Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 978 Nalan’s family’s banquet, everyone has their own agenda

"What nonsense are you talking about!"

Nalanbo's face was furious, his whole body was shaking with anger, and he said in a cold voice:

"No matter what, Yiran is your sister! Qing'er also has the blood of our Nalan family flowing in her body!"

"In these years, neither I nor you have given Xue Qing the slightest help or love!"

"We already owe her a lot!"

"The two of them went through hardships to conquer Sodoni and establish the Tianqing Sect's orthodoxy. What does that have to do with us! We have never contributed a single bit, so why should we ask for it with empty words?"

"Father taught me a lesson, and I realized I was wrong!"

"Father, calm down!"

The three Nalan Li brothers all showed a hint of fear and bowed in agreement.

"Do you really know that you are wrong? Do you really understand?"

Nalan Bo glanced at the three of them and asked worriedly.

This kind of secluded big family retains the ancient customs, only the respected ones keep taboo, and pays attention to blood relations and seniority.

But after all, we have entered modern society, and many conservative concepts have gradually been disintegrated!

Nalan Li and the three of them were often convinced in face but not in heart, submissive in disguise and acting on their own initiative!

"Father, we understand! Everything is according to your instructions!"

Nalan Li and the others quickly expressed their stance again.

"In this matter, we can only convey the advice of the prince of the Jin family and let Jiang Tian understand the situation, but we should not have any inclination! In everything, respect the decisions of Jiang Tian and Qing'er!"

Nalanbo's anger subsided a little, his face and tone softened, and he said slowly:

"He is now the Lord of Sodoni, and his gods are like clouds. Situ Xiao and Ye Tianren both obey him! In terms of status, strength, and cultivation, you are all far behind!"

There was a hint of self-deprecation on his face:

"Haha, this era no longer belongs to us, so why are we talking about the hidden royal family and the guardian dragon lineage? It's just a bluff! But you can never bluff Jiang Tian!"

The three Nuonuo said yes, but they were very contemptuous in their hearts. How could Jiang Taichu compare with the hidden royal family with noble blood?

Nalan Bo frowned and shouted: "Let me remind you again, never underestimate Jiang Tian! Don't use the airs of your elders to put others down, don't think there is anything great about the Guardian Dragon Clan, and don't show any disrespect to him!"

"Otherwise, you will definitely regret it! Do you understand?"

He was also very confused about this matter.

If he talks in person, once the talks collapse, there will be no room for relaxation and nothing can be changed.

Let Qing'er's three uncles negotiate. If Jiang Tian is dissatisfied, he can still mediate with his trump card!

Jiang Tian has also noticed Jin Zixuan's presence, and even the conversations between several people have not escaped his consciousness.

Although they wore some magic weapons to defend themselves against mental exploration, they even arranged formations around them.

However, Jiang Tian's spiritual consciousness has now been fully sublimated, and even the spiritual treasure cannot stop it, let alone these?

I chatted with my grandma and some aunts for a while, and soon the night fell and the lights began to turn on.

At this time, the three uncles walked into the hall hand in hand.

Nalan glanced sharply at Jiang Tian and Zhao Xueqing, and said with a smile: "Jiang Tian, ​​Qing'er, welcome to your arrival. I just had some business talks and was delayed for a moment. Don't blame me!"

"Uncle, it's okay!"

Zhao Xueqing quickly stood up to greet him.

Jiang Tian planned to be polite first and then fight, so he also called him uncle.

"Qing'er, don't get up, don't get pregnant! Is this Jiang Tian? It's really extraordinary and extraordinary!"

Nalan Li smiled on the surface, but his vast mental power instantly enveloped Jiang Tian.

This person has no real energy fluctuations. Is it true that his cultivation level has dropped drastically as rumored by the outside world?

"Jiang Tian, ​​this is your first time at home, let us have a drink together!"

Nalan Yao seemed to invite warmly.

"Where is Qing'er? Aren't you with us?" Jiang Tian said in surprise.

"The rule in our family is that men eat and women are not allowed to serve!"

Nalantupi said with a smile.

"It's not because of these rules. Qing'er is a close relative, so there is no need to talk about these rules."

Nalan glared at him, then looked at Jiang Tian and explained with a smile:

"It's just that he is pregnant, and we drink and smoke. It's a mess, and it's not good for the baby's health!"

"Yes, Qing'er hasn't been here for a long time. The old lady misses her very much and wants to have a good chat with her!"

My eldest aunt Li Rouxi also smiled and said: "You men drink your food well, and we women will eat something light!"

"Well, you go ahead! Let me have a nice talk with grandma." Zhao Xueqing said with a smile.

"That's fine!"

Jiang Tian knew that the three Nalan brothers probably wanted to talk to him about something, and it was inconvenient for Qing'er to be there, so he agreed.

As for them hurting Qing'er, that's not the case.

Besides, they couldn't hurt Qing'er at all even if they were hundreds of miles away.

It was getting late at this time, so Jiang Tian and the others immediately rushed to the banquet location.

Although the Nalan family is low-key, they are a dragon-protecting family after all, with a profound heritage. They also have many industries in Wuzhen, including Internet companies, film and television companies, hotels, restaurants, shopping malls, and travel agencies.

This time, Nalanli chose a private club near the river in Wu Town for the gathering.

There are small bridges and flowing water, and the buildings are very simple, with white walls and gray tiles, pavilions and pavilions, hidden in a dense bamboo forest.

