Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 967 The location of the Immortal Ruins, the Order of the Human Emperor

Biquge, the fastest update of the return of cultivation after ten thousand years!

"Some continents, when the energy of the interstellar travel promotion array was exhausted, they built dimensional space arrays and completely hid them, forming many dimensional worlds such as the Star World."

"There are still some who continue to escape, running as far as possible. It is even said that the Immortal Ruins have arrived in a new galaxy!"

"Xianxu has arrived in a new galaxy, where is it?"

Hearing this, Jiang Tian's pupils shrank slightly and he asked.

Ye Tianren also looked nervous, clenching his fists tightly and trembling slightly!

The location of the Immortal Ruins, the secret that humans on earth have been pursuing for thousands of years, is finally about to be revealed!

"The ancient sages called it - the South Gate Double Star!"

Bai Ze said every word.


At this moment, Ye Tianren directly exclaimed.

Even Jiang Tian’s expression changed wildly!

The so-called Southern Gate Double Star is the two brightest stars in the constellation Centauri.

Of course, stars are all gaseous planets, containing violent energy, making it impossible for humans to survive.

The information Bai Ze obtained is also inaccurate, or the statement is not very accurate. The Immortal Ruins should be on a planet around the three stars in the Centauri galaxy!

The reason why Jiang and Tian were exclaimed was because from the perspective of the universe, Centauri is the closest star system to the earth, only 4.2 light-years away.

On today's earth, many scientific research institutions of the world's major powers have been looking for extraterrestrial civilizations and extraterrestrial creatures.

But I’m afraid no one thought that there is life in the star system closest to the earth, and it has the same ancestor as the human race on earth!

"The Escape Faction not only successfully escaped, but also set up formations to absorb spiritual energy on every continent to compete with the Destroying Star for the ancient earth's spiritual energy! Moreover, they succeeded!"

Bai Ze said:

"Each dimensional world contains huge spiritual energy! It is on par with the Destruction Star and retains some of the traditions of ancient cultivation!"

Jiang Tian pondered for a while, raised his eyes, and asked: "Is the Destruction Star still in the earth realm now?"

"It is said that it is still there!"

Bai Ze said:

"After Destroy Star entered the core of the ancient earth, it consumed all its spiritual energy and energy! Only by absorbing enough spiritual energy from the ancient earth can new energy be born and leave the earth. However, the escapees took away the spiritual energy with the dimensional continent, and Destroy Star could not obtain it. With enough energy, it sleeps in the center of the earth!”

"So that's it! This is probably also the source of the legend of spiritual energy resurrection seeds..."

Jiang Tian said.

The so-called hidden dimensional world allows the earth to recuperate, but it is actually waiting for the destruction star to completely sleep and even lose contact with its owner.

The spiritual energy revival seeds are actually the crystallization of the spiritual energy formation absorbed by the escape factions.

Once it is re-implanted into the present-day Earth, it will trigger a resurgence of spiritual energy.

Jiang Tian used Soul Swallowing three times, five divided by two, to remove the brand of divine consciousness in Li Longyuan's storage bag.

"Sure enough! The spiritual energy revival seeds are the crystallization of the formation!"

Jiang Tian's pupils shrank slightly as his consciousness swept away.

I discovered that there was a crystal-clear seed inside that exuded infinite spiritual energy, like a date core.

Bai Ze continued to tell.

After the escape factions escaped from the ancient earth, it was said that aliens from the outer world were madly invading the earth.

The race of invaders is very complex, including monsters and demons.

They came across the universe, were extremely powerful, and extremely cruel. They carried out a brutal massacre and extermination policy against the monks on the earth, and cut off the entire human cultivation civilization!

"By the way, do you know about the existence of a kind of super brain person..."

Jiang Tian thought of the super-brained humans he met in the United States, talked about their characteristics, and wanted to know the role they played in this dispute.

After Jiang Tian finished speaking, Bai Ze pondered for a while and said: "According to what the leader of Shengtian said back then, during the highly splendid period of the ancient earth's cultivation civilization, many great cultivators actually came to live on the earth and lived in harmony with the human race."

"The super-brain human race should be one of the many ethnic groups that inhabit the earth. Others include the light saint race, the parasitic race, the dark blood race, the moon worshiping wolf race, etc., there are dozens of them."

"But later, these alien races who stayed on the earth resisted the invasion together with the human race! They were also slaughtered!"

"Of course, in fact, the Guangming Saint Clan, the Parasitic Clan, etc. were not completely extinct, because the escape sect at that time was not only the strong men of ancient China, but also the Western Guangming Saint Clan, the parasitic Clan of ancient Tianzhu, and they They created their own dimensional worlds!"

"The dimensional world where the Light Saints live is called the Kingdom of Heaven, and the highest authority is called the Holy Church."

"The dimensional world of the parasitic tribe is called Xitu, and the most influential sect is called Leiyin Mountain!"

