Returning From Level 900

Chapter 165: World Peace

Section 165 World Peace

A missile!

A tactical missile loaded with high explosives!

The moment it hits the wall of the hotel, an almost pure white light blooms.

Cement crushed steel bars melted and the wall collapsed.

For those who are in the hotel, this is the real shattering of the earth!

The too precise guidance made the front end of the warhead almost straight at the box where Wang Wen was.

The explosive flames and fragments flying all over the sky, and the layers of shock waves, like the death **** standing in the sky and the earth, wielding a huge sickle and sweeping the entire hotel.

The duty manager and waiter of the hotel who fled with his head in his arms.

On the ground, Chen Hansheng, Zhu Xingguo, Ren Ruanruan.

The stunned Zhang Wei and Zhang Lanlan.

Captain He, who was peeing his pants, and his two younger brothers.

Mo Ran, Luo Shan and Tong Xiaolei who were struggling to avoid.

And the guests in the boxes next door are still enjoying the food.

Everyone turned to ashes and died before they could even scream.

. . .

If there is no semi-circular transparent barrier that penetrates the sky.

. . .

A transparent barrier with a diameter of almost hundreds of meters stood in front of the box where only half of it was left.

Just like the towering and sturdy city walls in ancient times, it makes people feel very safe to resist all the damage that comes in the face.

Everyone is trying their best to endure the grief and open their eyes to the figure in the center of the dazzling white light.

The man stood proudly with his clothes flying, his straight legs embedded in the ground like tree roots, no matter how the devastating shock wave collided, he still remained motionless. He stretched out the huge transparent barrier in the shape of an umbrella with one hand and blocked a whole tactical missile explosion for everyone. The resulting deadly debris and terrifying heat.

Under the firelight that covers the entire field of view.

little figure,

As high as the gods descend.

It just so happened that the stars around him like flowing water washed away the fluttering flame particles and flying dust, just like the holy light that swept around the world when the gods walked out of the gate of the kingdom of heaven.

It makes the silhouettes more colorful and blurry like a dream.

The hotel duty manager and waiter clinging to the door frame.

Chen Hansheng, Zhu Xingguo, and Ren Ruanruan stood up slowly.

Zhang Wei and Zhang Lanlan with hazy eyes.

Captain He with his trousers, and his two younger brothers.

Mo Ran, Luo Shan and Tong Xiaolei, whose eyes were shining.

And the guests in the boxes next door who forgot to swallow all kinds of delicacies in their mouths after the catastrophe.

All the witnesses were stunned by this seemingly miraculous scene.

Eyes with sourness and tears, looking fascinated and unable to extricate themselves.

for a long time.

The explosion blasted away.

Debris fell to the ground.

The heat slowly dissipated.

The figure supporting the transparent barrier looked down at the blood-soaked chest, and then moved his gaze to look at the right palm that was almost pinched white by a pair of small white hands, and smiled weakly and said, "No Thinking, your assistant is still quite powerful, right?"

The girl dressed like a little white flower turned her face into pure white.

Hear joking words.

She raised her head and replied in a hoarse voice, not to be outdone: "I won the prize, I didn't expect you to **** so hard."

The two giggled and supported each other and fell down, and the original estrangement and vigilance disappeared at this moment.

The transparent barrier turned into starlight and dissipated.

Even though most of it was resisted, the remaining terrifying heat wave immediately poured in like fire.

It's just that this level of high temperature can't stop Mo Ran.

Everyone including Zhu Xingguo and Ren Ruanruan rushed over to lift Wang Wen and Mi Lai away from the explosion and escaped into the depths of the hotel.

along the way.

Chen Hansheng asked Mo Ran suspiciously: "If I remember correctly, this hotel is the property of your group, right? Who is so bold and directly attacked the first consortium with heavy weapons?? Tiansheng is crazy and wants to start a world war?"

Mo Ran's face was as cold as ice, he hesitated for a while, looked at Wang Wen, whose face was so weak that he could hardly breathe, and said coldly, "No one dares to bombard the First Consortium with missiles, even if the sky is the sky. Sheng is also impossible, Jiji Hotel is the group's industry, and there is only one possibility to target here to launch missiles."

Office of the President of the First Consortium.

Gu Jianbing changed his usual calmness, and slapped the table in anger.

