Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 971 The Curse of the Immortal Body of Wushou Phoenix, Jiang Tian’s Worry

"Children have their own plans. Besides, now that Jiang Tian controls one country and one religion, the problems he faces are beyond your control! Just take care of your Yaowang Group and stop talking!"

Next to him, Jiang Zhixing supported Jiang Tian and persuaded Zhang Wanqing.

"My child, I was born in ten months of pregnancy, and I can't say anything? Isn't that right, Jiang Tian!"

Zhang Wanqing naturally retorted unceremoniously, and the two started bickering again, going back and forth.

"Haha, Dad, just give in!"

Seeing his parents bickering, Jiang Tian found it interesting and quickly interjected:

"You are no match for my mother! Even if I control the entire Immortal Ruins Realm, my mother will still be my mother!"

Even though the spiritual energy in the Star Realm is ten times that of the Earth, Jiang Tian still feels that the Earth is his home.

There is a kind grandfather here, parents who care about him all the time, gentle Qing'er, and the little life that is about to arrive.

"I agreed on three months, and I didn't exceed the time limit! It's just that you lost a lot of money!"

Jiang Tian stared lovingly at Qing'er's slightly thin face and held her little hand.

Even after experiencing such a dangerous fight in the Star Realm, Jiang Tian missed Zhao Xueqing all the time.

The relationship between the two is so deep that they are like conjoined twins. Once separated, they will be deeply tormented by longing.

Jiang Tian and Zhao Xueqing agreed to come back before the Qingming Festival and worship her mother with Zhao Xueqing, so Kankan arrived.

"It's good to come back safely, even if it's late, it doesn't matter!"

Zhao Xueqing wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes and said harshly.

She also missed and worried about Jiang Tian.

She knows the dangers of the small world of Tianxing. It can be said that it far exceeds any force on earth!

Especially during this time, the Holy See and the Brahmins declared war on the Tianqing Sect.

Although she couldn't go to war, she had to mobilize troops and appease people, which was a lot of hard work. Moreover, she was under considerable psychological pressure.

But now, Jiang Tian is back, and she feels that Jiang Tian's cultivation has improved.

As a result, her hanging heart immediately fell to the ground.

In her eyes, Jiang Tian is omnipotent and the most powerful. Nothing can defeat Jiang Tian.

My husband is not even a match for the immortals in the small world, let alone the mere Vatican and Brahmins?

"The little girl seems to be much older!"

Jiang Tian touched Qing'er's belly, feeling a blood connection, and smiled like a fool.

It feels really good to be a dad!

It’s as if my life has been extended!

Jiang Tian even had a sense of pride!

Strangely enough, after Jiang Tian ascended to the God Realm, he once opened up a small dimensional world.

But at that time, he didn't even have such pride!

Jiang Tian was even a little nervous!

After all, Jiang Tian had practiced for ten thousand years in his previous life, but he had no Taoist companions, let alone any heirs!

Jiang Tian cannot escape the excitement of becoming a father for the first time!

The little life became even more naughty, and suddenly kicked Jiang Tian's palm forcefully, startling Jiang Tian.

"Oh, she kicked me! She is so powerful! Such a little life, but so powerful!"

Jiang Tian stared, feeling very magical, as if he had opened the door to a new world.

He, a peerless strong man who could break mountains with one punch and destroy cities with one sword, actually felt that his unborn daughter's kick was very powerful!

"Well, that little girl is very naughty and very active!"

"By then, he will definitely be a restless master!"

Zhao Xueqing touched her belly and complained, but her beautiful eyes curved into a beautiful crescent shape, showing pampering and honor!

At this moment, she was about to give birth to a baby girl, and her face exuded the radiance of holy motherhood.

"Okay! Great! This is like my daughter, defying the sky, the ground, the air, and even her dad dares to kick her!"

Jiang Tian looked proud.

"You don't even care about me. Many times, you kick me until I can't sleep!"

Zhao Xueqing pouted, with a look of resentment on her face.

In the outside world, she is the mother of a country, the wife of the patriarch, the supreme beauty, awe-inspiring and inviolable.

But in fact, she is just a 27-year-old girl.

Only in front of Jiang Tian could she completely remove her strong disguise and reveal this girlish attitude.

"You stinky girl, if you dare to kick my wife, I will deal with you when you come out!"

Jiang Tian pointed at the little guy in his belly and threatened him with an evil look.

"You! You can't be so vicious! You have to be an excellent father!"

Zhao Xueqing couldn't laugh or cry.

I stayed in Sodoni for two days, spending some time with my parents, doing some household chores with my grandfather, inspecting the surroundings, and giving guidance on the disciples' cultivation.

Nowadays, Sordoni's economy is advancing by leaps and bounds, with per capita GDP far exceeding that of the United States. High-tech industries are developing rapidly, and the new Silicon Valley is even more prosperous than in the United States.

Yaowang Group is already the most valuable company in the world. In addition, the large companies that follow Jiang Tian are expanding and developing rapidly.

But all this is based on Sodoni's strong military strength.

Now, Sodoni has spent a lot of money to cultivate five more Kwai Lotuses, which makes the United States tremble.

The United States, how dare you lay a finger on Jiang Tian!