"Heaven? Holy Church? Western Land? Leiyin Mountain?"

Jiang Tian frowned and said:

"This is all recorded in the Holy See and Brahmin books. It is the place where they practice and pursue!"

"As far as I know, the Holy See and the Brahmins are just the forces they support in the earth!"

Bai Ze pondered for a while and said:

"Just like the small worlds such as Tianxing, Lancang, and Chiye from ancient China like to support dynasties on the earth, the dimensional worlds of all parties have not given up control of the earth world!"

"How many royal families have you supported?"

Jiang Tian said in surprise.

"The Tang Dynasty royal family, the Li family, and the Qing Dynasty royal family, the Nurhaci family, were all established with the help of the Dragon Vein arranged by the Heavenly Star Realm!"

Yuan Zihuayun smiled lightly and said:

"In fact, my father Yuan Tiangang was also sent by the Lord of the Star Realm at that time to assist the Li family. Otherwise, he would not be able to return to the Star Realm in the end!"

"The dimensional worlds such as Canglan, Chiye, and Longmen should also support many other dynasties, but we don't know which dynasties they are."

"Because everyone is vying for control of the earth world, waiting for the time for the spiritual energy to revive!"

"No way?"

Ye Tianren felt that his head was about to explode.

It turns out that the dimensional worlds closest to the earth actually controlled the dynasty changes throughout China's medieval period.

"If Fellow Taoist Jiang Zhenxian Ye has read the history books of the earth world, he should have discovered that many emperors in China would have many strange phenomena when they were born!"

Yuan Zihua smiled mysteriously and said: "Actually, it was caused by the arrival of the great power from the dimensional world!"

Although these statements are unbelievable, but combined with those historical legends, Ye Tianren feels that they are not all lies.

For example, Liu Bang, the great ancestor of the Han Dynasty, his mother was resting beside Daze. Suddenly thunder and lightning flashed, and a dragon entangled his body. After that, Liu Bang was born.

When Yang Jian, Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty, was born, purple energy filled the sky, and a god and nun came from the east of the river and claimed that "this child has always been very different and cannot be treated in the world."

Mother Yang suddenly saw horns coming out of Yang Jian's head and scales all over his body. Yang's mother was so horrified that Yang Jian fell to the ground. The nun said, "My son has been frightened, and he has won the world."

Chen, the mother of Zhu Yuanzhang, the founder of the Ming Dynasty, once dreamed that the gods gave her a pill of medicine, and when she swallowed it, there was a light in her palm, leaving a fragrant aroma in her mouth.

When Zhu Yuanzhang was born, the room was filled with red light, and several lights appeared. The neighbors saw it, thought it was a fire, and rushed to rescue, but when they arrived, they found that there was no flame at all.

There are many such things, all of which are clearly written in official history and can be verified.

However, Ye Tianren previously felt that historians deliberately beautified it in order to maintain feudal rule.

But I didn’t expect that they were all true!

"Some of these royal descendants come from the dimensional world, or are the aboriginal people of the earth world, who were selected and supported to rise."

Yuan Zihua took out a simple bronze token, solemnly presented it with both hands, and said respectfully:

"Now, their Miao descendants still exist in China. They are known as the hidden royal family, and they are also a considerable force!"

"Disciple, there is a token here, called the Human Emperor's Order. There is only one token among the many small worlds. It represents the small world's jurisdiction over the royal family of the earth. It can command all the hidden royal families in China!"

Jiang Tian also had an all-or-nothing attitude. He took the token and put it into the storage ring.

"The royal family of the Earth Realm are nothing weird. They are just ants, so don't pay any attention to them!"

Bai Ze waved his hand and continued:

"Nowadays, the Immortal Ruins have been away from the earth for tens of thousands of years, or even longer. And many powerful people guarding the small world also deliberately cut off the connection between the ancient earth and the Immortal Ruins, destroying the ancient roads in the starry sky to prevent people from the earth world from ascending to the Immortals. Ruins, or be discovered and invaded by powerful people from outside!"

Jiang Tian nodded slightly.

Just like thousands of years ago, when the powerful demons invaded the Tianxing Realm, the leader of the Shengtian Cult simply destroyed the teleportation array with one sword, cutting off the passage for the powerful demons to enter the Immortal Ruins. This was extremely brave.

"How many more such spiritual energy revival seeds are there?"

Jiang Tian took out the jujube core-like seeds and smiled.

"This is the only one in the small world of Tianxing, but I'm afraid there are one or even several in other dimensional worlds!"

Bai Ze rubbed his hands like a fly, eyes burning, and said with a smile: "If you can swallow this spiritual energy revival seed, I'm afraid it will be of endless use!"

"You are right, the spiritual energy contained in this seed is comparable to the total amount of the entire Celestial Realm."

Jiang Tian nodded slightly and smiled:

"It is no exaggeration to say that if you get this seed, you can push it to the Nascent Soul, or even higher, even higher!"

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