Returning from the Immortal World

Chapter 869: Stupidity is unacceptable (for the world - the search for the main congratulations)

In the eyes of Zhang Qingfeng, he personally left Taiwan to come to Tang Xiu and smiled and said: "I didn't expect Mr. Tang to come and visit. It is really making the charity party tonight shine! I blame me. If you have time to watch the guest list, otherwise you will not be so sloppy."

Tang Xiu shook hands with him and smiled. "Nothing, I just came to make a fun, instead of my girlfriend."

Zhang Qingfeng smiles and smiles. He knows that Tang Xiu personally came over and gave him a face. He knew that it was because he had handed over the entire Zhang’s advertising plan to Mu Yuying. Advertising company.

It will be a man!

Zhang Qingfeng sighs in the bottom of his heart.

He finally understood why Tang Xiu was able to make the business so big. The character of this young man is definitely worthy of deep friendship.

"Mr. Tang has spent a lot of money tonight. I have to sit alone in the next day. I have several friends who have a good relationship. I don’t have any advertising company to cooperate with them! I will introduce you and Mu boss at the time." /

Tang Xiu’s mouth is awkward and smiles: “No problem, thank you boss Zhang.”

Zhang Qingfeng smiled and said: "Mr. Tang, how old are you, if you don't want to give up, it is better to call me a brother, what is the boss's appearance too much."

Tang Xiu nodded and said: "Zhang Ge, don't call me Mr. Tang, just call me Tang Xiu, or Tang Laodi. The old man and the old brother all call me that."

Zhang Qingfeng smiled more and nodded. He said, "That is, our brothers are close to each other. Now, when we are holding a filming event, we will not talk more with you."


Tang Xiu smiled and nodded.

As Zhang Qingfeng walked toward the front desk, all the guests who did not know Tang Xiu in the hall of the charity party were even more shocked:

"Who is this young man surnamed Tang? Can Zhang Qingfeng interrupt the righteous shot and personally come down? And listen to what they mean, Zhang Qingfeng wants to give the young girlfriend a company to advertise? Is it in the other party?"

"Zhang Qingfeng’s net worth is not less than 10 billion yuan. He even puts down his body so clearly. Is the young man surnamed Tang the **** of the gods? Who is behind him?”

"Niu Ren! Just one auction, it leads to Zhang Mingming and Gu Changmin to take the lead for him. Now Zhang Qingfeng even wants to give him a close-up, even if the Emperor is a big man, I am afraid there is no such ability.

"I think he is a little familiar, but he can't think of where he has seen it. However, it can make so many big shackles, I think he is definitely not an ordinary person."

"If I were so good, it would be a model for my generation. It seems that I will have an idol in the future."

"Too handsome, his girlfriend is really happy, even find such a handsome, and so capable boyfriend."

"I know the woman, the first beauty of the emperor, Mu Yuying. The buddy is so powerful that she can pursue such a fairy."

"He would be fine if he had no girlfriend."


On the guest table.

Miao Jinlei’s fist was tight and his face was cloudy. He looked at Tang Xiu’s eyes, and he almost spurted out the fire. It was just that he did not bid for the price of Tang Xiu for no reason, even he had never seen Tang Xiu, and there was no grievance between the two.

He is here.

Because he has recognized the identity of Mu Yuying, the one he once pursued for a while, and even the people who don’t even look at him are the most beautiful flowers. He came to the charity dinner this time, and also brought a female companion, and it was also the magical university flower that he had just pursued recently. If he seems to be in normal times, his girlfriend looks really good, compared with Mu Yuying. That would be too much.


Miao Jinlei finally recognized Tang Xiu at the moment.

He was able to come to the Magic University to study. Uncle Miao Wentang used great relationship and financial resources to make him the reason for the transfer of the Magic University, just to enable him to make Tang Xiu at the Magic University. Become the iron buddy of Tang Xiu.

It was originally.

He would like to make a good relationship with Tang Xiu. After all, he knows that there is an imperial Tang family behind Tang Xiu. For those who have a deep background, it is absolutely harmless. However, the sudden meeting and conflict tonight, so that he never made a half-dish thoughts of Tang Xiu, there is a strong embarrassment in addition to anger.

"What kind of cow is it? Isn't it the shade of the elders at home? If there is no Tang family, I am afraid that you don't even have a fart? I really don't understand what my uncle thinks. Why don't you let me get on the pole? There are so many bastards? There are so many great people in the capital, there are a lot of powerful big and small. With the power and wealth of my Miao in Haiqing Province, which one is good, will people be happy to make friends with me?”

Miao Jinlei thought of this, suddenly slap on the table, and then directly picked up his girlfriend from the chair, gloomy face and walked toward the outside.

He thinks.

