Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 973: The opportunity of trial, destroying the Vatican and the Brahmins

On the surface, the Nalan family is just an ordinary family, with assets worth over one billion, a scholarly family, and is mainly engaged in the Internet and cultural industries.

But in fact, their ancestor was the famous Qing Dynasty official, Nalan Mingyu.

Nalan Mingyu, surnamed Yehenala, also named Duanfang, was born in Zhenghuang Banner in Manchuria and was a powerful official in the Kangxi Dynasty. He successively held important positions such as the Director of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Secretary of the Ministry of Punishment, the Censor of Zuodu of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, the Grand Scholar of Wuyingdian, and the Prince Tutor. .

This person played an active role in Kangxi's proposal to withdraw the three vassals, unify the treasure island, and defend against foreign enemies. He was famous for a while, had power over the government and the public, and was honored as the "Prime Minister"!

Count further!

Nalan Mingyu's father was Nurhachi's favorite general and made great achievements in helping Qing troops enter the Pass and establish the Qing Dynasty.

Mingyu's sister is also Nurhachi's concubine and Huang Taiji's biological mother, so the Nalan family are officially royal relatives!

Count back!

The Nalan family is full of talents!

Nalan Mingyu's son, Nalan Chengde, was a Jinshi in the 15th year of the Kangxi Dynasty, a former imperial bodyguard, a famous poet in the Qing Dynasty, and the author of "Qingshui Collection".

Some later generations commented on his work as "pure and graceful, with a lingering sense of sadness, high style and far-reaching charm, and unique characteristics".

Later, Nalan Chengde was tired of his official career, resigned and went into seclusion.

It is recorded in the history books that Kangxi once saw each other off for fifteen miles and parted with tears, which became a good talk for a time.

After resigning, Nalan Chengde came to Wuzhen to live in seclusion.

However, the Nalan family did not cut off ties with the Qing Dynasty. They were weavers in the south of the Yangtze River for hundreds of years, supplying cloth and clothing to the Qing imperial palace, and gradually formed a large Nalan family.

Kangxi went to the south of the Yangtze River several times for private visits, and stayed at Nalan's house. He talked with Nalan Chengde at night and slept together.

Throughout the Qing Dynasty, the Nalan family had far-reaching influence, like the needle that anchors the sea and the pillar of the country, unshakable.

Jiang Changgeng recounted the three-hundred-year history of the Nalan family in front of Jiang Tian.

"During the Republic of China and after the founding of the People's Republic of China, the Nalan family was very low-key and only engaged in some economic affairs. It seemed very inconspicuous!"

"But as far as I know, although Ye Wudao, the old master of Jiangsu and Zhejiang, has spread his word throughout Jiangsu and Zhejiang, he never dared to offend the Nalan family..."

Jiang Changgeng frowned and said:

"It can be seen that the Nalan family still has strength and wealth, and even has the capital and capital that makes Ye Wudao afraid!"

Jiang Tian's eyes narrowed slightly and his eyes flashed.

The most conspicuous force in Jiangsu and Zhejiang at that time was undoubtedly the Ye Wudao family, which had a close relationship with Jiang Tian. They were descendants of the Qing Gang and the martial arts family, a powerful family.

At that time, the ancestors of the Ye family traveled ten miles across the foreign market and kept pace with Du Yuesheng's golden glory. In Ye Wudao's generation, the Miao descendants are still preserved and are powerful in the entire lower reaches of the Yangtze River.

Regardless of wealth, authority, or possessions, they are all first-class.

But most people don't know that there is another hidden family in Jiangsu and Zhejiang that suppresses the Ye family, the Nalan family with a history of three hundred years!

The strength far exceeds that of the Ye Wudao family and even those martial arts families in Yanjing!

"It's just that the more I think about it, the weirder it becomes. Their existence is very strange!"

Jiang Changgeng looked at Jiang Tian, ​​thoughtfully, as if he was pointing something.

"Yes, how can there be a family in China that has a history of hundreds of years?"

Jiang Tian frowned for a moment, then nodded and said:

"If just one family can survive through the Qing Dynasty, the Republic of China, and the New Era for three hundred years! There is only one explanation -"

"What?" Jiang Changgeng asked.

"The Nalan family is probably the legendary Dragon Guard lineage, the peripheral force of the hidden royal family!"

Jiang Tian's eyes flickered uncertainly and he said in a cold voice:

"If there is no strength but only wealth, then it is just a fat sheep. It has been torn into pieces long ago and disappeared into ashes in the turbulent Republic of China and modern history."

Before, or even in the previous life, Jiang Tian knew nothing about the Nalan family from beginning to end.

But since he learned from the Pentagon that there was a hidden royal family in China, he asked the Tianqing Sect's intelligence department to investigate.

In addition, Situ Xiao, Ye Tianren, Global Hongmen and the Chinese Dragon Group communicated with each other and shared information.

Now, after a period of investigation, Jiang Tian has a deep understanding of the hidden royal family.

"Actually, I have also studied a lot of information from the intelligence team these days, and I think this is very likely to be the case."

Jiang Changgeng asked curiously: "But, are they too low-key?"

"Low-key is the characteristic of the hidden royal family!"

