Returning from the Immortal World

Chapter 935: The person who can kill me is not yet born

The hot summer sun, but did not bring a sense of uncomfortable to Tang Xiu, on the contrary, with the smell of the sea breeze, he felt comfortable, even if he sent a cultivation classic, two bottles of medicinal herbs, Coupled with a gold faucet, they feel exceptionally satisfied.

Jade dog.

He is eager to get something. Now he has got jade cow, jade tiger, jade dragon, jade rabbit, jade monkey, jade chicken, plus jade dog in his hand. He has seven full zodiac jade carvings. In addition, the whereabouts of the jade pig have already existed, just in the hands of the big brother of the Black Witch family star wheel. In addition, Miao Wentang seems to have another news of the zodiac jade carving.

"Boss, time is almost up."

It’s not far from the point of the arrow, and respectfully said.

Tang Xiu nodded slightly, put the jade dog into the space ring, and looked at the direction of the eyes of Muqin. It was like laughing and laughing: "The Ouyang family is a bit interesting. My cheap wife is more interesting. It is not a monk. However, it is possible to get the unity of heaven and man and become the master of the peak of refining, and it is considered to be the top powerhouse in the ancient martial arts. It is no wonder that the Ouyang family can become the largest family in Jingmen Island."

Zhangshang said: "I know a lot about the Ouyang family. The entire Ouyang family is the most special kind of wife of this family. She is very mysterious. She has always been the leader of the dragon. I have encountered several times in the Ouyang family. The crisis was finally solved by her shots."

Tang Xiu looked at Zhang, and asked: "What is her origin?"

Zhang said: "I don't know, I can't find it."

Tang Xiu brows a head and says: "Isn't it possible to check it up? This is very interesting. So, when we get to the T country, I draw a picture for you. When you get through the mobile phone information, send it to Xiaoxue. Look, let her check the pattern on this painting."

After asking, "What painting?"

Tang Xiu said: "I didn't notice the ancient jade worn by my cheap mother's mother's waist. People who wear this kind of jade are generally used to indicate their identity."


Tang Xiu remembered an incident, suddenly touched out the mobile phone, dialed the mobile phone number of Xueyu, and asked after the other party connected: "The origin of the Ouyang family of Jingmen Island, the wife of the wife of the home, Muqin heart, how much do you know?"

"A lot."

Snow jade whispered.

Tang Xiu said: "Talk about it, what is her origin?"

Xueyu said: "Mu Qinxin is a member of the hidden family. Their family members will hardly move around the world. Even if the society develops rapidly, many modern daily necessities will not be used. It is like In ancient times, they lived in isolation from the world. They pursued a sense of carefreeness and no bondage. However, Mu Qinxin is a different kind of their family. Once, I followed my ancestors to the hidden family. , know these things."

Tang Xiu asked: "Where is this hidden family?"

Snow Jade said: "Cloud province, among the mountains."

Tang Xiu nodded and said: "This family is not simple. Only a tribe can have a post-refining realm. Presumably their family's elders are even more powerful. Most importantly, they are not monks, but more It’s not like a warrior, but it’s like another way to go.”

Snow Jade said: "They are repairing the heart."

Tang Xiu smiled and said: "You know. Yes, I will call you on this matter. I am going to go to the T country and wait for me to come back to find you."

"Good, pay attention to safety."

Xue Yu knows that Tang Xiu will have some dangerous things when he goes out, so he can't help but swear.

Tang Xiu laughed and said: "Do not worry! The people who can kill me in the world are not born yet, there will be no danger. It is you, repairing for a surge, not all of you are good. You have to be good. The solid state of the realm, control the power as soon as possible."


Twelve o'clock in the evening.

Tang Xiu took the ghost, and Zhang and Gu Tao came to Bangkok, the capital of T. Bangkok is the largest city in the T country. It is also known as the “City of Angels” and the second largest city in Southeast Asia. It is the center of politics, economy, trade, transportation, culture, science and technology, education, religion and all aspects of the T country.


Bangkok is the trading center for precious metals and precious stones, accounting for 44% of the total economy of the T country. In addition, the tourism industry here is also very developed. In a certain year, it was selected as the most popular tourist city in the world. Therefore, there are many foreign tourists here.

"Boss, just sent the information, Miss Zhang lived in a five-star Amanda hotel very close to the Chao Phraya River, but she is not at the hotel now, but is working on the Mekong River at night. The intelligence said that Miss Zhang had some trouble yesterday. Her passport and wallet and other carry-on items were stolen. Someone called and blackmailed her." Zhang screamed at the airport next to Tang Xiu and whispered.

