Returning from the Immortal World

Chapter 891: Big Brother must die (for this, 2 League is congratulatory)

Stars never dreamed that Tang Xiu would have proposed such a condition. Witch Stone is the most important development issue of their Black Witch family. Every member of the Black Witch family who wants to be a strong man must consume a lot of Witch Stone every year.

What's more.

The Wushou stone mines they control have been severely consumed after hundreds of years of exploitation. The amount of mining each year is also strictly regulated by the family's ancestors, and only 2,000 pieces of nymphs can be mined each year. As the second master of the Black Witch family, he has only 50 pieces of Witch Stone that can be assigned to his hand every year.

"Mr. Tang, our Black Witch family does control the Witch Stone deposit, but the number of Witch Stones collected each year is not much. Plus our people need to cultivate and absorb the witch power inside. I am afraid... I am afraid Not much to sell to you." Star Wheel said with that bitter expression.

Tang Xiu pondered for a moment and said: "We can negotiate a number. So! I am not difficult for you, as long as your Black Witch family sells me a thousand pieces of Witchstone every year, I will use other Resources are exchanged with you."

"One thousand pieces? Impossible."

The star-shaped smashing iron said: "Mr. Tang, the total number of witchcraft stones we have mined every year by the Black Witch family is not so much. You have to open a thousand pieces, which is absolutely impossible."

Tang Xiu frowned and said: "Then you said, how much is appropriate?"

The star wheel hesitated and said: "One hundred. One hundred is the upper limit that our black witch family can bear. After all, our family members still have to cultivate. If there is no witch stone, our family will soon Will lose. Even if I want to sit in the position of the home as soon as possible, I can not break the hope of our family."

Tang Xiu thought for a moment and said: "Fifty medicinal herbs per year, in exchange for 730 ecstasy per year. This is the bottom line I can bear. If you are willing to trade, then we can have a good cooperation. If you I don't agree, just when I didn't say it."

"Dan medicine?"

"What is that?"

The star wheel confused and looked at Tang Xiu.

At the moment.

The five black robes standing behind the star wheel, the eyes flashed instantly. One of the old black robes asked: "Mr. Tang, can you tell us what is the effect of the drug?"

Tang Xiu said: "Ju Ling Dan. Every practitioner who takes Ju Ling Dan will get a lot of benefits. The specific benefits are different and vary from person to person. You can try it."

The old man in black robe took a step and respectfully said: "Young master, I want to try it."

Star Wheel Frown asked: "I haven’t talked about it yet, what are you trying? Isn’t that kind of remedy that is a panacea?”

Tang Xiu’s finger put a medicinal bullet into the black robe old man’s hand and said indifferently: “Take this medicinal medicine and practice here. I will give you four hours, after four hours, no matter what you absorb. How much potency of medicinal drugs must stop to say the effect."


The old man in the black robe smelled the intoxicating scent, and suddenly felt the spirit of the earthquake, becoming extraordinarily empty. After nodding at the star wheel, he sat on the floor with his knees and took the medicinal medicine directly.

Chen Anhu has been quietly watching the conversation between Tang Xiu and Star Wheel. At this moment, he finally couldn’t help but get to Tang Yunde’s side and whispered: “Yude Dege, what are they doing? What is the Witch Stone? What kind of medicinal medicine is there, and what are the cultivators who say that they confused me?"

Tang Yunde said in a low voice: "The repairing child is a monk, and a large number of his men are also all monks."


Chen Anhu’s voice in vain raises several beats, causing the attention of others in the room.

"It's okay."

Chen Anhu felt that Tang Yundela had taken him, and hurriedly waved his hand and sat back to Tang Yunde. He asked with excitement: "Yun Dege, you didn't lie to me? Your son turned out to be a monk." How? How is this possible? The monk! It is a fairy-like figure, we were born and died so many times, but only fortunate enough to meet a monk."

Tang Yunde whispered: "There is no deception between our brothers. He is a monk who is a monk, and he is a very strong monk. You should have heard of the Siberian tiger? Because he helped the emperor The Yao family is dealing with our Tang family, which is to be killed by the repaired children. However, you must give me this rotten belly and can't spread it."

Chen Anhu focuses on the key, and promises: "Do not worry! Even if someone takes the knife on my neck, I will not say it. It is amazing! It is so powerful! The Northeast Tiger is famous throughout the country. People, who doesn't know his power and horror? I didn't expect it to be killed by my big scorpion. No wonder, no wonder you said that the things on the island of Australia are looking for foreign aid, and I have to find this big scorpion, it is so!