Jiang Tian smiled and said:

"Although they have good strength, their luck has been cut off. It is impossible for them to fight for power and profit. Therefore, they are very low-key, never appear in the world easily, and few people know about them!"

Jiang Changgeng said calmly: "I said before that the Nalan family may not be targeting our Jiang family. In fact, Zhao Hucheng vaguely revealed that the Nalan family does not like Qing'er, their granddaughter!"


Jiang Tian frowned.

A possibility suddenly occurred to him.

In fact, when Jiang Tian returned to Linzhou before the Spring Festival, his spiritual consciousness discovered that Zhao Xueqing and Zhao Hucheng were not related by blood!

Zhao Xueqing's biological father is someone else!

This can also explain why Zhao Hucheng is so cruel to Qing'er and uses her as a bargaining chip for his exchange of interests.

But Jiang Tian didn't ask any more questions at that time and pretended not to know.

Because raising this issue would be harmful to Qing'er anyway.

At this moment, Jiang Tian couldn't help but think, could it be that the Nalan family knew about all this, so they were very prejudiced against Zhao Xueqing?

"I do not know either……"

Jiang Changgeng shook his head, then smiled proudly and said:

"However, now you and your wife are in control of a country and a religion, and they are so powerful around the world that they have suppressed all the major powers in the world. In the end, the Nalan family is just a down-and-out noble. How dare they underestimate you!"

In this regard, Jiang Tian could only smile and say nothing.

The old man of the Nalan family is called Nalan Bo.

After leaving Jiang Changgeng's other courtyard, Jiang Changgeng's warning still appeared in Jiang Tian's mind:

"Nalan Bo is nearly a hundred years old. He has gone through many vicissitudes, has a calm mind, and is optimistic about fate. But his son, Nalan Li, the current head of the family, seems to be ambitious and has some influence among the hidden royal family, so he must act domineeringly. tough!"

"Although you now control a country and a religion, the Pentagon bows to you, and Ye Tianren are all your disciples."

"However, the hidden royal family has a high self-esteem and is extremely arrogant. They may not treat you well!"

"In any case, they gave Qing'er life. We are also relatives. The strength of the hidden royal family is actually very important. You must not act on your own initiative and end up being attacked from both sides!"

Although Jiang Changgeng was very worried, Jiang Tian didn't take it to heart.

In his opinion, no one can bully Qing'er. If the Nalan family wants to slight Qing'er, Jiang Tian will not be polite.

In fact, Grandpa didn't know it yet, but he had already set foot in the Star Realm and slaughtered hundreds of immortals. According to Bai Ze and others, these royal families were just agents of the dimensional world in the Earth Realm. How could Jiang Tian be afraid of them?

"Teacher, let's go with you!"

After hearing the news, Huo Qingtian's disciples took the initiative to find Jiang Tian and said sincerely:

"We have received information that the Brahmins, the Holy See, and even some powerful men from the hidden royal families of Europe have sneaked into China and are very likely to encounter you!"

"Yeah, that's fine!"

Jiang Tian smiled lightly and said:

"The Holy See, Brahmins, these bastards don't dare to come to Sodoni! They are afraid of Kuilian!"

"You are all improving rapidly now, but you still need to practice some more. This is a good opportunity!"

These disciples are likely to accompany him to conquer many dimensional worlds and fairy ruins in the future.

They are considered to be top-notch powerhouses in the earth world, but compared with those in the dimensional world, they are lacking in both cultivation and combat experience.

The Holy See, the Brahmans, and even the hidden royal families in Europe may have the same level of cultivation as them. This kind of training is the safest and has the best effect!

"Yes! Master!"

The supreme giants were all in high spirits.

This means the counterattack has begun.

"Moreover, my fourth uncle has also developed a small movable Kuilian! If you can't defeat it then, lure the enemy deep and blast them into pieces with one shot!"

Jiang Tian laughed and pointed at several military transport vehicles.

"Look at it, gentlemen!"

Zhang Chengen's eyes were filled with excitement. With a wave of his hand, several soldiers and generals pulled open the tarpaulin. Suddenly, several sunflowers revealed their true appearance.

This kind of Kuilian has a similar shape, but it is a miniature version. It weighs only a few tons and is highly maneuverable. A military transport vehicle can carry one.

Although its power is slightly inferior to that of the large Kulian, it can kill the immortals without any problem.

But this research result is a greater progress for Jiang Tian and Zhang Chengen, and the technical requirements are also higher!

You must know that Kuilian was not a large magic weapon originally. It was only because of the limitations of metal materials on the earth that it could not withstand huge energy and was easily damaged by explosion, so it had to be enlarged ten times or a hundred times to become a large magic weapon.

Now, it is Zhang Chengen who has made breakthrough progress in the research of metal materials!

After listening to Zhang Chengen's detailed explanation of many test data, Huo Qingtian and the others were in high spirits, gearing up, and said with a smile:

"Haha, okay, okay, with the small sunflower, the Vatican and the Brahmins are here to give it away!"

"Why does Master need to take action on his own? We can handle it!"

"That's right! I didn't plan to take action as a teacher! They are not worthy of taking action as a teacher!"

Jiang Tian sipped the tea and said with a faint smile:

"This time I give you a chance to test. You have to give full play to it and beat the Vatican and the Brahmans to pieces. I will be the teacher behind to hold the battle for you!"

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