Returning from the Immortal World

Chapter 881: Flipping the sky (to burn the life of 719888 commensurate)

In the evening.

The reporters who are guarding the outside of Paradise Hill, slouching and sweeping the door of the style, pushing the tricycle vendors, sipping the type of food, even if they are hungry, there is not much desire to eat.

No news, for them media people, it is simply endless torture.

"Friends in the media industry have just received a notice, please go to the Dongjiao Square in the mountain village. The dinner has already been prepared for you, and there will be important things to inform everyone." The Golden Lion stepped out of the gate of the villa and took care of it. Thousands of people in the media industry said loudly.

"Important things? Is there any news?"

"God! Is Dafu Jewelry going to break?"

"I also prepared a dinner party? I didn't expect to have a meal at Paradise Villa one day. If it is big news, I have eaten it today."

"Hurry up, be sure to grab a good location."


Thousands of journalists were excited. They fought hard and rushed into the gates of Paradise Hill in the order of dozens of security guards in Paradise Hill.

East suburb square.

Hundreds of round tables filled the place, a waitress with a good face and extraordinary temperament, accompanied by fragrant meals and drinks, the rich flavor of the food evokes the appetite of all the reporters. However, as the reporters were seated, no one moved the chopsticks, and the various guns and guns began to be fixed and commissioned, all aimed at the half-meter-high platform temporarily built on the northern end.

The golden lion stepped onto the platform and did not take the microphone at all, but the rolling sound was transmitted to every reporter’s ear: "You, our boss said, you should eat and drink before listening to the news, otherwise it will be significant. After the announcement of the news, I am afraid that you have no intention to finish the meal. In addition, our boss also said: Waste is shameful, please cherish every bit of food. Thank you."


The Golden Lion strode off the platform.

The reporters were dumbfounded. They were the first time they encountered a situation in which they were invited to eat and then announced important news. However, such an arrangement has made their hearts warm. It is obvious that the boss of Tai Fook Jewelry knows their status quo very well. I know that after they get the news, I am afraid that the first time is to write a press release, submit the shooting materials, and strive for the first time. Report the news.

"People, eat faster, eat enough to listen to the news."

A five-and-three-strong reporter at a table screamed and grabbed the chopsticks and ate it. Under his leadership, tens of millions of reporters ate a lot of meat and sipped tea. The wine on the table, but no one moved at all.

After half an hour.

Hao Lei followed the waiter on the tray with three trays. She was wearing a floral skirt and wearing long flowing hair. The whole person looked extraordinarily beautiful. She held a microphone in her hand and smiled after scanning the crowd. Dao: "The reporters and friends welcome everyone. I am Hao Lei, the general manager of Dafu Jewelry. Now I announce two things. The first thing is that our Dafu Jewelry has already ushered in three waves of VIPs, the zodiac statues brought by these three waves of VIPs. It is the jade carving that we offer."

"Three waves?"

All the reporters were excited. One of the reporters from the recent table of Hao Lei asked aloud: "Hao Hao, can you disclose the identity of those VIPs to us? And what kind of zodiac jade carvings they sent? ?"

Hao Lei smiled and said: "This is the second thing to reveal the identity of VIPs. Now I will show them the zodiac jade carvings they sent."


She gestured to the three waiters behind me, and suddenly the three men opened the yellow silk cloth covered on the tray. For a moment, all the cameras are aligned with the three pieces of red, red and vivid zodiac in the tray.

Hao Lei smiled and said: "Three pieces of zodiac jade carvings, namely jade monkey, jade chicken, jade rabbit. Together with the jade dragon and jade tiger in our hands, there are now five sets of zodiac jade carvings. I hope that many reporters and friends will help me. Advertising, helping to find the remaining seven kinds of zodiac jade carvings."

The flash is constantly flashing, and the focal length continues to linger on the three jade carvings.

Hao Lei continued: "The second thing I want to announce is that the VIPs of the jade and jade chickens do not want to reveal their identity, so we can't tell everyone who they are. But, $100 million has been paid to They are. As for the VIP who brought the rabbit, he is willing to accept the interview."

"Great, where are people?"

"Someone is willing to accept an interview, more than no one wants to be stronger! Where is it?"

"Who is it?"


After the platform, Zhang Moyuan came down to the stage with the support of four security guards. After standing in front of Hao Lei, he hurriedly nodded his tribute.

Hao Lei smiled and said: "I will tell you about this, this is Zhang Moyuan Zhang boss from Fugang Province, and he is also the big boss of Fulong Province Yulong Building Materials. Below, please ask Zhang Boss to speak."

