Returning from the Immortal World

Chapter 1044: Like (seeking monthly ticket support)

Tang Xiu chatted with the crowd, and because of something left, when he just walked to the door, he happened to see Qin Ling coming over. His eyes were looking around, as if looking for someone.

"Hey, man, are you here?"

Qinling saw Tang Xiu, suddenly his eyes lit up, and the arrow came and called.

Tang Xiuxiao asked: "Are you looking for me? Is there something?"

Qinling smiled: "There is nothing wrong with it. There are very few acquaintances here. Before we met outside, we said that we have a fate. In addition, I want to introduce you to a friend. You don't want to look like you." I told you! My friend's identity is not normal."

Tang Xiu smiled and said: "What is your friend?"

The face of Qinling was a bit proud. He reached out and grabbed Tang Xiu’s wrist and pulled him into the courtyard. The eyes were stunned everywhere. When he saw Tang Wei’s figure, he was a little excited and said: "My friend is a Tang family, the famous Tang Wei Tang Shao. When Tang Shao went to Beihu Province, it was my hospitality."

Tang Xiu smiled and said: "You said this friend, I also know."

A glimpse of Qinling, the footsteps suddenly slowed down a lot, and said: "You know it too? Yes, I forgot to ask, what is your brother doing at home?"

Tang Xiu laughed and said: "There is an official, but also a business."

Qinling nodded and said: "The family background should be very powerful. I just thought that the brothers are familiar with you, but I can’t remember where I have seen them. But it doesn’t matter, we are friends in the future. ."

At the moment.

Tang Wei has also seen Tang Xiu and Qin Ling. He has a bit of curiosity on his face. After welcoming, he asked: "How are you two together? Have you known before?"

Qinling hurriedly said: "Tang Shao, I and the Tang Xiu brother, I met outside today. I think that others are good, I want to introduce you, I did not expect to hear him, you have known before.


Tang Wei can not help but point to Tang Xiuxiao and ask: "Qinling, don't you really know who he is?"

Qinling shook his head and confused: "I only feel a little familiar, but I really don't know who he is? Tang Shao, you..."

Tang Wei interrupted his words with a smile and said: "According to the age, he is my brother. According to the size of the matter, he is my brother. You even haven't even heard of Tang Jiada and Tang Xiu. This news is too incomprehensible?"

Tang Xiu?

Tangjia Tang Xiu?

The Qinling smashed, and suddenly the pupils contracted, and the eyes burst into an incredible look. He finally remembered why he had seen Tang Xiu before, and he felt that Tang Xiu was familiar. It turned out was the Tang Dynasty’s famous Tang Xiu! By the way, he is also the famous small **** doctor Tang Xiu in China, or Tang Xiu, the big boss of Shengtang Group!

"I drop a god!"

Qinling snorted in his heart. He now finally understands why Tang Xiu came in. The guards did not check his documents. It turned out that he was a Tang family!


The Qinling Mountains are smashing at this moment, and they can’t wait to find a piece of land to sneak into the shame. This is a shame... It’s really big. Introducing him with his brother, isn't this a stupid act?

Tang Xiu smiled slightly, looked at the expression of Qin Ling's face, and patted him on the shoulder and smiled: "I didn't say it clearly before, so let the Qinling brothers misunderstand you. Viagra, this brother is good, since Come to our house, you take care of it, I go outside and the uncle, Yun Qingshu, they greet the guests."

"Cheng, go!"

Tang Wei haha ​​smiled, reached over the shoulders of Qinling, and walked toward the inside, and smiled and said: "Is it oolong? But your kid is really lucky, I don't need to talk about Tang Xiu's ability. Especially in terms of people, the eyes are absolutely accurate. Since he said that you are good, then you will be handed over to your friend. Walk around and introduce some friends to you."

Qinling heard the words, suddenly a little excited, he did not expect to make an Oolong, even with Tang Xiu on the relationship, and even suddenly got the approval of Tang Wei. For Tang Wei, the character of the Tang family, he is still relatively clear. The eyes are higher than the top and more difficult to approach. Now that he can get his approval, it is really a dog.

A few minutes later.

After appearing outside the gate of the courtyard, Tang Xiu saw that the uncle Tang Yunpeng and his uncle Tang Yunqing were greeting the guests. As the strangers nodded, he walked up to the two.

Tang Yunpeng smiled and invited the guests into the house. This is a meaningful question to Tang Xiu: "Is it with the fathers? Did you talk about some interesting things?"

Tang Xiu understood what Tang Yunpeng meant. He nodded and said: "Talk, let's lead the Tang family. I am afraid that Tang Dongshu is busy in the future. As for money, I have to pay 40 billion yuan. The previous period should be enough."

