The Qingcheng Mountain is surrounded by peaks, and the four seasons are evergreen. The peaks of the mountains are ringing, and the shape of the city is green. The forest is lush and green, and enjoys the reputation of “Qingcheng Tianxia”.

Walking in the mountains, the road is rough.

Plus two ordinary people, so everyone walks more slowly. When the night falls, the buzz of the beasts is heard from time to time. Wang Hao has repeatedly entered the mountains to go to the Qingcheng School. However, he is not worried about the situation in the mountains at night. However, he lived in a big city since childhood, and Zhang Xinyue, who had not stayed in the old forests of the mountains, was frightened and worried.

"You... can you always follow me?"

Tang Xiu slanted out from a narrow mountain trail, and Zhang Xinyue followed closely, as if he was afraid that Tang Xiu would leave her and leave.

Zhang Xinyue walked a few steps. Through the faint moonlight in the sky, he reached out and grabbed the arm of Tang Xiu. While carefully watching the surroundings, he nervously said, "Where are you going? Don't leave me."

Tang Xiu smiled and said: "Please, I will go to the convenience. You will stay with everyone first, I will come back later."


Zhang Xinyue was blushing, but fortunately it was night and was not discovered. After rushing back to the Mo Awu several people, he picked up a fist-sized stone from the ground and held it tightly in his hand.

After a while.

Tang Xiu returned to the crowd and looked at the dark road in front of him. He said: "Continue to hurry and try to get there early."

Wang Xiao smiled and said: "Don Tang, are we taking a break for a while? It’s too tired to walk the mountain road continuously."

Tang Xiu silent for a moment, suddenly turned to look at Zhang Xinyue, Shen Sheng said: "Promise me one thing."

Zhang Xinyue confused: "What?"

Tang Xiu said: "This time we go into the mountains, you don't care what you see, you must forget when you leave Qingcheng Mountain, and you can't mention anything happening in Qingcheng Mountain to anyone."

Zhang Xinyue wondered: "Do you still need to keep it secret? Right, you only said that you have to go to the Qingcheng School in Qingcheng Mountain to do things. What is it? What about the Qingcheng School, like the gangs in ancient times? ?"

Tang Xiu said: "You don't need to know for the time being. If you can promise my confidentiality, I will take you on the road. If you can't promise, I can let the Golden Lion send you back now."

Zhang Xinyue hesitated, but said helplessly: "Okay, I promise you."

Tang Xiu nodded and quickly made a gesture to Mouwu. As Moawu reached for Wang Hao’s shoulder and ran fast toward the front, his hand quickly caught Zhang Xinyue’s slender waist. Fast ahead in front of you.


Zhang Xinyue was shackled by Tang Xiu, and the masculinity made her heart rate faster. When the scenery on both sides reversed, I couldn’t help but exclaim.

"Don't make a fuss, grab me."

Tang Xiu keeps pace and speeds up again.

After Zhang Xinyue’s brief horror, the stunning face in the night showed an incredible look, and the reversing scenery on both sides, as well as the sound of the ears, made her heart full of shock.


Wulin master?

Zhang Xinyue can judge through the visual acuity that the speed of the journey is extremely fast. She found that even the speed of the national track and field athletes is not as fast as those of Tang Xiu and Mo Awu.

After four hours.

When Tang Xiu and others stopped at a mountain, the fire in front of them shone in the sky. In the distant forests, there are countless sound beasts roaring and birds singing.

"Wang Hao, what is the front?"

Tang Xiu frowned, his sharp eyes had seen some buildings in the raging fire. Even his heart faintly raised a bad feeling.

Wang Wei’s dizzy head was put down by Moawu, and he retched a few times before slowly raising his head. When he saw the fire in front of him, he shouted and said: “God! The front is the outer hall of Qingcheng School. Damn How did this fire in the middle of the night?"


Suddenly, Moawu screamed, and the huge body suddenly rushed toward the left bush. As the dagger shone through the cracks of the moonlight, a cold light flashed through and pierced a lurker. Left shoulder.


The lurker screamed, and after a few ghostly figures flashed around the bushes, Moab Wu’s big hand had caught the throat of the lurker.


In an instant, Moawu returned to Tang Xiu and looked at the black man who was holding his throat. He asked: "Who are you?"


A few strange voices were heard in the black man’s throat. Then, in just ten seconds, after three black men appeared around him, his mouth blew out of his blood, his breathing quickly weakened, and he finally died. Moawu hands.

"Suicide to commit suicide?"

Tang Xiu’s eyes are cold, he is hard to imagine. In today’s society, who is so powerful, he can cultivate a group of dead people.