Zhang Qingfeng, who is the host, is doing his own face. Therefore, he believes that there is no need to stay any longer, and there is no need to leave any face to Zhang Qingfeng. Although the uncle told him to come and give him Zhang Qingfeng, he is not willing to serve any more.

This moment.

Zhang Qingfeng, who had just returned to the stage, his face was gloomy and his eyes looked at the back of Miao Jinlei and his female companion, and his heart rushed to his head.

At the same time, in the hall of the charity party, other guests were keenly aware of the strangeness of Zhang Qingfeng. They turned around and saw the back of Miao Jinlei with his female companion. For a moment, the whispering sounds again:

"Whose child is that? Is it so stupid? With a little bit of anger, you can directly hit Zhang Qingfeng?"

"I don't know who made such a stupid boy. Who is the most unhappy in his actions? It is Zhang Qingfeng! There are Zhang Yueming and Gu Changmin. He is giving these two faces. !!

"Hey, this young man really has no brains. It doesn't matter if he doesn't take it. I am afraid that he has offended the three giants at the same time. Later, he wants to do something in the magic, I am afraid it is not so easy."

"You remember, no matter if you don't know him before, you can't have any intersection with him in the future. This kind of idiot, most like to bring disasters to the elders at home."



Tang Xiu looked at Miao Jinlei's departure, and the corner of his mouth outlined the curved shape. After the smile climbed up on his face, he leaned toward Mu Yuying and asked, "Do you know that guy?"

Mu Yuying chuckled and said: "Know, the students of our magical university, a guy who looks like he is still okay, and who has money at home, is everywhere."

Tang Xiu asked strangely: "He won't chase you?"

Mu Yuying smiled and said: "It is indeed chasing, but I did not pay attention to him."

Tang Xiu smiled and gave a thumbs up and praised: "It is the first school flower of our magical university, the first beauty of the emperor's capital! No matter where you can meet the former pursuer. However, That guy has money at home? What does his family do?"

Mu Yuying was somewhat ashamed and said with a slight bow: "His family is Haiqing Province, and he is the relative of Miao Wentang, the boss of the Miao Group of Haiqing Province."

Tang Xiu was surprised: "He is Miao Jinlei? The rich second generation who just recently snatched the goddess of the old Hu heart? So, the female companion he just brought is..."

Mu Yuying chuckled and said: "Hu Qingsong’s secretly long-lost goddess was chased away. I heard that it was like yesterday, I also took Yue Kai’s drunkenness. Just, I don’t know if I was being seeded. Jin Lei chased away, but did not know if it was the girl next to him."

Tang Xiu laughed: "Whether it is, I have to call Miao Wentang and say that this kid is not a good thing. If the Miao Group is handed over to this guy in the future, it is not a good thing."

Mu Yuying chuckled: "I know that you have a good relationship with Miao Wentang, but is it useful?"

Tang Xiu said with a smile: "Do you want to hear it?"

Mu Yuying confused: "What are you listening to?"

Tang Xiu mysteriously smiled and said: "Wait, let you listen to a big show."

The righteous shot continues.

Zhang Qingfeng will naturally not affect the charity party tonight because of the departure of Miao Jinlei. As the prosperous shot continued, it took almost an hour to complete, and the entire prosperous program ended.

Gala dinner.

In the next hall.

With Zhang Yueming and Gu Changmin, as well as a dozen or so businessmen who knew Tang Xiu, they came over and made a conversation. All the people came to the next hall. As the host of Zhang Qingfeng, .e is hard to pull Tang Xiu and Mu Yuying sitting at the innermost table.

When the dinner ends, it is already 11 o'clock in the evening.

The hotel entrance.

Tang Xiu and Zhang Yueming, Gu Changmin and other friends separated, watching them all leave, then immediately called, Mo Awu will drive in.

After sitting side by side with Mu Yuying, Tang Xiu touched out the phone and smiled and asked: "Remember what I said to you before? Prepare to let you listen to a big show."

Mu Yuying nodded and said: "Remember! You are calling Miao Wentang?"

Tang Xiuxiao laughed a few times and said: "I will not only call Miao Wentang, but also give the Miao Jinlei a little color to see. Believe it or not, I called this phone, Miao Wentang will definitely violently thunder. He will even drive his relatives out of Miao."

Mu Yuying shook his head and smiled: "If you can let Miao Wentang teach Miao Jinlei a meal, I can believe it. But you said that Miao Wentang drove his relatives out of Miao, I don't think it is possible. After all, blood is thicker than water. Even if you have a good relationship with Miao Wentang, can't you control the family?"

Tang Xiu smiled awkwardly and said: "If you don't believe it, then wait and see!"


Tang Xiu calls Miao Wentang’s mobile phone number, and waits for the phone to be connected.

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