Tang Xiu raised his eyes and said faintly: "Let's go directly to her shooting place! The Chao Phraya River seems to be quite famous. I have heard it when I was in China."

Zhang said: "The boss, the Chao Phraya River is also known as the 'Zhaopiye River'. It is the river with the largest water volume and the longest length in the T country river. It is also known as the mother of the river T, and is also known. It is 'Venice of the East'. The water transportation there is very convenient. We can get the car first, then rush to the neighborhood, then take the Chao Phraya Clippers to the place where Miss Zhang shot."

Tang Xiu nodded and said: "You have all been to this place, and you will have full arrangements for your trip here!"


There is a respectful respect.

The ghost is coming out of the car. He volunteered to leave, and soon drove a dilapidated jeep to appear in front of Tang Xiu. As he jumped out of the driver's seat, he smiled and said: "Boss, this car is very good, the performance is very good, it is very energetic."

Tang Xiu did not ask how the ghost got this car. After sitting in the back seat, he said faintly: "I don't like the driver, I don't like the car very much. If you like it, then it is up to you. Come open."

The ghost looked at Tang Xiu’s indifferent expression, and immediately laughed twice, gave up the idea of ​​being a driver, and walked to the co-pilot to sit down and said: “The boss, there is a fun place on the Chao Phraya River,’ The colorful number is a good place to play. But...

Tang Xiu asks: "Where is the Falling Number?"

Be sure to sit next to Tang Xiu and whispered: "The Yingying Fun is a large luxury passenger ship. Only guests who have this passenger ferry pass can go there to play. This luxury passenger liner is the underground of Bangkok. The emperor’s site of Aza is also the main tool for Aza to collect money. On the drop-off passenger ship, there is only something you can’t think of, and there are few items that it does not have. As long as you have money, you want women to have women and want to have rights. Right, if you want to kill, someone will hand over the knives and bring them to live..."

Tang Xiu frowned and said: "Is this Aza very powerful?"

Zhangshang said: "Black and white are all eaten, power is soaring."

Tang Xiu asked: "Who is more powerful than the Black Witch family?"

There was a hesitation for a moment, and smiled bitterly: "I don't know this. However, the Black Witch family rarely touches the outside world, and the experienced people rarely confuse the society or play politics. They are difficult to compare.

Tang Xiu nodded and said: "Let's go! Go directly to Zhang Xinya's shooting location. This time I came to T, my main purpose is to be a jade pig in the hands of the Black Witch family. I don't want to Outside the branch."


The scenery of the Chao Phraya River and the White Day is very different. A sightseeing cruise ship shuttles through the river, and the colorful lights embellish the dreams. Even after arriving late at night, it is still very lively, just like a place to stay.

Tang Xiu was riding a Chao Phraya Clipper. The sleek Clippers welcomed the hot air and soon approached a small port. As the anchored beached, the four men disembarked and walked through a riverside street to the exotic buildings.

"Ring bell..."

The mobile phone ringing sounded. When he connected the phone, after a few words of communication, he hung up and came to Tang Xiu and said: "Boss, Miss Zhang seems to have some trouble, but Little trouble has been solved by her bodyguards. However, I just got the news that the origin of the other party is a bit problematic. If it is not handled in time, maybe Miss Zhang’s next shooting will not be so smooth.”

Tang Xiu asked: "What?"

Zhangshang said: "Someone wants to invite Miss Zhang to stay up late, and she was rejected by Miss Zhang. The other person provoked the result and was beaten by Miss Zhang’s bodyguard."

"Ring bell..."

At the moment.

Tang Xiu’s mobile phone ringing suddenly remembered, when he pulled out his mobile phone and looked at it, he said, “Cousin, are you looking for me for Zhang Xinya?”

Chu Yi said: "Yes, I heard that you went to the T country. It happened that she had some trouble there. If it is convenient, can you go over it?"

Tang Xiu said: "I came here this time. One of the purposes is to meet her. In addition, I will tell you one thing. Don’t arrange for her work in the near future. If it has been arranged, it will also be Push it off! Her mindset has a problem, and it will be very troublesome to do so."

Chu Yi smiled bitterly: "I heard that she has recently become a work madman. Since you and her are friends, this matter will be handed over to you. All her work, I will be suspended.


Tang Xiu promised to hang up and then looked at Zhang and said: "Do you ask the specific location? Lead the way."

There was no answer, and with Tang Xiu, after a few minutes of hiking, I saw Zhang Xinya on the bank of the Chao Phraya River. At the moment, she was sitting quietly in a chair, looking at the information in her hand, and there were two men, two women and four bodyguards near her, watching the surroundings with vigilance.

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