His eyes swept across the faces of the little people surrounded by sharp-mouthed monkeys, and he looked directly at the president behind the desk and asked loudly, "Zhou Dafu, are you crazy?? From the beginning to the end, the victim of the whole thing is Wang. Wen! It's fine if the group doesn't help him, and now they attack him instead? Is your head broken by a woman's leg or are these **** that only know how to move your mouth to feed you **** and eat more stupid?!"

"Presumptuous!" A sharp-mouthed monkey next to him immediately yelled angrily: "Pay attention to your words Gu Zhichang! Remind you that you no longer have any shares in the group, and you can stand here today because of your years of hard work in the Intelligence Department. , you don't have the qualifications to make irresponsible remarks at all, do you understand!"

Gu Jianbing turned his head to look at the speaker, opened his mouth and said, "Fuck you, beep!"

Hearing this, the sharp-mouthed monkey's cheeks turned blue with anger and trembled all over, reluctantly wanting the person behind the desk to do justice for him.

Unexpectedly, Zhou Dafu, the president of the First Consortium behind the desk, just sat quietly, looking at the old man calmly, without saying a word.

He let the old man hold the sharp-mouthed monkey's cheeks and spit hard: "When I was fighting the group, you little **** was still wrapped in diapers and eating shit! Today, even if the old chairman is standing here, I will still scold you, who dares to hang in there. Open my mouth to spray feces in front of me? How far will it give me to die!"

The sharp-nosed monkey's cheeks were beaten and kicked by the old man with a stick.

Want to fight back.

Seeing President Zhou Dafu frowned.

Immediately endured.

With a blue nose and a swollen face, he was kicked out of the office door screaming.

The old man was very tired.

Out of breath, he walked back to his desk and sat down.

Zhou Dafu held the water glass on the table and handed it to the old man, and said gently, "Uncle Gu, you scolded, scolded and beaten, calm down, your health is important, the group needs you, and we all need you. "

Gu Jianbing pushed away the water glass impatiently: "Don't give me this set! I ask you, why did you launch the missile? When did you and Tiansheng wear a pair of pants?"

Zhou Dafu sighed: "Don't you know? Just yesterday, Tiansheng's boss was beaten into the World Tower and his life and death were uncertain. The only remaining Tiansheng's son, Qin Wu Zheng, announced that if the murderer did not die, he would open Tiansheng's highest authority. Unilaterally tear down the World Wall and let people from the west come in. At that time, the world will be in chaos and life will be ruined! We do this just for peace."

"Let him go for peace?" Gu Jianbing blew his beard and stared at the table, clapping his palms on the table: "Tiansheng wants to demolish the world wall, do you want to beat Tiansheng! If you beat an ordinary person, your conscience will be eaten by dogs. already?"

Zhou Dafu saw Gu Jianbing unrestrained and his arrogance was rising, and his face was slightly unhappy.

But he still patiently persuaded: "Uncle Gu, you have been a soldier all your life, don't you understand the truth? We are just expressing an attitude, and we don't want to really cause a war, no matter if we fight Tiansheng or Wang Wen. Fortunately, as long as the world is peaceful and our group is profitable, that's enough! In comparison, the cost of fighting Wang Wen is much lower. You are a veteran of the group, and you definitely want to see the group develop better. Right?"

The old man still shook his head.

It's just that he seems a little rubbing his temples with his eyes closed.

He panted hard and said, "You are wrong, you are really wrong, this is the only way to really push the group into a fire pit!"

Zhou Dafu asked in disbelief: "Why? I am all for the good of the group! This decision is also the best plan that the entire think tank analyzed day and night. In order to cooperate with Tiansheng, we are even willing to destroy our own industry, and the whole world is watching. If you get it, you can definitely get it back from Tiansheng 10 times and 100 times, and it is reasonable and reasonable. No one dares to question. We will definitely make a lot of money from this transaction! How could it be wrong?"

The old man opened his eyes and his eyes were red: "So you really don't understand. Before making this decision, you should at least inform me that my people are still inside. Alas, you are really far worse than your dad. already."

Hearing this conclusion, Zhou Dafu smiled.

Leaning back on the seat, he took a long breath, and said lightly, "Then I am deeply saddened, and I would like to ask Mr. Gu to report the list of the deceased, just as I seek more compensation from Tiansheng. Chips, the group will also use the highest standards for pensions.”

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