Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 969 Join forces with the Brahmin to strangle


In the Shennong sect.

Saint Augu showed great power and pierced Zuo Zimu's chest with a spear, shaking Zuo Zimu into a shower of crystal flesh.

The Shennong Sect is now a branch of the Tianqing Sect's Alchemy Hall, so Saint Aogu shows no mercy.

When Shen Mange arrived, Sheng Aogu had already plundered many treasures of heaven and earth and left in a hurry.

At the ancient Wudang Dojo.

Tang Linglong and Sheng Aogu, who were stationed here, fought for an hour, with no winner or loser.

Finally, Saint Augu killed several elders to vent his anger, walked away, and retreated calmly.

"Chinese martial arts techniques are extremely crude and vulnerable! They are incomparable to the holy techniques of my Holy See!"

St. Augustine roared loudly and contentedly in public.

"If Jiang Taichu hadn't killed the leader Chen Anping and many seniors and cut off our ancient Wudang heritage, our ancient Wudang might not have lost to this thief!"

A little Taoist boy gathered the body and said while wiping his tears.

"You evil beast, shut up!"

Elder Dong Sen glared at him fiercely and shouted angrily.

Tang Linglong's combat power is no less than Chen Anping!

The techniques that Jiang Tian taught to Ancient Wudang were the Immortal Cultivation Techniques, which far exceeded the Taoist inheritance of Ancient Wudang.

But after all, what they had learned before was martial arts, and it would take time to transform it into the Immortal Cultivation Techniques. This was a period of inactivity.

Moreover, that Saint August is too strong!

Tang Linglong slashed his chest with a sword, but suddenly the holy light filled the air, and the wound healed in the blink of an eye!

He doesn't seem to have an ordinary physique or bloodline!

"If Jiang Taichu doesn't come out, I will clear out the Huaxia Sect and the Tianqing Sect's dojo in Huaxia!"

St. August made bold words, and then moved to Zhongnan Mountain overnight to challenge the Quanzhen sect of the Danding sect!

"It is said that the descendants of the true god of the Holy See have emerged from the holy tomb and transcended the mortal body. We cannot challenge them!"

"They want to seize control of this world before the spiritual energy is revived! Fight for power with the Immortal Ruins!"

After hearing the news, Qiu Xuanji's face was solemn, and with warning signs in his heart, he activated the mountain protection formation and stayed behind closed doors.

Qiu Xuanji likes to study ancient classics the most. He can find a few details from the vast records.

The gods believed in by the Holy See participated in the battle of Immortal Fall, and may be aliens from the outer stars.

Today, there are still some old monsters sleeping in the Holy Tomb of the Holy See.

In the final analysis, this thing comes from the extraterrestrial sky. It is a creature from the ancient earth period, almost like aliens!

"Hide inside and act like a turtle. Is this judge unable to do anything to you? Break your turtle shell!"

But Saint Augu came and roared, roaring like thunder.

Sound waves like a wild dragon bombarded the Quanzhen Dojo, causing it to tremble violently like a thatched house in a strong wind.

Many windows, wooden doors, glass, and trees all turned into powder in an instant, rocks penetrated the sky, and the ground shook.

But Qiu Xuanji gave a death order and would never go out.

Immediately afterwards, Saint Aogu thrust his spear across the sky, and a holy light like a giant dragon penetrated the void and broke the mountain-protecting formation!

Saint Augu breaks in and kills everyone he sees, like a demonic beast. Even a powerful person like Qiu Xuanji cannot resist him!


Sheng Aogu fired his spear like an angry dragon out of the sea, piercing Qiu Xuanji's chest, and then took advantage of the situation.

A ray of holy light spread from bottom to top like a knife cutting through water, hundreds of meters long!


The central hall, covering an area of ​​several thousand square meters, was split in half and collapsed. Countless disciples died in the holy light!

"This is also the orthodoxy of the Taoist sect, it is simply vulnerable! It cannot be compared with my glorious Holy See!"

Saint Augu laughed wildly, his body covered in blood, and he was as bloodthirsty as a demon.

But what is strange is that when Sheng Aogu and others were traversing China, Huang Ling'er and the Emei lineage did not take action.

"Quan Zhen was wiped out!"

When the news came out, the entire Chinese cultivation world was shocked, and many people couldn't believe it.

The Quanzhen Sect is the orthodox Taoist sect, second only to large sects such as Gu Wudang, and is also among the top ten!

But the family was exterminated!

Back then, Qiu Xuanji was able to talk to Zhang Qianlei and Chen Anping on an equal footing with the leader-level disciples. They were also Taoist masters and veterans of the divine realm!

Of course he is not a unified general!

At this time, the Chinese Dragon Group went out to fight and began to surround Saint Aogu.

However, Sheng Aogu actually started to hide and avoid directly fighting the dragon group, and continued to bully other martial arts families.

"A demon appears in the east. Jiang Taichu is the supreme demon and must be killed!"

In addition, the Adjudication Department, the Knights of the Round Table, and the Red Cross Army were dispatched one after another. Filled with righteous indignation, they announced that they would march eastward to China to annihilate Jiang Taichu.

In addition, the holy tomb of the Holy See is filled with holy light, and it is said that many sleeping strong men have awakened and want to advance to the east.

Among them, even the holy saint of the Holy See thousands of years ago, St. Paul!

