Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 975 Arrival at Hidden Dragon Pier, a powerful man with considerable background

"The so-called big waves wash away the sand, you need to sharpen your skills!"

Jiang Tian's face was neither sad nor happy, and he said calmly:

"In the future, there will be more powerful challenges! You must adapt to this kind of cruel battle!"

Of course Jiang Tian deplored the sacrifices of the Chinese Dragon Group. These are the backbone of the nation and the elite of the country.

However, Jiang Tian could not protect them forever. After all, Jiang Tian will conquer the stars and the sea in the future and leave the earth.

Therefore, they need cruel battles to improve their cultivation and combat power, and they need the tempering of blood and fire to hone their sharp edges and ability to stand alone.

On the training ground, you can't create a truly peerless strong man!

In this process, sacrifice is inevitable and even necessary.

Even, in Jiang Tian's view, the invasion of the Holy See and Brahmins was a rare opportunity and sparring match!

If the Western Land and Heavenly Dimension Worlds behind them attack, the Chinese Dragon Group may not be able to hold on for a day!

"Disciple understands! In this battle, we will definitely fulfill our mission!"

Ye Zhantian said impassionedly.

But he hesitated for a moment, still a little worried and said:

"However, enemies are coming in a steady stream. Now the Holy See and Brahmans have dispatched four to five hundred powerful Transformation Realm warriors, in addition to dozens of Saint King and Saint-level warriors! And they are lengthening the front line!"

"Disciple is worried that once the defense line is breached, it will not be so easy to kill them one by one!"

"Don't worry. Didn't you see that Situ Xiao, Huo Qingtian and others are here this time! They will help you!" Jiang Tian smiled.

"In addition, we also bring a secret weapon! It is guaranteed to shock the world!" Huo Qingtian said with a smile.

"That's great! Now, the Chinese cultivation world is safe!" Ye Zhantian was so moved that tears flashed in his eyes.

After assessing the battle situation, Jiang Tian asked the strong men of Tianqing Sect to rush to the battlefield together.

And he and Zhao Xueqing rushed to Wuzhen.

In addition to Ye Zhantian and the others, Jiang Tian's sister-in-law Zhao Qianru came to pick them up.

Zhao Qianru is here to take care of Zhao Xueqing.

The child in Zhao Xueqing's belly was the immortal body of the Immortal Phoenix. Jiang Tian suspected that it might not be possible to conceive in ten months.

This is not surprising.

In the world of cultivation, some immortal sons may be conceived after five to six years or even more than ten years!

Because they are no longer mortal bodies, the energy, blood and nourishment they need are different from ordinary people!

But after all, Zhao Xueqing is seven months pregnant, has a big belly and has difficulty moving.

Jiang Tian has always been clumsy when it comes to taking care of people, so it would be more appropriate for Zhao Qianru to take care of him.

"Sister, your belly is so big! Oh my god, I'm going to have a niece! I'm going to be an aunt, I'm so happy!"

However, Zhao Qianru was extremely happy about this.

She carefully helped Zhao Xueqing to the airport parking lot and got into a red BMW.

Zhao Qianru drove her car towards Wuzhen.

Three hours later, we finally arrived at the Nalan family's mansion.

Wuzhen is a typical water town in the south of the Yangtze River. Wupeng boats sail slowly on the rivers extending in all directions. People are washing rice, pestering clothes, washing vegetables, and children playing by the river.

As the sun sets, the afterglow soaks in the small bridges, flowing water, and houses; ancient houses, deep alleys, and corridors are almost all old buildings from the Ming and Qing dynasties. What you see in front of you is an ink painting that has been around for thousands of years.

"Huh? It's so comfortable here. It seems that people feel much more energetic and refreshed when they come here!"

Parking the car outside the Nalan family's manor, Zhao Qianru got out of the car, couldn't help but stretch her arms and sighed intoxicatedly.

Zhao Xueqing looked up.

What I saw was a small but exquisite courtyard. There was a gilt black plaque on the lintel, with three large Chinese characters of "Zanglongwu" written horizontally and two small characters "Imperial Order" written vertically.

"As expected of a three-hundred-year-old family!"

Jiang Tian nodded slightly.

According to local records, in the early years of Kangxi, Wuzhen was originally a land of barren mountains and harsh waters.

Today's Wuzhen was built around Canglongwu, so it is also called Canglongwu Town.

Later, after the Republic of China and the establishment of the new regime, the scale of Canglongwu also shrank a lot, and the name was changed to its current abbreviation.

Jiang Tian looked through historical materials and found that the original Canglongwu occupied almost half of Wuxian Town, covering thousands of acres.

"This is where my mother grew up..."

Zhao Xueqing glanced at the sculptures and paintings, her eyes were slightly red, and she felt a little sad for no reason.

"As expected..."

Jiang Tian's consciousness swept away, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

I saw a small spirit gathering array arranged around Hidden Dragon Pier, which continuously gathered the spiritual energy within a radius of five or six miles here.

