Returning from the Immortal World

Chapter 1220: Killing chickens and monkeys (one for the monthly ticket)

Tang Xiu heard the words, a smile appeared on the handsome face, shook his head and said: "The Tang family and the Su family have no grudges, because your Su family is not worthy."

Su Xiangdong angered: "Since there is no enmity between us, why are you..."

Tang Xiu raised his hand and interrupted Su Xiangdong’s words. He said coldly: “The Tang family and the Su family have no grudges, but my grandson Su Xiaoguang has a grudge. He said that my Tang family’s people are dead, and I said that my Tang family is no longer the former Tang family. So I want to let your Su family know that there are people in my Tang family."

Su Xiangdong understood that the reason why Tang Xiu came to the forefront, and even the people of the abilities were slandered because his grandson had offended him.


Does the contradiction between young people use such a battle? Is it necessary to give himself a suicide against Sujiaan?


He realized that one thing, the pupil contracted, and shouted: "Tang Xiu, are you going to... kill chickens and monkeys?"

Tang Xiu raised his thumb and praised: "No wonder Su’s family can stand up in the emperor for decades. The Su family is really smart. Unfortunately, your children and grandchildren do not live up to expectations. The family is plagued by disasters. Since things are out, then you are waiting to die!"

Duanmu Lin slowly raised his arm.


Su Xiangdong’s face changed and shouted: “Tang Xiu, I know your purpose, but please also give us a living path for Sujia. If Su Xiaoguang’s nephew offended you, I can hand him over. It’s up to you to let go, it’s life or death, let you deal with it.”

Tang Xiu picked up his eyes and looked at Su Xiangdong as if he was old and looks like a few years old. He said faintly: "Since you want to seek peace, it is not impossible. Let me spare the life of all your family." In fact, it is also possible to talk about it. However, the Bureau of Resources has recently been in a tight budget and all kinds of equipment need to be purchased..."

Su Xiangdong said with a voice: "My Su family is willing to pay, you give a number."

Tang Xiu stretched out a finger and said faintly: "10 billion. Want to let all the people of the Su family live, the funding gap of the abilities bureau is 10 billion."


Rao is a family with money, and when he heard the price of Tang Xiu’s sky, Su Xiangdong still couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief.

10 billion!

His Su family can indeed get so much money, but once so much money is taken out, the Su family will be badly hurt. I am afraid that it will be difficult to recover without decades.

What should I do?

Su Xiangdong's face is constantly changing. After a fierce ideological struggle, Shen Sheng said: "No problem, my Su family is willing to take out 10 billion yuan, and give the abilities bureau a fund."

Tang Xiu raised his thumb and praised: "The Su family is really able to bend and stretch, really good. The second condition, Sujiasu is very old, it is not suitable for mixing on the officialdom. So, remove The responsibility of the body, honestly be an ordinary citizen!"


Su Xiangdong seems to have eaten 10,000 dead flies, and his face is ugly. Although there are many people in his family, there are not many family children who have potential. Su Dingguo is the hope of their future in the Su family. He also counts on the future of this son who can go further and further.


If he resigns, Su’s future will be even more difficult, and I’m afraid it will be harder to recover.

"I promise you!"

Aside from Su Dingguo, his fists are tightly picked up, his nails are deeply plunged into the flesh, and blood is dripping down his fingers.

Tang Xiu said faintly: "In the next six months, all members of the Su family will give me honestly and at home, not allowed to step out of the house."

"I promise you!"

Su Xiangdong’s voice is almost squeezed out of his throat.

Tang Xiu sneered: "The last request, Su Xiaoguang must be punished for making a big mistake. I don't want his future life, but he can still stand offended."


Su Xiangdong spurted out a blood. If it wasn’t for Su Dingguo’s eye, he would hold him, I’m afraid he would fall to the ground.

"I interrupted his legs by hand."

Su Xiangdong finished, his face was gray.

Tang Xiu said with a nod and said: "In this case, I am waiting for your promise. I don't care how crazy your Su family is, no matter how powerful other families are. Today I want everyone in the country to know, my Tang family. Still someone!"


He nodded to Duanmu Lin, and said with a fist: "Duanmu predecessor, since this matter has been resolved, then we will give the Su family a way to live! Rest assured, if he is willing to stay with me after the family For the enemy, people who don’t need the abilities bureau can shoot, and our Tang family can leave the chicken dogs that they have killed in Sujia.”

Duan Mulin said faintly: "I don't think much about your family dispute. If you don't leave the chickens killed by Sujia, remember to make hidden points, don't let me know."