"Bastard, who are you?"

The black man standing opposite Tang Xiu, asked with a long knife in his hand.

Tang Xiu raised his eyes and said coldly: "I would like to ask, who are you in the end? What happened to the Qingcheng faction in front?"

The man in black looked at Tang Xiu and said: "Since you are not a member of the Qingcheng School, don't worry about it. Today our leader is blood-washing the Qingcheng School. Anyone who dares to participate in it must give it to the Qing Dynasty. The city is buried."

Blood wash...


Tang Xiu's face changed, and the figure appeared in front of the black man. As his hand grabbed the other's cheek, the long sword was released instantly, and the other two men's chests were pierced.

"Awu, take off the poison sac in his mouth."


Mo Awu quickly followed the instructions of Tang Xiu, pulling a slender thread from the innermost teeth of the black man, a dark green poison sac of only the size of the rice, pulled out by the thread.

Tang Xiu sealed the acupuncture point of this black man, and said coldly: "Give you the last chance, tell me your identity, and why do you want to wash the Qingcheng faction?"

The black man clearly felt that he had lost control of his body. Even though he wanted to exert his strength, he had lost his ability to play his fingers. However, the fear of his face just flashed away, even if he said: "I want to know the answer from my mouth, do your dream of spring and autumn! Who is our leader, you will know later However, at that time, it is time for you to survive and not die."

Tang Xiu turned his hand into a black man's body, and even sent it in at the same time. This said: "Then I will let you taste the taste of life."


The screams of heartbreaking lungs came from the man in black. The body that he lost control of was trembled in the pain that he could not imagine.

Tang Xiu sneered: "I understand refined medicine, even if it is a dying person, I can pull him back from the ghost gate. Once I counted, let a person die in this pain, at least It takes seven days, and the medicine I am refining can make you live three more days, adding up to ten days. So, as long as you are not willing to answer my questions, the next ten days will be your most difficult time.

Ten days?

The man in black is unwilling to bear for a second, because this huge pain, which seems to come from the soul, almost collapsed his consciousness.

What is pain?

What is life better than death?

The black man really felt the first time in his life.

Tang Xiu subconsciously took out the cigarette and thought about shooting the cigarette into the hands of the golden lion. This said: "If you figured it out, would like to tell me the answer, just look at your eyes. Hehe... have a very fast eyes, it seems that the will is not strong!"


He reached out and beat a few times in the black man's body. When the other body's body trembled and the pain in his face eased, he said lightly: "Let's say it! Otherwise, the time for giving you the next opportunity is half." After hours."

The black man said in a hurry: "If I tell you, can you kill me immediately?"

Tang Xiu nodded and said: "The dead man who is bent on death is really interesting. Well, I promised to give you a good time."

The man in black has a loose spirit and quickly said: "Our leader is a monk. I don't know where I am, but I am good at using poison. They brought us to Qingcheng Mountain this time, and they are looking for revenge for Qingcheng. I heard that the people of Qingcheng School have killed the four brothers of our two leaders."


Tang Xiu frowned, he did not expect that for a flower red, first encountered a poisoning incident at the opening luncheon of the Golden Jubilee Villa District, and now he even encountered a case of Qingcheng faction being revenged. /

"The most important thing is to keep Wang Bo’s uncle. Otherwise, if the bonus falls in the hands of other monks, and I want to break through the repairs in the near future, I am afraid it will be very difficult."

Tang Xiu took a deep breath and shot the black man in a palm. Then he said in a deep voice: "Blood shark, black bear, you stay here to protect the safety of both of them. We rushed over to see the situation."

"I don't want to stay, I want to follow you."

Zhang Xinyue’s face changed and immediately shouted.

Wang Hao also hurriedly said: "Dang Da Ge, my uncle and my cousin are in Qingcheng, I have to follow the past."

Tang Xiu shook his head and said: "You are all ordinary people, not suitable for blending into this danger. Just now you also saw that these four people were easily killed by us, so in this danger, die Individuals are more normal than dead chickens."

Zhang Xinyue screamed: "What are you talking about? You...had you killed them?"

The night is too dark, Zhang Xinyue, this is to see the four people fall, but they do not know that they are already dead.

Tang Xiu said: "Don't forget your previous promise to me. No matter what happens in Qingcheng Mountain, you must forget it after you leave, and you must keep your mouth shut."


He rushed toward Qingcheng with Moawu, Golden Lion and Blood Shark. After leaving the eyes of Zhang Xinyue and Wang Hao, the four men vacated, just one minute later. It is less than 100 meters away from the flaming Qingcheng faction.

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