Tang Yunde whispered: "Low-key."

"Yes, yes!"

Chen Anhu smashed his hand and looked at Tang Xiu’s eyes full of fiery heat.

Time goes by.

After half an hour, the old man in black robes who struggled to absorb the medicinal power of refining medicinal herbs, suddenly burst into a sigh of breath. A layer of black fog visible to the naked eye, in a moment to cover him.


The other four black robe old men showed an incredible expression, and they were envious of their eyes. They never imagined that the power of a gathering of Ling Dan would be strong enough. Just taking it for half an hour will make the second child break through.

They all know that the second child, just a year ago, just broke through the previous realm!

The star wheel and the petite woman were also shocked. They also knew the situation of the old man in black robes.

Three and a half hours later.

The black robe old man's face became red, and with a burst of blood spurting out, a more embarrassing breath erupted from him again. A lot of black fog has spread again. If it is not for Tang Xiu to wave the black fog, I am afraid that the whole room will be covered with black fog.

"What happened?"

The star is called in a hurry.

And the four black robes are already stunned, and the incredible expression on the face is more intense.

A breakthrough?

In just three and a half hours, one breakthrough in two layers?


Is this medicinal medicine really not an elixir?

"Second second, stop."

After a while, one of the old black robes shouted.

The black robes in the practice of knee-high practice opened their eyes, raised their arms and wiped the blood from the corners of their mouths. After floating, they said to Tang Xiu’s fists: "Mr. Tang’s medicinal herbs are definitely the legendary elixir. Even if I Big Brother won't let me stop, I'm afraid I can't practice it any more. In such a short time, I made a breakthrough, even I can feel that the drug's potency has not been completely absorbed by me. I have a feeling that if I wait for the refining of the entire drug's potency, I am afraid I can break through another level."


The other four black robes were heard and couldn’t help but sigh.

The star wheel is not stupid. By taking the performance of the old man in the black robes of Poly Lingdan, together with the words they said, he realized that the medicinal medicine given by Tang Xiu is definitely an immortal treasure.

"Mr. Tang, the deal."

Stars realized that they really seemed to have their thighs, and even he realized that the monks were as magical and powerful as the legend.


If you can completely embrace the thighs of the monks in the future, I am afraid that the benefits will not be seen now.


Stars remembered one thing and measured it in the bottom of his heart. Shen Sheng said: "Mr. Tang, since Kutu wants to be a difficult uncle and Chen Shu, I am willing to go with it. If he dares to arrogant, without your mouth, I will Put him up."

Tang Xiu’s eyes, what kind of experience he is, through the words of the Star Wheel, I realized that this guy wants to establish friendship with himself. For those who can bring benefits to themselves, Tang Xiu will naturally not reject it. He smiled and said: "No problem. When we solve the problem here, we will go to the T country together. However, there is something I need to understand. What are you going to do with your older brother and your father?"

Star Wheel said: "My older brother must die, because we have reached the point where you live and die. But my father is very good to me, I don't want him to be hurt. Best, let him hand over everything." Right, go where to care for the elderly."

Tang Xiu smiled and said: "If you tell me that I want to marry my father, maybe I will solve the problem of T country, I will probably kill you. I can only be a good friend of Tang Xiu. Can't be a person without humanity. Obviously, you are not. In the future, I hope we can get along well."


After the heart of the star, I nodded and said.

Tang Xiu looked at Tang Yunde and smiled: "Dad, since you have already been to Zhang, you don't have to go any more. Let Chen Shu accompany me to take a trip! I promise, at the latest three days, I will take this. The matter is solved."

Tang Yunde and Chen Anhu looked at each other and immediately nodded and said, "Well, Anhu, you will follow the repairing child! I will be more assured when you follow him."

Chen Anhu smiled and said: "No problem."

The northern end of the Sanluo Avenue, the gate of the Zhang family.

The six black off-road vehicles have just stopped, and more than a dozen Zhangjia security guards rushed in. The hard-wearing big man shouted: "Who are you? Here is a private residence, you can't park your car here.


The six car doors have been opened, and one of the hardcover men appeared from the inside.

After Tang Xiu and Chen Anhu came out of the car, Tang Xiu said with a smile: "The Zhang family is very stylish. It seems that his family is on the island of Australia, is it a big family?"

Chen Anhu shook his head and said: "The number one is not counted, but it is still no problem in the top ten. However, Zhang family has always been very arrogant, and this family group is also very style."


Tang Xiu smiled twice and said to the big-eyed man who said, "When you report it, you say that Tang Xiu came to visit."

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