Returning from the Immortal World

Chapter 919: Maximum Dependence

Tang Xiu can hardly imagine that in today’s peaceful society, how many talents need to be hunted to fill the forty-nine blood pools, to see the size of the blood pool, and to fill any one, I am afraid that thousands of people are needed. Blood, and forty-nine blood pools, at least need more than 50,000 people of blood.

50,000 people!

How is the 50,000 family life?

Tang Xiu suppressed the killing of the bottom of my heart, and God’s knowledge instantly monitored all the areas covered by Huang Quan’s big array. What surprised him was that there was a gateway in the rockery of seven or eight meters high inside, and that The portal turned out to be underground.


Through the observation of God, Tang Xiu was surprised to find that the underground space except for a wide hall of 100 square meters is the forty-nine secret rooms after the extension of the three corridors. At the moment, there are no people in these secret rooms except for two secret rooms. There are cheap family members in other secret rooms, and they look like old people who are old.


In the wide hall of more than 100 square meters, there are three old people sitting cross-legged on the futon, and a smoky smoky squatting around them, seemingly incomprehensible.

"I understand."

Tang Xiu took a deep breath, and as the fundus was more intense, he patted Miao Wentang’s shoulder and turned to walk in the direction of the coming.

Miao Wentang showed a suspicious look, followed by Tang Xiu and asked: "Don Tang, what do you understand?"

Tang Xiu said: "I understand what the low-cost family is doing, and I have figured out what the biggest reliance of the cheap family is. However, there are still some problems that are not clear, as long as the problem can be clarified, it is thorough. The opportunity to eradicate the low-cost home."

Miao Wentang quickly asked: "What is it?"

Tang Xiu seized the shoulders of Miao Wentang, and his footsteps continued to move. After the rapid expulsion of Huang Quan, this time, he released Miao Wentang and said: "The Miao family's arrangement of Huang Quan is a guardian of the underworld. However, if it is related to the blood sacrifice, it can be perfectly combined to enhance the strength of the ghost repair. Under the rockery we just saw, there is a lot of underground space, and the underground space together with a fulcrum of the underworld can be sourced. Constantly pulling the power of the underworld to the body, the strength becomes more powerful."

Miao Wentang said with amazement: "Is it possible to go with the underworld? This is too ridiculous? Also, is there really a underworld in this world?"

Tang Xiu smiled and said: "There is no such thing in the world, because here is the world. In the space of higher planes, there is really the underworld. Of course, the legendary king of the underworld is a legendary story. However, there are also powerful existences in the underworld similar to the king of the king. They control the six reincarnations, the good fruits and evils after death, and they will judge the path of reincarnation through judgment."

Miao Wentang’s lips squirmed a few times and asked: “That is, if I die, will I go to hell?”

Tang Xiu shook his head and said: "Others may be able, but you may be hard."

Miao Wentang surprises: "Can you go to heaven without going to hell?"

Tang Xiu dumbly laughed and said: "Where is there any paradise in the world, it is only the place where the people of the Western world believe in the gods. If you are dead now, you may enter the underworld and carry out a reincarnation of six reincarnations. Reincarnation. But if your strength is strong enough in the future, once you die, it will mean that the deity is gone."

Miao Wentang said with amazement: "Is the gods destroyed? That is not..."

Tang Xiu raised his hand and interrupted him. He said with a smile: "People die, God escapes. Or win the rebirth, or turn into spiritual repair. The ultimate goal is to make yourself stronger and eventually break the top of the head." , flying to the fairy world."

Miao Wentang focused on the key and said with caution: "It seems that you must be careful and careful in the future. Otherwise, once the gods are destroyed, there is no chance of reincarnation."

Tang Xiu laughs: "The higher plane, such as the fairyland, once the immortal dies, you can still enter the six reincarnations, reincarnation. Only low-level spatial planes, and high-level spatial planes, and It doesn't belong to the same six reincarnations, not in the same underworld. In short, there are a lot of situations in it. You will understand that you will be able to break through the immortals in the future. I will tell you now that you can't understand many problems."

Miao Wentang smiled bitterly: "Where can I break through to the immortal realm in my life, I can become a master of the Yuan Ying period and have been able to dream and wake up."

Tang Xiu took a shot of Miao Wentang’s shoulder and walked toward the outside. When the two came, it was easy to leave, and it was very easy to leave. Without disturbing anyone, they left the Lianjia Villa silently. At two o'clock in the middle of the night, they have returned to Miaojia Villa.

The left bank of the artificial lake.

In a European-style villa building, Xue Yu sat quietly on the balcony with red wine, watching the swaying woods in front, and the dim path in the woods.