In Jiang Tian's view, a spirit gathering formation of this size was certainly nothing, and even compared with Wudang's mountain-protecting formation, there was a gap.

But compared with ordinary martial arts families, it is still far superior.

"This is probably the origin of Hidden Dragon Pier! There is a dragon vein hidden here."

Jiang Tian even discovered a small dragon vein among several large rivers around him.

Although it has been exhausted, looking at the ruins, it can be seen that the scale at that time was considerable.

"Back then, Nalan Chengde suddenly resigned and came here just to guard the Dragon Vein to prevent it from being taken over by other families and taking away their luck, which would lead to the destruction of the Qing royal family!"

Jiang Tian nodded slightly, feeling a little enlightened in his heart.

At this time, a muscular man in a black suit came forward and asked respectfully: "Are you three visitors?"

This person should be the bodyguard leader of Hidden Dragon Wu, but he has the cultivation level of Transformation Realm, and he can be a grand master outside.

"I'm here to see my grandparents. My mother's name is Nalan Yiran!"

Zhao Xueqing said softly.

"It turns out that she is the daughter of Miss Fourth! The old lady was talking about you just now, why don't you go and report it!"

The bodyguard leader quickly bowed and saluted.

After hearing the news, two girls who looked like maids came to support them, and a bodyguard quickly went in to report.

Entering the gatehouse, there are corridors on both sides, and in the middle is the entrance hall. There is a large marble screen with a sandalwood frame. Turning around the screen, there are three halls.

Behind the hall is the main courtyard, which is full of carved corridors and painted buildings, with pavilions and pavilions on both sides, nine-curved corridors, rockeries and strange rocks, and various parrots, thrushes and other birds hanging under the eaves, making melodious calls.

Jiang Tian and the others had just walked into the hall.

I saw two maids supporting an old lady with silver hair and kind eyes coming over.

"Grandma!" Zhao Xueqing was about to pay her respects.

"My poor son!"

The old lady threw away the dragon-head crutch, hugged Zhao Xueqing in her arms, screamed heartily, and burst into tears.

Several little maids nearby also covered their faces and cried. Zhao Xueqing also had red eyes and shed tears.

Although she rarely came to Nalan's house, her grandma and grandpa always loved her very much.

This was one of the few times during her lonely childhood that she felt the warmth of family affection.

At this time, Li Rouxi also came over with her two aunts, and persuaded with a smile: "It's a good thing that Qing'er has grown up and comes to visit her grandparents again. Mom, please stop crying, or you may hurt your body!"

The old lady just kept crying, talking about the grievances and pains Zhao Xueqing suffered when she lost her mother when she was young and had to live with others.

Li Rouxi advised again: "Mom, it doesn't matter if you cry, it will make Qing'er cry again. She is pregnant, so don't let the fetal force move!"

The old lady gradually stopped crying, looked Zhao Xueqing up and down, and said with a kind smile: "In total, Qing'er has not been back for sixteen years. Now she is a big girl and a mother!"

She looked at Jiang Tian with admiration, took Jiang Tian's hand, and said with a smile: "Young man is very energetic. It's because your grandparents can't help you. I was injured in the chest at your wedding and couldn't attend!"

With a sweep of his consciousness, Jiang Tian discovered that the old lady indeed had an old wound on her chest, which was vaguely caused by a blow such as the Holy Light. He knew that she was not being polite.

Jiang Tian had a good impression of her and said quickly: "Grandma, it's because we are ignorant. We haven't come to see you for so many years!"

Zhao Xueqing paid her respects to the three aunts one by one, and then Jiang Tian and the others were let into the living room, where they were separated as guest and host.

This kind of big family that has been around for hundreds of years retains some traditional ancient customs. There are some picture frames hanging on the wall with various photos in them.

Jiang Tian glanced at it and asked with a smile: "Qing'er, which one is our mother?"

Zhao Xueqing pointed to a black and white photo and said with a smile: "This one is more beautiful than me!"

"They're all beautiful!"

Jiang Tian smiled.

I saw that Nalan Yiran was about ten years old at the time, wearing a cheongsam, with a gentle and pretty face.

But Jiang Tian discovered that Nalan Yiran and Zhao Xueqing had no similarity in appearance.

Moreover, the old lady did not have the Immortal Phoenix Body, but had an ordinary physique. He couldn't help but secretly wonder.

Zhao Xueqing chatted with the old lady for a while, then asked with a smile: "Grandma, where are my grandpa and three uncles?"

"A distinguished guest came today, and they went to receive him."

The old lady smiled and said:

"When they finish their work, we will meet together! I have already asked my servants to report!"

"Dignified guest?"

Jiang Tian's divine consciousness flowed through the house and courtyard like a huge wave, silently breaking through the array formation restrictions in the house, and instantly enveloped the entire back garden.

"Sure enough, the background is not small!"

Jiang Tian's eyes flashed, he lowered his head to drink tea, and a meaningful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

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