Returning from the Immortal World

Chapter 883: Sit on the ground (for the old Chen Bug Meng)

Genius is a second to remember, to provide you with wonderful reading.

Tang Xiu’s gaze was removed from Mu Yuying’s body and looked around. What made him laugh and cry was that there were many boys and girls around, and even the candidates who came out of the examination room building were Mu Yuying. Give the amazing soul alms.

"Beauty, do you want to be so dazzling?"

Tang Xiu smiled and walked forward, but shook his head and sighed.

Mu Yuying stood straight, his arms and arms opened in a circle, and as the long skirt danced, the fragrance filled the air, and asked in the heartfelt laughter: "Does your girlfriend dazzle?" Isn't it a long face for you?"

Tang Xiu was attracted by the smile of Mu Yuying at this moment. Rao is his firm mind. Rao is familiar with him and Mu Yuying, and he still feels a strong sense of surprise. Going back to God, he reached out and grabbed Mu Yuying's slippery wrist, took her quickly to the front of the driver's door, pulled the door and pulled her in. After closing the door, she went to the co-pilot and sat down and said, "Drive."

Mu Yuying smiled and said: "Give me a reason."

What Tang pointed out is what she is referring to, and said: "The most beautiful side of my girlfriend can only be appreciated by me. Other men see my heart is not good. Is this reason enough?"


Mu Yuying smiled again and again, and the bright eyes all smiled and bent, and the sparkling crystal seemed to drip out the water. As the car started, she smiled and asked: "Where?"

Tang Xiu thought about it and said: "Since you are dressed so beautiful today, I will ask you to have a big meal! I remember that the skewers sold in a nearby alley are good. Let’s take the place as a place and take the place as a place. , go to enjoy a big meal."


Mu Yuying couldn't help but handed him a big white eye with infinite charm, and then smiled: "To celebrate the end of your freshman semester, I will arrange it today. Please have a good meal. Let's go to embroider Lin Hua."

Tang Xiu smiled and said: "When you look so beautiful, you can also see if you are so sincere, then go to embroider Lin Hua!"


The beauty of the car, gradually drifting away.

In the crowd of people watching, there are countless sad mournings. Even some boys sang "Love Valentine's Day" loudly to vent their inner feelings.

Embroidery in Washington.

Magic's prestigious star kitchen, where guests can enjoy gourmet food, are not rich and expensive. Here, the food that is recognized by the devil is the most delicious, but the price is also the most expensive.

"婉莹, you seem to be familiar with this place?"

After following the entry of Mu Yuying into the embroidered Lin Huafu, Tang Xiu looked at her familiar door and entered the hall marked with the "Emperor Hall", with a few surprises on her face.

Mu Yuying chuckled: "I have been here twice."

Tang Xiu laughed: "The rumored price of food here is the most expensive place for the whole magic. I didn't expect you to be willing to come over."

Mu Yuying shook his head and said: "I have been here twice, but I have not eaten a bite here. The first time I came to find my dad, it was still a few years ago. The second time is Followed by a girlfriend, the result of my girlfriend happened to meet her boyfriend here and privately with other women."


Tang Xiu said with a smile: "I think, your girlfriend's boyfriend is very bad."

Mu Yuying said: "Why do you say that?"

Tang Xiu smiled and said: "Does your girlfriend have a good temper?"

Mu Yuying smiled bitterly: "Not very good, it is simply a gas bag. Tang Xiu, know why I am so far, willingly willing to follow you? Even if you are not only me a woman!"


Tang Xiu secretly regrets that he has a mouthful, but if he rushes here, he can only ask his head: "Why?"

Mu Yuying’s eyes reveal a hint of resentment, saying: “Love you first, this kind of feeling can't be replaced by something or thing. Then it is the environmental problem. In fact, since the reform and opening up, women have become more and more important. High, but in fact everyone's bones are still flowing with the blood of men and women, even if I am no exception. There is a saying that 'women also account for half the sky', this kind of remarks is more than 'man is the pillar of the family'. Women The bones are weak and they all want to find a point. This is the key issue."

In fact, I know how much the environment will affect women. For example, Ouyang Yu around you, such as the famous Kang Xia, the circle we are in contact with can not be completely imprisoned by the 'monogamy' system. On Hong Kong Island, on the island of Australia, and even on the island of Taidao, there are many powerful people, more than one wife. Like my father, he really loves my mother, but he loves the beauty of his character. In addition to my mother, he has other women."

"Ouyang family owner, that is, Ouyang Yu's father. There is more than one woman, even if Ouyang's mother is very powerful, I have heard of her name since a long time ago, but still can't make Ouyang Yu's Father gave her a body as a jade."