Tang Yunpeng’s eyes lit up and he sighed with a thumbs up: “I’m really rich and rich! I’m going to take it for 40 billion! But the leading thing, who raised it?”

Tang Xiu smiled and said: "They who are elders are not willing to come up and feel that they are not good-looking on the face, so I directly pick them out. Anyway, I am a younger generation. Some words are inconvenient to say, but I have no problem."

Tang Yunpeng praised: "Wisdom is the most powerful force. You don't know how long your brain is. This time, you have made great contributions to your family. What reward do you want? You are even my uncle. I am trying to get it for you."

Tang Xiu smiled and said: "I don't need any rewards. Just, when Grandpa's life is over, I will leave the Imperial Capital. After returning to Star City, I will go abroad to do something."

Tang Yunpeng is curious: "I heard that you have been working abroad abroad recently. What are you doing?"

Tang Xiu said: "My people have had conflicts with some foreign cultivators. There will be a very cruel battle. If this time, we will be able to win a big victory. In the future, we will never dare to practice abroad. Provoking us. If you lose, you will suffer a lot."

Cultivating forces?

Tang Yunpeng and Tang Yunqing changed their face, and the expression instantly became dignified.

Tang Yunpeng asked in a deep voice: "Tang Xiu, is there anything we need to do? The armies of our Tang family are not very strong, but they are numerous. If you need to open it, we will use it to fill in." To destroy all enemies."

Tang Xiu shook his head and said: "The strength of those practitioners can not be won by a large number. Uncle, you don't need to worry. If there is no absolute victory, I will not send people to fight with them. In fact, instead of It is better to say that the masters of the cultivation forces are the sparrings I used to train the soldiers."

Tang Yunpeng and Tang Yunqing face each other, and their eyes show a strange look. For a while, Tang Yunpeng said: "Tang Xiu, if you have time, I want to see those people you cultivate."

Tang Xiu nodded and said: "Don't go, wait until the things over there are resolved, and then you will pass. Otherwise, I can't guarantee your safety."

Tang Yunpeng nodded and said: "I understand. And my identity, I want to go abroad to apply to the above leaders, so I am afraid it is difficult to go out in a short time."


Tang Xiu accompanied Tang Yunpeng and Tang Yunqing to welcome a guest. The 80-year-old birthday of Tang’s father Tang Guosheng came in a lot. As long as it is a little qualified, I will try to come over.

Near noon.

Tang Yunpeng and Tang Yunqing returned to the courtyard, while Tang Xiu put his hands in his pocket and strolled out. He needs to observe the situation around him. If there is no problem, he will go in to participate in the birthday party of the father. Since the Yao family was destroyed by him, Tang Xiu clearly realized that it would be a big family and there would be potential enemies. Although the Tang family is now beautiful, no one knows how many potential threats are hidden in the back.

"No special circumstances?"

Tang Xiu looked at Tang Hu, who was responsible for security work. Tang Hu is an outstanding talent cultivated by Tang Guosheng. Although he does not have the blood of Tang family, he has been with Tang Guosheng since he was a child, and he is absolutely loyal to the Tang family.

Tang Tiger shook his head and said: "There is no special case. All the guests who meet the entry criteria have all gone in. Those who do not meet the standards are all dispersed."

Tang Xiuyi, confused: "What is not in line with the standard? Can you come over to the grandfather's birthday, should the identity come from?"

Tang Hu said: "Yes. Except for an old man."


Tang Xiu’s look, asked: “Where is the other person?”

Tang Hu pointed to the hutong mouth in the distance and said: "I just left 40 minutes ago, and now I should have left."

Tang Xiu nodded, and after striding out of the alley, he suddenly looked at the road and looked at the road dozens of meters away. There was an old man with a ragged face, and there was a five- or six-year-old girl beside the old man, sitting quietly beside him.

After Tang Xiu went over, he looked at the old man and the little girl and suddenly frowned. "Old man, are you coming to the birthday party?"

The old man raised his head and bitterly nodded and said, "Yes! Unfortunately, I can't get in."

Tang Xiu said: "In addition to the relatives of the Tang family, there are only a lot of big people who can come to the birthday banquet. Are you and Tang family divorced?"

The old man was silent for a moment, and when he turned to look at the little girl, his eyes showed a bit of reluctance, and nodded and said: "I can’t count on the pro, but I can say it with the reason. Oh! For this child, and for the last A little wish, I wanted to see him, but I didn't think..."

Tang Xiu’s gaze swept over several knives from the neck of the old man and finally stayed on his left cheek. He is now, this old man has no left ear. In addition, he still has one thing, and this old man shows a dead air, I am afraid that it will be dead.

"Old people, if you can tell me about your identity, I might be able to take you in."

[Three chapters are updated, seek monthly ticket support, and by the way, pay attention to the new public model number jyjsoo.]

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