Pushing the door and walking in, the furnishings are also very elegant, as if you are walking into a royal palace. The furniture and ornaments are all antiques, and the famous calligraphy and paintings on the walls are definitely not fakes and are priceless.

On both sides of the door, there were two rows of beauties in palace attire, with first-class appearance and elegant manners. Each of them did not look like a waiter, but rather like a lady from the Republic of China.

In the sound of "Welcome".

The four of them sat down, and several young people had already arrived. They were introduced as Zhao Xueqing's cousins, and they seemed to be doing well.

They are all dressed like business elites. Compared with their parents, they look much more modern. They have completely integrated into secular life, and almost all of them have achieved enlightenment.

Among them, Nalan Li's pair of children are the most outstanding.

Nalan Juntu is tall and handsome, but he is only in his twenties and is already at the peak of his transformation.

Nalan Qinghe also came up in her twenties and took control of an Internet company in her family with assets worth hundreds of millions. Not only was she good-looking, but she had also reached the level of cultivation.

In a family, there are several transformation realms, even two half-step god realms, and there may be worshipers with stronger cultivation levels.

This level of strength has far surpassed the martial arts families like Qin Zhong in Yanjing.

The atmosphere of the banquet was good at first. Nalan Li recommended local specialties and insisted on dragging Jiang Tian to have a few drinks.

Jiang Tian is good at everything, he doesn't refuse anyone who comes, and his cup is as long as the wine is dry.

Next to him, Nalan Qinghe watched coldly, with mixed feelings in his heart.

If it weren't for the powerful family intelligence system and the conclusive news, she wouldn't even believe that the Jiang Tian in front of her was the number one person on earth who had suppressed many powerful forces in the world, the Supreme Emperor of Sodoni and the leader of the Tianqing Sect.

Because Jiang Tian is tepid towards people, things, speech and behavior.

He doesn't look like a superior person, but more like a reclusive scholar who hides his pride, doesn't care about worldly affairs, and has a peaceful and indifferent mood.

"Oh, Qing'er is so lucky. He is obviously a demon child, but he has such a powerful husband!"

Nalan Qinghe felt sour in her heart, a little envious, even more jealous and unwilling.

Although Nalan Bo and his wife love Qing'er, in the eyes of Nalan Li and Nalan Qinghe, Nalan Yiran is the shame of the Nalan family.

She had a bad behavior and gave birth to a child before getting married. She also caused a big fight, ran away from home, married a mortal, and gave birth to this evil child.

Zhao Xueqing was even more unbearable in their eyes!

A bastard of unknown origin, and extremely evil and evil, he killed his own mother!

However, such an ordinary, even sinister girl actually gained Jiang Tian's favor!

She actually became the wife of the first person in the world, the mother of a country, the supreme beauty!

To be able to enjoy thousands of glory and live a privileged life full of flowers and flowers!

"I'm afraid that when the first lady sees her, she must be polite and treat her with respect!"

This makes Nalan Qinghe, who has had a high self-esteem since childhood and looked down on Zhao Xueqing, very uncomfortable!

But after Nalan Li and Jiang Tian drank for three rounds, they couldn't hold it any longer!

He is now surrounded by enemies in the world and is in many dangers. He must have come to Nalan's house to seek help.

But why didn't he speak?

Just drinking and talking about family affairs, does he still need to show off at this moment?

In the end, Nalantu couldn't sit still.

He seemed to be smiling but not smiling, and asked meaningfully: "Jiang Tian...should I call you Jiang Taichu, or Jiang Tian?"

This clearly shows that our Nalan family already knows your details completely, and you have nothing to hide!

"Come on, third uncle, let's drink! Outside, I am Jiang Taichu, but we are close relatives. Our status doesn't matter. Just call us by our first names!"

Jiang Tian toasted.

Nalan Tu's face changed slightly, he sipped a glass of wine, and then the old god asked: "Jiang Tian, ​​you came to Nalan's house this time, you must have something to do, right?"

As soon as these words came out, the whole audience was in silence.

Everyone's eyes fell on Jiang Tian, ​​and a hint of teasing appeared on the corners of their mouths, depending on how Jiang Tian begged.

Nalan Juntu even picked up the teacup and sipped the tea, hiding the mockery and pride in his eyes.

No matter how powerful you, Jiang Taichu, are, you don’t know the truth that a tree as beautiful as Lin Feng will destroy it!

You have offended many powerful people in the world, why don’t you bow your head to our Nalan family and ask for help now?

Jiang Tian drank the wine in the cup and said with a faint smile:

"Of course I have something to do. Qingming Festival is coming soon. We are here to pay homage to Qing'er's biological mother!"

"In addition, I would like to implore my uncles and grandparents to allow the ashes of Qing'er's biological mother to be buried in the family cemetery and her body to be returned to the family ancestral hall!"

"That's it?"

Nalan Li and the other two looked at each other with a bit of astonishment.

Nalan Juntu and other younger generations were also quite surprised.

"Shouldn't you be asking our Nalan family and the hidden royal family to help you?"

Their original plan was that if Jiang Tian asked for help, they would take advantage of the situation and put forward Jin Zixuan's request, forcing Jiang Tian to give up Sodoni as his base, and jointly surrender to welcome the arrival of the immortal from the small world of Tianxing.

But now, the three Nalan Li brothers feel a little like Muggles at heart, and they don't know how to speak for a while.

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