Speaking of this, Mu Yuying’s mouth is bitter and bitter.

Tang Xiu took a deep breath and shook his head and said: "If a man loves a woman and loves it, he can even give up everything for her. He will not fall in love with another woman."


Mu Yuying can't help but smile.

Tang Xiu said: "Yes, I have seen such people."

Mu Yuying, amazed, said: "Have you seen? Where?"

Tang Xiu is silent. The person he said is his own, even if he has more than one woman. But he dares to say that if he was in the fairy world and had not been betrayed by the snow city, he believed that he would never be emotional again to the woman outside the snow.

For thousands of years, I know each other.

He is not bored by the time relationship, but he is more and more interested in that relationship and love for that woman. It is like an old wine, the longer it is, the more mellow and delicious.


The once emperor's soul, a paranoid, pursues a sentimental, and ultimately die in love. For his love, for his guardian wife, he does not hesitate to fight with the sky, and the fate of reincarnation and life and death contest. Even if he was suppressed by the heavens, was devastated by thunder and robbery, and his heart was invaded, the last obsessence he kept was the face of the wife, who shouted the name of Wannian.

Mu Yuying looked at Tang Xiu in silence, but the heart was faint and painful. She guessed that Tang Xiu once had a love, even though she could not guess what form it existed.

She is smart.

It can be said that she has grown a seven-year-old exquisite heart. Through Tang Xiu’s words, she even judged that the person that Tang Xiu said was his own.

"In the end, what changed him?"

Mu Yuying wants to find out the answer, but she dare not go into it.


The door was knocked and pushed open, and two young and beautiful waitresses stepped into the door and sent two menus. Tang Xiu was pulled back from the memory, and the silk pain was erased from the corner of his eye, indicating that Mu Yuying ordered the meal.



Tang Xiu and Mu Yuying tacitly put the topic just aside, enjoying the dinner together in the chat.

"Ring bell..."

The phone rings.

Tang Xiu grabbed the mobile phone and saw that it was Hao Lei’s call. Suddenly, after the four zodiac jade carvings were sent, it’s been several days. The other six jade carvings still have no audio. Is Hao Lei calling herself now, is there a happy event?

"Hao Lei, what?"

Hao Lei said with a bit of murderousness in his tone, "The boss, found the whereabouts of the jade mouse. But there is something wrong in the middle."

Tang Xiu brows up and asks: "What problem?"

Hao Lei said: "The person who called me was from overseas. He said that he had the jade mouse we were looking for, and also sent a few photos through the network. He said, if we want him The jade mouse in his hand must increase the price, at least 500 million US dollars. Otherwise, he said that we will never get together with the entire set of 12 zodiac jade carvings."

"Promise him!"

Tang Xiu said without thinking.

Hao Lei said quickly: "Boss, this..."

Tang Xiu said: "Jade carving is very important to me. It is about a terrible event that I will do in the future. Promise him, as long as we get the jade mouse, 500 million dollars can be transferred to him at any time. ."


Hao Lei promised to hang up the phone.

Mu Yuying had never asked Tang Xiu to collect the zodiac jade carving. At this moment, when she heard Tang Xiu’s words, she finally asked: “A jade carving is worth it, is it worth spending so much money?”

Tang Xiu nodded and said: "It's worth it, because in my eyes, the zodiac jade carving can't be measured by money. To be honest, if I can get a whole set of twelve zodiac jade carvings in the future, it will not only be great for me. The benefits, even for you, are very big benefits."

Mu Yuying curiously said: "What benefits?"

Tang Xiu shook his head and said: "I can't tell you for the time being, but believe me, you will know sooner or later."

"Ring bell..."

Hao Lei called again. When Tang Xiu was connected, her anger was stronger. She said loudly: "The boss, the other party has no integrity. I just agreed to buy 500 million dollars in his hands. The jade mouse, but he actually sits on the ground, to increase the price of 300 million US dollars, 800 million dollars will be willing to sell to us. In addition, he has a request, that is, let us put 300 million dollars into his account in the Swiss bank in advance.

"He is looking for death!"

Tang Xiu’s eyes flashed through a cold light, and he asked: “Can you trace his intelligence?”

Hao Lei said: "It's very difficult, but it's not a single possibility."

Tang Xiu said: "Let's prepare for both hands, first agree to his request, not 800 million dollars, is one billion dollars. Tell him, as long as he is willing to sell me the jade mouse, I give him a billion dollars. But Let him give us time to shop, let's say we need to raise money, and half of the amount can be transferred to his account within half a month." Mobile users please browse m to read, a better reading experience.

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