Returning from the Immortal World

Chapter 912: With yours?

The tragic killing of Qinghu Farmhouse is good for Lian family people. Some people killed only four or five people and only five or six people injured. However, for Song Donglai, Aowei, and Gong Quan, the three men suffered heavy losses. Even if it is dominant in quantity, its own strength is generally too weak.


The boss of Huang Bo’s more than 20 mixed-races, they are just ordinary people, there is not much force at all, even if they are divided into three groups, they are still being madly slaughtered by three elite masters. Except for the big-faced man, the others were killed in just a few minutes.


Blood scorpion was contacted by Lian Tian and Lian Wen, and the head of the bombardment broke through the blood. The red body is rolling, trying to escape towards the lake. However, the black bottle suspended in midair, with a strong suction, continuously emits a gray-black mist, and all the killed human beings, under the faint gray-black mist, the soul will be pulled away from the body and swallowed. Into the nine sons and hundred ghosts.

Lianbai is the owner of a low-cost family. Even if he has not yet broken through to a new realm, he is also a great martial arts master, and his strength is absolutely strong. With a man wearing a bronze mask and waving a wide, thick knife, he was retired and shouted: "Who are you? Your strength is not under the three of Song Donglai and Aowei, absolutely not Their men."

"You are dead, you can ask the king."

Han Sen has a black practice clothes rustling, and the crazy killing is to lock the cypress. The strength of the two is quite equal. After a short fight, they feel that they are full of blood.

Lian Baijun smiled and said: "The head is shrinking and you can't see anything. Since you are looking for death, don't blame me for being ruthless."

Speaking, Lian Bai slashed his knife in his right hand, and his left hand quickly condensed a ball of fire. With a strong attack, the fireball turned into a burning fire wicking and smashed toward Hansen.


Han Sen's face changed greatly, just as he was rushing to fight, the air rippled behind him, and suddenly a sharp dagger pierced his back.


Han Sen did not expect to dream, the killer hidden in the dark, actually launched a sneak attack on him at this moment. His eyes were a little desperate, but more was crazy. At the moment when the dagger broke his heart, he suddenly rushed toward the place where the air fluctuated.

"If you want me to die, I will die with me."

Xiaoya’s body just appeared in the air, Hansen has appeared in front of him, and with the long knife sweeping, he immediately left a **** wound on him. The repair of Xiaoya has not been achieved in the realm of Lianwudao. He is good at assassination. He is attacked face to face by the strongmen of the martial arts masters, and he has no time to escape.

"Save me."

Xiaoya hurriedly yelled. He can only pin his hopes on Lianbai at this moment. If Lianbai can kill Hansen as quickly as possible, then he has hope of living. Unfortunately, Hansen’s heart was shattered and it was already dead, so he simply ignored the cypress attacked behind him. When his long knife smashed Xiaoya’s head, he was torn open on his back. A very deep wound of twenty or thirty centimeters long.


A pair of flame ties, piercing Hansen's body, made his vitality pass quickly. After squirting a blood, he turned his head and looked at the cypress, giving the other a look that was full of killing.

"Unfortunately, there is no way to pull you to die with me."

Lian Bai is also murderous, Xiao Ya was killed, it seems to have cut a piece of his right arm, so that he is distressed and difficult to breathe. You know, Xiaoya is still very young. Even if he hasn't broken through to the realm of the martial arts master, I am afraid that it will be reached soon.

The martial arts genius.

Just killed, Lian Bai can't wait to Hansen's slashing and unloading eight pieces. However, he did not continue to attack, but stood a few meters away from Hansen. Senran said: "I want to die? Didn't you see the things that my ancestors took out? Tell you, it's nine sons." Can devour the human soul, and then transform the soul into a grievance, eternal life is trapped in the nine scorpions. Wait, you will struggle in the endless pain in the future, with the future Destroyed, and eventually the soul flies."

Han Sen’s pale face is disdainful. He simply doesn’t believe that there are ghosts in the world. What souls and grievances are simply international jokes.


The low cold squeaking sounds, Hansen’s body is slightly shocked, and his eyes are full of horror. Even though he is grateful that his vitality is rapidly escaping, he still clearly sees the fear of the cypress in front of him. Even, he clearly sees the arrogant cypress that is still arrogant, and is being Cover your neck behind.

Tang Xiu indifferently glanced around, and then his eyes fell on Hansen, faintly said: "He is right, if you don't intervene, your soul will be imprisoned, and the day and night will bear the most. Cruel torture. Until your sense of ontology has completely disappeared, become a resentful energy, that is, grievances. Once you reach this level, you will never reincarnate, it is another kind of soul flying." /

"who are you?"