It is no exaggeration to say that even if Jiang Tian razed the Capitol Hill to the ground, the Pentagon could only swallow its anger.

As for the Holy See and the Brahmins, they are just a group of earthly and heavenly beings who dare not come at all.

You know, the test data of this thing at the time was far beyond that of nuclear weapons, and the golden elixir could kill it!

Zhao Yuankun, Wei Feilong, and Huo Qingtian have also transcended the divine realm and reached the peak state of Qi training.

Situ Xiao's true energy has all been condensed into true essence. The second level of the foundation has been built, and the Five Elements Heaven-Seizing Sword has also been completed.

Ye Tianren followed Jiang Tian to the Tianxing World to experience this time, and his cultivation and state of mind have grown a lot.

Situ Xiao was responsible for the Tianqing Sect's resistance to the Holy See and the Brahmans. The two were canonized by Jiang Tian as the left and right guardians, and their status was still higher than Huo Qingtian, Zhao Yuankun and Wei Feilong.

It's just that Qing'er's cultivation progress has been very slow since she became pregnant.

She stopped at the eighth level of Qi training and made no further progress. She was even on the verge of falling to the seventh level of Qi training.

This made Jiang Tian confused and amazed.

He immediately used his spiritual consciousness to investigate carefully, and was suddenly shocked!

"The child in Qing'er's belly actually has the immortal body of the Immortal Phoenix! Could this be the reason for her decline in cultivation?"

Jiang Tian felt mixed with joy and worry, his face was slightly solemn, and he was a little murmuring in his heart.

He was worried, frowning, and couldn't help but think of a legend about the Immortal Body of the Wushou Phoenix.

Once the Immortal Phoenix Female Immortal Body is successfully cultivated, it will be extremely powerful, but it is also extremely rare, and can even be said to be one in a billion.

In the history of the world of cultivation, there are only a few strong people such as Empress Fuyao from the Jiuxiao Continent ten thousand years ago.

In the last life, Jiang Tian once discussed with several powerful people why this kind of physique is so rare.

Finally, a fairy doctor gave a possible explanation!

The Immortal Phoenix Female Immortal Body cannot give birth, and even if she is pregnant, she cannot give birth to a child!

Moreover, after investigation, it was found that in history, no women with this kind of physique had any children!

Not even Empress Fuyao, who has hundreds of millions of territories.

To be precise, Empress Fuyao was once pregnant, but the baby she gave birth to was stillborn!

The fairy doctor once explained.

After an ordinary woman becomes pregnant, she will naturally deliver energy, blood and nutrients to her baby through her uterus and umbilical cord!

However, after the female monk with the Immortal Phoenix Body is pregnant, due to physical reasons, she will have an instinctive reaction of retaining her energy, blood and cultivation, and not delivering nutrients to the baby!

Don’t forget, this kind of constitution is also called sponge constitution, which is famous for its extreme ability to absorb emptiness and powerful absorption.

It can swallow everything, carry all things, and smelt it into cultivation.

It even absorbs the baby's energy and eventually "starves" the baby to death and turns it into a stillbirth! At the beginning, the fairy doctor called it "the curse of the Immortal Phoenix Body"!

But the little baby Qing'er is carrying now is also a Wushou Phoenix female immortal body. It absorbs Qing'er's energy and cultivation so much that her cultivation actually dropped to a lower level!

According to this situation, the little girl has just emerged from her mother's womb and already has the strength to practice Qi!

"Qing'er, have you ever felt weak or uncomfortable after being pregnant?"

Jiang Tian was worried and pulled Qing'er and asked.

"Well, I feel like she is drinking blood every day. Sometimes it makes me dizzy and weak!"

Zhao Xueqing smiled with satisfaction and warmth and said:

"Also, I take all kinds of nourishing medicines, but I still feel unbearable!"

She told some of the pills she had taken recently, and Jiang Tian became more and more frightened as he listened.

Even in Jiang Tian's eyes, these great medicines are like tiger and wolf medicines.

Even Qing'er should be deficient and may even have adverse reactions from excess blood such as nosebleeds.

But Zhao Xueqing's energy and blood still plummeted!

This shows how powerful and terrifying this little girl’s devouring ability is!

"But are all mothers like this?"

Zhao Xueqing didn't take it to heart, and smiled sweetly:

"As long as she can be born healthy and grow up happily, I feel that all the hard work is worth it!"

Jiang Tian smiled.

But after a moment, a hint of gloom appeared in his eyes, and he felt more wary and uneasy.

At this time, the little girl in the belly was already seven or eight months old.

But in the last stage, she will grow and develop faster, will she devour Qing'er's cultivation and blood more crazily?

Will Qing'er have that instinctive reaction and stop the supply of Qi and blood to her!

You know, it's probably instinctive.

Physical reasons do not mean that human consciousness can be changed!

For example, the body of the Immortal Phoenix Female is like a self-operating machine that can devour all things.

Qing'er can't control it!

In other words, the baby in the belly is devouring Qing'er's blood crazily, until Qing'er is exhausted?

"How did that happen!"

Jiang Tian's heart thumped and he fell straight into the abyss. His hands trembled slightly and he didn't dare to think anymore!

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