Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 980: A big fight, blood droplets appear in the world

Biquge, the fastest update of the return of cultivation after ten thousand years!

"Oh? Master Nalan, do you have any other advice?"

Jiang Tian paused, turned around, and said calmly.

"Did you know that we have a big secret that we have been hiding from Qing'er!"

Nalan said coldly:

"Qing'er's biological father is not Zhao Hucheng! We haven't figured out who her father is yet!"

"Yiran was originally engaged to Jin Zixuan, but she gave birth to a child before we were married, which brought shame to our Nalan family. According to the clan rules, her bones are not allowed to enter the ancestral hall!"

At this time, Jiang Tian's face was quite calm, because he had already discovered this!

"In fact, Zhao Xueqing is the culprit who killed her biological mother!"

"She is the devil that brings trouble to fetuses. She was absorbing Yiran's energy and blood crazily in her mother's belly!"

"When Zhao Xueqing was born, Yiran already had chicken skin and a crane's head. A twenty-year-old woman looks as if she was seventy or eighty years old!"

Jiang Tian's heart suddenly sank with a thud, his face was so gloomy that he seemed to be dripping with water, and his hands were shaking crazily!

It seems that the previous guess about the Immortal Body of Wushou Phoenix is ​​right!

This kind of physique begins to deprive the mother of all her energy and blood from the moment she is born!

Qing'er and the baby in her belly are bound to compete for Qing'er's longevity and blood, and it is likely that only one of them will survive!

Seeing Jiang Tian's expression changed drastically, Nalan Li couldn't help but feel proud and said with a smile:

"Even after she was born, she was still devouring Yiran's energy and blood crazily. Once she stopped, Qing'er would get sick, have a high fever, and faint!"

"It can be said that Qing'er consumed her biological mother Yiran to death! Like a vampire!"

"Jiang Taichu, do you think that if Qing'er knows the truth, her father is someone else? He doesn't know who he is, and he never recognizes her. He abandons her like a worn-out shoe and doesn't care at all, while her adoptive father just treats her like a shoe. She treats it as a tool to make money!”

"She also killed her biological mother alive. How do you think she would feel?"

Jiang Tian's eyes flashed with panic.

Since his rebirth, he has been killing all the way, covering hundreds of miles with blood, conquering giants, and overwhelming powerful countries. There has never been a moment of panic and tension, as if nothing in the world can make Jiang Tian move in the slightest.

But at this moment, he was flustered!

No one can become an island.

Family, family, friendship and love, and various social relationships are the foundation for a person to live in this world.

If Zhao Xueqing knew this, it would be the most ruthless and cruel blow to her!

This is simply turning the world upside down. It is tantamount to a catastrophe!

"Also, she is pregnant!"

Nalan Li sneered and said:

"What if she is also pregnant with a catastrophic monster? How should she deal with it? Is it because of the natural cycle of retribution and accepts her fate? Or is she cruelly aborting the fetus in order to protect herself? No matter what, it is a tragedy. !”

"What do you mean?"

Jiang Tian's eyes suddenly turned cold, and he looked at Nalan coldly and said harshly.

"There is another possibility!"

Nalan Li did not answer directly, but squinted his eyes, confident of winning, and said calmly:

"Zhao Xueqing may not belong to this world at all, and she is not even Yiran's daughter!"

"Because Yiran insisted at the beginning that she had never had a relationship with any man and she got pregnant with Zhao Xueqing out of nowhere!"

"After testing, it is indeed true. She is perfect! She will be perfect until her death!"

"It's unbelievable, it's like an age-old legend, but it's all true! We even keep the original inspection report!"

"So, strictly speaking, Zhao Xueqing is a monster that grew out of thin air without a father or mother. Tell me, how would she feel if she knew!"

Jiang Tian's eyes glazed over and his hands trembled violently. He thought of a possibility!

A terrible possibility!

"Let me ask you, what do you mean?"

Jiang Tian's eyes gradually gathered sharp light, staring at Nalan Li, and asked in a cold voice.

"What do you mean by asking us? Are you, Jiang Taichu, an idiot?"

Nalan Tu stood up, came to Jiang Tian's side with a look of disdain on his face, and said with a sneer:

"Obviously, give up the Tianqing Sect's dojo and surrender to the hidden royal family. Otherwise, we will reveal this secret! Let Zhao Xueqing fall into hell, suffer spiritual torture, and live worse than death!"

Jiang Tian was slightly stunned, then tried his best to hold back his anger, and said coldly: "I have been to Tianxing Small World, and I have already conquered it!"

"And, I am confident that I can defeat the Immortal Ruins!"

Jiang Tian threw his words loudly, his words were like thunder, and said in a deep voice:

"When the time comes, if you want rights, I will grant you a country, a city, and splendid mountains and rivers; if you want wealth, I will give you mountains of gold and silver, and glory and wealth for generations to come; if you want to cultivate, I will help you Thousands of miles a day, becoming an immortal and becoming a saint, and immortality!"

"I only ask for one thing, yes, I am begging you, help me keep this secret forever, forever!"

Throughout his life, Jiang Tian had never been weak to others, but now, in order to protect Qing'er, he had to bow his head.

