelt on the ground. Even his head and hands were touching the ground, and his whole body fell to the ground.

Jiang Tian raised his right foot, stepped on Li Longyuan's head, and sneered mockingly:

"Li Longyuan, the master of Tianxing Palace, the number one person in the Tianxing Realm, come here and tell me how you are going to trample on me!"

Li Longyuan's face was full of humiliation.

But in his heart, fear was more important than humiliation. He was even trembling with fear.

At this time, at Jiang Tian's feet, he felt that many of his true energy and magical powers were imprisoned, and even the strong wind that protected his body could not be condensed. He was as vulnerable as a naked baby!

It could be said that Jiang Tian would crush his head to pieces and his body would disappear with one step.

Jiang Tian looked at Master Xixiang and sneered: "If nothing else... you trapped me in the Thousand Buddha Pagoda to destroy my soul in the name of healing my wounds. Is this bad idea coming from you, an old thief?" "

Master Xixiang was so frightened that his heart pounded, and his whole body shivered like chaff. He looked at Master Kuhai with a pale face and said in a trembling voice:

"Ancestor, save me! This disciple is here for the peace of this world..."

But Master Kuhai acted as if he hadn't seen him. He looked at his nose, mouth, and mind, played with his rosary beads, and chanted the Buddha's name.

In fact, he was so frightened that he almost peed, cursing in his mind, "Mom, what did you ask me to do?" Didn’t you see that Bai Ze is here? I, a clay Buddha, can't save myself when crossing the river, so how can I save you?

"You are really a thief if you are too old to die! You are not very capable, but you are very good at conspiracy!"

Jiang Tian shook his sleeves and snorted disdainfully.

As soon as Jiang Tian finished speaking, Master Xixiang felt an overwhelming suction coming over him.

The next moment, Master Xixiang was grabbed by Bai Ze and grabbed by the throat.

Bai Ze was about to ask Master Xi Xiang to kneel in front of Jiang Tian.

Jiang Tian waved his hand and said indifferently: "He doesn't deserve to kneel down for me, it's so disgusting!"

"go to hell!"

Bai Ze grabbed Master Xi Xiang like an eagle catching a chicken and slammed him to the ground.


Master Xixiang smashed a deep hole into the square.

He had broken bones and tendons, the monk's robe was torn, his body was stained with blood, and blood spurted from his mouth. He was in such a miserable state!

Jiang Tian said coldly: "Xixiang, I, Jiang Taichu, have no grievances with your Zhenmo Temple, and even saved your Buddhist disciples, but your Zhenmo Temple is ungrateful and has repeatedly framed me!"

"Afterwards, you even tried your best to slander me! You deceived the public with your monstrous words and instigated the world's tycoons to become my enemies. You owe me a head. Should I kill you, or should you let these little bald donkeys from Zhenmo Temple be buried with you?"

"You only have one breath to think about it!"

Jiang Tian's eyes were cold and ruthless.


The knife fell from the hand.

A bald head flew up, Master Xiang chose to commit suicide, and the headless corpse fell to the ground splattered with blood.

Because he knew that if he did not commit suicide, the hundreds of years of Zhenmo Temple's orthodoxy would be destroyed, and it would be a disaster!

At the same time, the leaders of the eight demon clans rushed into the Zhenmo Temple camp like wolves into a flock of sheep, and struck ruthlessly. A burst of sword light flashed across the field, and the sword rose and fell!

Puff puff!

Blood spurted out, corpses were spread across the ground, and the ground was stained with blood. More than a dozen eminent monks and Vajras were beheaded on the spot.

Although they are strong foundation builders, under the eight leaders, they have almost no power to resist!

They are all the backbone of Zhenmo Temple who participated in the plot against Jiang Tian.

He once traveled around the major sects and giant cities, slandered Jiang Tian, ​​and instigated major forces to besiege Jiang Tian. He deserved what he deserved.

Master Kuhai did not show the slightest resentment. Instead, he once again chanted the name of the Buddha, saying that these people deserved to be killed, and thanked Master Jiang for cleaning up the family!

Jiang Tian only killed a few culprits, which can be said to be too kind! Mercy to the extreme!

"It would be too easy for you to leave a whole body for you!"

Bai Ze smashed Master Xixiang's head and body into pieces with one palm, turning them into billowing smoke.

Jiang Tian looked at Shen Tiege again and sneered: "Shen Tiege, when you disrespected me in Chilei Mountain, I should have killed you! I just wanted you to pass on the message to give you a chance to survive!"

"I didn't expect that you still don't know how to advance or retreat today, and you continue to be my enemy, seeking revenge, and besieging me!"

"Master Jiang Xian, don't kill me. I am a golden elixir cultivator. I am willing to surrender to you and help you govern this world..."

Meeting Jiang Tian's cold gaze, Shen Tiege was so frightened that he stumbled back, full of fear, and almost urinated on the spot.

Cultivators are also human beings, and they are also afraid of death, even more afraid of death than ordinary people.

Because cultivation is to seek longevity and immortality, they regard life as much more important than ordinary people!

At this moment, facing the threat of life and death, Shen Tiege, the Star War God who once killed thousands of people and stained his hands with blood, was really scared!

"Golden elixir? Haha, what kind of rubbish is that! Does my master need your help?"

Bai Ze's eyes were arrogant, he raised his hand and grabbed Shen Tiege, and sneered:

"The True Immortal Taichu has given you a chance, but you still dare to provoke? You really don't know how to live or die!"

"There's no need for a fool like you to commit suicide! I'll kill you!"

Suddenly, he transformed into a half-human, half-demon form. His head quickly expanded to the size of a water tank, and his bloody mouth opened wide.

"No!" As Shen Tiege screamed and begged for mercy, Bai Ze swallowed Shen Tiege's head in one gulp.

Chewing like a wind and a cloud, Demon King Bai Ze ate up Shen Tiege's upper body, lower abdomen and limbs in a leisurely manner.

When he eats people, it's like people eating grapes, and he vomits out clothes and entrails from time to time.


The sounds of teeth and bones rubbing against each other and swallowing sounded in the silence, making those who heard it almost go crazy with fear!

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