Zhang Moyuan took the microphone, and the deep eyes swept from below. After a few seconds of silence, his face appeared a bitter smile and said: "In fact, in the eyes of many people, I am a family owner. The big boss of hundreds of millions of assets should be very rich. Yes, a few months ago, I was indeed very rich, at least eating and drinking, living in luxury homes and driving luxury cars, and rich friends are countless."

"However, it is difficult to do business this year, and it is even harder for the boss. Because of some special circumstances, the business of my Yulong Building Materials Group Company has shrunk dramatically, and the situation of capital turnover has been ineffective."

"Yu Rabbit is my favorite collection. I even imagined it. I want to leave it as my family's heirloom and pass it on to my children and grandchildren. However, there is a problem in the company. At the moment, I have to take it out. Bring it to the magic capital and bring it to this paradise villa."

" Just two hours ago, more than 690 million people have already arrived in my account, and I have already remitted 190 million of them to our company's public accounts. It can be said that it is a rabbit rescue. Living my company is a jade rabbit that makes my assets soar."

"I have regrets in my heart, but there is also satisfaction. This satisfaction comes not only from the benefits of money, but also because I know that there are more than one jade carvings in the world, and there are eleven other ones. I bring jade rabbits, and I hope that Dafu Jewelry can find twelve zodiac jade carvings as soon as possible."

Zhang Moyuan’s speech was not ill, but the reporters below were all ignited. A collection of jade rabbits, saving hundreds of millions of market capitalization of group companies, so that the rich can avoid the possibility of bankruptcy, many friends but no one to help ...

A variety of highlights, a variety of highlights.

The reporters are all red-faced, and the excited blues are dancing on their foreheads.

Late night.

Modu Railway Station, Chen Jian dragged his tired body out. He had a Mazar in his hand and a worn black leather bag on his shoulder, followed by his cousin Chen Jiawei.

"Brother, let's go to the magic, let's go where to find the buyer?" Chen Jiawei looked dark, strong, and screaming.

Chen Jianyi hesitated: "The newspaper said that it is a paradise villa. Do we know that Paradise Hill is in the place of the scorpion? Otherwise, let's call the phone in the newspaper and ask about the situation?"

"Hit it!"

Chen Jiawei first came to the bustling metropolis, and he was a little uneasy. He hurriedly nodded.

Chen Jian took out his old Nokia mobile phone, which had been used for five or six years, and dialed the phone number in the newspaper. It was not long before it was connected.

"Hello, I am Hao Lei, who are you?"

"Hello, hello, let's sell the jade cows, the newspaper said that you want to buy, is it true?" Chen Jian controls his emotions and looks forward to his face.

Hao Lei said: "Yu Niu? Where are you? I am Hao Lei, the general manager of Dafu Jewelry. We also really want to buy the zodiac jade carving."

Chen Jianshe said: "We just got to the magic capital, just out of the train station. That... we are the first time to come to the magic capital, the life is not familiar, do not know where to go."

Hao Lei said: "Please tell me which train station, I immediately send people... No, I immediately rushed to pick you up."

"Which train station? Is the Modu Railway Station?" Chen Jian explained.

Hao Lei said with a smile: "There are several train stations in the devil, you..."

Forty minutes.

Hao Lei took the Golden Lion and other people to the Modu Railway Station, and after telephone contact, finally found Chen Jianshe and Chen Jiawei who were sitting on the Mazar and smoking on the square.

"Two, which one is Mr. Chen Jianchen?"

Chen Jianjian hurriedly stood up and looked at the dignified and elegant, noble and elegant Hao Lei, and looked at the burly, very handsome Golden Lion. He stuttered and said: "Hey... Hey is Chen Jianye, you... You are the Hao...Hao Lei Hao manager?”

Hao Lei smiled and said: "Yes, I am Hao Lei, the general manager of Dafu Jewelry. I welcome both of them to the Magic Capital. Mr. Chen, the car is in the parking lot. Please come with me."

"Ah...oh, good."

Chen Jian had some blushing handshake with Hao Lei. After taking back the subconscious, the clothes were smashed. This took Zhang Jiawei, and the two followed Hao Lei to the parking lot.

Go back to Paradise Villa.

Hao Lei took the two to the VIP room and told the waiter to prepare the food. Then he smiled and asked: "Two, you said that it is a jade cow, please take it out! I need to identify it, if it is true. Yu Niu, we are willing to buy at a price of 100 million US dollars."

100 million dollars!

Chen Jian and Chen Jiawei were excited in an instant. After all, such a huge amount is simply an astronomical figure for them.


Chen Jian took the jade cow out of the dilapidated black leather bag and handed it to Hao Lei: "This is it, it is the heirloom of our Chen family. I begged for a long time, he only gave it to the cow. Hao Manager, you can't lie to us! My son is still waiting for money to ask his wife! The prostitute is still waiting for the money to pay the tuition. If... you don't want to give so much money, less to give it."

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