At this time, his voice became sincere and emotional:

"Qing'er has suffered too much pain and hurt. I once swore that I would never let him get hurt at all in this life!"

When everyone heard this, they looked at each other in astonishment, and then looked at Jiang Tian in disbelief, as if they were looking at a madman!

"You conquered the Heavenly Star Realm? What are you bragging about? I heard that there are thousands of immortals there. How many nails can you crush if you are covered in iron?"

Nalan Jun looked at Jiang Tian as if he were a fool, and said sarcastically:

"Cousin-in-law, I know that your cultivation is powerful, not even weaker than that of the hidden royal family of China, but that is the Heavenly Star Realm!"

"Cousin-in-law, you can brag, but you have to be logical!"

Nalan Qinghe covered her mouth and chuckled.

In their minds, the immortals of the Celestial Realm are untouchable, and the humans on Earth are like weak ants.

They are completely different levels of life, with huge disparities in strength and weakness.

Jiang Tian's words sounded to them like the neighbor's three-year-old child saying that he killed Tyson with one punch. They could only explain it as bluff.

Jiang Tian suddenly had an idea, took out the Human Emperor Token, and said slowly:

"This is called the 'Human Emperor's Order', and it is a token respected by many dimensional worlds. It was presented to me by Yuan Zihua, the great master of the Heavenly Star Realm. Those who obtain the Human Emperor's Order can command the hidden royal family of China! Now, you Do you believe it?"

"Jiang Tian, ​​you can deceive a three-year-old child with a piece of scrap metal, but you can't scare us!"

Unexpectedly, Nalan Jun smiled disdainfully and said, "There is no room for negotiation on this matter. Just kneel down and surrender!"

"Everyone, do you have to break up with me? Nalan Li, do you have the same opinion?"

Jiang Tian glanced at everyone with cold eyes, and finally his eyes fell on Nalan Li's face.

Nalan Li sat there motionless, as steady as a mountain, with a smile on his face, a bit of ridicule, disdain and coldness.

"Jiang Tian, ​​our attitude is firm and clear!"

Nalan Tu looked down at the ants from a high position, arrogant, and coldly snorted: "Isn't it great to cooperate with the hidden royal family and the dragon-protecting family?"

"You have lost all your cultivation now and are nothing more than useless. Do you still have the strength to resist?"

"Cooperate with us, this is your only way out! Otherwise, you can only die in the hands of the Brahmins and the Holy See, and in the hands of Saint Augu, leaving Zhao Xueqing alone and a widowed mother!"

"Moreover, we will not be polite and will definitely reveal everything. Zhao Xueqing will also live in pain and suffering!"


Jiang Tian suddenly moved and slapped Nalantu on the face.

Nalantu screamed and was whipped out by Jiang Tian. He hit the wall heavily, spitting blood from his mouth, and slowly slid down.

"Jiang Taichu, aren't you afraid of us..."

Nalan Li was shocked, and pointed at Jiang Tian with fear and anger, threatening him.

Everyone else was also shocked.

It seems that although it is rumored that Jiang Tian's cultivation level has dropped significantly, at least he seems to be playing the same game in the sadistic realm.

A skinny camel is bigger than a horse!

This is definitely not something the Nalan family can provoke!

"I have a little method to delete other people's memories, but it will make people become dementia!"

Jiang Tian's eyes were cold and ruthless, he walked slowly over and said calmly:

"This magical power goes against the harmony of heaven, so I usually don't use it. But this time, you forced me to do it!"

In order to protect Zhao Xueqing, what if he killed everyone in the world?

How did Zhao Xueqing ever owe you the Nalan family, and why did I, Jiang Taichu, ever provoke you?

But you are so ignorant of your family and relationships, and are forcing each other so hard?

Just depriving them of their memories is already a great mercy!

No killing, Jiang Tian is just afraid that Qing'er who doesn't know the truth will be sad!

"What did you say? Deleting memories, this magical power is extremely unnatural and only exists in legends!"

Nalan Jun smiled disdainfully, looked at Jiang Tian as if he were a fool, and said mockingly:

"Stop bragging. Now, kneel down and admit your mistake and surrender to my Nalan family!"

"Don't believe it? Then start with you!"

Jiang Tian's eyes flashed with cold light, and he swallowed his soul and exploded.

There was a scoff, and a tentacle like vinyl snaked out from Jiang Tian's forehead.

"Jiang Tian, ​​you have no respect for your elders and family ties. Do you still want to be cruel? Come and die!"

Nalan shouted loudly and led several family members to attack Jiang Tian at the same time.

Nalan Li slapped the back of his head, and an umbrella-shaped magic weapon spurted out of his mouth.

This umbrella-shaped magic weapon grew bigger in the wind, spun around, blood spurted out, and it was grabbed towards Jiang Tian.

"Blood droplets!"

If a powerful Chinese man with certain knowledge were here, he would definitely exclaim and be dumbfounded.

This magical weapon is the famous hidden weapon Blood Drop in history.

In the Middle Ages of China, it was as prestigious as the Heavy Rain Pear Blossom Needle and the hidden weapon of the Tang Sect in Sichuan. It had been hidden in the world for hundreds of years, and it has only appeared today!

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