Lian Bai, who was repaired by Tang’s neck, shouted with a look of fear on his face.

Tang Xiu cold said: "Are you a good family owner?"

Lian Bai urged: "Yes, I am the owner of an honest family. Let me go, otherwise you are against our honest family. My two ancestors are here, they are very strong."

Tang Xiuxiao smiled and said: "The two ants who have reached the refining period can even be called powerful. It is really sitting in the sky and seeing the shallow."

Speaking room.

The two inferior masters came in with lightning. They saw that Tang Xiu did not look back. The long knife in his hand had already reached Tang Xiu.


Tang Xiu moved away in a lightning-like manner. After appearing in a place two meters away from the sky, God thought of a move, and dozens of electric currents appeared out of thin air. They shot like the sharp arrows of the two people and killed them directly.

Lian Bai was arrested by Tang Xiu, watching the two masters of the family die tragically, the heart is like an ice cave, the fear is more intense. The strength of these two family masters is clear. Even if they don't break through to the realm of the martial arts masters, they are not far away. But the other party can use electric power to kill them easily. This strength is definitely better than the fire attribute that they control. Ten times more powerful.

"Stop all."

Tang Xiu looked at the two ancestors who were killing the **** ancestors, and then looked around and screamed. The rolling waves, like the continuous tide, are passed out in all directions.

100 meters away.

Song Donglai and Aowei both struggled to resist the siege of four inferior masters. The two were already bloodstained. On the nearby ground, Gong Quan has been killed and completely lost.



"Who is that?"

A dozen or so masters of Lianjia gave up the attack and quickly gathered together to look at Tang Xiu as an enemy. Their hearts were shaken because their honest family, Li Bai, was actually caught by the other side.

Lian Wentian frowned and shouted: "Ask your heart, this **** solution will be handed over to you."


He sprinted toward Tang Xiu in an instant. After stopping at a distance of ten meters from Tang Xiu, Shen Sheng said: "Talk about conditions!"

Tang Xiu looked cool and asked the sky, indifferent said: "Awu, hold on to the old thing. That **** also brought me over."


Following the repair of Mo Awu, who has sprinted down from the mountainside, he rushed toward the low-spirited mind with lightning. Almost immediately, he sprinted to the face of the inquisitive question. In the opposite direction, he slammed into a punch. In his abdomen, as he flew out, Mo Awu followed the form, and he immediately learned the way of Tang Xiu, and he kept his neck and neck.

"Give me a sigh."

There is no skill to speak straight, once again bombarded on the **** body, with the **** screams, Mo Awu slammed his feet and directly kicked the **** tens of meters away, falling down It is more than 20 meters away from Tang Xiu. Struggling, screaming, but there is no way to move.



The strength of Mouwu’s show made everyone in the place feel cold. Especially the Lian family, that pair of eyes are bigger than the bronze bell, with a shocking subconscious step backwards.

"Mr. Tang."

At this time, the most gratifying thing is Song Donglai and Aowei. The two have already discovered that Hansen has been hit hard, and it seems that the injury is not alive. They thought that today I am afraid to die here, but I did not expect Tang Xiu to suddenly shoot.

Tang Xiu nodded. As his left hand continued to shake the seal, the nine sons and scorpions suspended in midair were pulled by the hard-drawn car and were captured by Tang Xiu.

"This thing, are you refining?"

Lian Wentian was also scared at this moment. He thought that he and his brother had been practicing for more than 100 years. The strength had reached the peak of the peak, but he did not expect a middle-aged man with a ugly appearance. Hold on.

"Who are you?"

Lian Wentian did not answer Tang Xiu’s words, and asked for inquiries like a big enemy.

Tang Xiu sealed the acupoints of Lianbai, just like throwing a dead dog on the ground, this is indifferent and said: "Who is not important to me, what is important is that you refine this thing?"

Inquiringly, Tianshen took a deep breath and said: "Yes, it is our refining."

Tang Xiu cold said: "Refining this sinister ghost, you are a **** family."

The voice falls.

Standing in the golden lion's side next to Tang Xiu's body, he punched and smashed the cypress lying on the ground, which was murderous and eager to look at the sky and ask for help.

Inquiringly, the scorpion hole shrinks, and the voice is exclaimed: "You dare to kill my current homeowner? Do you really want to be an undead enemy with my low-cost family?"

Tang Xiu coldly said: "Is it your good friend? Want to be my enemy?"

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