Suddenly, her beautiful beauty showed a surprise look. After the wine glass in the handle was put down, she immediately ran towards the house, and soon met Tang Xiu on the first floor stairs.


Xue Yu has been worried about the safety of Tang Xiu. When he saw him returning safely, the hanging heart suddenly fell down and asked with a smile.

Tang Xiu reached out and grabbed her thin waist and walked toward the second floor. She said: "It’s almost clear that the core people of the Lian family have already fallen into the magic. If you change your mind, It can be said that their core family members fall into the ghost road. Such people are absolutely ruthless and extremely cruel. We need to eradicate the low-cost family as soon as possible."

Snow Jade asked: "Can we easily eliminate the cheaper?"

Tang Xiu pondered for a moment and said: "It is difficult to say. Lian family people are easy to eradicate, and their evil laws are easy to break. But what I am most worried about now is that this will involve a deeper level. For example: Some ghosts in the underworld."

Xueyu was surprised: "Is there really a connection between Lianjia and the underworld? Also, the existence of the underworld has been mentioned to me before, but is this place really a landlord?"

Tang Xiu nodded and said: "Yes."

Snow Jade asked: "What do we do next?"

Tang Xiu said: "Let's go to Kanas first. If we can open the Xianzang of Longquan Bay, we will try to take out the fairy. If there is no way to open it, we will come back immediately. Seven days, let's take seven days. Time is limited, no matter whether it will succeed or not, we will come back immediately. In the past seven days, I will send Awu to stay here and go all out to explore the intelligence of the inferior."

Snow jade confused: "What information do you need to inquire? Have you not personally explored tonight?"

Tang Xiu said: "What I want to know is whether there are other devils behind the Lianjia, or whether their family members have a connection with the underworld. If it is another devil, even if it is very strong. Strong devils, I don't worry, I'm afraid they are connected with the ghosts of the underworld. If that's the case, this thing is very tricky."

Snow jade slowly nodded and said: "Would you like to inform the people of Changhu Qinghu Farmhouse? After all, the two ancestors of the honest family and the honest family, more than 20 honest masters are dead there, if we can't Solve the low-cost home early, and once the inferior family sends people in the past, I am afraid they will be in danger."

Tang Xiu nodded and said: "I will meet Hansen tomorrow morning, let him personally return to Changchun City!"

The next day.

When the red sun rose from the east, Tang Xiu walked neatly out of the villa building and found that Hansen was sitting cross-legged on the edge of the wood a dozen meters away and suddenly walked over.


Han Sen’s injury has not healed, but it’s also good. He learned the name of Tao Xiu and other people, and he was very respectful and called out.

Tang Xiu nodded and said: "If I didn't guess wrong, Song Donglai and Ouwei both of them, now should have broken through and become a refining monk. What do you think?"

Han Sen exudes a cold atmosphere, but his expression is extraordinarily calm. He said: "Since my life is your boss, let us arrange it, what do I do. You make me a monk, I will naturally Become a monk, you keep me current, and I have no complaints."

Tang Xiu nodded and said: "Go to Changchun City! Tell Song Donglai and Aowei, let them burn the Qinghu farmhouse and completely erase their traces. Then, take them with you immediately. Go to Jingmen Island and go to the Jingmen Island Baiyan Restaurant Headquarters."

Han Sen asked: "What should I do then?"

Tang Xiu said: "When you arrive at the headquarters of the Banyan Restaurant in Jingmen Island, there will naturally be people who will settle you. In addition, when you get there, someone will teach you how to cultivate the fairy tales and help you set foot on the way. Live, starting today, you are a member of the Baiyan Restaurant."

Han Sen said: "I know the Baiyan Restaurant, I have also gone through the array of the Banyan Restaurant. Unfortunately, only two layers have been broken and escaped."

Tang Xiu smiled and said: "The Baiyan Restaurant that I don't understand is not accurate. Go, wait until you get back to the Baiyan Restaurant, and you will know what it is."


Han Sen nodded and left after holding the fist.

Tang Xiu looked at his back, his mouth outlined a smile, he found that Han Sen is very suitable to be a killer, his character is very cold, and doing things has always been unscrupulous, as long as he approves, he can find ways to do it. . Only then, he needs to take orders from himself in the future. If you return to the fairy world in the future, you can consider taking him together, and later throwing him into the fairy world will definitely become a sorrowful killing **** in the fairy world.


Tang Xiu called Moawu and others, told them to them, and watched them leave, and they came alone outside a villa building not far away.

"Dang Tang, how early?"

Miao Wentang was playing Tai Chi in the villa courtyard. When he saw Tang Xiu coming, he paused and said with a smile.

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