Tang Xiu smiled and said: "Don't worry! I was able to get rid of Yao's family, now a small Su family, I haven't put it in my eyes."

Duanmu Lin nodded, and looked at Su Xiangdong with some pity, then shouted: "All members listened to the order and immediately evacuated."

In just one minute, all members of the Abilities Bureau withdrew from the Sujia Courtyard. Duan Mulin and Tang Xiu did not stop, and they left by car.

The Su family disaster.

In just two hours, it has been passed through various channels and is known to all the families of the Emperor. Even some of the most powerful families in other provinces of China have learned about this.

"Tang family still has people!"

This sentence is like a wind, and it is quickly transmitted to the ears of all the energetic people in China. Even the biggest boss, only heard two laughs after shaking, shook his head and ignored it.

The Imperial Club.

Bai Tao and Qin Shaoyang sit quietly at the table, waiting for Tang Xiu to arrive. The two people's expressions are generally the same, they are thinking about something in silence.

"Ring bell..."

Bai Tao’s mobile phone ringing suddenly sounded, awakening the two people in contemplation.

Bai Tao grabbed the phone and looked at the number that appeared to be displayed. He found that his father had called it. He immediately pressed the answer button and asked: "Dad, are you calling me?"

"Taoer, have you had any contact with Tang Xiu recently?"

"Yes! We only met today, now I am waiting for him to drink at the Imperial Club."

"Taoer, you remember to me, no matter what the Tang family becomes, you can't alienate Tang Xiu. You must make a good relationship with him. It is best to be a brother of life and death."

"Dad, what happened to you? Is something happening?"

"Great things..."

A few minutes later.

When Bai Tao hangs up the phone, he has already smashed the whole person. After putting his mobile phone on the table, he stayed in front of Qin Shaoyang who looked at the opposite side and confuses his eyes. Bai Tao’s lips squirmed a few times, and said with a smile: “The Su family is finished. If the Su family can be called the second-rate family of the emperor, then I am afraid that even the third-rate will not be there.”

Qin Shaoyang suddenly stood up and asked quickly: "What happened?"

Bai Tao said: "Just my dad called and said that Tang Xiu and the large number of people of the National Affiliate Bureau directly killed the Su family and gave Sujia a big hat of treason. As a result, Sujia Su Xiangdong, the owner of the family, begged for..."

Qin Shaoyang listened to Bai Tao’s words in his ears, and his face showed an incredible look. He never imagined that Tang Xiu was so arrogant that even the people of the National Abilities Bureau could be transferred.

"In the past, I thought that his biggest reliance was the Tang family. Now I discovered that it was not that he relied on the Tang family, but that the Tang family depended on him. I have never imagined how far he is now. Qin Shaoyang took a deep breath and said with a smile.

Bai Tao nodded and said: "When I met Tang Xiu, he was still a budding little man. I didn't expect him to reach this level in just a few years. To be honest, I heard what he did today. I am worried about how to play with him in the future!"

Qin Shaoyang thought for a moment and said: "Bai Tao, I really want to make good friends with Tang, not only because of his identity, but also because of his ability. Since he and now, I found that his character is very good, he is very good and he is a rare friend. So, I have already thought clearly, no matter how arrogant he is in the future, I will put my mind in good position, sincerely to make friends, only care about him. , don't care about his other conditions."

"Say good!"

Tang Xiu floated in the air and appeared in front of the two when they only felt that they had a flower in front of them. His right hand patted Qin Shaoyang's shoulder and smiled and said: "The usual heart with sincerity, do not care about external conditions, this can be regarded as a true friend. Qin Shaoyang, you are my true friend of Tang Xiu, brother."

Qin Shaoyang stood up and took a smile on the shoulders of Tang Xiu. "I have a lot of friends in Qin Shaoyang, but there are not many real friends. From today, you and Bai Tao are my true friends, and Chu. Yi, although I don't know where the guy has gone in the recent time. But all three of you are friends of my Qin Shaoyang. Bai Tao, thank you during the day."

Bai Tao said with a smile: "Since you are a friend, if you thank you later, you will be rotten in your stomach!"



Tang Xiu has always been a bit vigilant in his heart, even if it is the best relationship with him, Yuan Chuling, Long Zhenglin, he did not dare to give their back to them 100%.

But today!

Just because of Qin Shaoyang’s words, he suddenly found that some friends can actually be pure. Should not be an external condition, only identify this person.

When he was in the fairy world, the few people he once thought he were brothers of life and death, but they had too much involvement with them, too much entanglement. Gradually, the benefits of their direct doping are increasing, and the original pureness has long since disappeared.

"Come on, drink!"

Tang Xiu picked up the glass and laughed loudly.

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