Returning From Level 900

Chapter 328: petite

It's time for the exciting split... the moment of settlement.

This trip doesn't count, it's just an integral number of points.

A total of 11.5 trillion.

Among them, ten trillion was obtained by Wang Wen by oath.

The other 1.5 trillion is the reward for fighting bugs, which is equivalent to a fraction of the oath that came out during the fulfillment of the oath.

Wang Wen still thought it was troublesome and planned to share 10% of the total with 60% of the total.

He was stopped by four people neatly.

Mo Ran: "Stop!"

Zhu Xingguo: "Master calm down!"

Cheng Queyi: "Senior, don't do this!"

Skinny boy: "Squeak..."

Wang Wen looked strangely at the four people whose faces changed drastically.

Especially the skinny boy who passed out.

Inexplicably, he asked, "What's the matter with you?"

Cheng Queyi looked at Zhu Xingguo, and Zhu Xingguo looked at Mo Ran.

Mo Ran uttered his words and said, "I was able to contribute to the Quartet last time. I really didn't do anything this time. Put away your nouveau riche and don't give me any money!"

"It's the rules." Wang Wen thought about entering this boring stage again, and said helplessly: "How can the rules that were agreed at the beginning change now that they are changed?"

"The rules are that the dead are alive, and you can't stick to the old rules and pedantic things." Mo Ran pointed to the fainted little boy: "If you really want to divide it, give it to your friends, don't pull me."

Zhu Xingguo also rarely stepped forward to persuade him: "Master, there are too many, this is not good."

Wang Wen thought about it.

He made a suggestion and said, "Well, I won't divide the 100,000 I earn here, but the 15,000 you get from the bug-fighting reward can be divided by the four of you, right?"

Mo Ran shook his head: "That doesn't work either."

Wang Wen clenched his fists and threatened him: "It's not okay, that's not okay. Do you want to be beaten?"

Mo Ran didn't eat hard or soft: "You can't beat me either. The 15,000 people who beat the bugs didn't have much to do with me."

Wang Wen was depressed.

The scene was stalemate for a while.

The tower climbers who passed by the tower overheard the discussion here.

Maybe it was too dark to recognize Wang Wen and others.

I only heard words like fifteen thousand four cents.

He sneered mockingly.

As he walked, he complained: "The low tower is the low tower. It took a week of climbing to get more than 10,000 points to get to the top 100 stories, right? The four people are still pushing here and there to let them go, and they are so arrogant that one person can lose a few thousand points and pull them down. Sigh!"

"Look." Wang Wen spread his hands and said to Mo Ran, whose face was ashen: "Even passersby are laughing at us, do you still want to keep pushing around?"

Mo Ran glanced at the scope of the forbidden martial arts circle, took two steps back, turned around, grabbed the collar of the speaker just now, and dragged it back.

Just as the opponent was about to attack violently, he was caught by the 500-layer unique Supreme Treasure Bundle Immortal Rope High Rank] thrown by Zhu Xingguo.

The more you move, the tighter you get.

It hurts to sweat again.

The other party shouted for his friends to come to help, and at the same time he shouted: "What kind of skill is it to go out of the tower to attack? Find a place to fight it! A group of rookies gave you a face because of a broken road... What the hell? What the hell? "

When he saw the prop information scanned by the aircraft, he was stunned by the words "500-layer unique treasure".

Friends who heard the shouting nearby also rushed over at this time.

Ready to fight to save lives.

As a result, as soon as they approached, their eyes lingered repeatedly on the faces of Wang Wen and Moran.

After a long while, he asked cautiously, "Excuse me, is that the academy's team leader Mo Ranmo?"

Mo Ran rolled his eyes and said to the person who approached: "Your friend said that you want to have a fight. You can discuss it. After discussing the time and place, tell me that I will bring someone over there. It can be a one-on-one fight or a group fight."


A group of people jumped excitedly.

The one who was bound by the Immortal Rope was sweating profusely from the pain, and kept nodding to Mo Ran, shyly smiling, and said, "Team Mo, the misunderstandings are all misunderstandings, and the lights are not bright enough, so I didn't recognize them all at once. , we have been longing for the academy for a long time, and we have always wanted to have the opportunity to visit you!"

"Come on!" Mo Ran hummed angrily: "Today when the tower is out, how many masters are out of the tower at this time. What are you trying to get up and start the battle?"

The one who was bound was anxious and helpless: "Don't you think this is a misunderstanding? Just listening to what you said about 51,000 yuan, I think about the tower climber who earns such a small amount of money, no matter how high. Let's go, it's a little floating..."

Wang Wen raised his chin to signal Zhu Xingguo to put away the props.

To the dark-faced Mo Ran, he smiled and said, "They're right, 15,000, and everyone will be done with a few thousand."

Mo Ran shook his head darkly, and while letting the others go, he said coldly, "When you hear 15,000, you think it's 15,000 points? Next time, you will be more eye-catching!"

The people who were let go nodded and bowed again and again.

He kept exiting Xu Yuan, entered the portal, left the main square, and ran to the street where no one was there before complaining indignantly: "The height of the tower is amazing, and it's 15,000 years long. Isn't it 15,000 points? Fifty million? It's not called that! It's really hard to pretend!"

The friend grabbed his shoulders and smiled and said, "Don't be angry, I finally got out of the tower, and I'll take you there for supper! Not to mention that they are world-class experts, maybe 1.5 trillion, haha..."

"Fuck him!"

"There is so much money, I eat **** upside down!"


to the end.

After all, Wang Wen still failed to divide the money Only according to the most basic rules, divide the 1.5 trillion share among the four people by 10% each.

even so.

Everyone got 150 billion points.

Mo Ran looked at the account that was increasing the number of digits every week, and shouted that there was too much money to spend next week.

Wang Wen looked at these lazy people who were content with the status quo and had no intention of rushing to the thousandth floor.

But no way.

Some people like to make history, some people like to be quiet and plain.

People who want to be heroes can't always ask everyone else to be heroes together.

Some things are really only the responsibility of the individual.

The founder can be somewhat lonely.

He ran out of money.

Looking at the more than 112,000 billion left in his hand.

Knowing that the next time you enter the tower to strengthen, you will be able to touch the edge of the ninth level.

It's just a question of whether to strengthen the whole quality to the ninth level first or to extract extraordinary skills first, and it has to be carefully considered.

The former improved steadily but not much changed.

The latter has an adventurous element but a chance of skyrocketing.

After all, apart from the trillion-level eighth level and the ten trillion-level ninth level, there are still 200 billion left in the hand, which can easily upgrade the newly extracted extraordinary skills to the seventh level.

If you are lucky enough to draw a particularly super-class skill, it is likely to explode in an instant, and you don't need to spend such a boring money brushing and just go straight to the tower.

Wang Wen shook his head.

Don't bother with these for now.

I just wanted to ask everyone if they are okay, if they want to seamlessly enter the tower with themselves.

I felt that the phone that had recovered the signal began to receive messages continuously.

He took out his phone and looked at it.

Filter out some meaningless messages and reply to some friends' concerns.

Finally, a piece of news came into view.

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