"What kind of plane! Why is Jiang Taichu the devil? When he killed the Dark Council, where was your Holy See hiding?"

"Besides, Jiang Taichu is in Sodoni. What the hell does it have to do with China?"

"It's not that Sordoni has a giant magic weapon that surpasses modern technology, and they don't dare to provoke it. So the persimmon is too soft to pinch, isn't it?"

When the news came, the strong men in the Chinese cultivation world were so angry that their noses twisted and they cursed loudly.

However, the Chinese Dragon Group was facing a formidable enemy and held a joint meeting with the Tianqing Sect to discuss countermeasures.

"According to intelligence, thirty sleeping holy kings were born, including even the last holy king of the Holy See, St. Paul!"

Ye Zhantian looked serious and announced a lot of information.

St. Paul, who once founded the Holy See together with the Son of the True God, is already in the realm of a saint, and his combat power is equivalent to that of a heavenly being!

In the Middle Ages, the gods came together and practiced brilliantly.

St. Paul still covers the sky with one hand, can suppress the blood tribe and the wolf tribe to death, and compete with the European royal family!

Back then, the Supreme Blood Ancestor Cain was beaten so hard that he rolled around and fled in embarrassment. He slept in an ancient castle for hundreds of years and did not dare to come out until he was awakened by Nie Mingyuan.

It is said that in the Tang Dynasty, St. Paul once came to China with diplomatic envoys to exchange Taoism. He once defeated the leader of the Qingcheng Sect at that time, and even the leader of the Kunlun Sect was amazed by his sacred skills.

Such an old monster that has lived for thousands of years has awakened and is going to war with the Chinese cultivation world!

This can be said to be the most terrifying enemy in thousands of years. It's strange that Ye Zhantian isn't nervous.

"The timing chosen by the Holy See is very good!"

Situ Xiao touched his chin and said thoughtfully.

"Well, the news about the battle between Master and Senior Brother Tianren must have spread!"

Huo Qingtian's face was solemn and he said: "In that battle, the master used the sword technique to reverse time and space. His black hair turned white and he became old instantly. In their opinion, the master will definitely be difficult to recover. It is a good time to take action!"

In fact, Jiang Tian recovered very quickly!

But for Tianqing Sect, the situation is worse than Jiang Tian being injured and not recovering!

Because Jiang Tian immediately went to the small world with Ye Tianren, and it was uncertain whether he would be able to come back.

Zhang Qianlei has been missing for more than half a year, and Zhao Xueqing is pregnant and unable to display her cultivation at all!

Tianqing Sect is missing four super giants!

The key is that before the Yanjing Qin Zongheng and other families betrayed Jiang Tian, ​​Jiang Tian cleaned up the family and killed many powerful people!

At this time, it is the eve of the revival of the Chinese martial arts world. It is broken but not yet established. The strong ones have fallen.

Moreover, the behavior of the Holy See is also very disgusting.

They knew that the Kuilian system was not to be messed with, so they did not go to Sodoni at all, but wreaked havoc in the Tianqing Sect's hall in China.

Probably he wanted to lure the main force of Tianqing Sect away from Sodoni's dojo, and then defeat them one by one and snipe them one by one.

When the Holy See announced that there was a demon in the east, and started a war with the Tianqing Sect, the army was about to invade the territory.

On the banks of the Nile River, the last Brahmin master, Gaye, led many strong men out of seclusion and accused Jiang Taichu of raising monsters and colluding with the wolf tribe to cause trouble in Southeast Asia, becoming the supreme devil.

He preached that he would cross the southern border of China and point his sword at the major sects in the hinterland of China. He would kill demons and eliminate Jiang Taichu's gang members!

"Who is Master Jiaye? How come I have never heard of this person? Isn't he in the divine realm?"

To put it bluntly, he is an ordinary person, a powerful man in the dark world, and the head of a martial arts family in China. Many people have never heard of this person's name.

"God Realm? Go challenge Tianqing Sect, you don't know whether to live or die! What kind of bullshit Master Gaye... In front of Master Jiang, you are all scum!"

Some people judge this.

Nowadays, there are many talented people under Jiang Tian's throne, and there are enough people in the divine realm. There are also earthly immortal-level powerhouses like Situ Xiao and Ye Tianren. Who dares to provoke them.

It can be said that the Tianqing Sect already has the majesty and majesty of an unparalleled sect, which is as spectacular as the Holy See.

"This Master Kayapa is very powerful and has a great background. He is the last remaining master of Brahman, the younger brother of the founder of Brahman, and the founder of the sect."

"He has lived for more than two thousand years, and his Dharma power is extremely profound! Even the Buddha Sakyamuni once sat under him and listened to his sermons!"

But there are always some people who are good at digging out information, and soon they found out the information about Master Gayapa and Brahman.

"He once assisted the Maurya Dynasty and participated in the war between the Tianzhu royal family. It is said that he can kill a hundred thousand troops with one palm shot!"

"The Brahmins are actually the oldest orthodoxy in India. They were born in 1000 BC and once controlled many dynasties such as the Mauryan Dynasty in India."

"Buddhism is all its branches and derivatives! Its foundation is so profound that it is almost impossible to fathom!"

When these detailed news comes out.

The whole of China was in silence, countless strong men were trembling, and everyone felt like they were mourning for their heirs.

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